OF AN END-GAME SHOWDOWN WITH WASHINGTONPLANELOADS OF FOREIGN AUTHORITIES DESCEND ON THE UNITED STATESThursday 3 December 2009 03:00• THE REST OF THE WORLD ISSUES A DIRE WARNING TO THE UNITED STATES:CHINA WILL PROCEED WITH EXECUTION OF ITS LIEN ETC., AND WILL BE BACKEDBY THE WHOLE OF HUMANITY: SETTLE NOW OR SUFFER IRREPARABLE CONSEQUENCES• EARLIER BLOCKAGES CAUSED BY THE RATS IN THE PLUMBING• SPECULATIVE INSTITUTIONS WILL NEED SOMETHING ELSE TO DO• A BANKING OPERATIVE IS SHOT IN THE FOOT [‘RATNERED’*]• DR HEINRICH KISSINGER, BUSH SR.’S HANDLER-C0NTROLLER• A POWER STRUGGLE AND FIGHTING BEHIND THE SCENES?• 'IT WILL BE DONE, OR THERE WILL BE BLOOD ON THE FLOOR'• RECENT PUBLIC SIGHTINGS OF ADOLF SHICKELBUSCH• OUR PUBLISHED INFORMATION ON BUSH CRIME FAMILY CORRUPTION• TONY BLIAR BEING EXPOSED AND SET UP AS PREDICTED• THREE SUSPICIOUS BRITISH HORIZONTALISATIONS• A RESPECTED BRITISH GENERAL FINGERS BLAIR, TOO• THE POST-WAR RECONSTRUCTION SHAMBLES IN IRAQ• THE CHAOS IS DELIBERATE: IT FACILITATES ‘BUSINESS AS USUAL’• FACTORS IN THE BACKGROUND OF THE CHILCOT INQUIRY• THE BRITISH PEOPLE ‘CANNOT BE TOLD’ THAT THE MILITARYHAS BEEN HIJACKED TO SERVE CORRUPT INTERNATIONALIST AGENDAS• CORRUPT U.S. INTELLIGENCE POWER WORSHIPS MAMMON• CHANCELLOR MERKEL: ‘WE ARE IN A VERY CRITICAL SITUATION’• COLOSSAL CONTRACTION OF EXPORTS WORLDWIDE• ORIGINS OF THE U.S. INTELLIGENCE POWER’S MAMMON-WORSHIP• SOME FAMILIAR NAMES IN THE WITCHES' CAULDRON• GERMAN BANKS’ ‘TOXIC ASSETS’ TIME-BOMB PRIMED• THE DUBAI DEBACLE AND THE DODGY STATE OF BRITISH FINANCES• ‘BRITAIN MAY LOSE ITS AAA CREDIT RATING’• HAVE YOU RATNERED YOURSELF LATELY*?• APPENDIX: A NEW WORLD BANK REPORT REVIEWS THE IMPOVERISHMENT ARISING FROMTHE CRISIS AROUND THE WORLD: A CRISIS THAT HAS BEEN PROLONGED BY U.S. OBSTINACY.THE REPORT REFERS TO QUOTE 'THE RAPIDLY DETERIORATING ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT'.• See the SECOND WHITE PANEL ON THE HOME PAGE for updated information on our very latest subscription-based print publications, including Economic Intelligence Review, Arab-Asian Affairs, Soviet Analyst and Global Analyst. The updates provide outline summaries of the subjects covered, most of which are immediately relevant to these reports, which supplement the serials.MISPRISION OF FELONY: U.S. CODE, TITLE 18, PART 1, CHAPTER 1, SECTION 4:‘Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some Judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both’.• BOOKS: Edward Harle Limited has so far published FIVE intelligence titles: The Perestroika Deception, by Anatoliy Golitsyn; Red Cocaine, by Dr Joseph D. Douglass, Jr.; The European Union Collective, by Christopher Story; The New Underworld Order, by Christopher Story; and The Red Terror in Russia, by Sergei Melgounov. All titles are permanently in stock. We sell books DIRECT.• Globalist hegemony ideology and practice are comprehensively debunked in the Editor's study entitled The New Underworld Order, which can be ordered via the books section of this website. If you want to see what may well happen if the angle of decline steepens much further, you could do worse than also order a copy of The Red Terror in Russia, by the contemporary Russian eyewitness Sergei Melgounov, another Edward Harle Limited book available direct from this website. Also, the Editor's study entitled The European Union Collective, which proves that the EU is a long-range strategic entrapment operation to reduce European countries to satrap status within a German empire using economic strategy for relentless economic warfare purposes, can be bought here.• Please Make a Donation, if you feel able to do so, to help finance Christopher Story's ongoing global financial corruption investigations. Your assistance will be very sincerely appreciated and will make a real difference, hastening the OVERDUE resolution of the worst financial corruption and linked financial fallout in world history. Just press Make a Donation, which is live, and it takes you straight to our ultra-safe ordering system, which accepts Visa and MasterCard. Or press the live Donate link at the top right-hand corner of this page. See also the ADVERTISEMENT below.• See the second white panel for details of our latest distributed intelligence publications. This has its own Archive, giving details of earlier publications.• ADVERTISEMENT: Details of the INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION software offered by this service in conjunction with a donation, are appended at the foot of this report, below the legal data. See also our catalogue by clicking on World Reports Limited and scrolling down to the bottom.By Christopher Story FRSA, Editor and Publisher, International Currency Review, World Reports Limited, London and New York. For earlier reports, press the ARCHIVE. Order your intelligence subscriptions and our 'politically incorrect' intelligence books online from this website.NEW REPORT STARTS HERE:PLANELOADS OF FOREIGN AUTHORITIES DESCEND ON THE UNITED STATESAt 9:30pm UK time on Wednesday 2nd December, we established as follows:• Seven aircraft arrived in the pariah United States on this date packed with foreign dignitaries, officials, enforcement personnel, banking and IT experts and World Court officers, for the purpose of reading the riot act to the criminals holding high office in Washington, demanding immediate compliance with the justified release requirements of the international community, and enforcing compliance and procuring immediate release of the Settlement funds.(A separate confirming report mentioned five such aircraft arriving on this date).• It was made known to the pariah United States at the highest level on this date that in the event of any further obstruction, China would finally exercise its full rights under the Writ of Execution and its lien on US assets at the Treasury, the Federal Reserve and the White House, and that any such move by China would be supported by the entire international community. This would result in a global crisis of unprecedented proportions, with world financial transactions and trade subjected to immediate and drastic constraints, including the likely imposition of exchange controls and the irretrievable winding-up of globalisation.• George H. W. Bush (Sr.) and George W. Bush (Jr.) have indeed been explicitly threatened (it was reported to us again on this date) with horizontalisation; and if this is deemed necessary because of their further interference [see below], there will be no hesitation in performing this task.One report advises that former President Clinton has received a similar direct warning that he will be liquidated if he stands in the way.It is also believed that Dr Henry (‘Heinz’) Kissinger was put on notice to similar effect.THE REST OF THE WORLD ISSUES A DIRE WARNING TO THE UNITED STATES:CHINA WILL PROCEED WITH EXECUTION OF ITS LIEN ETC., AND WILL BE BACKEDBY THE WHOLE OF HUMANITY: SETTLE NOW OR SUFFER IRREPARABLE CONSEQUENCESThe following well informed elaborations and deductions flow from the above, within which the NESARA information has been passed to us by usually reliable ‘connected’ sources [however we cannot at this time elaborate on or confirm ANY of the NESARA data, and neither will we enter into ANY correspondence on the subject, especially given the fluidity of the situation overall]:• The White House and relevant US authorities have been informed (and it has been confirmed to us) that if there is any further US resistance and impediments to the releases, the Rest of the World will enforce the releases (by technical means) and will ‘implement NESARA’ (the National Economic Security and Reformation Act (X)’ signed by President W. J. Clinton in 1996 which comes into effect when announced). This will mean the bypassing of the Electoral College, the immediate removal from office of the US Cabinet and most legislators, the standing down of officials whose positions are dependent upon the continuation of President Obama in office (such as Leon Panetta), the removal of the President and Vice President Biden from office, and implementation of the special interim arrangements under which the United States is restored to Constitutional rule and an election is arranged six months after NESARA takes effect. The international ramifications of NESARA will be comprehensively complied with by the international community.• (X) The correct title of what we are referencing is: National Economic Security and Reformation Act. This dimension is now global and implies Global Economic Security and Reformation Action, proxy for the cleaning up of the colossal unholy mess consequent upon the corrupt dealings of successive American postwar Presidents, arguably beginning with President Truman when he and Alan Dulles procured the fudging of the Japanese Settlement which let Japanese war criminals off the hook, and specifically with Nixon when he financed what became the LDP Establishment via a corrupt transaction in exchange for election funding in his lust to become President. And as the stepfather of Ferdinand Marcos was Chinese, it is no surprise that the Yamashita/Marcos gold over which such strife has been perpetuated (Golden Lily ops.) underlies the Fraudulent Finance that is the source of the contemporary crisis. This has the immediate potential to backfire even beyond the extent suggested in the summary outlined above. As of about 5:00pm on 3rd December, Obama had NOT signed off on the documents said to have been presented for his urgent signature.• In such circumstances, all implicated holders of high office, officials, justices and legislators go to jail, and the corrupt Presidents will cease to exist (see ‘blood on the floor’ warning below).• It is understood that the situation at time of posting was that the US authorities have been or were being advised that this represents the international community’s final position in this US-prolonged crisis; and that the relevant personnel have been offered a choice between immediate compliance and release of the hijacked Settlements, and the upheaval specified in general terms above, which will entail ‘blood on the carpet’ and will have devastating global consequences that will of course take the compromised and somnolent ‘mainstream’ media wholly by surprise.• Concerning ‘news management’, the strong impression we have gained on this score is that no arrangements are to be made to manage the international fall-out if the obstruction persists, as all multilateral cooperative arrangements will become meaningless and useless in practice, the world community’s residual patience is beyond exhausted and the mood is that the world will have been tipped into a state of unfettered economic warfare, with all extant transborder arrangements and international institutions immobilised, and the international banking system disintegrated back into its national components behind tariff barriers and exchange controls.• Corollaries to this state of affairs would undoubtedly include the collapse of the European Union Collective and its institutionally corrupt European Commission, with its unapproved accounts stretching back 14 years. European structures are in any case threatened by the imminent possible implosion of one or more German banks [see below].• By definition, in such circumstances, all offshore and off-balance sheet bank balances become worthless overnight (or rather, ‘more worthless’ than is already the case to a considerable extent, in practice). This puts paid to the notion that the Fascist criminalist clique could wind up in a position to buy up the world’s main assets at firesale prices.• All 800+ US military bases outside the United States will have to be abandoned or mothballed as 100% of US troops operating abroad will be repatriated under NESARA, bringing an abrupt end to the scandalous drug-protection operation in Afghanistan (which will no longer be ‘necessary’ as the transborder interbank market will have collapsed, so it won’t need further lubrication with drug-trafficking proceeds); while the US occupation of Iraq, and all US military operations and presence in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, The Philippines, Japan, the British Indian Ocean Territory and elsewhere, will be terminated in short order.• The criminalised US Intelligence Power would in such circumstances cease to be viable, as it will no longer be able to finance its globally reckless intermeddling and destructive ‘Black Operations’ with fraudulent finance scams, or to fund itself as a malevolent and corrupt ‘State within the State’ independently of Congress (which will in any case no longer be there, to begin with), so that it will cease to be ‘necessary’ and will be obliged to downsize and recall all its operatives from foreign stations. The US State Department will likewise encounter serious continuing problems with the running of its Embassies, many of which will be forced to downsize or close down altogether.• Things have been allowed to drift out of control to such an extent, that informed circles around the world will not be dismayed at most of these consequences of US official intransigence that we have been partially describing – many of which will be secretly welcomed with relief.So unpopular and disliked has the United States now become as a consequence of the unfettered arrogance of its criminal controllers, that, in accordance with the prevailing international mood, as explained to us, the view is that nothing short of a shake-up of the colossal proportions indicated, will purge the world of the menace of US official criminal banditry and decadence. This shake-up, with ‘unintended consequences’, of course, will materialise absent immediate compliance with the United States’ responsibilities and the justified demands of the international community.Outline details of recent developments beyond this point in the present narrative occurred and were written up PRIOR to our obtaining the information summarised above.EARLIER BLOCKAGES CAUSED BY THE RATS IN THE PLUMBINGOn the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, Timothy Geithner, the US Treasury Secretary, again blocked all Settlements progress, according to our sources.As explained in our report dated 26th November, the US Treasury had embarked upon a fraudulent operation to provide (cashable) US Treasury guarantees against vast accumulations of Federal Reserve trash-debt, incurred as a consequence of PRIVATE SECTOR transactions.The retrieved currency boxes brought to the Treasury from Fort Hood and China [see preceding reports] are being used to underpin these duplicitous guarantees, in an operation that appears to have involved a double-cross of Chinese parties, although that is still speculative. The Federal Reserve is a PRIVATE SECTOR entity and the accumulated debt other than US Government debt that it holds is PRIVATE SECTOR-generated.The fraud consists of a ‘smoke and mirrors’ operation whereby such debt is ‘guaranteed’ with US Treasury guarantees which, as previously stated, are encashable. What this means in practice is that the ‘guaranteed’ ‘private’ debt with the Fed is fraudulently converted into PUBLIC SECTOR DEBT that will have to be paid down by generations of Americans into the future.This fraud represents a further treasonous act for which the perpetrators should be arrested and put on trial for treason in time of war. During the Second World War, traitors were shot at dawn.SPECULATIVE INSTITUTIONS WILL NEED SOMETHING ELSE TO DOUnder overt Communism, and in places like Iraq and Iran, speculators used to be/ still are hanged repulsively in public. The inflated US and foreign financial institutions that have grown obese from marketing both US Government debt – including of course the trillions of official Obamadebt that are 100% UNNECESSARY, as Refunding of the Dollar on the books by means of transparent private sector trading operations would have yielded an ongoing cascade of on-the-books tax accruals – have systematically and persistently resisted the Settlements, which will trigger the Refunding, because in that case, after a while, THEY WILL NEED TO FIND SOMETHING ELSE TO DO.A BANKING OPERATIVE IS SHOT IN THE FOOT [‘RATNERED’*]On Saturday 28th November, sources informed us that two banking sector individuals had been identified subsequent to the preceding Wednesday as having interfered with the resolution. The exact timing of the following events is slightly unclear, but the intelligence is as follows:• One of the bankers concerned, based in London, had the requisite codes and was believed to have ‘cooperated’ and not tried to impede settlement. He didn’t need to because:• The second of the two fingered bankers failed to show up at the relevant paying bank, on the orders of DR HENRY ‘HEINZ’ KISSINGER, the triple agent with the heavy guttural German accent. (Not sure whether he says ‘TELEFON’ in lieu of ‘telephone’, but you get the drift here).• Following an intensive search for this character, sources inform that he was traced, we believe, to a restaurant. He escaped from his table to the restroom, and escaped from the restroom out into the darkness, but was apprehended AND SHOT IN THE FOOT by enforcement elements.• As these enforcement personnel were of course heavily armed, he then faced having (as it was put to us) ‘his head blown off’, if he didn’t release the codes that he should have activated earlier in the day. Sources indicated that he did so. He was then apprehended.DR HEINRICH KISSINGER, BUSH SR.’S HANDLER-C0NTROLLERIn our reports we have not hitherto given sufficient prominence to Kissinger (Soviet codename: BOR). This notorious German serpent of Jewish extraction who slithered seamlessly into the US Establishment, where he was welcomed of course by fellow snakes, prevailed upon President Gerald Ford [real name: Leslie Lynch King Jr.] to sack William Colby (who was horizontalised on Bush Sr.’s orders probably because of his old involvement in, and detailed knowledge of, the Nugan Hand ‘Golden Triangle’ drug-trafficking and laundering operations) as Director of Central Intelligence, in favour of the criminal operative George Herbert Walker Bush, as a result of which the CIA was penetrated at the top by the pan-German long-range strategic deception apparat.It seems clear that Kissinger is actually Bush Sr.’s superior in this Hall of Death, directing him and operating as the elder Bush’s ‘handler’ (every intelligence operative has one or more ‘handlers’). Given his German Jewish background, Kissinger qualifies as a top Megawatt operative (Mossad-CIA), and possibly as a Metabridge deceiver (Mossad-CIA-MI6-DVD), which may be a problem now that the Germanophile Sir John Scarlett is no longer in charge of MI-6 and Tony Blair is indeed, as we predicted, getting his come-uppance at the ongoing Chilcot Inquiry [see below].On Tuesday 1st December, we were informed that the releases scheduled for that date had been explicitly blocked by George Bush Sr. This was reconfirmed by separate informed sources. When the Editor pointed out that Kissinger had been doing the ‘blocking’ a few days earlier, the voice at the other end commented: ‘Kissinger and Bush Sr. are one and the same’. Precisely.A POWER STRUGGLE AND FIGHTING BEHIND THE SCENES?On Wednesday 2nd December it was reported to us [but see above] that there was a question as to whether Barack Obama had signed off on the latest revision of the necessary Settlements release documents. If he had signed off, that would have indicated that the Bush-Kissinger gangsters were continuing with their interference ops. However we discovered that, according to our sources, Mr Obama had NOT signed off the revised release papers, which in turn signalled that Barack Hussein Obama may remain directly involved in this criminality. [On the other hand, this delay may well have been connected with the stand-off reported at the top of this commentary].The question has to be asked:WHAT WAS STOPPING MR OBAMA SIGNING OFF THE REVISED RELEASE DOCUMENTS?With the former Vice President Cheney reportedly making provocative statements apparently criticising those who question the underlying purposes of US involvement in Afghanistan, his real intention being to try to protect himself from prospective war crimes indictments as exposure of the drug-trafficking imperative behind this war (as with Vietnam) progresses, Barack Obama, who has ordered a surge in Afghanistan, should surely understand that he, too, might be vulnerable to such an indictment in due course – especially as Mrs Hillary Clinton is placing statements on the record before the National Security Grand Jury that has been investigating many aspects of these matters, including those that we have been exposing in these reports. In this connection there may be a split between former President Clinton and his CIA-wife, Hillary.Why would Mr Obama add to his problems by continuing to block the Settlements – especially as Rahm Emanuel, Obama’s Chief of Staff, was reportedly told that if he continued to stand in the way, he would ‘cease to exist’? Sources now inform us that, behind Barack Obama, the Settlements are being blocked in real-time by Mr Leon Panetta, the Director of Central Intelligence, in a desperate stand to prevent the termination of the CIA’s free-wheeling Fraudulent Finance operations that have made it the most dangerous criminal enterprise in the world.'IT WILL BE DONE, OR THERE WILL BE BLOOD ON THE FLOOR'From several sources came the message [2nd December 2009] – and this is a direct quote that we have been AUTHORISED to use NOW:‘It will be done, or there will be blood on the floor’.In the foregoing context, we have also received several indications of ‘infighting’, or a power struggle, going on behind the scenes. When we asked sources whether this meant verbal and internal strife within the structures, we were told: no, probably physical as well.That is also the impression gained from various separate reports received in this office from close observers in the Washington DC area, and elsewhere.RECENT PUBLIC SIGHTINGS OF ADOLF SHICKELBUSCHIn the report dated 26th November, we noted that a correspondent had reported that a friend in Houston had taken his wife out for an anniversary dinner at a restaurant where he observed a party which included George H. W. Bush Sr. and Barbara (Pearce) Bush, who was ‘calling the shots’ and issuing directions to all present.On 30th November, a long-standing subscriber and correspondent indicated to us, separately from another report, that he observed Bush Sr. ‘in the owner’s box at the Reliant Stadium in Houston at the Houston-Indianapolis pro-football game played in Houston’ that Sunday afternoon. The source said that Bush Sr. ‘looked a little ragged but he was next to a young woman not his wife’ [no need to get excited: she was probably a security detail].OUR PUBLISHED INFORMATION ON BUSH CRIME FAMILY CORRUPTIONIn our report dated 26th November we released certain intelligence implicating inter alia both Bush Presidents in grotesque corruption, and we were subsequently informed cryptically that ‘this has been used’ (i.e. appropriate use had been made of the intelligence). It is understood that, since the information (and the accompanying further data) could not be ignored, the effect was to accelerate events while at the same time sharply raising the temperature behind the scenes.In addition to the reference to Bush Sr.’s Caribbean accounts, you will of course have noted that $12.5 billion of monies awarded consequent to legal process for disbursal to CMKX DIAMONDS INC (CMKX:OTC) were stolen on the instructions of President George W Bush by Executive Order on the Sunday before he left office, from the DTC suspense account in which they were held ready for disbursement. This incredible finding has shocked many observers, we understand.You will also have taken note of the heading to our report dated 26th November: ‘The financing of Al-Qaeda by US intelligence‘ – a title which we were informed after the posting was ‘absolutely, specifically accurate’. As for the rest of the ‘hard’ information we published, its relevance to ‘the interested’ goes without saying: and has been confirmed.Concerning Marvelous Investments Limited, the following information first published in the three reports exposing the Wanta ‘Principality of Snake Hill’ deception [20th September, 22nd October and 17th November 2009] is re-appended for the record:THE 'MARVELOUS INVESTMENTS LIMITED' DIMENSIONAt incorporation, the officers of Marvelous Investments were shown under Article VIII of the incorporation documents to be:• Lee (not Leo) E. Wanta (President and Director) of (Residential address): 4000 Steeles Avenue West, Suite #221, Woodbridge, Ontario, Canada L4L 4VS;• Charles Crowninshield (Treasurer and Director) of (Residential address):400 Main Street, Boxford, MA 01921, USA; and:• John (a.k.a. Giovanni) Ferro (Director) of (Residential address):16 Madill Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M9P 2PS.BANKING ARRANGEMENTS FOR MARVELOUS INVESTMENTS LIMITEDBanking arrangements for Marvelous Investments Limited were encapsulated in a document, a genuine copy of which is held by this service, which reads in toto as follows:CORPORATION ACCOUNT: (SECURITY CASH ACCOUNTS ONLY: FULL AUTHORITY)BANK OF AMERICA231 NORTH LaSALLE STREETCHICAGO, ILLINOIS, USA 60697-0000THE UNDERSIGNED CORPORATION, BY LEE E. WANTA, ITS PRESIDENT, PURSUANT TO THE RESOLUTIONS, A COPY OF WHICH AUTHORIZES YOU TO OPEN AN ACCOUNT IN THE NAME OF THE SAID CORPORATION, AND THE UNDERSIGNED REPRESENTS [sic] THAT NO ONE OTHER THAN THE UNDERSIGNED HAS ANY INTEREST IN SUCH ACCOUNT.THIS AUTHORIZATION SHALL CONTINUE IN FORCE UNTIL REVOKED BY THE UNDERSIGNED CORPORATION BY A WRITTEN NOTICE, ADDRESSED TO YOU AND DELIVERED AT YOUR OFFICE IN CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, USA.BY THIS DOCUMENT, WE, MARVELOUS INVESTMENTS LIMITED, AUTHORIZES [sic] THE BELOW-MENTIONED PERSON TO OPEN SAID BANK OF AMERICA-CHICAGO ACCOUNT IN FAVOUR OF SAID CORPORATION:MR THOMAS G. HENEGHAN2405 FREY AVENUEVENICE, CALIFORNIA, USATELEFON [sic]: 310 305 9606CALIFORNIA DRIVER’S LICENSE – C-204-6914, EXP: 3.17.04Dated: ……………YOURS VERY TRULYMARVELOUS INVESTMENTS LIMITEDBY: LEE E. WANTA, PRESIDENT.TONY BLIAR BEING EXPOSED AND SET UP AS PREDICTEDThe ‘takedown’ of Anthony Charles Linton Blair, predicted by this service, has accelerated since we last reported. This is highly significant generally, because it represents a further dimension of the unravelling of the operations of the Octopus, revealing that ‘the worm is indeed turning’ and that a blinding spotlight is being shone into the Bush-Abwehr-Kissinger-CIA pitch Blackness, which is an indication that we are indeed observing further signals of an historic discontinuity.Some of the language used in recent days to describe the enormity of the crimes committed by Bliar (proxy for the Bush-CIA-DVD Hell Machine) has been much sharper than we are used to in the laid-back United Kingdom (although those using such language should have done so much earlier).For instance:• On 30th November, George Pitcher, a columnist with The Daily Telegraph, wrote:‘Tony Blair, with a truly toxic mixture of sanctimoniousness and wealth-enhancing chutzpah, has always maintained that his Iraq invasion was a just war. He has held firm to this shibboleth with trembling lip and quasi-religious conviction. But the letter to him from Lord Goldsmith, which emerged at the weekend, changes everything’. [Goldsmith was the Attorney General at the time].‘Dated July 29, 2002, a full eight months before Blair launched his grotesque Middle Eastern misadventure, the then Attorney General wrote to tell him that such an invasion would be illegal under international law. It is in the bundle of documents at the Chilcot Inquiry, to be addressed when the former Prime Minister, abortive President of Europe and putative Middle East peace envoy, gives evidence to it in the New Year’.Blair’s line has always been that he was “guided” by the Attorney General. It turns out that this guidance was unequivocal and in writing from the outset, and was not what he wanted to hear.Blair had to despatch a couple of his heavies, in the shape of Lord Falconer and Baroness Morgan, verbally to duff up Lord Goldsmith and to bully him into toeing the line, so that Blair could honour his private pledge to follow George W. Bush into the valley of death’.[Recall our repeated reminder that the ONLY product these people generate and have on offer is, precisely: DEATH (spiritual as well as physical)]…. ‘Blair’s actions were not only illegal, as now conclusively demonstrated by Lord Goldsmith’s evidence: they were also immoral’.THREE SUSPICIOUS BRITISH HORIZONTALISATIONSAnd what about the sudden horizontalisations of Dr David Kelly and the former Blair Foreign Secretary, Robin Cook, who died way before his time from a ‘sudden’ heart attack, like Blair’s predecessor as leader of the Labour Party, John Smith?This ‘dirty linen’ is inserted here just to remind ‘the interested’ that these horizontalisations won’t be brushed under the British Government’s filthy dirty carpet, should by any chance it have been assumed that this has already been satisfactorily accomplished.A RESPECTED BRITISH GENERAL FINGERS BLAIR, TOONor is the aforementioned newspaper columnist alone in pointing fingers at Blair. On the contrary, Mr Pitcher’s pointing finger has been joined by the right forefinger belonging to the distinguished General Sir Michael Rose, who has bluntly called for Tony Bliar to be prosecuted for war crimes following the illegal and immoral invasion of Iraq.Writing in ‘The Mail on Sunday’ on 30th November 2009, Sir Michael stated that the Chilcot Inquiry on the origins of the war should be the first step in a judicial process that brings those responsible for the disasters of the Iraq War before the Courts, ‘and could, as I shall explain, ultimately result in Tony Blair being indicted for war crimes’.Sir Michael then reviewed the past week’s evidence to the Chilcot Inquiry which proved that Mr Blair lied blatantly to the House of Commons and the public about Iraq’s alleged weapons of mass destruction (WMD). The article reconfirmed that the evidence spelled out how Mr Blair ‘AND OTHER SENIOR GOVERNMENT FIGURES’ [our emphasis – Ed.] had been told that there were ‘no WMDs, no missiles, no atom bombs and that there was no legal basis to pursue a war against Iraq’.‘Despite these compelling accounts of what happened, the truth is that we already know the main lessons of Iraq: Britain was taken unprepared into war on false grounds, and the inevitable result was the destruction of Iraq, enormous loss of life’ [THE DEATH PRODUCT] ‘and continuing political turmoil in the Middle East. Worse, the Iraq War has radicalised Muslim opinion against the West throughout the world, even spawning terrorism on the streets of London’, Sir Michael wrote.The General elaborated that Britain has a tradition of holding its leaders to account when they lead the country into a disaster. He pointed out that when the British Army was defeated at Yorktown in 1781 at the end of the American War of Independence, the entire British Cabinet resigned. When Winston Churchill, who, as First Sea Lord, had been the main architect of the Empire’s Gallipoli campaign against the Turks, saw the scale of the disaster that occurred in 1915, he immediately volunteered for the trenches in France where it is believed he hoped either to find death or to be able to redeem his honour.[The Editor’s father somehow survived the entire duration of the First World War in the trenches].By contrast, General Sir Michael Rose added, Blair swans around the world today making millions from business contacts and lectures. And to make matters still worse, a large proportion of these earnings are only possible because of his US and Middle Western contacts arising out of his unconditional support for the Bush War and Death Machine.THE POST-WAR RECONSTRUCTION SHAMBLES IN IRAQOn 1st December, the Chilcot Inquiry heard from Sir Peter Ricketts, former Director-General of the political section of the Foreign Office, who said that attempts by British officials to persuade the Americans to delay the invasion of Iraq so that post-invasion reconstruction preparations could be properly finalised instead of being rushed, met with the usual arrogant brush-off from Washington – accompanied by boasts that the coalition forces would be welcomed as ‘liberators’.This represented a piece of naïve US military ignorance, which failed to take account of the obvious psychology that ANY invading power will be loathed by the population being invaded, IRRESPECTIVE of the malodorous characteristics of the national government under which the population has been languishing.Sir Peter told the Inquiry that the so-called Office of Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance (ORHA) set up by the Pentagon had been very poorly prepared with ‘very little time and very little expertise’ and ‘very few people’ for this ‘huge undertaking’.He added that ORHA was ‘a shambles’. Edward Chaplin, the former head of the Middle East section of the Foreign Office, told the Inquiry that post-war planning had been ‘dire’, hampered by a belief in the United States that there would be ‘dancing in the streets’ when the troops entered Baghdad. He added that there was ‘a touching belief [in Washington] that we shouldn’t worry so much about the aftermath, because it was all going to be sweetness and light’.Thus, not only has the US Intelligence Power systematically provoked the universal corruption of the banking sector with its open-ended Fraudulent Finance operations designed to perpetuate and finance both its own usurpation of supreme power and hegemony in the United States itself, as well as to fund its rampaging ‘Black Operations’ around the world; but its chronically brainwashed and penetrated co-conspiring, rampant partner in crime, the US Military Power, cannot even be relied upon to conduct an invasion and occupation in a disciplined manner without ‘messing up’ – thanks to its insufferable, coruscating arrogance and self-belief. Wherever the American military goes, mayhem follows, in conformity with the norm that its sole product is DEATH.THE CHAOS IS DELIBERATE: IT FACILITATES ‘BUSINESS AS USUAL’HOWEVER, what needs to be understood is that this chaos is to an extent DELIBERATE. As in the case of The New Underworld Order operation known as the European Commission, the accounts of which have not been approved by the EU’s Court of Auditors for the past 14 years, IRREGULARITY PROVIDES ADDED SCOPE FOR CORRUPTION.After all, the chaos which followed the US-led invasion provided cover not only for the ransacking of the Central Bank of Iraq (and the subsequent mass murder cover-up of the 100++ operatives involved in that operation), but also for the Bush-controlled ‘misdirection’ of those preprinted banknotes destined for Iraq that wound up in the collaborating custody of the Central Bank of Jordan, whence the huge consignment could subsequently be stolen ‘with impunity’.Contrived chaos, then, is good for ‘corrupt business as usual’. Hence the protestations of the British officials at the Chilcot Inquiry betray their profound and incompetent failure to understand how the corrupted and criminalised US Intelligence Power thinks and works.

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  • Congratulations to anyone who read that entire article. I couldn't get past the first few sentences
  • Disinfo by Christopher Story yet again! Utter rubbish folks
    • ..where do they get all this crap from? ...tired and sick of it!...soooo much disinfo to get us utterly confused, I'm sure, and many will get frighenend and that's something they like even better...we must stop looking to be saved by someone ...or punish someone.....!!! Its only I that can save myselve and I/we have the tools....and by doing so WE are saving this situation and transforming it..
      Whenever I feel really low, this s**t seems attractive........:(..:(... back to basics,loving myself and those around me...that always works...:)..
  • Anything to do with Nesara I do not buy into at all. So the fact that Nesara is mentioned invalidated the whole information as far as I am concerned. Nesera is a make believe concept that has no grounding in reality, and it's chief advocate Mark Huber is a nutter, good intentioned, but not grounded in any way in reality either. So don't get excited gang, this is not reliable information.
    • My thoughts exactly!
  • Doesn't feel true to me. Your sources could possibly be mixed.

    Light & Love!
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