IN THE BACKGROUND OF THE CHILCOT INQUIRYConcerning the Chilcot Inquiry’s deliberations, we would like to point out additionally, as follows:(1): In the first of these analyses [dated 12th October 2005: see Archive], it was reported that Blair was at the receiving end of 75 million Euros as a payola pay-off from a DVD Swiss bank slush fund for ‘facilitating’ the European Union’s Collective Treaty du jour – equivalent to about $100 million, which was placed first with the Central Bank of Belize (and showed up in Belize’s official foreign exchange reserves in March 2006). It is believed that the Belizean authorities seized these illicit funds. None of this has ever been denied: and it’s all been ‘out there’ for more than four years.(2): It was reported at the time of the Iraq War that $134 million had been paid into an Abu Dhabi bank account with Blair as ultimate beneficiary, by the Bush-Baker-Cheney Crime Syndicate as a payoff for dragooning Britain’s Armed Forces into the illegal Iraq War on a false pretext, and lying about the background to the House of Commons.(3): As can be seen from the above, British officials knew perfectly well that the Iraqi régime did not possess Weapons of Mass Destruction. But what is being covered up here, as we noted earlier, is that the WMD were removed from Iraq under its version of the Romanian-Soviet ‘Sarindar’ WMD dismantling programme, exposed retrospectively by the former head of Romanian intelligence, Ion Mihail Pacepa in the third quarter of 2003 [in The New York Times], and promulgated inter alia via our newsletter Arab-Asian Affairs. The Iraqi WMD were removed on board two Soviet vessels that sailed from the Iraqi port of Umm Qasr in February 2003. [Note: Further details on how the Soviets themselves actually dismantled the Iraqi WMD and transported it away in a fleet of trucks, has been made available to us and will be elaborated upon as soon as time permits].• The Editor was badgered by a Pentagon-linked operative named Demchuk (‘The Visitor’) to reveal what he knew about all this, even though the Pentagon must have known perfectly well that Ion Pacepa’s revelations (published retrospectively in September 2003) were accurate. Demchuk’s concern, we believe, was not to establish the facts of the Soviet involvement, but rather to make sure that the Editor was not about to blow the reality that the Soviets had removed the WMD, which would have destroyed the US pretence, echoed by Mr Blair, that the Iraqi régime possessed WMD, used as the pretext for the invasion – which was really all about completing the ‘switch’ component of the Bush Crime Family’s ‘bait and switch’ operation against Saddam Hussein, Bush Sr.’s former trading partner, so that the Central Bank of Iraq could be seized, its assets, gold and currency stolen, and access gained to the Rafidain Bank sub-accounts in London, thought to have held a colossal volume of funny money based on hypothecated trading operations.• So far, there has been no hint in the Chilcot Inquiry hearings that any of the British officials concerned knew about the Iraqi ‘Sarindar programme’. This either means that these mandarins were and are incompetent, or else that they are being typically disingenuous and duplicitous, or rather ‘economical with the truth’ – or all of the above. It was known as early as 1991 that the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office had thrown away its Library on Communism and the Soviets, as we ourselves bought some of their discarded volumes, which clearly indicated that the Foreign Office truly believed that the Soviet Union and Communism were 'dead'. That may explain why the words Russian or Soviet have not so far been noted at the Chilcot Inquiry.• Finally, like all senior UK military, General Sir Michael Rose himself appears not to understand that military power in The New Underworld Order has been collectivised. In other words, Britain’s military power has been and continues to be hijacked and diverted in pursuit of an internationalist agenda, the surreptitious nature and purposes of which CANNOT BE REVEALED to the general public, which pays for these abuses through its high taxes.THE BRITISH PEOPLE ‘CANNOT BE TOLD’ THAT THE MILITARYHAS BEEN HIJACKED TO SERVE CORRUPT INTERNATIONALIST AGENDASThe underlying point here is that in order for Britain to continue to wield military power, it is ‘necessary’ for the population to remain under the illusion that our military exists to defend the British people and its assets and interests. That is not the case. Britain’s military power has been collectivised and is therefore being exploited for purposes that are alien to the interests and priorities of the British people.• And it gets worse: because not only has Britain’s military power been hijacked in pursuit of an internationalist agenda, but that agenda has itself been hijacked a second time round, to conform with the priorities of the (now cornered) criminalist cadres within the manipulating elements of the controlling US Intelligence and Military Powers – namely, in the case of Iraq, to seize the assets of the Central Bank of Iraq, gain access to the Rafidain Bank sub-accounts, and seize the Iraqi energy assets so as to meet the imperative of never having to fall back on reliance upon US domestic oil production. As previously explained, domestic price-fixing is illegal: hence the external dual cartel structure – with OPEC covering for the price-rigging perpetrated by the energy corporations.CORRUPT U.S. INTELLIGENCE POWER WORSHIPS MAMMONThe US Intelligence Power is fixated upon illicit financial operations to the virtual exclusion of everything else, except murder and the maintenance of an intense barrage of disinformation, diversionary New Age claptrap, lies and fabrications perpetrated by all means at its disposal – via the ‘mainstream’ media (Operation Mockingbird), and nowadays through its immense sponsorship and control of a vast array of websites which specialise in maximising the potential for the ongoing intensification of the fog of confusion – the objective being to mask, and divert attention from, the criminality of the US Intelligence and Military Powers, and to procure that the crimes and Ponzi frauds perpetrated by their operatives never see the light of day.That colossal agitation and propaganda offensive is now failing, which explains why there is much concern at our routine posting, at the top of these reports, of the text of the Misprision of Felony Statute. This places EVERY AMERICAN with knowledge of criminal activity ON THE SPOT, making many (we know for a fact) feel decidedly uncomfortable.At an earlier stage of this research, we identified operatives located in remote parts of the United States who had been equipped with Haliburton cases containing the equipment necessary for the operatives to be able to access the military ‘grey screen’ for illicit financial trading and monitoring purposes. One source spoke of CIA having had special satellite equipment erected on the family home which was ‘never understood’.ORIGINS OF THE U.S. INTELLIGENCE POWER’S MAMMON-WORSHIPThe US Intelligence Power’s obsession with illicit and clandestine financial operations can be traced historically to the Black Eagle Trust or Fund and the Philippine Golden Lily sequence – the obsessive ransacking by US ‘freelance’ teams of ‘former’ operatives, impeded by characters such as General Singlaub (who spent millions digging for stored gold in the Philippines in all the wrong places), of the hoards of gold ingots amassed and stolen by the Japanese during the Second World War, and buried in ‘holes’ primarily in The Philippines under the (incorrectly alleged) direction of General Tomoyuki Yamashita. This gold included ‘royal gold’ exported from the United Kingdom to Asia when the British assumed that Hitler might overrun the whole of Europe, including the British Isles. A sizeable number of these ‘gold holes’ are located within the territory of the US-leased Subic Bay base, explaining the real reason for US plotting to retain this base.Among the cast of characters following Henry L. Stimson and Bill Donovan who shaped the CIA’s obsessive orientation towards Mammon from the outset were William Casey, whose legacy at the US Export Import Bank has ensured that this institution has remained heavily involved in dubious intelligence community financial operations ever since; Allen Dulles (ditto: Bank of New York, now BoNY Mellon); General Olmsted (International Bank of Washington; Financial General Bancshares and the criminal money-laundering Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) CIA bank); Paul Helliwell and William Colby (Castle Bank, HouseHold Bank, Mercantile Bank; and the Nugan Hand International Bank, used for laundering drugs from the ‘Golden Triangle’ founded in Sydney in 1973 by the Australian lawyer Frank Nugan (thought to have been a Mafia operative) and the former US Green Beret Michael Jon Hand, who had operated as an assassin, controlling multiple assassination squads in Northern Laos under Operation Phoenix); General Earl Cocke (Black Eagle Trust, or Fund; Durham Trust; Driscoll Trust; Synergy Trust; Pilgrim Investments {Jorge Bush); Martwell Investments (Marc Rich, a.k.a. the long-range DVD operative Hans Brand); and Project Hammer – the operation to bring down the Soviet Union so that Soviet oil and gas resources could be brought under the control of US and Western investors); Henry Morgan and Spencer Morgan (Morgan Stanley, JP Morgan Chase: Chase Manhattan); and George B. Moore (First National City Bank: Citibank, which wound up with over 116,000 tonnes of the stolen Yamashita/Marcos gold).SOME FAMILIAR NAMES IN THE WITCHES' CAULDRONAny investigation of these linkages will pull up names such as Adnan Kashoggi, J. Keswick, Henry Keswick (of the British connection: Jardine Mathieson); Richard Armitage, the notorious, foul-mouthed drug-trafficking expert; William Colby; Lucky Luciano, Carlos Marcello, Santos Trafficante, Meyer Lansky, heads of US Mafia families, hired for ‘special tasks’ and ‘delivery protection’ by the CIA; David Kimche (the Head of the Israeli Foreign Office, whose British brother Jon Kimche sold the newsletter Arab-Asian Affairs to the Editor of this service many years ago, and then proceeded deliberately thereafter to furnish us with detailed information about the SOVIET involvement in Iraq which completely blotted out any hint of nefarious US intelligence operations there); the CIA's professional assassin, Ted Shackley; Robert Gates, the former Director of Central Intelligence, now in charge at the Pentagon; Oliver North, of Iran-Contra notoriety; Richard Secord; General Singlaub; Bin Mahfouz [see In Memoriam and Horizontalisation News]; Richard B. Cheney; Leo or Lee Wanta; Donald Rumsfeld; Colin Powell; Paul Wolfowitz; Miss Condoleeza Rice (whose codename is: Velvet Mushroom); and of course George Herbert Walker Bush and Dr Henry (‘Heinz’) Kissinger.CHANCELLOR MERKEL: ‘WE ARE IN A VERY CRITICAL SITUATION’Given the evils inflicted on the world as a consequence of the traitorous clandestine activities of the US Intelligence Power (and its Mossad, DVD and MI-6 associates in any Metabridge context), a moment of schadenfreude is appropriate as we contemplate the unexpected statement, reported on 1st December 2009, by Bush Sr.’s duplicitous agent and STASI operative, Frau Angela Merkel, the former Secretary of the Agitation and Propaganda Department of the Kommunist Yugend at Karl-Marx University in East Berlin, now functioning as the German Chancellor:‘We are in a very critical situation. We are going to discuss with leaders of the financial institutions what can be done to head off a credit crunch’.What ON EARTH can Frau(d) Merkel have meant by THAT?The German Government is reported to be rushing out a new emergency package of measures for consideration by the Bundestag, to buttress ‘ailing banks’ and to prevent a ‘second wave’ of the debt crisis suffocating a large swathe of the grossly over-extended German manufacturing sector. The Bundesbank recently revealed that German banks are contemplating some 90 billion Euros’ worth of probable write-downs over the next year. The package of measures reportedly includes a scheme under which 10 billion Euros would be allocated for the purchase of ‘toxic’ (i.e. fraudulent) securities from the banks, at a colossal discount.At the end of November, a survey by the IFO institute of Munich revealed that lending conditions in the German economy tightened sharply in October, with 53% of German manufacturing firms having encountered problems in obtaining credit. The President of IFO, Hans-Werner Sinn, commented that ‘the financing situation of firms remains critical and poses a real risk to economic recovery’. Volcker Trier, the Chief Economist for the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (DIHK), is reported to have added that the Middelstand (middle-ranking) family firms are in difficulties: ‘The real test has yet to come: the drastic decline in sales has not yet shown up in balance sheets’.COLOSSAL CONTRACTION OF EXPORTS WORLDWIDEAs we have recently pointed out, immense declines in exports (and therefore of imports) have been reported from all over the world. For instance, the volume of exports by Italy over the 12 months to July 2009 collapsed by 68.7%.Data for selected countries: Australia (August 2009), – 30.2%; Austria, – 37.0%; Belgium, – 28.5%; Canada, – 40.7%; Czech Republic, – 30.8%; Denmark, – 24.8%; Finland, – 44.8%; France, – 26.0%; Germany, – 28.3%; Greece, – 28.1%; Hungary, – 26.1%; Japan, – 26.8%; South Korea, – 21.0%;Mexico, – 26.3%; Netherlands, – 28.3%; New Zealand, – 26.4%; Norway, – 34.5%; Poland, – 32.9%; Portugal, – 29.3%; Slovak Republic, – 32.7%; Spain, – 16.6%; Sweden, – 24.9%; Turkey, – 29.3%;United Kingdom, – 33.5%; and United States, – 26.0%.Within the area of developed countries covered by the OECD membership, the average year-on-year contraction of export volume to June 2009 was 29.9%, with the contraction of exports by the major seven OECD economies averaging 33.2%; and within the European Union Collective as a whole, the average decline was 29.0%.GERMAN BANKS’ ‘TOXIC ASSETS’ TIME-BOMB PRIMEDBut WHAT prompted the normally cool Frau Merkel to allow such panicky comments of hers to be widely reported? Not, surely, her concern about the problems facing German manufacturing firms (which have displaced, for instance, much of the British manufacturing sector, thanks to ‘free trade’ within the EU’s ‘internal market’, in accordance with the original aggressive pan-German blueprint set out in the Nazi compendium Europäische Wirtschaftsgemeinshaft of 1942).No. There’s a much more immediate, and ghastly, nightmare that has been keeping this STASI operative awake at night on her estate east of Berlin. It is this:• Deutsche Bank, Dresdner Bank, and reportedly also Commerzbank, are stuffed to the gills with worthless ‘toxic’ trading junk 'assets' which threaten to destroy the big German banks as the US-attempted clandestine operation to reignite the derivatives trading bonanza fails, so that the counterparty ‘assets’ held by the German banks are being exposed as worthless, given that off-balance sheet ‘assets’ cannot legally these days be brought onto the balance sheet.• Viewed conventionally by analysts who have largely ignored the criminal finance dimension, there are ‘fears’ that a cascade of corporate downgrades by rating agencies will compel banks to place more equity capital aside, thereby compounding the existing contraction of credit, at a time when lending to the private sector in Germany contracted by 0.8% over the 12 months to October 2009, while key money supply measures have also been contracting when adjusted for inflation.• But viewed ‘unconventionally’ and therefore accurately, so as to take account of the ‘cover-up’ dimension associated with the exposure of Fraudulent Finance, the German Chancellor’s quite uncharacteristically anguished public observation indicates loud and clear that the game is almost up for the criminal financial enterprises in Germany that have been corrupted by the Bush-DVD Criminal Finance carousel: as we shall doubtless observe in the weeks and months ahead.It will be recalled that we recently indicated earlier that a huge overhang of Fraudulent Finance positions mature during December 2009.It is unprecedented for the usually buttoned-up Chancellor Merkel to let her guard down with such a public indication of how worried she is. And with good reason. She forgot to bring a long spoon when supping with Adolf Shickelbusch.THE DUBAI DEBACLE AND THE DODGY STATE OF BRITISH FINANCESAs has been well understood internationally, of course, the ownership of 28% of the London Stock Exchange by interests in beleaguered Dubai has obvious implications for the City of London.The crass stupidity of this example of ‘globalisation’ is now staring the LSE in the face. In the final week of October, Dubai World requested a ‘standstill’ debt agreement from its creditors which shocked investors who had wrongly assumed that the Central Bank of the United Arab Emirates would stand behind Dubai World’s extrenal debt. Payments on this debt fall due within the next two weeks. Shortly thereafter the Central Bank announced that it would be providing liquidity support on favourable terms for local and foreign banks.But the Chief Economist with Banque Saudi Fransi in Riyadh, John Sfakianakis, warned on 1st December: ‘The [decision by the UAE Central Bank] is a step in the right direction, but a bare minimum. This only deals with the domestic banking system. They have not yet made any announcement dealing with the debt of Dubai’.That may reflect the possibility that a significant number of accounts in the United Arab Emirates may have been frozen by order of the World Court, according to an unconfirmed report received by this service – as part of the enforcement procedures surrounding the stealing and diversion of sovereign assets that we have repeatedly referenced in earlier reports. In this connection there was recently a curiously brief UK press mention of the fact that a senior Ruler from the United Arab Emirates was in the presence of Her Majesty The Queen in London, even as the Dubai crisis was exploding in the faces of the criminal finance fraternity in recent days.‘BRITAIN MAY LOSE ITS AAA CREDIT RATING’Meanwhile, the European investment team at Morgan Stanley, of all sources, published a report featured on 1st December entitled ‘Tougher Times in 2010’ which included the following assertions:‘Growing fears over a hung parliament [in Britain, which goes to the polls in 2010] would likely weigh on both the [British] currency and gilt yields, as it would represent something of a leap into the unknown, and would increase the probability that some of the rating agencies [may] remove the United Kingdom’s AAA status’ as a sovereign borrower.‘In an extreme situation, a fiscal crisis could lead to some domestic capital flight, severe pound weakness and a sell-off in UK Government bonds. The Bank of England may feel forced to hike [interest] rates to shore up confidence in monetary policy and stabilise the currency, threatening the fragile economic recovery’.However in Britain, there has been NO ECONOMIC RECOVERY, with the economy shrinking in real terms by an officially estimate 0.3% in the third quarter of 2009 (an annualised rate of 1.2%).The OECD has predicted that the British public sector deficit will reach 13.3% of Gross Domestic Product in 2010, in real terms. Morgan Stanley, anticipates a 10% further reduction in sterling’s trade-weighted external value, completing the most extreme slide in the pound’s external value since the industrial revolution. The decline would exceed the 30% collapse that occurred after Britain was driven off the gold standard in 1931.The irony of Morgan Stanley, of all institutions, promulgating such realities requires no elaboration.HAVE YOU RATNERED YOURSELF LATELY*?Given the blockages perpetrated by the RATS, and the report about a code-carrying banker or trustee having been shot in the foot, and on a closing and lighter note, it may be recalled that a British jeweller, Gerald RATner, with an engaging sense of humour, triggered the near-destruction of his own successful business in 1991 when he jokingly told a meeting of shareholders that a sherry decanter set that his firm was selling for £4.95, was a piece of ‘crap’.After seven years of despondency – during which, he reports, the highlight of his day was watching the TV show ‘Countdown’ in bed in the afternoons – Mr Ratner picked himself up, started again, and now runs Britain’s biggest Internet-based jewellery business.In an article in The Daily Telegraph on 2nd December 2009, Mr Ratner described the odd sensation of having had his name hijacked and incorporated into the English language.Specifically, the verb ‘to ratner oneself’ has come to mean ‘to shoot oneself in the foot’; while ‘to have been ratnered’ means ‘to have been provoked into shooting oneself in the foot’. As a noun, the word ‘to do a ratner’ has the same connotation. (Proper incorporation into the vocabulary presupposes dropping the capital R for Ratner).Mr Ratner pointed out ruefully that ‘in the past week alone, Boots [a UK pharmaceutical store] had acknowledged that it ‘did a Ratner’ by admitting that so-called herbal remedies didn’t necessarily work, although it was happy to sell them; while British Telecom was said to have ‘Ratnered’ itself when it hooked its Chairman up to Broadband in a small village where no-one else has Broadband access. And now John Bercow, the Speaker of the House of Commons, has finally admitted that the “reputational carnage” inflicted’ [on themselves by Members of Parliament due to their greed and insensitivity over their so-called ‘expenses’, which has revolted the entire nation] had ‘meant that Parliament must urgently restore an image that “it has managed to Ratner”’.The commendable Gerald Ratner realises that – notwithstanding his remarkable achievement in picking himself up off the floor from the slough of despondency and depression lasting seven years, and surfacing with another high-flying jewellery business – he won’t be remembered for his business achievements at all.No Siree. He’ll be famous for having contributed a potently descriptive verb and noun to enrich the English language. For that, and for his own successful deratnerisation, he will be remembered for ever and ever. Amen.PS. Gerald Ratner says he has set up a ‘Google alert’ which sends him an email every time his name crops up on the Internet. No doubt, therefore, he’s reading this column ‘as we speak’.APPENDIX: A NEW WORLD BANK REPORT REVIEWS THE IMPOVERISHMENT ARISING FROMTHE CRISIS AROUND THE WORLD: A CRISIS THAT HAS BEEN PROLONGED BY U.S. OBSTINACY.THE REPORT REFERS TO QUOTE 'THE RAPIDLY DETERIORATING ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT'.Readers and subscribers will be well aware that we know, and have in the past, referenced the participation of the World Bank in certain Fraudulent Finance operations. However the quality and professionalism of World Bank and IMF staff is, generally speaking, second to none: so that a clear distinction must be drawn between abuse of the international institution's inner workings (via its tax-exempt bank account privileges, for instance), and the professional work of the staffers.The World Bank has just issued a report, summarised below, which provides new information on the impact of this crisis, which has been prolonged by the criminal behaviour of US office-holders and operatives, on parts of the Rest of the World (the phrase we use to distinguish everywhere else from the United States itself). We append a summary of the new report:The global financial crisis is having a devastating impact on families in emerging Europe and Central Asia, with the risk of the region giving back a fifth of the poverty reduction gains of the past decade, according to a new World Bank report. By 2010, there could be over 10 million more poor people in the region, and close to an additional 25 million more who were almost middle class but now just above the poverty line (relative to pre-crisis projections) with the potential of losing their homes, jobs, and basic services.The new report, 'The Crisis Hits Home – Stress-Testing Households in Europe and Central Asia', takes a unique look at the impacts of the global financial crisis at the household level in this region. According to the report, families are being hit by credit market shocks, the increasing prices of goods and services, and rising unemployment.“The global financial crisis risks reversing the substantial gains and improvements in living standards achieved by the Europe and Central Asia region over the last few years”, said Luca Barbone, Director for Poverty Reduction and Economic Management in the World Bank’s Europe and Central Asia Region. “One of the tragic impacts of the crisis has been that the middle income countries that had turned the corner, are the ones hardest hit. Across countries in the region, unemployment levels have risen while economic activities have collapsed. Poverty will rise. Families are being stretched to the limit”.• Editor's inserted Note:See data for the collapse of exports, in the narrative above. See also the report's reference below to quote 'THE RAPIDLY DETERIORATING ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT' unquote.CREDIT MARKET SHOCKSThe report says that stress tests recently conducted by the World Bank on household loans show that ongoing macroeconomic shocks to interest rates, exchange rates, and household income may increase the numbers of families that are unable to pay back their debt.For example, up to 20 percent more families with mortgages and other loans in Lithuania and Hungary could be at risk of defaulting on their loans.PRICE SHOCKS IN THE PIPELINEThe food and fuel crisis may not be over. International commodity price levels have not returned to pre-2007 levels. In addition, falling currencies in some countries are now generating a new round of price increases. Because food represents a very large share of the poor’s total consumption – in some of the low-income countries of Europe and Central Asia, the food share of consumption among the poor is 70 to 80 percent – the poorest consumers will again be vulnerable.In addition, in a number of countries, such as Belarus, Moldova, and Ukraine, the utility reform program remains largely incomplete. As a result, a number of countries will have to adjust their energy tariffs to cost-recovery levels in the coming years.EMPLOYMENT AND INCOME SHOCKSOver the recovery period following the 1998 Russian crisis through 2006, more than 50 million people moved out of poverty in the region. However, the poverty impact of this crisis will be enormous. The RAPIDLY DETERIORATING GLOBAL ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT [sic] is eroding the region’s substantial gains and, given the increased poverty projections, is threatening the welfare of a total of about 160 million people – close to 40 million people who are poor and approximately 120 million people who are just above the poverty line.It is the middle-income Commonwealth of Independent (CIS) countries that have seen the largest and most significant downward revisions to their Gross Domestic Product growth projections.COPING WITH THE CRISISAccording to the report, lessons from the region’s own experiences with previous crises suggest that temporary economic shocks have a lasting impact on human development, as families cut back their education and health investments in response to a banking or exchange rate crisis.Compared to past crises, the scope for households in Europe and Central Asia to fall back on their traditional coping strategies – from secondary employment and money transfers from friends and family to working abroad – is much more limited. [SUMMARY ENDS].LIST OF U.S. STATUTES, SECURITIES REGULATIONS AND LEGAL PRINCIPLES OF WHICH THE CRIMINALISTS, ASSOCIATES AND ALL THE MAIN FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS REMAIN IN BREACH:LEGAL TUTORIAL: The Steps of Common Fraud:Step 1: Fraud in the Inducement: “… is intended to and which does cause one to execute an instrument, or make an agreement… The misrepresentation involved does not mislead one as the paper he signs but rather misleads as to the true facts of a situation, and the false impression it causes is a basis of a decision to sign or render a judgment”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Fraud’.Step 2: Fraud in Fact by Deceit (Obfuscation and Denial) and Theft:• “ACTUAL FRAUD. Deceit. Concealing something or making a false representation with an evil intent [scanter] when it causes injury to another…”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Fraud’.• “THE TORT OF FRAUDULENT DECEIT… The elements of actionable deceit are: A false representation of a material fact made with knowledge of its falsity, or recklessly, or without reasonable grounds for believing its truth, and with intent to induce reliance thereon, on which plaintiff justifiably relies on his injury…”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Deceit’.Step 3: Theft by Deception and Fraudulent Conveyance:THEFT BY DECEPTION:• “FRAUDULENT CONCEALMENT… The hiding or suppression of a material fact or circumstance which the party is legally or morally bound to disclose…”.• “The test of whether failure to disclose material facts constitutes fraud is the existence of a duty, legal or equitable, arising from the relation of the parties: failure to disclose a material fact with intent to mislead or defraud under such circumstances being equivalent to an actual ‘fraudulent concealment’…”.• To suspend running of limitations, it means the employment of artifice, planned to prevent inquiry or escape investigation and mislead or hinder acquirement of information disclosing a right of action, and acts relied on must be of an affirmative character and fraudulent…”.Source: Black, Henry Campbell, M.A., 'Black’s Law Dictionary’, Revised 4th Edition, St Paul: West Publishing Company, 1968, s.v. ‘Fraudulent Concealment’.FRAUDULENT CONVEYANCE:• “FRAUDULENT CONVEYANCE… A conveyance or transfer of property, the object of which is to defraud a creditor, or hinder or delay him, or to put such property beyond his reach…”.• “Conveyance made with intent to avoid some duty or debt due by or incumbent or person (entity) making transfer…”.Source: Black, Henry Campbell, M.A., ‘Black’s Law Dictionary', Revised 4th Edition, St Paul: West Publishing Company, 1968, s.v. ‘Fraudulent Conveyance’.U.S. SECURITIES REGULATIONS OF WHICH INSTITUTIONSHAVE BEEN SHOWN TO BE IN BREACH [SEE REPORTS]:• NASD Rule 3120, et al.• NASD Rule 2330, et al• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 3040• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and IM-2110-1• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and SEC Rule 15c3-1• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 3110• SEC Rules 17a-3 and 17a-4• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and Procedural Rule 8210• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 2330 and IM-2330• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and IM-2110-5• NASD Systems and Programme Rules 6950 through 6957• 97-13 Bank Secrecy Act, Recordkeeping Rule for funds transfers and transmittals of funds, et al.U.S. LAWS ROUTINELY BREACHED BY THE CRIMINAL OPERATIVES AND INSTITUTIONS:• Annunzio-Wylie Anti-Money Laundering Act• Anti-Drug Abuse Act• Applicable international money laundering restrictions• Bank Secrecy Act• Crimes, General Provisions, Accessory After the Fact [Title 18, USC]• Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act• Economic Espionage Act• Hobbs Act• Imparting or Conveying False Information [Title 18, USC]• Maloney Act• Misprision of Felony [Title 18, USC] (1)• Money-Laundering Control Act• Money-Laundering Suppression Act• Organized Crime Control Act of 1970• Perpetration of repeated egregious felonies by State and Federal public employees and their Departments and agencies, which are co-responsible with the said employees for ONGOING illegal and criminal actions, to sustain fraudulent operations and crimes in order to cover up criminalist activities and High Crimes and Misdemeanours by present and former holders of high office under the United States• Provisions pertaining to private business transactions being protected under both private and criminal penalties [H.R. 3723]• Provisions prohibiting the bribing of foreign officials [F.I.S.A.]• Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act [R.I.C.O.]• Securities Act 1933• Securities Act 1934• Terrorism Prevention Act• Treason legislation, especially in time of war.• Please be advised that the Editor of International Currency Review and associated intelligence services cannot enter into email correspondence related to this or to any of the earlier reports.We are a private intelligence publishing house and have no connections to any outside parties including intelligence agencies. The word ‘intelligence’ on this website and in all our marketing material is used for marketing/sales purposes only and has no other connotations whatsoever: see ‘About Us’ on the red panels under the Notes on the Editor, Christopher Story FRSA, who has been solely and exclusively engaged as an investigative journalist, Editor, Author and private financial and current affairs Publisher since 1963 and is not and never has been an agent for a foreign power, suggestions to the contrary being actionable for libel in the English Court.ADVERTISEMENT: INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTIONYOU CAN ORDER THIS DIRECT FROM THIS WEBSITE. Summary:Press Internet Security Solution or go to the World Reports Limited serials catalogue and scroll down until you come to this product. Then proceed through the simple and ultra-safe ordering procedure [Visa or MasterCard only]. Send a donation as you order this RECOMMENDED solution.NON-U.S. INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION CD AVAILABLE: FAR BETTER THAN NORTON ETCIt has now been established that the National Security Agency (NSA) works with/controls Microsoft, Norton, McAfee, and others, in pursuit of the Pentagon's vast BIG BROTHER objective, directed from the 'highest' levels (not the levels usually referred to) which seek to have every computer in the world talk direct to the Pentagon or to NSA's master computers.This should come as no real surprise since the cynical spooks even assert this 'in-your-face' by advertising 'INTEL INSIDE', which says exactly what it means. More specifically, NSA have made great strides in this direction by having a back door built into Microsoft VISTA. Certain computers, especially those labelled with the logo of the 'fully collaborating' firm Hewlett Packard, have hard-core setups which facilitate the remote monitoring and controlling of personal computers by NSA, Fort Meade. We now understand that if you are using VISTA* you MUST NOT enable 'file and printer sharing' under any circumstances. If you say 'YES', so to speak, to 'file and printer sharing', your computer becomes a slave at once to NSA's master computers. DO NOT ENABLE SHARING.Unfortunately, this abomination is so far advanced that this may not be the only precaution that needs to be taken. As long as Microsoft continues its extensive cooperation with NSA and the NSC (National Security Council), the spying system which assists the criminalised structures, and thus hitherto the Bush-Clinton 'Box Gang' and its connections, with their fraudulent finance operations, NSA may be able to steal data from your computer. The colossal scourge of data theft is associated with this state of affairs: data stolen usually include Credit Card data, which the kleptocracy regards as almost as good as real estate for hypothecation purposes. Even so, you can make life very much more problematical for these utterly odious people by NOT USING U.S.-sourced so-called Internet Security and anti-virus software. Having been attacked and abused so often, we offer a solution.We use a proprietary FOREIGN Internet Security program which devours every PC Trojan, worm, scam, porn attack and virus that the National Security Agency (NSA) throws at us. We are offering this program (CD) to our clients and friends, at a premium. The program comes with our very strong recommendation, but at the same time, if you buy from us, you will be helping us finance ongoing exposures of the DVD's World Revolution and the financial corruption that has been financing it.The familiar US proprietary Internet Security programs are by-products of US counterintelligence, and are intended NOT to solve your Internet security problems, but to spy on you and to report what you write about, to centralised US electronic facilities set up for the purpose. You can now BREAK FREE from this syndrome while at the same time helping us to MAINTAIN THE VERY HEAVY PRESSURE UPON THE CRIMINALISTS WE HAVE BEEN EXPOSING, by ordering this highest quality FOREIGN (i.e., non-US) INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION that we have started advertising on this website. This offer has been developed in response to attacks we have suffered from the NSA nerds who appear to have a collective mental age of about five years, judging by their output.• To access details about the INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION, just press THE LIVE LINK YOU HAVE JUST READ, or else press SERIALS in the red panel below. This opens up our mini-catalogue of printed intelligence publications. Scroll right down to the foot of that section, where you will see details of this service. When you buy this special product, you will also, as we clearly state above, be paying a special premium by way of a donation to help us finance these exposures.The premium contains a donation for our exposure work and also covers our recommendation based on the Editor's own experience that this INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION will make your Internet life much easier. The program has an invaluable 'Preview before downloading' feature.• It is suitable for PC's but not Mac computers. As with all such programs, the License is renewable at a modest fee annually. This is done on-line in the usual way [with the supplier direct].*VISTA: Virtual Instant Surveillance Tactical Application.

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John Jancar left a comment on Comment Wall
"I mean that's how I grew up man lol I grew up where if you insulted someone lol Like that, you'd get PUNCHED IN THE FACE lol Or worse.

Yet frickin Trump can go around, insulting Canada, making a mockery of everyone and everything, and not get…"
59 seconds ago
John Jancar left a comment on Comment Wall
"Seriously, if I was Trudeau lol And Trump said that to me, made a mockery of Canada like that, in front of me, I'D PUNCH HIM IN THE FACE lol Wtf you talking about making Canada the 51st state lol

As a Canadian, I can say NOBODY WANTS THAT. And…"
5 minutes ago
John Jancar left a comment on Comment Wall
"Frickin Trump, oh I had a meeting with Justin Trudeau, and I asked him, what would happen if we removed the subsidies for Canada, 200 bil a year or wtv. Canada would crumble. Then it should be our 51st state lol REALLY.

9 minutes ago
John Jancar left a comment on Comment Wall
"My opinion of Justin Trudeau, Justin Trudeau one of the best people we have lol Not just in Canada, but the WORLD, and he's being driven out lol By these hordes of low IQ mfers, who frickin think that like gay rights, and electric cars, are bad…"
13 minutes ago
John Jancar posted a status
14 minutes ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"Globalists everywhere are terrified of elections and the people's momentum towards national populism...

A world of trading blocks, without EU globalist-style "harmonization" and punitive compulsion, is the future, as well as political and trade…"
1 hour ago
Drekx Omega commented on Drekx Omega's blog post One Rebel Star Should Fall From The EU Flag's Circular Constellation and Rise Anew With Greater and Brighter Light
"A world of trading blocks, without EU globalist-style "harmonization" and punitive compulsion, is the future, as well as political and trade federations....and now that there are twelve members of the CPTPP, it will be interesting to observe if a…"
1 hour ago
Drekx Omega commented on Drekx Omega's blog post One Rebel Star Should Fall From The EU Flag's Circular Constellation and Rise Anew With Greater and Brighter Light
"In the post-globalist/post-dark cabal, world, there will be nations expanded and prosperous and Canada can either be part of the Anglospheric Union of C.A.N.Z.U.K. or the United States of America, as the 51st state...

Currently they are being taken…"
1 hour ago