Silencing your Intellect for Spiritual Un-sureness

The world has taught us many things and we have acquired a great deal in experiences. We have used these experiences to better ourselves and make judgements in our life.

There has been moments when we became unsure. But it is our credit that we carried on regardless through challenging times.

The logic mind and ego is our intellect that we use in our material life; we use the memories stored in the mind's library to communicate, give advice and even teach others on a daily basis.
Dear ones it is time to be silent; for what you know is not enough to understand your path and SELF. The 5D consciousness of the planet has already commenced and we need to also move forward towards this consciousness too.

The ego and the logical mind we use in our daily lives cannot fit the new paradigm’s knowing. The energies will make us more confused as we continue to hold onto the old ways and routines of life.

Once we recognize that what we know is never going to be enough and at the same time listen more to those who have knowledge; then we will begin to acquire a new wave of insight and understanding.

The 3D understanding will slowly be replaced by a 5D consciousness with a greater insight and silence in the mind.

For it is this silence we are able to communicate with the God consciousness.

So release yourself to the values you have held firmly in the old paradigm and at the same time empty the mind. When space has been made in the mind, then we will begin to understand and accept the new energies and insight.

The spiritual path will make many unsure, but it is this un-sureness in the nectar of further insight and knowing.

With Divine love and Open Heart these words I share with you all.


Further Reading:

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  • There's a difference between intellect and ego. Ego comes from the lower mind....true intelligence, ego free, comes from the higher mind. And in truth, that's connected to the heart.

    And I know, it's have to get more still, and quiet the rambling thoughts, to really have a clear consciousness, so higher intelligence from the higher mind can come through, without being filtered through the ego chatter. It just comes with comes with time. Nowadays, I find myself not thinking at all, sometimes....and that's actually when I do my best thinking...if that makes sense lol It's just a pure awareness, and pure intelligence...a pure sense of reality. Living in the moment helps can't really think clearly, if you're caught too much in linear time.

    I guess I'm lucky, I'm a cancer....the sign of feeling, so I'm naturally a feeler instead of a thinker. I've just worked my brain so much that I've become a very good thinker...and I know mind, without heart...has a very limited awareness. True awareness comes from the heart level....true knowledge, true understanding, true wisdom...and true realizations...come from the heart level.

    Feelings have their own information...and you need that to be balanced, to have a real awareness. That's why you can't be too intellectual...or too caught in the mind, or the left need balance of mind and heart, thought and feeling....God designed it to be balanced.

  • Accept and it shall be revealed.

  • I think that Intellect and Spirituality are one in the same, and silencing anything is probably not a good idea.  Silence can be nice sometimes, and I think people can benefit from feeling a silence or inner peace, but...

    Enhancing BOTH Intellect and Spirituality is the KEY for me personally :)

  • Have you all become lost again, forgotten who you are?

    Spirit Is Not Of This World, But came to be in it.

    4D 5D nonsense.  Spirit came from beyond the 12th D realm and since its not of this world or is a [thing.]

    3D can not define it with or by words of this realm.

    This spirit is above and beyond any 3D 4D 5D so called Demy God or Consciousness code enforcement of do’s and don’ts.  

    My personage is what this spirit is using to walk in this realm of deception everyone is hung up on.

    Spirit is complete with out all this nonsense of men’s mouths and understandings.  And you are complete now, it only takes remembering who you are in this moment and staying there.

    Complete Before, Complete Now, Complete Forever, Not Of This World.  And its not our job to make Spirit into this world as many threw the age’s have tried and still are with the mind and intellect of the Avatar containing spirit not of this world.   Your not going to turn it into a thing or something that is of this world EVER. 

    This is the Great deception of this world [ Organized Religion] 95 percent of the world is following it, and blind to the life inside there hearts, that’s not of this world.

    Trying to fit reasoning into something that came from above the 12th realm of being into a box that can be handed to everyone in a nut shell of this world.

    The more your intellect marinates in this world the more it takes on the characteristic’s of this world - and spirit is not a part of it. Never will be, from the heart the light of spirit shine on all things of this world guiding you in its shining not using the words of this world, but the light that’s in it.

    Peace with out understanding [Of this world] the light of the heart is this complete Spirit.  Intellect is what invented a God and a alien entity to step into that roll, to guide you away from this knowledge of who you are. Gods are not allowed above the 4D realm where these entity’s live and pray on the 3D avatar’s. 

    This Spirit that you are is not of this world, so stop looking for answer’s from this world, and be still and rest in the completeness of Spirit that’s always been there and is now, the light that’s not of this world be mindful of.  

  • WOW Worse advice EVER!!

    You don't just silence your Intellect and Logic, why would you do that?

    You should learn to balance both, Logic and Spiritual path.

    Nothing goes well when you only focus on one, without intellect you would have never learned how to write those words to give that awfull advice.

    • I completely agree.  Psychic abilities are only capable because of intelligence.

      • Or is it Vice Versa?

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