
If I was a moon, where would I hide? Err, nowhere.......

So what would that spaceship photographed by the NOAA satellite actually look like if it´s craters were all uniform and rigid and not natural?

It´d look like a spaceship does if it´s as if it´s being shown the way it´d look like inside out.

Much in accordance with recent talk about the Moon Moon appearing as if it looks like it´s inside out.

Yet anybody who does look at the Moon Moon notices that it does not look like it´s inside out.

It looks blue - and it looks like it´s a hologram, and the projections of the Moon Moon that don´t look like they´re being hologram - look like balloons which have been positioned in the atmosphere and designed to spend long hours of time there - with the baloon sails being so close behind them, that it´d be nearly impossible to detect the sails - unless you´d see them from the ground, which I feel I have seen when I have viewed the Moon Moon as it often appears over the Icelandic landscape.

It appears like a Mogul type weather balloon whose enormous sail can be noticed in the form of a transparent aura which can be seen right behind it´s back - furthermore, sail is barely visible.

The Moon Moon I have seen looks like and feels like as if it´s in the atmosphere - much like a Moon Moon a man videotaped on youtube.com who could notice orbs forming around and near it, and felt like they were making it or placing it somehow in orbit - while he noted on the bluish colour that was all over it, taking out any possibility that could have been a natural moon.

Here is a rather nice brillo drawing I made of the Moon Moon. This is the Moon as I and you have been told by the Establishment. But if this is really the Moon - then as I have asked in Sinister Moon II, where the hell is it´s shadow?

Another major misunderstanding about the Moon Moon, is that it´s an American concept.

Well actually it´s a Nordic concept, based on the son of the Nordic God or Deity Thor, and his wife, Earth, called Máni, or Moon.

Máni would be translated later into Moon, and used to establish the Moon Moon symbolism shortly before the Appollo space programmes began.

Interestingly, most nations and societies around the world symbolized the Moon as a female energy, yet in ancient Iceland and Norway, the Moon was seen as a male energy.

Máni in Northern Europe during the Viking Era would thus be perceived to be the result of a sexual union between male and female energy, the sexual energies of Thor, and Earth.

Now, here is the NOAA ´Moon UFO´again from Part II........

Notice the dissimilarity........

8110239087?profile=originalNote that it looks like as if, if this was the Moon, it´d be inside out. Notice it´s portholes - just like craters would look like if they´d be all even and have no uneven edges, and if it was not a natural sattelliteNow I made this drawing of this same ship


Are people now beginning to get the picture?

People have often talked about Spaceship Earth, but now they have begun to talk a lot about Spaceship Moon in places like Britain although they´ve done that earlier times elsewhere around the world, often when it was harder to do that than it is now.

Even so, David Icke and Neil Hague want us to believe that the Moon Moon is a physically real object, which is actually a spaceship, whose enormous shadow, if it would be as big and as volumous as it is, and if it would be slightly larger or smaller than Pluto, could cover a portion of a continent, or even in this case - a large part, perhaps the whole of Australia.

An object that large would cause natural disasters on a global scale which would probably result in the annihilation of all life on this planet´s surface.

So it can definately not be the case that the Moon Moon is deceiving you - to be able to do that, it´d have to be there in the first place.

But it can make sense and it can be the case if you´ve actually never or very rarely, if you ever have, seen the real Moon, and by that I am referring to the NOAA UFO image.

Ask yourself - why does the United States military punish a highly credible computer programmer for observing photographs taken of precicely this object?

And why is it done on the ground that it´d be of ´national security significance?´

Why is he given a term near life sentence?

That´s right - I´m talking about the famous Gary Mc. Kinnon case in ways that have not been explored by the mainstream media.

Think Neil Hague does not want you to think the Moon Moon is deceiving you? Think again.....

Here are a few samples of Neil Hague´s now famous and beautiful Moon illustrations.......Neil Hague symbolizes the Moon as a woman with her eyes closed while she unleashes harmful energies all over to deceive people into closing their spiritual eyes and spiritual ears to live in what´s now called a Moonopoly.

8110242067?profile=originalThe Earth - Moon realationship (copyright; Neil Hague).

Notice how the woman and the snake on the picture cojoin to send the ´Negative Vibes´from the Moon Moon. But notice how ridiculously large this Moon Moon is - and compare it with ´Gary Mc. Kinnon´s Moon´. Are you beginning to realize now why the U.S. military and NASA got supposedly so worried over Gary Mc. Kinnon that ´despite we know UFO´s and aliens don´t exist or haven´t visited Earth we had to detain him because he´s a threat to national security´and why Obama has supported his imprisonment? This is why. It does indeed make sense to me that the large NOAA UFO has people living on board it or inside it. It makes sense to me how it could have been possible to create pictures of it during the early stages of the space programme in the 20th century with the use of infrared technology and withold these pictures from the people of the world, then paint and repaint them on balloons and create large ball - shaped objects which could be used in movie studios and whose surfaces could be painted on to make them look like that of the Moon Moon - that thingy Neil Hague painted.

Notice also that in Neil Hague´s picture, the Moon Moon casts no shadow!!!!

So I´m not the only one on this planet believing that the Moon Moon casts no shadow - Neil Hague is in agreement with me and he either knows and isn´t telling, or he doesn´t know. The trick Neil chooses to do is to let the Moon Moon be so close to the Earth´s atmosphere that you´ll feel it is there, and that it´s casting the shadow on the left part of the picture further than can be actually seen on the picture.

In almost all artistic depictions of the Earth - Moon relationship, the Moon is in a perspective relationship with the Earth. In reality, the Moon is in no such relationship with the Earth - and if it is, then the kind of perspective we´d be talking about would be one based on a deception of a perspective, as in when you put a hologram into the room and explain to everyone how deceptively realistic it looks.

8110241698?profile=originalHere you can notice how the Moon Moon casts´s it´s moonlight over the surface. This would be only so true, if the Moon Moon was a natural satellite, or if it was a UFO. Or if it was something else capable of projecting such an amount of light upon that particular spot. Now what is missing on this Moon picture? Again, if the Moon Moon was really a natural satellite, there´d be nothing missing would it? Oh, I thought I saw a moonlight appearing on the surface on that photo! I didn´t! I didn´t see a moonlight! That tells me that Moon Moon thingy isn´t doing what it´s supposed to be doing, if it was a natural satellite!!!!

8110242261?profile=originalYet interestingly, this Moon Moon thingy on that photograph does reflect it´s light in the clouds, as if it was in the Earth´s atmosphere.

It is in other words casting no light whatsoever on the surface, which means ergo, there is no such thing as ´moonlight´on Earth - that´s just something people want to be there.


Here is the Moon Moon caught again - on a photograph, looking and feeling as if it is casting no moonlight, and looking and feeling as if it´s so smaller than Neil Hague´s Moon, that Neil Hague´s Moon better go on a vacation to find another solar system to stay in that suits it´s enormous size.

I´d like to touch again on the subject of the Lady with the Closed Eyes on Neil Hague´s picture - she´s symbolic of Diane.

Now, look at this Diane Moon painting, with Diane again being closed - eyed....by another artist.

8110242080?profile=originalThis is a Sleeping Diane symbolist painting by Kazuya Akimoto.

There is definately something sinister about my three - part Sinister Moon. I am being dead serious when I say that I believe, that there is absolutely no such thing as moonlight, and that Earth has no natural satellite which can be termed the Moon. I do believe that Earth had natural satellites in the past, maybe 5 or even more. Are people beginning to realize now what they didn´t want Gary Mc.  Kinnon to know? I think that on some level, at least I am......unlike Gary, I don´t have to hack into somebody´s computer to find out. Don´t take my word for it, do your own research......

Interestingly there are ancient pictures and carvings that depict an object which looks very much like the NOAA UFO.

What is even more interesting is the fact that it is alleged on the www.abovetopsecret.com website, that the NOAA sattellite UFO was only visible for a few minutes, like between 2 and 3 minutes.

Here is none other than Akhnaton worshipping an object which looks exactly like the NOAA Satellite UFO. Furthermore, there are rays which end in hands which look like space elevators.......similar to the rod like things in vast numbers surrounding the craft as the craft almost sits near the Earth´s orbit......no I´m not making it up with Akhnaton worshipping what looks to me like that ship rather than the Sun.

8110242097?profile=originalIf this was actually the Sun, why is it that he´s receiving messages from the object while appeasing or worshipping it, and why is there a reptilian appearing entity behind him, followed by his two children?

It´s as if while I was watching this picture the reptilian said to me ´hey dude, notice me!´

Notice that the shadowy effect caused by this supposed Sun is almost exactly like the one which nearly swallows the craft on that NOAA Satellite photo. Something tells me that this craft looks like the Moon is supposed to look like as opposed to the Sun.

Is this why the priests felt offended due to the images of Akhenaton?

What if the ability of the NOAA´s satellite to photograph the UFO made it possible for the craft to be visible for the exact amount of time it was being photographed - in other words, caused the craft to decloak because it affected it´s decloaking equipment?



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