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The world is witnessing a regime change bigger than the fall of the Soviet Union. This is the collapse of Khazarian Mafia rule in the West. The consequences will be felt for thousands of years into the future. This is what the public humiliation of…
"Glad you guys like these blogs. I still got 8 or 9 more of these blogs to go so plenty more good info coming. I'm surprised Sheldon's book didn't have a section on the Alpha Draconians. They are only mentioned a little bit in the Sigma Draconis…"
Roger Stone…
Next up on the Galactic Blogs will be another one of the main civilizations in the Anchara Alliance the Sigma Draconians. The Sigma Draconians at one time ruled over the Eta Draconians. The Sigma Draconians were known for their unparalleeled…
i wanna scream or slap em around a bit..i do neither...:)
As for lying......that is the ONE lesson I learned from my Mother when I got my legs switched until they bled for lying. Learned that lesson very quickly. Lying is just another form of cowardice. And, PLEASE don't lie to me to spare my "feelings". It is truly amazing to me the number of people who will lie when the Truth would better serve.
why are people so terrified of taking self~responsibility in thoughts/ words/ actions ? wouldn't it ultimately be easier, more empowering?
cedric, i like your line, "but inner language the real language we are supposed to be speaking is totally not present in most persons.." the darnest thing is, i've always spoken THAT language (& i tone it down tremendously) ! the response to my directness, and lack of having an underlying motive has so frequently has been anger, & people feel challenged by me. i mean, i'm not the buddah, and believe me, everytime i get in my car & try to navigate my way around SF, i lose about 5,000 karmic points with the words that fly from my lips, lol! :0/ i guess i'm saying, it's not easy to be a truth~sayer; keeping in mind that there are a multitude of truths for each individual thing!
to be "right" is not always to be popular, and i mean "right" not in the ego~based~my~way~or~the~highway kind of way, but in the GOOD INTENTIONS, HUMBLE, PATIENT, LOVING, UNIVERSAL LAW OF COMPASSIONATE KINDNESS kind of "right" way. it kinda goes back to the idea that not everyone is READY or willing to accept anything out of their own mental/emotional/spiritua/theological comfort zone (yet). this has always been the case~ i mean look what "they" did to JC! MLK Jr., JFK, etc. (the list is too long!) you know, the whole "you can take the horse to water, but.." thing.
there is so much subtext & false intention behind many peoples words & actions (this too, is conditioning~understand, not everyone even has the tools to speak that 'inner language'), all you can really do is persevere and be courageous, and yes, come to understand that by being true to your own truth, and trying to help other people wake up, you may alienate quite a few people~ even those closest to you.
it could be a lonely road at times... especially with that mouth of yours!! JUST KIDDING! i love your feistiness! ;0)
~sometimes i want to make a tee~shirt that says "don't take ME so personally~ in other words, just "do you", keep it real, up the good fight!~ namaste~