Smile for Ison


Smile at the moment Comet Ison reaches its perihelion.

The question was asked, what would happen if everyone on the planet smiled at the same time.
it would transform the planet was the only answer to come back.
And the only one needed. Because that is exactly what would happen if everyone smiled at the same time.
Humanity will have created a new high potential.

On November 28 at precisely18:24:57 UT, Comet Ison wll reach its perihelion, it's closest point to the sun. And with it a range of new energetic potentials for Earth and the solar system will become available.
Humanity as a collective now has the power to influence the potential that this event will afford us. A smile from as many people as possible in that moment will take advantage of the energy magnifying power of the event. And give us a shot at the more favourable potentials.
This is not a big ask. Just a smile for as long as you can bear.
Unless of course you're always smiling. in which case you're already part of the solution.
Top of the class.

Time for us to start flexing our newly acquired quantum muscles.
And use them as the maker intended.
Otherwise there's no point to the heart ache we've had to overcome to get to here.

UTC time thursday 28 Nov time - 18:24:57

Sydney time Friday 29 Nov 05:24.57

Action to be taken, the best smile you can manage. Looking up at the same time is better. Something too do with the way physiology affects the emotional state.

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  • Thanks for the smiles.


    Comet Ison.

  • 200px-RWS_Tarot_01_Magician.jpg



  • to be here at this time just  beggars belief.

    the number of astronomical synchronicities that it has been a part of in such a short space of time makes a mockery out of the law of averages.

  • works for me...

    Janet Jackson - Go Deep by hushhush112

    • And don't worry about the smile thing, the sun beat us to it....


    • Comet Ison is proof that there are intelligent, benevolent, co creative  forces at work in the universe.

      Everything about screams I AM here, by design, on time, with purpose.

  •                         & some more Multidimensional food for thought :-)


    Richard C. Hoagland - Hour 1 - Comet ISON
    November 18, 2013

    Richard C. Hoagland is a former NASA Consultant and former Science Advisor to Walter Cronkite and CBS News during the epic Apollo Missions to the Moon. He is author of two bestselling books on his 40 years of intensive research into the possibility of a former, ancient solar-system-wide high-tech civilization. He returns to discuss the fascinating symbols, rituals and mysteries surrounding Comet ISON. ISON has been billed as a potential "comet of the century," with some experts saying it could blaze as brightly as the full moon around the time of its close solar approach in late November. Richard says Comet Elenin was a forerunner of the big thing, Comet ISON. He'll address the intentional creation of "fear porn" about coming celestial bodies, which is ultimately coming from a secret religion grounded in the knowledge of how to change reality. In the member's hour, Hoagland continues on numbers and sacred mythology attached to important celestial bodies. Richard lays out how ISON is a pivotal part of the 2014 Olympics in Sochi Russia to fulfill a bigger ritual. He'll talk about how Comet ISON is a wonderful happening that can change the world for the positive. Later, we'll hear about other key dates and cultural connections connected to ISON's path.

  • Nice one Sylvain .. I checked out 222 on Doreen Virtue .. it reads ..

    222 — Have faith. Everything’s going to be all right. Don’t worry about anything, as this situation is resolving itself beautifully for everyone involved.

    .. pretty cool .....

    Comet ISON, imaged by longtime amateur astrophotograper Damian Peach in the U.K. He used a 4-inch f/5 telescope for 12 minutes of combined exposures on November 15th. Credit: Damian Peach /

  • Folks .... what IS Ison? .. in your humble opinion?

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