Like the title says, are you really open minded?
I've been here for maybe a few months now and I've read up almost every theory we have on ascension,
ET races and etc etc. I'm well aware of how to listen to my intuition and it's been sharpened since. It's yet to let me down. I am also aware of how people speak of fear, the general opinion of negative vibrations and etc.
I'm writing this to make you understand that I have done my own research, I am on my own journey and I go inside for answers (sometimes we need help though). I know myself very well and I am very well aware of what emotions I am currently experiencing. So I'd like to, before I get in to this subject, announce that I am not in a state of fear. If you reply to this topic claiming I am, I ask you to re-read my post and ask yourself if you really are psychic enough to tap in to the emotions of someone who potentially lives on the other side of the globe whom you've never met and have no emotional ties to.
I am writing this subject as a means of a mature discussion. If you feel like replying here only to quote some information from a channeling, I ask you as well to also read my subject carefully. I'm going to look at the hard facts in relation to the new age agenda, ascension, channeling and ETs. This isn't to stab at anyone, tell them they're wrong or whatever. However i'm sure most of you feel like banging your head repeatedly when someone tells you ETs or psychic phenomena can't possibly exist because it can't be explained by our current science, right? We've all had our own experiences to know differently. Then your next chain of thought is generally along the lines of "I wish people could be more open minded to look out of their box and see reality".
But what if the new age was a box too? I know people aren't going to like me saying this however I've come to a point where I like to look at the hard cold facts rather than the sugar coated ones. We're in a time where we need to be looking for the truth no matter how hard it is to swallow. It may even go against absolutely everything learnt in the new age paradigm. My question is, if this were true, would you be willing to let go of the new age? Are you really open minded enough to?
Let's look at the facts here.
Channellings can not be proven. Sure the various groups sending these messages seem to hint at wanting to prove themselves real but despite their all powerful-ness, they still haven't been able to, to date. Sure we see many many UFOs in our skies but in reality they could be anyone's. I've never seen one with a name painted on it.
We're not on the inside circle.
Absolute fact. We have no flipping idea what is really going on within the shadow government and the battles in the skies. We can only know by rumours and we know how reliable they are.
Channellings make battles a pretty thing.
I don't know if anyone else is noticed, but the picture they tend to paint is that life is all about sunshine lollipops and rainbows, and it's almost as if the battles they are engaged in aren't as horrific or painful as reality would have it.
We don't really know the GFoL.
Ok, there's going to be a lot of people here claiming to be one of their missionaries, commanders (too many on earth for them to be having such successful missions), Ashtar, Jesus etc etc. Personally I'm not inclined to believe these people because my intuition has a razor sharp alert when it comes to ego trips. That's just me, however.
Anyway fact is, the majority of us who don't lie to ourselves aren't exactly up there having tea parties with them and catching up on gossip. We've never even met them or seen face to face. Some people will claim to and probably have, but it also comes down to something else. If a stranger approached you promising sweet things, only you needed to go to his van to get them (ship), would you? This story was told to us as kids for stranger danger.
You're really going to believe absolutely everything they say because they're shiny like the dude from Twilight? My point is, if they're human just like us, (Like they claim to be) what makes them impervious to lying? Or twisting the truth just with a few fancy words?
Ok ok let's take a step back. So now you're probably reciting some channeled material in your head going something along the lines of "This person doesn't resonate with the GFoL, they must be filled
with fear and trying to spread it' Or let's try "DARKWORKER! HISSSSSS!".
So my question to you is, how do you really know all this? How are you able to take everything they say for absolute fact? Oh right let me guess, something to do with Ashtar, millions of ships, ascended masters and heaven not allowing anyone to stop it's "divine plan"? I realize not everyone wants to consider for a moment the possibility it isn't real. Because that then puts them in a state of fear. What is fear though?
Fear is bad.
Is it? We seem to have this belief that experiencing any sort of negative emotion is a very bad thing and should be buried or chucked out as soon as it it's experienced. Sort of reminiscent of 'sins' in Christianity. I used to do that and I can tell you if you don't allow yourself to experience the emotion and let it flow through you, it backfires because they're powerful emotions and they build up until they 'pop' so to speak.
It's the emotion that kicks us into our survival mode. Someone explained it better on another forum. Think of the hunt between the lion and zebra. If the zebra did not have fear, it would stand there and take whatever the lion was doing to it. However because the zebra lives in reality it has fear. It 'senses' danger and it runs like hell because it has a desire to live. If it never had fear it would have never have had the chance to live another day. So again, where's the negativity in this?
Before you go on about how fear doesn't exist in 5D, I'd like to remind you that we haven't ascended yet. How can we really call ourselves open minded when we've got these belief structures that are set in stone. We feel like we need to attack anyone who presents arguements against by calling them 'darkworkers' or 'fear spreaders' simply because we don't like pulling away from what we think we know.
How can you be spiritual when you're attacking people? When we come out of the material matrix, we're scared because we don't know what's going on. When some group comes to offer us a solution, we hang on to it with a tight grip because we want to have that sense of security where everything is going to be ok and the big boys are going to take care of it all.
Oh wait, problem and solution, does this sound familiar to anyone?
Cause problem, offer solution.
Cause 911, Offer war.
Just sayin'.
Views: 9
Stories to be told, then!
"When the winds of change blow, some build walls, and some build windmills." - Random Chinese proverb
what a weird topic of conversation. Almost not one insightful thing. Heck i could not get passed not seeing a ufo.
My gosh it is only doubt and it is when you see no ufo's.
I see them all the time i even call to them and they show up.
No channelling here when i do as all thought are always heard fromn the higher realm perspective.
Thats all i can say about that one.
I even film ufo's in the skies and i live in melbourne australia the home where once you see a ufo you shut up about it not this maori thats for sure.
Oh one more thing until you have experienced the christ consciousness because i know you don't as i have tapped into the higher realms using the christed energy wave of love i have been there and i never ever will for get that experience.
When you reach this level i am talking about then you realise how stupid human sex is.
If you know what i am talking about then not one iota of a negative feed back would you dare to relay back to me, i speak with knowingness i have been there before it is this in in realm is what we are seeking.
You must use all three of your feelings mind and belief of willing yourself to higher echelons of spiritual evolution as working hard for the service for others will get you there.
Tlk like you just gave absolutely negates the point of being on here at all.
if you want to know how far i went read this and you once achieved it will know with out a doubt of a shadow that what i know of will you speak it of to others without shame to do so.
There will be no proper higher education then the letters form the christ only ignorance will you not read these pages fromn the christ it was divine synchronicity that i accidently came to these papers and so it will you.
I love you very much, thanks for sharing yourself with us all & I look forward to to watching your progress.
On the 3D, we can be critical thinkers; however, it is often easier for many to follow instead of stopping and thinking. It is a good feeling to unravel the illusion or aspects of the illusion - to unravel the layers upon layers of maya we have accepted by existing here. Yet at times, we enjoy the illusion, we bask in it, we roll in it and we accept it and that carries good feelings too. In the end, we are all walking the same path - just different points in between, but to surrender to not-knowing, to allow the oneness and to embrace unconditional love - the indescribable - to exist, to be - everything dissolves and we are reminded of the formlessness. It's all words and abstracts of the mind, but in my heart - I feel it and I know it and there's nothing needed or nothing more to be said - it just is.
Hypothetically if "god"/universe/one is love, then our goal here is to be love, to train our minds to see experience through the filters of love (which isn't a filter at all, it is a mind state that is without filters).Everyone comes to this in different way, I do not judge others, just as I know alotof other people who are of love here like Katt do not judge, we merely talk about our own journey. It is your mind that turns it into a division, thinking that it attacks your values. Realize the reflection. The rules are only our personal truths that have us in love. We never say your truth is the same, we never say my truth is truth for all, we never label ourselves or anyone else.
I look around this site and see people clamouring to relabel themselves, you have starseeds, channellers, plaedians, indigos, blah blah blah the list goes on forever. You are none of those things, those are only words, to describe experiences that divide you. You are the universe, you are everything, you are without a label. This world is you. So in that our minds are open, they only close when you stop thinking of everyone as equals, & everyones belief as there truth. That is why i say to stop talking about other peoples truths and questioning them, and rather just take what resonates and move on.
Some "chanellers" are dubious and have been caught up in ego I am sure, but there are others who are real with there subconscious and universal truth. Think about it. Realize all the things you are going through in your mind, now realize the reaction you are getting from the mainstream world that hasn't begun to awaken yet. At first they think you are crazy, insane. That judgment came from within before it ever came from outside. So now think of how people who can channel would view themselves at the eginning of of that journey. Everyone of us coming into the awakening faced ridicule, judgment & embarassment.This is why I believe in all truths, because I can relate to that initial fear of being judged. I no longer have this fear as I am learning the more open I am with people areound me the more I am actually being praised & helping the awakening of others. The rest does not matter, the ridicule is non existant because I no longer see it that way, I feel compassion for those people, & hope they too can awaken and let go of the prison they hold onto in there mind.
One day through evolution if we do not emphasize the importance of equality, and not labelling eachother yes what we all are doing are just going to be looked at as new religion. This is not that though, calling something religion and following it strictly is part of what got us into this mess. Jesus never went around teaching Christianity, he went around teaching his own truth because he realized he was of god and so were you. Back then it was put in terms of only god and everything in the world, but now we are aware of so much more in the cosmos so we can say, you are god, I am god, we are everything. we are the universe. The only Belief you must hold, the Belief in yourself as god & the shaper of your life to know the truths that are important to you. It only turned into a religion when people lost touch with that all important message of being equal and put a label on there new found division & reason to think they were better then others. Before that it was merely a state of consciousness.
I think I rambled away from topic possibly. I gotta go to work so I will leave it their. I hope this opens some eyes, and resonates in ways.
Love & light to you Reanne I see you are on your own journey & I wish you all the happiness in the world.
P.S. You are definitely correct in talking about not holding in the emotions that are negative. They must be played out as to not hold them within. when you hold them in you do not learn from them and they infiltrate your mind & poison it. Aslong as you still see negativity in your life and it acts out as an emotion make sure you do not bury it, instead learn from it. Eventually you will come to a point when you will no longer see that negativity nor will you feel it, all will be love because you will have complete understanding.