I read this post http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/profiles/blogs/metatron-address-to-the-united-nations, it's a post on a channeling from Archangel Metatron on ascension, and I am fine with it if this is what pans out in the scheme of ascension. However it goes against what so many on here say and believe to be what will unfold between now and 2012. I wonder how most that believe in a completely different agenda will react if 2012 does just come and go and if it does take centuries to reach the type of enlightenment for the planet people are expecting in the blink of an eye.
Some are so sure their version is the right version and others oppose and believe in a completely different version of ascension altogether. I wonder if 2012 does come and go will those that are wrong in their version of events be able to even cope with the realisation that all they have studied and believed to real crumbles around them. However it may not and some might be spot on with their versions. It just makes me wonder and also real glad that I am quite open minded in respect of not allowing one set scenario to be THE scenario.
See I do believe that our thoughts and collective thoughts can change reality and what can happen so I choose to remain fluid in my belief system rather than rigid. If the world all collectively at the same time had just one positive thought that was the same for reality the strength and power and energy behind that would be immense and to me could change an outcome again. I just think nothing is set in stone, ascension might be but how we get there one set scenario? That's what I can't get my head around. Self work and leading through example, reaching out to others through love and compassion are probably far more useful at this time than rigid one way thinking. This is something I have been reflecting on lately and wondered if others are too? Love to all..:)
Louise.. if I may ask you (and anyone here) a straight forward question. What is your definition of ''First Contact?''
Hi Luke, you may ask anything you like a fair question. :) I do believe there are many other galactic races waiting to be able to make proper first contact with us as a race, but have been waiting for our vibration to be high enough for it to be done in a safe way with the majority of fear all ready removed from us to minimize the shock if you like. The way we connect and communicate will be heart to heart and through harmony love and joy. When the timing and conditions are ready and right is when I believe first contact will happen for the whole race. I know you can go aboard ships etherically now to communicate, receive training etc..and have been able to for many years.
There is a however, and that's because I feel there has to be as I know there are some of a negative nature we have to be wary of. I have had the proof of this and it is a truth to me. It need not be anything to worry about but we as lightworkers need to be able to differentiate when a vibration feels wrong in our systems or negative in it's nature. To me this is the key to going on board with any galactic race in a safe and joyful manner. I think the high light galactic beings will be a blessing for the planet when the time comes and they will teach humanity loads we as a race need to be taught.
I feel and believe though that until that day arrives we should be working our butts off ourselves for the bettering of our planet and race as a whole. Our focus should be on this and raising our vibrations always, we are told always by highly spiritual people the work is never done and this rings true to me. There is always something within, gifts and talents we can continue to develop. I know I have more self work to do on me for I am far from perfect if perfect exists. I hope this answers your question Luke, and, what's your thoughts on first contact?
I feel you Marique.................
waiting in sit just does not sound logical and smart...............what if this does not happen in a instant and large number of folks will feel total sense of disapointment which is never a good thing.
I have a friend , 89 yr old woman who is seriously sick and dying but this poor soul spends all day moaning about GFoL coming to save here from this. Nothing else matters .
so many possibilities, and everyone has "the correct info". I am aware of the consciousness awakening and the theories on timetables of the universal clockwork, but this is very much a situation that we have influence to a major degree. It is exciting to people to finally be apart of something big, something that changes the world for the better. Who has not dreamed of creating a better world at some point in their lives?
Sometimes we try to cram our new ideas into our existing schedules, because we want to be rescued, we are tired or afraid.
There has to come a point inside each of us where we let go of the concern for when and if and just spend our energy on creating that positive now, which creates that positive future, one moment at a time.
everyone here knows and feels that change is upon us, or they would not be here. If everyone that was awake employed their powers of creation then there would be no need for intervention at all. we are the keepers and guardians of this beautiful planet and we have all that we need inside of us and between us to accomplish what our hearts truly desire, or else that desire would not be there in the first place.
I myself do not wish to say in my mind this is what will happen because I heard or seen it from such and such source. I will say this is what is going to happen because I choose to hold that image of love in my heart and mind. Just as a man may choose to make of his life a hell or a heaven, so we choose how restricted we are in our calling to serve Gaia.
For this is the purpose behind this shift, Gaia and her sisters. Many starseeds would be surprised to know that they have already ascended and descended many times, to accomplish certain goals or ministry.