Whale that killed its trainer at SeaWorld 'must be stoned to death', says American religious group

ByPaul Thompson
Last updated at 3:43 PM on 04th March 2010

A whale that killed its trainer at the SeaWorld tourist attraction should be stoned to death, according to an American religious group.

The American Family Association said Biblical teachings dictate that thefive-ton killer whale Tilikum should be executed for dragging to deathtrainer Dawn Brancheau.

They also said the head trainer at the Orlando theme park where the incident  took place a week ago shouldsuffer a similar fate.


Dawn Brancheau with Tilikum the whale just moments before he pulled her into the water to her death on February 24


Brancheau with another whale in 2009

The suggestion by the national religious group is by far the most outrageous received by SeaWorld as the park ponders the future of theperforming whale who has been involved in three deaths, includinganother trainer at a theme park in 1991.

Brancheau, 40, was dragged to her death in front of horrified tourists after the malewhale had completed a performance in the 'Believe' show at SeaWorld inFlorida.

The orca grabbed hold of Brancheau's ponytail and pulled her into his 35ft tank where she drowned.

Police in Orlando this week released witness statements in which the franticefforts to save Brancheau were described by tourists and staff at theattraction.

Brancheau, one of the park's most experienced trainers, was buried earlier this week in her home town of Chicago, Illinois.

Officials at SeaWorld have rejected calls to have Tilikum, or Tilly as she wasknown by staff, euthanised or released into the wild.

Chuck Tompkins, head curator at SeaWorld, said releasing Tilly back into theocean after more than 20 years in captivity would be a certain 'deathsentence'.

The 12,000lb whale will continue to perform at SeaWorld where shows featuring the killer whales resumed at the weekend.

As a precaution until an investigation into Brancheau's death has beencompleted the trainers will not get in the water with the eight whalestaking part in the daily shows.

The American Family Association have added to the controversy by saying Tilly should be stoned to death for killing.

'If the counsel of the Judeo-Christian tradition had been followed, Tilikumwould have been put out of everyone’s misery back in 1991 and would nothave had the opportunity to claim two more human lives,' said BryanFisher on the AFA website.

'Says the ancient civil code of Israel, "When an ox gores a man or woman to death, the ox shall bestoned, and its flesh shall not be eaten."'

Fisher goes on to say that the ancient scriptures say the owner of the animal  responsible for killing must also die.

'The Scripture soberly warns, if one of your animals kills a second time because you didn’t kill it after it claimed its first humanvictim,  this time you die right along with your animal,' said Fisher.

The posting on the group's website is meant to refer to Chuck Tompkins, the curator of animals at SeaWorld.

The AFA is a conservative Christian group that promotes traditional family  values based on bible teachings.

It is pro-life and opposed to same sex marriages but also advocates the death  penalty.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1255453/SeaWorld-whale-killed-Dawn-Brancheau-stoned-death.html#ixzz0hIW4zOSI

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  • ha ha ha i laughed so hard i woke everyone up....thanks aidan anyone got any tissues not a dry eye in sight.....lol,,,,
  • Noah was a geneticists how else would you able to take so many animals on the boat seen it was a starship
    • I thought it was a wooden schip...:))...
    • hahahaha...yes...something like that... :))))
  • Yep people do take the bible a bit to seriously. I am still wondering how they got 2 pairs of all animals on a boat,saved al of them and there must of been billions of them. My mother shure believes it to be true. But maybe i am wrong and there were only a few species in those days...as for religious loving people i still get surprised of their lack of real love. These whales are in a invironment they were not made for,look at all the nut cases in jail.
  • Did not jesus say, who is without sin cast the first stone. That means even Jesus was subjugated to this......?
  • lol... what else you would expect from religious groups....
    we are soooooooo primitive...... HUMAN STUPIDITY shows again its ugly face!!!
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