So, What Does One Do?



i have 2 amazing sons and another "adopted" son.  however, the one i am writing about today is 15 years old, going on 25.  he has always presented a challenge for my ex-husband and i, but recently it has begun to take a toll.  the long-and-the-short of it is that he makes a choice every day, to be miserable.  there are many reasons for this and we have exhausted our intellect, creativity and savings trying to provide him with every kind of support imaginable.  but still, he chooses to embrace low vibrational behaviors and is resistent to anything that might introduce more light into his life.  i love him unconditionally, but that doesn't necessisarily make it easy to be around him.  we do sometimes have absolutely wonderful, thought provoking discussions, but those are far outnumbered by his complaints and explosive outbursts.  this child is very much like i was as a child, so i can easily relate to many of his issues and i recognize that he will have to find his own path.  but in the meantime, i think i may lose my mind.  (i tell him that cubs like him are the reason some mother lions eat their

i understand that, as our own vibrational frequency rises, often we find that many of our friends will change (as in, persue a course that is different from ours).  however, my question would be about what happens when our children persue a different course.

Has anyone else encountered this?


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  •      I have never had any children of my own, so maybe it isn't my right to say.

    However, I can speak for myself because I was that rebelious child. I had no one to support me though.

    Why, I wish my mother and father loved me the way you love your children. In my case, as a victim of abuse, my parentts were at fault. .I feel as though I'm not listening to the whole story, but ask him what he really wants? My parents never asked me what I wanted when all the answer was just to be loved and cared about. I just was so angry and full of hate that I couldn't even tell that they just didn't know how.

    • thank you for your input fantasy. 

      i have asked him and his answers often change.  however, what seems to be at the root of it all is that he thinks he is smart enough and wise enough to be in charge of his own life.  i try to give him some freedom and latitude, but he continues to make "immoral" (i use that word for convenience, not judgement) and dangerous decisions.  when i try to offer suggestions with regard to looking for the gift in his perceived hardships (yep, we have some, but we are much more fortunate than most of humanity), he tells me he won't accept that and continues to rail against even the most reasonable boundries (like not driving my car without a license, not getting drunk, going to school, etc).

      i try to shine my light on him, but he just absorbs it and hasn't yet started to even reflect mine, let alone shine any to speak of  his own.

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