This is directly from my higher self, Reikara Eiskel as I'm known "up there". Who I am or where I came from is completely irrelevant. I used specific terminology in this message, as my ability to know who I am "up there" makes me no higher or no lesser than any other being . I still share the same equal status as all else.
"A call to all self proclaimed Light Beings, Light Workers, Messiahs, Angels, ETs, Gods, Indigos, Crystals, Dragones, Elementals, Blue Rays, Rainbow Beings etc to re-evaluate what it means to be "spiritual", "enlightened", or the responsibilities the titles and statuses they claim to own, actually carry. This is entirely rhetorical, I encourage everyone to ask themselves what it really means to be what we claim we are. Do we really act accordingly to our title or status?
Anyone can claim to be spiritual or enlightened, but how many of them actually ever step back, and think for a moment, what it actually means to be so. Buddhist Monks spend years and years of trials and tests to achieve the levels of enlightenment that allow them to exist solely off the energy that surrounds their bodies, instead of having to attend to third density bodily needs. So why do we think that boasting around a spiritual title instantly bestows upon us something we never worked for? We never put ourselves through such tests and we never re-evaluate how we treat people who choose to follow different paths to us.
We think that owning a spiritual label instantly clears us of all our karma and makes us beings of purity and perfecting, incapable of ever doing or being 'wrong'. Then we happily pass down our judgement to those who follow "lower" or "darker" paths. But.. lower and darker according to 'whom'? Us? Doesn't the above contradict itself? Or do we not like being told we are wrong, because owning our light labels means we can't be, according to 'us'? Did it ever occur to 'us' that the ones we judge, those who follow different spiritual paths, or materialist ones, have a reason for what they believe? That from their perspective, perhaps, they see us as 'wrong'?
We know we don't like being told we are wrong. So why do we do it to others? Because we are 'righteous'? What use is it to us, to create such division among ourselves, when we preach 'oneness'? Aren't we being hypocritical in that? But we think we are 'righteous'. Does it hurt us so much, that others choose other paths? Does it really affect and threaten our own way of life so much that we must absolutely prove to them that they are 'wrong', simply because we are 'right', because we believe so? What use is it to cause fighting amongst the ranks of those who have the common underlying purpose of freedom, and a desire to be loved, when we are still struggling to free ourselves from our captors?
Are we truly unified in purpose when we still argue who must die or suffer, for whatever reason, because of our own beliefs over certain issues, when it is not even our place to decide over another soul's karma or life path? What good do we really think comes of this, when we do it knowing it only causes a reaction from those we argue and judge against, and causes more separation amongst our ranks in the face of a common enemy? How can we consider ourselves as 'love and light', when we are killing and hating each other in the name of enlightenment, gods and spirituality?
Thank you James, I enjoyed that read very much. I feel the same way.
Light Workers have already been given their assignments...and agreed to them...and are already carrying them out.
Confusion about, or advice concerning responsibilities, is futile, as ones purpose is the decision to assist has already been made and defined before arrival at Birth, or as Walk In..or as i call it Stumble In...
If one is utilizing negativity as a tool...they are most likely confused about their lite worker status.
This is a true lightworker for me:
Fee Fie Fo Furkle
Is this all just a Vicious Circle? :)
I agree with you, indigo1955. Despite viewing myself as a light worker, I never, for one moment, thought that I was this perfect, pure being, free of karma, who could do no wrong. If that were the case, I wouldn't even be on this Earth, we are all here because we still have lessons to learn in soul growth. I am highly aware of my imperfections, and what lessons I still need to work on. Impatience with others, and myself, being at the top of the list.
I honestly don't think there are many light workers at all who view themselves as perfect. One of the main problems we, as humans, face is we are too hard on ourselves. I feel most of us are actually far better than we give ourselves credit for. We are just taught to believe that we are these lowly beings, or born sinners, or that we aren't worthy of love and respect because of this or that reason, we take these beliefs on, and draw to us experiences which match that vibration, so we can transmute that flawed belief and evolve to a higher vibration. That is soul growth. And, in all honesty, all of us still have soul growth to do, or we would be ascended already.
Then again Im sure we can all use a lesson in being humble.
It's like I say, if you were to actually "get to know" the people you say "act" like they are better than others because of their "Spirituality" you may even like them... and understand where they are coming from.
That is if you were interested in actually getting to know them on a deeper level...