The Solar Return horoscope often gives one a faint idea of what the next year may look like in terms of events and possibilities. I have noticed the solar return horoscope to be accurate in subtle ways, but not in major ways. I remembered I had a solar return that featured Jupiter Opposition Sun, and during that year I decided to leave my job after eight years (and nope, I didn't win the lottery or inherit a bunch of money).
Hillary Clinton's Solar Return 2016
Hillary Clinton's horoscope has a similar Jupiter "lucky" transit with Pluto Semi-square Jupiter (circled in yellow-green). With Pluto transiting her 2nd House at this time, this may indicate good luck in terms money. Note that she recently transferred $1.8 billion to Qatar from the Clinton Foundation; it is rumored that Obama may have holdings there as well. The Mercury Semi-sextile Jupiter transit is also strong, suggesting "good news." The problem is that communications-based Mercury has entered her 12th House, and while this transit with Jupiter is good for "intelligence gathering" (especially regarding "the law" (Jupiter)), Mercury usually doesn't operate well when transiting the 12th House. The 12th House is the house of Neptune, and Neptune can fool you.
The big concern for Hillary going into the election is the Jupiter Conjunct Neptune transit, which will be exact on November 1, 2016, one week before election. Robert Hand writes that this transit can usually "develop a feeling of false happiness." Donald Trump had his Jupiter Conjunct Neptune during the first debate, and he was feeling good until he was "ambushed" via the debate moderator (who interrupted him over 30 times; Hillary Clinton was interrupted by the moderator 5 times). This turned the debate around in favor of Hillary Clinton (a few times) along with a change in her appearance with improved health (despite reports that her health wasn't good). This 1st debate was viewed by many as a dead heat as opposed to a victory by Trump.
Another concern for Hillary are the two trine transits involving Saturn, and these transits get very strong as the election gets near. Saturn Trine Mars (circled in red) is good for hard work requiring concentration skills. But the problem with all Saturn / Mars transits is that they can also make you tired or make you feel exhausted and wanting to rest a lot or take a lot of breaks.
Hillary herself has admitted that she has been taking a lot of naps recently. This may affect her campaign in a negative way; politicians have to make frequent public appearances to attract support. Proof of this being a potential problem for her is that her VP candidate Kaine was in Florida campaigning for her (with a reported gathering of 30-40 people) while Trump was attacking her in the same state of Florida at the same time (with a gathering of 20,000 people). Hillary should have been there to defend herself and attack Trump, and she wasn't. Her VP selection was doing this instead, and many believed that he lost his debate with Trump's VP selection (Mike Pence) and that he also appeared rude (since he interrupted Pence 70 times).
The other transit involving Saturn is Uranus Trine Saturn. This transit (according to Robert Hand) can define improvement and success with "learning to understand and respect your limitations." This transit can also define a promotion in certain cases according to Hand. But the problem is that with the transit of Jupiter Conjunct Neptune taking place at the same time, there is a possibility of speculation if one is seeking a promotion with this Uranus Trine Saturn transit. And also note that just as Saturn and Mars are old enemies of the zodiac, Saturn and Uranus are equally not social with each other. Alfred Witte defined the midpoint of Saturn / Uranus as "an argument."
The most significant transit to watch for with Hillary Clinton's Solar Return is the Jupiter Conjunct Neptune transit. This will take place on November 1, 2016.
Note that another aspect of this Jupiter Conjunct Neptune transit is financial speculation (or simply speculation), and according to Robert Hand this transit is associated with "taking risks with limited resources, often with disastrous results." Clinton does not have "limited resources" (as she clearly has more financial resources for political campaign purposes compared to Trump), but she is relying almost entirely on the mainstream media for her promotion. And with Trump attacking Clinton (as he makes many frequent and different campaign stops at key "battle ground" states that may decide this election), it is fair to say that Hillary Clinton is "speculating" that tremendous use of the airwaves for her promotion will help her win (as opposed to making public appearances and attacking her opponent). She has to go beyond the debates for appearances, or the public may lose interest in her. There is also the possibility that the public may start to dislike her if the airwaves constantly repeat the same message over and over again, since there is a current massive distrust of the mainstream media at this time.
Thanks for reading.
Love to all,