Blessings of Joy and Peace Within radiant one, Happy New Moon.
    I have received a few emails off people wondering if I had disappeared as I have not sent a newsletter for 2 months. Well I almost disappeared in a sand storm at Lake Pyramid, Nevada USA for the Solar Eclipse 20th May that was aligned with the Central Sun Alycone. I was invited to take workshops at the Synopsis Gathering there for the eclipse which we viewed on the most still and beautiful sunny day of the actual eclipse. But before that it had been pretty windy, cold and dusty. The gathering was created in the desert at the lake as it was the path of the eclipse and there were 9000 people who came. With amazing stages and incredible musicians who came from all over the world. Wonderful workshop and seminar facilitators and spectacular art and stages that almost got completely destroyed a few days before the start of the gathering with 80 mile dust storm winds.
    Those who were there for it told me they thought they were going to die and even a food vendor truck got lifted up off the ground. Most of the stages and domes were destroyed so it had to be recreated again very fast. I arrived at the start of the gathering in 40 mile dust storm and after long haul flight I was amused by what I had arrived into as the beautiful souls there helped me put my tent up and anchor it with eight great big rocks. Needless to say I had an amazing time at the lake which was a light city with golden solar and silver disc. I then went to Mt Shasta to see friends and to Crater Lake in Oregon which was such an incredible vortex and Greater Central Sun anchor point.
    I then went to Mexico and had a group of seven beautiful souls with me for the Lunar Eclipse at Tepotzlan south of Mexico City and a very multi-d place and pyramid. We were at Monte Alban at Oaxaca for the Venus Transit that was so awesome and heart opening and the Solstice at Becan, Calakmul and other amazing sites in the jungle on the border with Guatemala. I had another two weeks on my own in the Yucatan and back at Teotihuacán getting downloaded even more if that’s possible, and having such wonderful light experiences at those amazing pyramids.

     I will get round to writing it all up, 60 A4 pages in my diary but just want to share with you now the two days that we were at Calakmul, huge pyramid site that the Mayan Government say they have information about the Mayan Calendar and the extraterrestrial links. They are supposed to be releasing this information for humanity this year. We were there for the two days just before the Solstice, for the exact time of the Solstice we were at the top of the pyramid of the Sun at Becan the place I had had my initiation in 1995.

      We had to drive for two hours to get to the site of Calakmul from our hotel at Xpuhil and most of that was down a narrow road with trees over hanging and all over the road. I had warned everyone about the mosquitos as I had been there the same time in 2008 and they had been thick. This time they were bad but not so horrendous and when we spoke to the Deva of the mosquitos and loved them they mostly left us alone. That was necessary as my natural insect repellent did not really work and I did not want to use chemicals all over my skin.
     The first place we were guided to was the Jaguar Temple and we went to the top next to the great stele, I knew this was a Light Ship doorway and place of merging worlds with a great Light City through the landscape. I got everyone to jaguartemcalakmul.jpgchoose from bits of paper with multi-d aspects on them what their aspect was for the work here. There were lots of different aspects and I asked everyone to put their aspect back into the hat and then onto the next one to choose so everyone had a chance at all aspects. Of course they were all appropriate and we had an Angel, a High Priestess/Priest, Earth/Star Walker, Serpent Wo/man, Shaman, Fairy Queen/King, Code Keeper and I choose the Gate Keeper. As we connected and the doorway opened, the Lightship was not the usual Galactic Federation kind but one from the Galactic Core and future Earth. Ten thousand years into the so called future, really just a higher dimensional realm where we had come from to be of service now, as our past needed healing and balancing. As we went through the doorway we collected light codes from our so called future selves and brought them through into our lives now for our service work. In whatever form that took and to assist humanity to raise their consciousness and move out of the illusion and duality dramas, that are just about at full self destruct mode. This time instead of going deeper into the fear we are moving from our love through the doorway of our heart into the Golden Cycle.
     The energy was very strong and intense and we then used the sound codes and light from the mandalas of the “Activation of DNA at dense structural levels” from my Light Code Activation book to get our body and energy field even clearer to hold the higher frequency light coming through. I guided everyone into their star and planet chakras and merging our frequency with the unified self through the universe and body all one. The stars and planets through us and our transparent selves brought in the Light City there as the worlds and dimensions merged. As this happened I not only saw it, but heard a clunk sound as they all fell into place. The energy was so high frequency I had to lie down with my head to the stele, the others were already lying down as we were being downloaded and taken through the worlds within worlds, as we lay and enjoyed the high frequency light illuminating us. Often there is not a lot of conscious awareness at the time of what is occurring but these high frequency light codes are rearranging our molecules. Aligning us through the Suns within and awakening our Divine Blueprint as we start to remember even more our own soul story, our service here with love, and the bigger picture story that we are part of and have created, and still creating as Creator Goddess/Gods.
     After we were able to move and get up we went to the base of the temple and had our picnic lunch of tortillas or tostadas with avocado, tomatoes, tuna, lettuce or whatever each person had brought with them. We needed the physical energy as we had burnt up a lot of energy with our journey through the Lightcity and dimensional worlds. We then followed the track past a small lake in the jungle, with thick jungle on the sides of the track and butterflies and small birds dancing around us until we came into the Grand Plaza. With pyramid temples at both ends, in the north is the Moon pyramid and to the south the great Pyramid of the Sun (Structure 11) with another pyramid behind it, making it into a huge double levelled pyramid. For now we were guided over to the western pyramid with its steles at the front that we connected to and then walked up the steps to the temple. Finding our spots to sit we attuned to the energies and spoke in light language about the codings that were brought from Atlantis.
     A great rod was brought here by sea with sacred codings that were held by the Atlantean’s and that came originally from the first cycle and here at Calakmul was the last time it was used. The Mayans knew how to use it but it went into the higher dimensions with them when they moved into Light. The vortex here had been and still was in the higher dimensions, an Antares doorway through the Earth from the Andromedan Galaxy, Lyra, the Pleiades and Sirius. This doorway had been used by Star Beings to incubate and acclimatise to gravity in the lower realms, to bring in the light codes for the transition.

calapysun.jpg    We then walked to the southern end of the Grand Plaza and just behind the southern temple is the great Sun pyramid, Structure 11, with doorways into the pyramid on both sides of the first level. There were men working in one of the doorways and tunnels and we were not allowed to go in. So we kept climbing up the pyramid and at the top we could see the pyramid behind it, the double pyramid even higher. With view across the tree studded Plaza to calasuntomoon.jpgthe Moon pyramid and to the east across the jungle to Structure 1, another huge pyramid that was a great dimensional doorway.
   Sitting up the top of the pyramid we were way above the mossies with a light breeze and I guided everyone deep into their centre and through the stillness into their more unified dimensional aspects. We accessed the Pleiadians who had come here and I saw on the inner a Golden Sphere that they had been left here which was in the physical. I knew it would only be found if it was time for humanity to utilise it from love, not a government hiding it or misusing it.
   By the time we had finished it was time to walk out of the site as it was close to closing time, we had to get down the top pyramid, then its large base and through the Grand Plaza and the jungle track for some time until we could get out to the carpark.
    The next day we arrived earlier as there was still a lot to connect with and really one could spend days or weeks at Calakmul, it was so big physically and energetically. We went straight to a very small temple the next morning with beautiful stele in front of it that looked nothing compared to the great pyramids and temples with lines of stele in front of them, but I knew this temple to be a good disguise and the Golden Sphere was under it in the Earth.   
calagoldensphere18th.jpg      We each took turns to walk up and connect to the stele first and step through the doorway and through the stars. I saw my connection from the Source direct to Earth and my essence here in a body and the holograms I had created, and imprints I had taken on through world and dimensions. Then we enter into the temple and sat down as I guided everyone through the etheric pyramids there on the inner planes and the five levels of the pyramid for realisations and healing. Working from the denser third dimensional body and then through the etheric, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. At each level we connected to the Golden Sphere that worked through our hearts and is a beautiful gift to assist all humanity to become aware and heal. The Golden Sphere got stronger and stronger within our hearts and was placed at the vortex here at the inception of time and space on Earth. We were here on the Gemini New Moon that heralds the return of the Pleiades and is the Maori New Year. The Pleiadians had put the sphere there in the first place and here we were at the return of the stellar doorway as the Golden Sphere glowed brightly, doing its job of assisting humanity to be whole and healed.

     The energy of the sphere was buzzing through our hearts and being and it took some time before we were ready to move. You can connect to the Golden Sphere as well, it’s for all humanity to assist you to heal and unify for the great shift in cycle. To have an open heart and to move through into the higher dimensional Earth and your new life as the being you truly are, still in a physical body, as you fully integrate spirit and matter.
    We walked over the plaza to the south and sat and had lunch and refuelled again, even though we still need some food, I am sure you have noticed how much less you need now days as we are becoming lighter. Then we walked behind the great double pyramid of the Sun and along more jungle tracks to the huge pyramid to the east Structure 1. The energy at the Golden Sphere temple was pretty intense and I for one was feeling pretty tired as I was integrating like crazy. So by the time I had climbed right up to the very top of the pyramid with amazing views over to the Sun and Moon pyramids seen just above the tree tops, I had to lie down for awhile and rest. It was still not the right timing so we all had time to take in the view and rest and integrate for awhile before the next blast of light and cosmic energies.                        
     At the right timing we went down one level to the platform with a great stele on it and the energies were on again as the dimensional doorway opened. Aware of ourselves in the other dimensions and layers of creation and again just had to rest and absorb all the coding's and energies, with realisations of much inner healing and letting go old patterns that was a follow on from the Golden Sphere. The doorway is open to all humanity and from this amazing site so much has been anchored from not only the Pleiadians and the Golden Sphere, but from the other star lineages from times before these pyramids were even built.
   It was then free time and my inner self told me to go back to the Grand Plaza and up to the Moon pyramid first to receive the energies. Then I went along a path to a beautiful smaller temple pyramid that was away from all the others, it had been calling me. So with honour and respect I climbed up it and then walked around the top and at the back of it, it opened out to a whole other world with another great plaza and pyramid temples on all sides!
calaballcourt.jpg     It was where I had tried to take the group earlier in the day to the Ball Court, but had been blocked as the archaeologists were investigating some temples on its way, with barbed wire all around to stop anyone entering.
    I had been lead to another way in, I could not call the others as they were all off on their own adventures and connections and it was getting close to closing time. I walked over to the Ball Court and sat in the centre in the interstellar dust cloud doorway and was told on the inner I would write more about the Galactic Centre as things are changing fast there now. I know I will be back as there is so much more to investigate. The Ball Court there had very subtle energy, at Tula outside Mexico City, the Ball Court there was very on and we did a lot of work, but this one held codes of light that were needing to be awakened now for the next step we are taking as Earth/Star Walkers in our fifth dimensional bodies and through the Galactic Core.

     For those that want to experience the December Solstice at the Crown Chakra of the New Earth, Mt Titiroa and Lake Manapouri, Milford Sound and Mt Cook, South Island New Zealand then information is below as well as the latest cosmic events. I have just got August Cosmic Events written up.
     For those in Perth, Adelaide and Melbourne I am taking workshops in end October and November and will email details next week.
     More people are starting to switch into the light and below also are my books, mandalas and DVD if you wish to use these gifts as a pathway to your divine self.

See you in the dancing light of our hearts delight.
In the One Heart Love Soluntra

Soluntra King


PROCYON CONJUNCT THE SUN  19th JULY   25 degrees Cancer
This means Procyon is sighted before the Sun on this day. Procyon is the brightest star in Canis Minor. In Greek Procyon means ‘before the dog’ as Canis Major and Minor are the two dogs of Orion the hunter and Procyon is sighted before Sirius, the big dog constellation, Procyon being the small dog. The star essence   I made is "Blessed are you, oh one of the Light for you are free to Dance in Eternal Delight.' “I AM DIVINE INTERVENTION”.
MAYAN CALENDAR DAY; 5 (centre, core purpose, acceptance) RED (East - electrifies, initiates) SERPENT- CHICCHAN (life force, serpent power, intimacy, instinct)

JULY 19th   NEW MOON IN CANCER 26.54 Degrees  
 NZ 4.24pm  AUST EST 2.24pm GMT/UT 4.24am
The New Moon is always the time to go within, to the inner planes and parts of us that are hidden, it is also the seed of the new beginning.  The Moon and Sun are one at a New Moon so it is a powerful time of union on all levels and with the inner male and female also.
In Cancer there is awareness of nurturing and holding dear to your heart yourself in all ways and so all others. Spend time on looking at ways to nurture yourself and your environment kindly and lovingly. Utilising your compassion and kindness for all in your life especially children, those less fortunate and animals, insects, birds, plants, all creation. Give yourself time to nurture you also and spend time going within in this New Moon to rest and revitalise, regroup and relax. The Cancer energies are asking of us to be open to the joy of the unconditional love that nurtures
and connects us all. With the new energies to go within and focus on what you are creating and wish to create in the higher dimensional Earth, that is formed through your love and focus, and grounded now as this doorway from the higher realms illuminates your heart.  No longer able to hold onto the attachments we have used to make us feel secure, there is now so much Liquid Light Plasma moving through our energy systems that we can let go on a physical, emotional, mental, spiritual  level the old attachments and hooks that have kept us trapped in  the webs of our own fears and control.
MAYAN CALENDAR DAY; 5 (centre, core purpose, acceptance) RED (East - electrifies, initiates) SERPENT- CHICCHAN (life force, serpent power, intimacy, instinct)

The Delta Aquarids can produce about 20 meteors per hour at their peak. The shower usually peaks on July 28 & 29, but some meteors can also be seen from July 18 - August 18. The radiant point for this shower will be in the constellation Aquarius. The near first quarter moon will set shortly after midnight, leaving dark skies for what should be a good show. Best viewing is usually to the east after midnight.
MAYAN CALENDAR DAY 28th JULY; 1 (unity, unconditional love, new beginnings)   WHITE (North - refines, detached) JAGUAR - IX  (shaman/magician, timelessness, divine will, integrity)
MAYAN CALENDAR DAY 29th JULY; 2 (polarize, co-operation, challenge of duality)  BLUE (West - energise, transforms) EAGLE - MEN (vision, hope, compassionate service, expanded consciousness)

On July 2nd 2007 I was at Tirparappu Waterfall, Galactic Centre cross over point at the platform over the river just before the falls and Shiva Temple, place of Galactic Centre cross over point. I was guided to this place in October 2006 at the time of the awakening of the new Light Matrix Grid, and the cross over point anchored on the earth plane here. Returning with the group who had come with me up to Ladakh for the Tenth Gate, and then down to South India to Kanyakumari the very bottom tip of the continent and the falls not far away. We experienced the doorway opening and the energies flowing from the Galactic Centre to Inner Earth, through the cross over point and Inner Earth Sun one. Now that the connection has been made the doorway is open for all who choose and today the energies are supporting this. This doorway also opened March 12th and December 13th 2008 and now its opening again at this crucial transition time. Now the Inner Earth Sun has shifted its frequency with the beginning of the Universal Underworld March 9th 2011 we are experiencing lots of downloads of the new light codes and our heart centre is opening more fully, as we embrace the oneness we are with all others and creation. The collective consciousness of humanity has had enough of the old paradigm and old fear based matrix.
 The Inner Earth and Inner Earth Sun are so important now as we connect deep within ourself and become one with the Inner Earth and centre of the Galaxy, the energies are aligning and merging through all our bodies, Earths and this Solar System and Galaxy....
The Inner Earth has been a place that we have been aware of from theories of Hollow Earth to the last of Lemuria living in the Inner Earth holding a higher energy and many other stories including the Serpents and Dragon people within the Earth, so many dimensions.
Here is a link to an article on the Inner Earth by me and a link of Seldian Nidles Lemurian connection of Inner Earth
The Beings in the Inner Earth wish for you to become aware more fully of the Inner Earth Sun, this Sun is so important to us now as we connect deeper into the Sun within us, so too do we connect deeper into the Sun within the Earth. Through our connection to the Inner Earth Sun and Sun within us we merge them to create the Earthsun Body that connects our physical body and all our energy bodies with those of the Earth, assisting us to be clear and holding the higher energies.
 From the Tulum in the Yucatan Peninsular, Mexico at the vortex there I was told by the Inner Earth Sun; ”Beloved you connected with me ALTZELTEL the Sun in the centre of the Earth, code keeper of the New Earth that has been held by me for five cycles of the Earths spin. Now I have come up for the New Earth. The codes are set to fully go off when the world is in the darkest hour".
 From Pena Del Bernal in central Mexico the Toltec Guardian comes to me, he wants to tell me much of the Toltec ways; "The Sun and Moon are not the most important, the Second Sun is in our awareness and we honour it also with the Earth and the beings of the Inner Earth. We come from the star that became one with the Sun and created the Sun in the Earth. The Sun in the Inner Earth world and is more brilliant and radiant. We come from this star and returned to it. The Mayans, us and others did not go to the stars but the Inner Earth. Your job now is working with the Inner Earth and that aspect of you that is of the Inner Earth, for that is what you are and where you are going, the Inner Earth is the New Earth."
 The Inner Earth's magnetic core and Sun stabilises the universal electromagnetic energy as well as our Earth's, when the energy becomes less at the core then the tectonic plates shift and volcanoes explode to create more energy at the core of the Earth and Inner Sun to maintain harmony with the Universe. At this time for us to assist in the shift in cycle and the earth changes to be harmonious for all then the Fire Keepers are now called on to remember their mission, if not already, and to work with the Fire in order to feed this element back into the core of the Earth. In ancient times Fire Keepers were necessary and knew what was going on with the Earth and our place in the Universe, as the stars were aligned with the vortexes of the Earth.
  Now it is time to do this again and so any fires that you have that are made in a sacred way will assist the Inner Earth Sun to become stronger and thereby keep our position in the Universe in harmony. Some of you may do Agno Hotra and some of you may often have a fire, but if you are unable to do this then a candle is sufficient as you connect to the Greater Central Sun and Central Sun and Sun and become the vessel of Light that you are as you are the conductor and transmitter of the fire and solar rays into the Inner Earth Sun.
  On this day we celebrate the Inner Earth Sun and if you feel this is right for you then go to a vortex or scared site that calls you and light a fire or candle (please respect the earth and plants and also fire bans, only do a small fire and make sure it is completely out with water or soil before you leave).
  Connect to Source through the Suns and Sun in your heart and Inner Earth Sun and do what ever sounds, rituals, dances, mudras, meditations you feel too and hold the intention that the fire energy is for the Inner Earth Sun and to maintain harmony between the inner and outer worlds, the Earth and Universe. That the Earth Changes and Cyclic Shift are created and experienced in divine will and plan with divine love, joy, peace, ease, flow, balance and harmony for all beings, dimensions and worlds.
The Galactic Centre is 26,000 Light Years from the Sun, and we are merging with it now as we come to the end of the cycle. It is the cross over point, the Void, Zero Point and our Solar System is moving through it as the end of the Mayan Calendar. As we become the Sun of our true Self (Second coming, Christ within) as our Earth becomes a Sun, illuminated from within, the Sun becomes a Central Sun, the Central Sun a Greater Central Sun, and as we unify we experience Heaven on Earth that we create through our love and divinity, all is Light.
The official thought is that the Galactic Centre is a super-massive Black Hole, a Black Hole sucks in all light and matter that comes its way, time and space and the dimensions compress, zero magnetics and the Void where all is manifest. The Galactic Centre also has a few dense stellar supper clusters that host massive stars and a collection of wispy magnetic filaments.
The Galactic Centre is at 26 degrees of Sagittarius and is just 4 degrees off the December Solstice and whenever the Sun makes a seasonal ingress it is within days/degrees of a major aspect to the Galactic Centre. Pluto the planet of transformation is conjunct the Galactic Centre now and on the June Solstice 2001 and Solar Eclipse, aligned with the Galactic Centre the Earth moved 5th dimensional.
The Galactic Centre according the Maya and many other cosmic cultures is where souls pass after death, and re-birthed, where time and space have collapsed totally and do not exist, the impulse from the Void, the universe pulses out creating life and flows in creating transformation, the cross over place. The Galactic Centre is a gateway of change. it opens us up to multi-dimensional spaces and we can access our past and future all now in holograms of light. The Galactic Centre emits massive amounts of infra red rays which activate us to remember our true radiance and light and ground it within us, we are continually stimulated by the Galactic Centre and the pulses are measured by the Mayan Calendar as our collective consciousness becomes lighter and we open up to our multi-dimensional self and body of Light. The Mayan pyramids were built expressing the levels of consciousness and the centre of the pyramid was the portal that allowed these pulses in their highest light to ground in the physical through the initiation of King/Queen/Priest/Priestess and through the grids to all humanity, now we are the initiate, the portal, the pyramid, the doorway.
We are aligning with the Galactic Centre, the Interstellar Dust Cloud as we complete the great cycle and become one with the Sun within, as we open to the codes of light that illuminate from the Sun, Central Sun, Greater Central Sun and Inner Earth Sun.
There is a pulse coming to us on this day that you may want to be open to receiving and allow yourself to be in the light waves that illuminate through the Galactic Centre from Source.
So take some time in this day to meditate within and connect to the pulse on this day, you may be surprised by the grace and gifts that come to you.

The Inner Earth beings have created a dimensional doorway that connects through the Galactic Centre and transmits the light codes from the Inner Earth to the New Earth and doorway of the new worlds that resonate with their higher dimensional worlds. This doorway was functioning until the end of the last cycle and there were many sacred temples with stones imprinted with this to align these energies and for ease of travel through the Galaxy and to and from the stars in our Milky Way. The energies became discordant once the Earth shifted its axis and now with the shift in consciousness that has taken place in recent times the Earth has shifted back into alignment.
This day reminds us that we are the bridge and anchor point between the inner and outer worlds, the cross over point of the Galactic Centre, the we move through the centre of the Galaxy,
the centre of the Earth - One.
We are connecting more to the Inner Earth Sun; as the Two Suns merge in us, the Sun of the outer Earth and Sun of the Inner Earth we merge through the Galactic Centre.  In my book Light Code Activations and also here in the link ‘to connect’ is an exercise with the two Suns merging within you. The Inner Earth Sun in the Soulight Chakra and the Sun in your Heart as they merge to create the Earthsun Body and your move through the Galactic Centre cross over point, into the stillness where all is manifest. Once in this state you are operating from the New Earth, Higher Dimensional Earth and so everything is so much easier, flowing and joyful in your life from the stillness within you co-create Heaven on Earth.
This means that as the veils clear away and we become multi-dimensional we are more open to connecting to the other dimensional worlds that exist in the Earth. Many of the beings who live there have lived on the surface in ancient civilisations such as MU. When the Earth has shifted at other times they have moved beyond the third density and inhabit higher dimensional, beautiful worlds within the Earth. There are places on the Earth that are doorways to the Inner Earth, some famous ones being Mt. Shasta in California, Courthouse Rock at Sedona, Arizona, the North Pole which was even filmed by Admiral Bryd after the Second World War. The beings from the Inner Earth are so joyful that the Second Sun is now here as a sign of the great shift in cycle and Golden Age.
On this day as you sit in your sacred space connect to the Earthsun Body through the Sun and Inner Earth Sun within you first and through the Galactic Centre Crossover point then journey into the Inner Earth
Connect through Source, the Greater Central Sun, Central Sun, Sun, Second Sun, the Sun within your Heart, the Sun within the centre of the Earth as the Golden Light flows through your heart from Source to Earth and back again......Become aware that you are in a sacred space, a clear crystal, sacred geometry structure that is multi-prismed and illuminates radiant light and loving energy......Surrender into this powerful force field and allow yourself to vibrate with this energy, as you do it becomes higher and higher in frequency...... until you merge with the crystalline light becoming one Matrix of to the new Light Matrix....allow the resonance of the crystalline light matrix to pulse through you and the Earth...........
As a doorway opens that takes you now into the Inner Earth to meet your self there in that dimension and the beautiful beings that live there......
Be open to whatever you see, sense, feel or know deep within you........
Also be open to any messages, or ask any questions you choose....What is your role with the Inner Earth and the beings there?....How does it relate to the change in cycle?......What does it mean now that the doorway is open from the Inner Earth and Galactic Centre?....As you allow yourself to be one with the Inner Earth and through the Galactic Centre - One......
Please see NEW EARTH for working with the New Earth and also drop down NEW EARTH BIRTHING and RAINBOW DRAGON who takes you to the New Earth as well as RA and drop downs under it all on the Menu bar.
MAYAN CALENDAR DAY; 4 (foundation, definition, form) RED (East - electrifies, initiates) EARTH  - CABAN ( earth keeper, synergy, galactic alignment, world crystalline resonance)


AUGUST 1st/2nd FULL MOON IN AQUARIUS  10.15 degrees
AUGUST 1st NZ 3.27pm   AUST EST 1.27pm    GMT 3.27am 2nd  AUGUST
The Full Moon is a time of completion and celebration, in Aquarius we can create new ways of thinking and being. We are given the opportunity to look at others and the world in love and as a sister/brotherhood, we are all one. We can use this loving energy to create new ways of being for ourself, moving beyond the limitations of duality and separation. Where in our own life can we create a more unified, humanitarian approach to the way we are and what we do? As we unify our greatest service to humanity is in our Being ness as we become the example of true love and acceptance of all and are free to create exciting new ways of living, working and co-creating. We create Heaven on Earth through our love and unified essence of Being.
MAYAN CALENDAR DAY 1ST AUGUST; 5 (centre, core purpose, acceptance) WHITE (North - refines, detached)  FLINT - ETZNAB  (timelessness, mirrors, polarities, inner strength)
MAYAN CALENDAR DAY 2ND AUGUST; 6 (balance, receptivity, organise) BLUE (West - energise, transforms) RAINSTORM - CAUAC (transformation, lightbody, lightening path, purification)

The Spring quarter and the coming of fertility and crops. The growth aspect of the Goddess, the quickening Goddess. A time for woman, birthing ceremonies and the veneration of the Holy Wells.
The Autumn Festival when the crops are harvested, the second quarter of the year waning to midwinter and contemplation of death. A time of remembrance and the sacred union of female and male.
MAYAN CALENDAR DAY; 6 (balance, receptivity, organise) BLUE (West - energise, transforms) RAINSTORM - CAUAC (transformation, lightbody, lightening path, purification)

The Seven Rays through the Big Bear Ursa Major, the Big Dipper have now become Thirteen Rays as we move into the New Earth, higher dimensional Earth and open to our multi dimensional self.
The Seven Rays illuminate and spiral through you to the Earth…..As they move through your DNA and the Earth they awaken the six new rays…..All 13 rays illuminate from the Inner Earth Sun through you and activate the DNA within you that’s now awakened and through the Light Matrix of Earth all one……Ursa Major speaks of the Light that’s always been there……The Seven Rays could only filter to humanity before as they were all they could accept. Now allowing 13 rays, as this is the frequency required to ground the 5th, 6th and  7th dimensional light matrix of wholeness within humanity who are open, and through the mother who sustains us…..There are many more rays and some are opening to those also. Once you are your body of light fully then they will be your passage of truly multi-dimensional liquid light plasma….
For those who have not opened their hearts or still run on ego to excess it’s getting harder to operate in 3D and all our issues are in our face so if they have not been embraced in love then its getting ugly and so obvious. The Thirteen Rays are here to assist to embrace all this fear with love and acceptance, and previously we used golden light but now add the Thirteen Rays to the breath, as you breathe in and it will activate the RNA and into the DNA to awaken the divine aspects more fully and faster than ever before. For it is only by being really connected  that we can move beyond all the duality dramas easily and with grace and peace.
MAYAN CALENDAR DAY: 11 (change, letting go, freedom) YELLOW (South - ripens, allows) LIZARD - KAN (seed, creation, flowering awareness)

The Central Sun in our Solar System is Alycone the brightest star in the Pleiadian System and our Solar System rotates around it in a cycle of 26,000 years, we are coming to the end of this cycle now as we merge through the Galactic Centre. The Central Sun revolves around the Greater Central Sun  , Sirius and as our Solar System moves through the Galactic Centre it aligns us with the Central Sun and Greater Central Sun. As we become the Sun of our true self, the Quetzalcoatl, winged serpent, christed ones return, the second coming, the Christ from within the Galactic Centre, the Christ (Light Being) within us, its all the one, as above as below.
From the Codex Vindobonensis the Mayan's say that Kukulcan/Quetzalcoatl (is the Toltec name), will come from the Galactic Centre at the end of the Mayan Calendar and so we become a Sun, as does the Earth. Out of the White Hole, the prisms of Light from the Source, multi-prismed, multi-dimensional worlds we create in, as we ground and merge one with the Earth and matter and now in through the Black Hole...the cross over point of the Galactic Centre.
This day of the Central Sun, meaning there are energies coming through from the Central Sun now that are working with your energy bodies. The focus is not just on unifying our physical body or emotions, or mind and soul but all together, the complete package. The light that is radiating to us is permeating through the layers of grime and tangled energies that have kept us feeling trapped, limited and decaying. The more light that illuminates through us the more in life we are, Light is Life.
Look at your energy fields from the bigger picture and see what might be hooking them up still in fear and old paradigm programs. Also hooks to victim and victimiser and lower astral planes. Deep breathe in love and acceptance to any awareness you may have of where you have lost your divine essence and reclaim your energy and light through your unconditional love and acceptance. You are the master of your self and your energy field, what does it need to bring harmony to your spiritual bodies, mental bodies, emotional bodies, etheric body and physical body? Simply give it the energy required through you intention, visualisation and focus. This maybe sound codes (trust whatever sounds wish to come out of your mouth), or one of the elements, light patterns, sacred geometry, shapes or a colour or colours, symbols or energies from stars or planets.
 It is beneficial today to connect to the Central Sun within you and without. Take yourself on an inner journey through the Central Sun. Mandala of the Central Sun.
In my book HANDBOOK OF RA   and EGYPT AND IMMORTALITY, JOURNEY TO SOURCE   is information and meditations with the Central Sun and Greater Central Sun and in LIGHT CODE ACTIVATIONS   are is the full activation of chakras and light bodies, using sound and light octaves as you merge one with the Central Sun.
MAYAN CALENDAR DAY: 13 (unseen, unexpected change, transcend, presence) WHITE (North - refines, detached) DEATH- CIMI (transmutation, surrender, humility, revelation)

The Perseids is one of the best meteor showers to observe, producing up to 60 meteors per hour at their peak. The shower's peak usually occurs on August 13 & 14, but you may be able to see some meteors any time from July 23 - August 22. The radiant point for this shower will be in the constellation Perseus. The near last quarter moon will be hanging around for the show, but shouldn’t be too much of a problem for a shower with up to 60 meteors per hour. Find a location far from city lights and look to the northeast after midnight.
MAYAN CALENDAR DAY 13th; 4 (foundation, definition, form) WHITE (North - refines, detached) DOG - OC ( (spiritual strength, loyalty, heart, new beginnings)
MAYAN CALENDAR DAY 14th; 5 (centre, core purpose, acceptance) BLUE (West - energise, transforms) MONKEY  - CHEUN (transparency, cosmic joke, spontaneity, artistry)

AUGUST 17th 18th NEW MOON IN LEO  25.08  Degrees
   18TH  NZ 3.55am   AUST EST 1.55 am    GMT 3.54pm 17TH AUGUST
The New Moon is always the time to go within, to the inner planes and parts of us that are hidden, it is also the seed of the new beginning. The Moon and Sun are one at a New Moon so it is a powerful time of union on all levels and with the inner male and female also.
In Leo we are opening our heart and aligning with divine will, trusting and surrendering in unconditional love. Allowing ourself to be from our Source within as the Sun is also in Leo we are going into deeper depths of our love and given the opportunity to come from the radiant Sun of our true self to unify and love our pain that comes from believing in separation. We illuminate from our heart, from the radiant Sun of our true self as it illuminates our physical body and every cell opens to its divinity. As it illuminates out into our Etheric Body, our Emotional Bodies, our Mental Bodies, out through our Spiritual Bodies as we are One Body of Light from the Source within us.
MAYAN CALENDAR DAY 17th; 8 (harmonize, empowerment, integrity, of the one heart) WHITE (North - refines, detached) JAGUAR - IX  (shaman/magician, timelessness, divine will, integrity)
MAYAN CALENDAR DAY 18th; 99 (completion, fulfillment, expansion) BLUE (West - energise, transforms) EAGLE - MEN (vision, hope, compassionate service, expanded consciousness)

A Star Alignment is when the star or star constellation in question is aligned back into the earth plane in harmony with us. The Ancients knew the importance of the Star Alignments; as above, so below, and star-mapped the Earth by building conduits to anchor the energy with pyramids, standing stones, stone circles, temples and obliques that held and aligned the particular stellar energies with the Central Sun in the core of the Earth, the Earth, and Heavens as harmony and abundance reigned. When we choose to go deeper into density and with the end of the last Golden Age and the Earth shifted then the star alignments also went out of synch. The stars have also moved since that time and so now with the return of the Golden Age, the star alignments are now happening again, anchoring that energy onto the earth plane and core of the Earth.
The constellation of Grus, the Crane is not a well known constellation but its energies are illuminating us now as we need more than ever before to awaken the Light within and illuminate ourselves from our divine presence. We are at a crucial time when the battle of light and dark has been playing out and is now shifting away from the inner and outer battle to the realisation that peace and love create a joyful fulfilling life, in harmony with all creation.
Crus illuminates and triggers us from deep within to awaken more fully to our love and divine light and our connection within the Source of all that is. This is the only thing that really matters as we deal with nuclear meltdowns in Japan that could kill most of humanity. Corrupt governments and corporations that have destroyed and still hell bent ofn destroying the natural world for control, greed and power in their insanity and big brother attempts to control everyone completely. This is all illusion and only exists in the third density and physical world. When you come from love and have an open heart you access your multi-dimensional self and move beyond the craziness and illusion. Grus beams to us and aids us today and from now on, as we anchor this beautiful energy through our bodies and into the earth plane. Assisting all beings and lightening the crystalline and light matrix grids more fully to raise the consciousness of humanity and co-create the New Earth.
“ In every land where they appear cranes have  always been a symbol of longevity. For cranes living in the wild an age of up to 60 years has been cited, and there is one record of a captive Siberian crane living for 83 years and fathering chicks at age 78. By comparison swans only live to around thirty years. Cranes start breeding around four years of age (?), and would live long enough to see their great-grandchildren and their great-great-grandchildren, etc.
    Cranes have elaborate courting displays or 'dances'. In mythology the Crane Dance called Geranos, was performed by Theseus after his escape from the Labyrinth. Theseus had used a ball of thread to find his way out of the Labyrinth, and the dance he performed with the Athenians who escaped with him was an imitation of the windings of the Labyrinth. The ball of thread might relate to the chromosomes which carry the genes, they are coiled, threadlike structures of DNA? and why the word pedigree is related to 'crane' and 'grus'. The Labyrinth (see Hercules) is also the term for a system of fluid passages in the inner ear, including both the cochlea which is part of the auditory system, and the vestibular system which provides the sense of balance. It is named by analogy with the mythical maze that imprisoned the Minotaur, because of its appearance [7]. [The word ear (auris) might be adjacent Pisces Australis and Grus was once part of that constellation.] There are Mechanoreceptors in the cochlea of the ear that detect sounds and the motion of the body. Sound is a mechanical wave, meaning it produces vibrational energy in the medium through which it moves, such as air. The crane standing on one leg might also suggest something to do with balance. [Hercules whose name might be resolved into 'listening in the air' performed twelve labors, and the word 'labyrinth' may be related to 'labor' as explained on Hercules' page].”
 This star alignment of Grus is important to be aware of and be an anchor for, as we are all the vortex and doorway now, one with the Earth, we are the Earth, so by aligning with Grus it will give you a deeper connection to your light within and to move out of the illusion and allow your inner light to shine more brightly.
MAYAN CALENDAR DAY; 12 (stability in expansion, union of polarities) WHITE (North - refines, detached) FLINT - ETZNAB  (timelessness, mirrors, polarities, inner strength)       

This is a day for a link up of hearts and consciousness. Please see for more details. The most powerful form of healing is to see and acknowledge the person, country, world as already healed, whole, loving and at peace. By doing this we connect through our divine Source within us to all others and move beyond duality and fear seeing the divine reality that really exists and so allowing the person, country, world to be it.
MAYAN CALENDAR DAY; 13 (unseen, unexpected change, transcend, presence) BLUE (West - energise, transforms) RAINSTORM - CAUAC (transformation, lightbody, lightening path, purification)

This means Regulus is sighted before the Sun on this day. Regulus is the brightest star in constellation of Leo and the Sphinx was aligned to it in the Age of Leo opposite Aquarius.
The star essence  is; “I am the bounty and abundance of God’s glory and gifts, a heart full of Divine Love and Joy, the eternal flow from Source.
The return of your strength through love, your Golden Self and the Golden Age, the light of Source illuminates and aligns you”.   
MAYAN CALENDAR DAY; 1 (unity, unconditional love, new beginnings) YELLOW (South - ripens, allows) LIGHT - AHAU (Sun, Enlightenment, unconditional love)

The blue planet will be at its closest approach to Earth and its face will be fully illuminated by the Sun. This is the best time to view Neptune. Due to its distance, it will only appear as a tiny blue dot in all but the most powerful telescopes.
MAYAN CALENDAR DAY; 2 (polarize, co-operation, challenge of duality) RED (East - electrifies, initiates) ALLIGATOR- IMIX  ( source of life, birth, nurturing, nourishment, trust)

FULL MOON IN PISCES  8.33 degrees
  AUGUST NZ 1.58am  1st SEPTEMBER …  AUST EST 11.58pm 31st AUGUST GMT 1.58pm 31st AUGUST
The Moon will be directly opposite the Earth from the Sun and will be fully illuminated as seen from Earth.
The Full Moon is a time of completion and celebration, in Pisces the spirit and cosmic bliss are illuminated and grounded through the Sun in Virgo. Be clear about your dreams and give them out to the Universe if you feel in your heart they are in alignment with your being in divine will. You are nurtured from your true Cosmic origins and can bask in the cosmic rays of love. Time to be from your love, compassion and giving nature as you share your joy with others and this beautiful planet. This energy is able to be fully embodied once you breathe through your fears of being in a body and know and be your true cosmic self in a body on Earth. It is a good time with the Sun in Virgo opposite to do any deep inner healing and to love unconditionally yourself and all beings. 
This Full Moon is igniting the liquid light plasma that is the gel that connects your RNA and DNA through all your being and allows you to be the cosmic being you are. Today a doorway is opening through your cells and sub atomic particles to awaken and ignite the liquid light plasma flow, that tones your body and mind into your heart beat and earth beat in harmony with the cosmos. To float in the cosmic ocean in omnipresence and let go completely into the void and stillness within and without, that is all creation. A deeper sense of self and your part in creation, one with creation will illuminate your consciousness if you choose.
MAYAN CALENDAR DAY 31st AUGUST; 9 (completion, fulfillment, expansion) YELLOW (South - ripens, allows) RABBIT - LAMAT (doorway, harmony, beauty, expanded love)
MAYAN CALENDAR DAY 1st SEPTEMBER;10 (manifestation, true essence self, intention, motivation)
 RED (East - electrifies, initiates) WATER- MULUC  (awakening, remembrance, flow, divine guidance)



12th – 23rd DECEMBER 12 DAYS

with Soluntra King

Mt Titiroa has been prepared and the energy transferred

from Tibet with the Devas blessing and Dalai Lamas guidance.

As Shamballa and the higher teachings are awakened

within us as the dimensional realms merge through

the cross-over point and we come home to ourself.
Starting at Queenstown and being at the Cosmic egg

at Lake Hawea for the 12:12, then at Mt Cook/Aoraki

great doorway diamond and Council of Elders seat for the

New Moon and pedigree. On to the Mackenzie Basin

and to Milford Sound, the womb of creation where we

stay two nights and experience the inner and outer beauty

of the great womb and the new Light Grid Matrix, working

with the Sirian Living Library of Light there, Light Ships

and Inner Earth Doorway. Then to Dimensional doorway

that connects from the Inner Earth through the Galactic

Centre at Lake Manapouri, the cross over point opening

up to the higher dimensional self and Earth. Cruising over

the ancient caves and great diamond at Doubtful Sound

and a helicopter ride up Mt Titiroa on the Solstice to bring

in the new energies appropriately at this great beacon

of the New Earth, at the land of First Light.

The Living Library of Light at Lake Manapouri (Lake Prasad on

the inner planes) is where the thirteen stars of awakening consciousness shine into the Diamond Light Matrix that is held through the great Diamond at Doubtful Sound and through the

whole area. Mt Titiroa (Mt Akum is the inner planes name) 

energies have been transferred from Mt Kailash and the Light is so clear that illuminates through the crystal mountain, the lake and sounds as we move through then gateway and cross over point

ready for full ascension and connection into our divine selves, the light being we are here on Earth in our body, our body of light and awakened at the level of ourself as a Creator Goddess God,

one with the Central Sun.
      We will be working with the Shamballa energies that have

been anchored at Mt Akum and the Devi of all creation to

connect deep within and allow the Living Library of Light that

we hold to awaken within our DNA codes of our divine blueprint.

The energies anchored at Mt Akum and Lake Prasad are the New Earth, higher dimensional Earth for the Ninth Wave, beginning

of the Universal Underworld and now as we move from the

Nine Underworlds to the Overworld, we are the Living Light

right now, in no time or space, the stillness within.



This is an inner planes as well as outer journey to awaken,

heal, unify and be the multi-dimensional beings we truly are. Working from your third dimensional temple accessing yourself

in the 5th dimension and beyond as the member of the Council of Light and in the Central Sun and Greater Central Sun, fully present.  Connecting through your Earthsun body, Inner Earth Sun

and new light codes. We will be enjoying the energies of the

inter-dimensional doorways and the new Light Codes at this great transition time as we come fully into unity consciousness and an

open heart. We have waited along time for the December Solstice

of 2012 and we will be at the Crown Chakra of the New Earth, anchoring the multi-dimensional realms with the third dimension

as we open to our divinity more than ever before in a physical

body and through the densest realms of creation. We align to the

RA Light as the Suns in the heavens align and we complete the

great cycle and as the Mayans say we move into the world of the

Fifth Sun. All the dimensions are compressing as is our perception

of time and space as we merge our multi-dimensional selves and

align to the Sun within and Suns without resonating as the Light beings we truly are.

     We are anchoring more fully the New Earth, higher

dimensional Earth as we open up and integrate our multi-dimensional selves and can access all our gifts through the

unlimited facets of light that we are.  Some of us have been anchoring the New Earth for years I have been consciously

since 1993 as the Crystalline Matrix of Light has been aligned

ready for the shift into the higher light matrix through the Earth

and our bodies. The crystalline grid started to really get boosted

from 1981 and the Golden Solar Discs all humming once again

and the Diamond Light Matrix being activated now for a few years;

the stage is all set.
    On the inner planes and for those resonating in the light

matrix more fully the dimensional worlds have already merged

fully on the March Equinox 2010, and with so much preparation

by so many light workers. Now we are called to be at such a

sacred and amazing place for the anchoring more fully of the

new world and into the cycle of the 5th Sun.
    We start our journey on 12 December 12:12:12, the balancing

of the masculine and feminine energies into Divine Oneness.  

On the 12:12 2008 I had a group at Lake Manapouri Galactic Centre cross over and Mt Titiroa for the 12th Gate 12:12 with the union of male and female, now completing on the higher realms and for

those resonating at that frequency in unity consciousness.

The December 21st Solstice  (it’s the 22nd  at first Light time at 11 minutes after midnight daylight saving time, but in sun time it will be 11:11pm 21st but we just slip into the 12:11 in human daylight saving time at NZ First Light which brings it into the 12 and the expansion into greater access to 12 dimensions. In the heavens there will be a 'Finger of God' formation of Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto.
     For those who are not able to connect consciously yet to the higher dimensions for themselves and all creation in unity consciousness it may not appear that anything has happened.

But for those sensitive to the changes it will be like a great wind

has come through and cleansed everything and the old attachments have been blown away into the all that is to be absorbed in the oneness and that the true beginning of the Ascension has dawned, celebration time as we align one with the Suns.
     At the beginning of the Ninth Wave March 2011 I had a group

at Milford and Doubtful Sound, Lake Manapouri and Mt Titiroa

and the Inner Earth Sun completely shifted its frequency. We are going to be in such amazingly high frequency portals, vortexes

and dimensional doorways with such blessings at this great

shift in cycle to be who we are.

      I will be facilitating inner work, meditations and attunements

with the multi-dimensional energies and light codes, working

with our Blue, Violet, White, Gold and Present Light Bodies and kundalini, life force energy as we open up to our multi-dimensional self and the holograms of our love that we have created to

experience the prisms of light fully in matter. We are now

awakening to the Diamond Matrix of Light. Integrating the

Diamond and Iridescent Light Body and awakening to the Light Streams in liquid light plasma through the RNA, DNA and our dimensional bodies.
     The Diamond Light Body, the new template for the higher dimensions of our oversoul, multi-dimensional self as it integrates into our physical body. The Diamond Light Body is formed through

the Diamond Matrix of Light now being activated on Earth which means also through you and your body. This is happening as the

light codes have intensified through the eclipses, the planetary

and stellar alignments and link ups, as well as al

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Malcolm posted a blog post
A conclusion at the end for the uninitiated is provided. The above photo was from the Manhattan Project in Almogordo, New Mexico (07/16/45; 5:29:45 am). This 2024 alert concerns the 2024 transit of the Uranian Astrology midpoint Uranus/Vulcanus near…
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Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
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Edward posted a status
Planning to......
* A/C Biz, Embassy, Money.....etc..
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Have a nice week...
Thanks..take care.....
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