In the Gospels, It has been stated Jesus said, "That if a man had the faith the size of a mustard seed, he would be able to move mountains.This statement is a misrepresentation of what Jesus truly said and it reveals how little Jesus's Gospellers and Disciples understood his teachings, when together, Jesus and them were on Earth.If a person were to have (Faith) the size of a mustard seed - what does that mean? How can you measure faith in such a way.What Jesus really was reagarding faith, was this;"You see this great big tree. It has grown out of the tiniest seed imaginable. See the vast trunk and branches and foliages. All that enormous growth has come out of a small seed. How did such a thing come about? from where came all the wood in the tree and the foliage which adorns it! Is not this as much a miracle as are the Miracles I perform for you, Jesus said. day after day? Is not the growth of this tree as much the work of the Father as the healing which takes place in sick people. "I ask you - what is a seed? Can you tell me? No - you cannot. But I will tell you. "It is a tiny entity of "Conciousness knowledge". It is the "Consciousness Knowledge", it will become. It is a fragment of "Conciousness", drawn from "Divine Mind Power",.....which when planted in the earth and watered by the rain, will begin to clothe itself with the visible "Matter", of which it possesses knowledge, deep within itself. This knowledge is true, It is firm, It is strong and undeviating. This self-knowledge embodied in the seed, is a conviction in "Consciousness", "All of life-forms, arise out of this one-pointed self knowldge a "Conviction Consciousness". This, "Conviction in Consciousness" is what seperates the inanimate soil and rocks from all that lives and grows upon the face of the earth. Where there is no "Conviction of Conciousness", or "Knowledge of Identity", there is no growth. The consciousness with soil and rocks remains "Conciousness" in indormant form.(Therefore, - If you believe in what you ask for , as powerfully as does a mustard seed know its own identity, you would be able to do anything you wanted to.")If you carry within your mind - a seed, the perfected plan of your most heartfelt goals, and know beyond all doubt, that it can grow and come into perfect fruition, you would see this wonderful seed take on a life of its own, which would presently minifest in your life. "And you could surely move the mountains in your lives. Those mountains which stand across your path and prevent you from acheiving all that you would like...mountains which, in times of recklessness and evil thinking have been created by yourselves. "If you only understood creation and existence, you would be able to live your lives of total freedom, limitless acheivements and transcendent joy". "Feel to understand and you will find that little by little, understanding will come to you. "Knock on the door of the Universe, giving you access to "God" - The "Universal Father Consciousness", and you will have entrance to the secrets of the world. "Only believe and you shall receive". Jesus says "I also reminded them at all times?(Only those with pure (None-Destructive) minds, and hearts, will accomplish these mighty things.)Life Lesson to the Public, The Enemy Is (Igonrance). By Christ Jesus.He says "Why do you judge your todays and expect of your tomorrows, what you have experienced in the past. Therefore, are your ills of your yesteryears continiualy repeated in the future?You are enslaved by your memories (re-occurances of old worn-torn belief patterning system), and your undeviating belief, that what was past, must return again and again, to burden and wound you again in the present by knowing your future of what your past brings into the nowness of the present moment. Change your thoughts and you change destiny. It is better for you to change the intentions of your destiny by you being responsible for you and not let another be responsible for you. If you do not direct your path now, then someone else will direct it for you in the future. I do not like your chances of trying to wing it into heaven, but it has been known to happen, because of the natural workings of the divine universe, what you do has a deirect and bearing consequence of what you be returned to you, today, of your tomorrows in which you lived your lives in the present what you thoug.You must be your own Councillor, Teacher and Healer?You see Jesus used the logical Laws of Nature, to get you to understand the Natural Laws of the divine Logical laws of the Universe. But to know this awareness, you must seek the higher calling. And when you can by now relate to what you now understand of what miracles are then you know it is but the normal workings of the Universe; (LOVE), in action.1. The nature of Creative Power is Growth.2. Creative power is Nutrition and Noursihment.3. The nature of the Creative Power is Healing.4. The nature and Creative Power is Protection.5. This characteristics of 'Protection', is combined with the other Dynamic Characteristics of Fulfillment of need. (love)6. The Innate Characteristics of the Loving Intelligent Creative Power which has given it's Indiviualistic Form and Beingness, is "Work"; that it work's is always,always prompted by Love.7. Survival is the Natural Characteristics of Creative Power.8.The Inherited Characteristics of Loving intelligence is the Creative Rhythm in Operaton in the World.Here is a prayer for you.Father-Creative Consciousness.I passionately Pray Dear Lord and Creator asking for forgiveness for being weak enough to indulge in my own fantasies and asking my own way of doing things. Help me not to yeild to Temptation and Confusion, and lift me up from lower adversiaries back into your higher consciousness and I pray that I come into the home of Love UnconditionallyAmen.I am that I am, I am blessed in Lovingness; forevermore.For true enlightenment, you loving need to pray Sincerely with all your hearts and minds, rather than the re-iteration of old and false beliefs. Wake up and do accept that these rituals and of past beliefs, have not fullfilled mankind, for if this was true the Bible, after I died if my teachings were interpreted properly would have fulfilled my words already.Until true enlightenment comes to you- (After much meditation and prayers), Teach, Demonstrate and Live.To do so successfully, please go to or the book title: Christs Returns.Jesus taught in Palestine (Brotherly Love).With all the strength of soul, heart and mind, minute by minute, in your daily lives, and; it is, persistantly, a law, of constantcy, in you, this is called, making 'the bridging the gap' between the kingdom of Heaven and your inner being, that much more closer, and drawn into yourselves more intimately, the divine oneness.That is hence forth why, Jesus kept on saying to the Pharisess, 'I and the Father are one.' 'He believeth in me, the kingdom of heaven will also be in him.' Noticed the other word association of the "On Earth as it is in Heaven", theme. This was to get people to understand that when Jesus was preaching, it was in yourself, he wanted you thats in you; your inwardly knowingness and well beingness,to finally come out and be whom it it was all along, a divine aspect of their higher self made manifest in a 3rd dimensional being. Not once was he was mentioning that he would rid you of your sins, it is only a mis-representation of you forgetting of who you are, and that sin is only the forgetfulness of your true innate and divine spiritual ability of power that was closed off to you over the ages gone by. And the dark hats made sure by using fear you never knew who you are as long as they tried, they would have succeeded. But for some reason we did what we wanted to do anyway and rebelled without knowing why we did. Sometimes I think we the people, should pat ourselves on the back for a job accidently acheived by true the divne intervention as it is as you say "Well done to all", for being who you are. That we listened to who we are and not others in fields of seated power.You see 3rd dimensional understanding are limited to the un-receptival, but if ye who beliveth in yourself, you can combat the global destruction of negative consciousness forces. Humanity must make every effort to move on swiftly to the next stage of it's human development. Urgent need for a Higher Vision, that is beyond the finite (Limited) realm of this Universe and visualise the Higher Almighty Universal of the -Stillness- and Equilibrium- It is your stillness of the mind of God's all knowing-ness that comes from within and strives to implement in your daily lives the Higher Vision but only if you, but would allow, the will of the Creator in, and all will be well, then this world will be saved from worldwide wholesale annihalation.Without a higher vision, either for the self or for the world, there can be no spiritual evolution, or acheivement of those things that can be greatly destined for you. At the present time, your perception of life, is one of trevail, unsuredness and deprivation.You do not need to heal your bodies or try to make your lives better? You only need to heal your beliefs.Remember God says what you resist! Persists.As you remove the belief in sickness form the person's body, know that the "Father's; Will, of health is flowing into his system. So does the appearance- the appearance of sickness is changed into the reality of Father Health and the body is made whole once more.(Restore, Father-Life, to the True Intentions and plan of your system; and the entire system functions, as it should).When praying to the Creator, The Creator asks you to never focus on your problems. Ask for the right Remedy. Let your Creator ask for the right solution. Then concentrate on the power you are receiving immediately into your condition, and give thanks to the Creator, for the works before it was accomplished.Never and then go out of your room and "Tell people, how -ILL- you feel", this is a great insult to the Father-Creator to continue to bring up the past negative conditions. You then only bring Immediately the undoing, of the work, the Father Creator, is engaged in.Oh Father in Heaven, hear my call. so that in this belief, I believe it is possible to become the miracle I have been waiting for. Help me be your conduit to be this Healer, I Am, and this day i bring forth now and forevermore the help of the Christ I Am, today.I know I Am Love that I Am and that this day was brought my awareness of truth, clarity and divine trust that Your Will in me, Wll be done on earth as it is in Heaven.Prayer 1(A)Divine Reality, my source of being, which I now realize is my Loving Procreator, my true Spiritual Father-Mother, which radiates unstintly and continually and consistantly-Unconditionally Parenting Love.Emotionally I make clear you, my Spiritual Father, My Divine Reality, and therefore to myself that I ask you that I want no more of these ego-negatives in my consciousness. As I ask you my Father for the Inspiration and Strength to make every effort to avoid or deny them, from this movement of this day forward.(B)Please remove all Criticisms, Sarcasms, Judgementalisms, Rejections, Denegrations, Emnity, Intolerances, Hatred, Jelousy, Aggressions, Violent Impulses, Theiving, Falsehoods, Double and Devious Dealings, and Salnder.I Rejoice and Gladness to you Dear Holy Lord God, as I Thank you for removing these from me instantly.Prayer 2Divine Intlelligence/Divine Love is My Soul-Divine Reality,I ask for the power Father's Divine Impulse to Create, Grow, Nourish, Nurture, Heal, Protect, Fulfill every need within my system of perfect Law and Order, this is the reality inside me, which is my soul.I give greatfull joy and gladness as I now have overcome the ego impulses, and invited the soul to hold dominion in my thoughts and feelings. I am now driven to express all of my true Divine Impulses described above.I am possessed by a desire to promote the highest good of all living things and the Higher universal realms as I Will the intent to become a true messenger from the Divine Consciousness, expressing all its qualities of Being.I am re-unifying with the Divine Consciousness with the psyche; that occupies the deepest recesses of my human consciousness, and I draw forth beyond normal my awareness, all of these creative energies into my soul rightnow. I know it is hidden from within me these latent instincts of right and wrong, I now am letting go of the Ego form, at the moment of my new conception.REMEMBERIt is a matter of extreme urgency that people world wide, should recognize that the Truth 'IS', 'You have been born to Individualize, and express, the Universal-The source of your being, In an evolutionary manner, eventually reaching peak INDIVIDUALIZE manifestation of your Source of Being- Christ Conciousness'.And you have also been created to be cared for, nurtured with every need-in order to ensure your Health, perfect well being, and Harmoniously prosperity, whilst on your soul's journey to Individualiszed re-union with your source of being, Divine Consciousness.Until you do grasp this TRUTH OF BEING, you will never acquire your true spiritual potential on Earth either physically or spiritually.Father-Mother-Life. You are my Life, My constant support, My Health, My protection, My perfect fullfillment of every need and my highest inspiration. I ask you to reveal the True Reality of Yourself to me. I know it is your will that I shall be Fully Illumined, that I may better receive awareness of your presence within and around me. I believe and know that this is possible, I believe that you protect and maintain me within perfect love. I know that my eventual purpose is to express you. As I speak to you, and I know that you are perfectly receptive of me, for you are Universal Loving Intelligence, which has so marvellously designed this world and brought it into visible form. I know, that as I ask you to speak, I am sending out a consciousness searchlight into your Divine consciousness and as I listen, you will be penetrating my Human Consciousness and coming ever closer to my increasing receptive mind and I hear commit myself, and my like, into your care.I give Glad and greatful thanks.(Remeber if you are meditating thank the Lord before you commence) it perpetuates the movement in motion; the 'IT', in all things made living, manifests.Here is one for Racism.Lord, I am Sincerely Glad and Happy that all those terrible things took place, because of them, I am where I am today, because of them, I have been given an opportunity to test and experience the extent of my endurance, intellect and talents. I can measure myself against the acheivements of other races, and perhaps continue to learn how to rise still further from my beginnings. I Thank you for the strengths and inspirations to show my basic equality with everyone else, I send out my thoughts of Love, and Gratitude, to those who laid the foundations for my present good all those many, many years ago.Remeber to cure Racism, you can only Meditate, Ponder, Reflect, and ask for Divine Light on the subject, because at this stage its the only healing, and life-renewing course of action! To racist remarks and remorse?No country, religious organization, and no single person, no matter how humanely exalted he may be thought to be, will be able to alter the contents of the Chrsits Letters. Jesus says 'I the Christ am also radiating the TRUTH of BEING world-wide to everyone who is on the level of spiritual frequencies to be able to recieve the Truth. Such people will receive, revere and accept it Fully, without reservation, to be your own guidlines for their thoughts and actions. If there are those who cannot understand or receive the Letters, it will be only because they are not yet ascended to the necessary levels of consciousness to be able to empathise with them. Their growth will come later.(They are not yet ready to leave their mothers milk.)-They have not yet spiritually grown-Dear Lord and Creator.I Pray To Seek To Believe and I Pray For Belief To Be Absolutely Consistent In All My efforts To Find And Make Contact With You. I Sincerely Request The Help Of The Angelic Kingdom:I invoke the Angelic Kingdom to surround me now, in your effortlessly loving and powerful protection and support. I ask to receive a divine and pure alignment with the Angelic Kingdom.Let me accept The Angelic Qualities of devotion to dissipate laziness, The Angelic Qualities of selflessness to dissipate selfishness, The Angelic Qualities of unconditional love to dissipate hatred, The Angelic Qualities of sacred inner power to dissipate the controlling influences of others, The Angelic Qualities of kindness to dissipate cruelty, The Angelic Qualities of forgiveness to dissipate blame, The Angelic Qualities of purity to dissipate pollution, The Angelic Qualities of compassion to dissipate coldness, The Angelic Qualities of thoughtfulness to dissipate recklessness and insensitivity and the Angelic Qualities of empathy to dissipate heartlessness. Allow me to embody the most appropriate vibration of these positive and loving Qualities, that may influence us.Allow me to integrate the positive and loving Angelic Qualities into my reality and share them openly with others, so that we hold the Sacred Qualities; of the Angelic Kingdom, within our Heart, Minds and Emotions!I ask for a Divine, Pure and Celestial Alignment with the mighty Soul of the Creator. It is my wish to embody the positive and loving qualities of the Creator, so that I integrate them into my reality on the Earth and share them with others, building new bonds and connections with the many aspects of the Creators Soul.Allow me to emoby the most appropriate vibration of the Creators quality of Peace to dissolve unneeded war and conflict within me and between people, the Creators quality of Generosity to dissolve Greed, the Creators quality of Balance to dissolve Instability, the Creators Love to dissolve Fear, the Creators quality of Devotion to dissolve Dissrespect and Contempt, the Creators quality of Joy to dissolve Sorrow and Pain, the Creators quality of Abundance to dissolve Poverty, the Creators quality of Mercy to dissolve Callousness, the Creators quality of Health to dissolve Sickness, the Creators quality of Communication to dissolve Suppression, the Creators quality of Mastery and Ability to dissolve the feeling of Inadequacy and the Creators quality of Freedom to dissolve away Limitations.I then ask for the Anchoring and Acceptance of New Positive Qualities, to create a Healing and Positive Transformation, within my being, and reality, deep with my Heart, and the Heart of Mother Earth. I channel Positive Life Supporting Energies, deep within her Heart, and in her Pure Crystalline energy grid, so it Flourishes up, upon her Surface, Above and Around Her Orbit and into the Ethers of the multi-dimensional universalness of (-Divine-Father/Mother-Reality).Let us all walk in her Light and Light up our bodies to show the Love and Compassion we are Shining, Eternally into the Forever Allness, in Alignment with the Perfect Stillness and Equilibrium within the divine life force of all Creation, as I will this request, I Gladfully Rejoice in Greatfulness, as it is surely been given to me.It is done. Amen

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AlternateEarth commented on Malcolm's blog post URANIAN ASTROLOGY TIME CORRECTION (to 8:47 pm). Hades / Kronos ("the high level criminal") STILL connects with another "murder" formula. The formula for "accident" yielded nothing at 8:47 pm.
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