So Umm yea, I'm wondering, 2012 past, under the new structure of 5d, with multi-awareness, is it easier to focus on blissful state's? In the old 3d structure, with past | Present | future, with 5D it's all about being in the now, just "Being". it was really hard to stay on topic with one lesson, with mind dip'ping in the past, future, constantly. so i said screw it, and move onto the new lesson, So Today, i watched a movie from netflix, "Super High Me", so i'm guessing,.. hmmm, so i pick up where i left off, the lesson, of being in the alter state's, so far so good, The bliss is feeling good right now, i want to be in an even more bliss'ed out state, this in my first hour into it, so much easier then the old 3d structure. I can fix my awareness on my bliss'ed body, and typing This.
1. What's your thought's, on Blissful state at will?
2. What's your thought's, on 3d into 5d structure?