Do you really mean, a person being raped, tortured and killed in Afghan or Iraq has a bad karma or has created it`s own reality?
Can we really consider Aliens as our benevolent space brothers by ignoring the fact of alien abductions?
How do we recognize highly advanced kinds of deception modes being used to make us "food" for other entities?
Isn`t it necessary - for the sake of our savety - thinking about a certain code of benevolent encounters, for instance
# no abductions,
# no temptation to anything,
# no trestment or other stuff against our will,
# no sacrifice needed?
Shouldn` t we think about a minimal code of comfort, such as:
# we can be proud of being human,
# limited,
# fragile
# and related to fear and deception
in order to not deny our human basics?
What are we doing in case there is no galactic family being benevolent and waiting for us?
What, if we discover all being an almost perfect mind game, meaning, the show goes on as usual?
Is it really a shame being fucking simply human with no special powers and abilities, but rather weak souls and sometimes big hearts?
And what makes us special simply being human exceeding every alien imagination?
Breath people, breath. Center. Balance. There is a lot of judgements and ”harch” energies being directed towards other fellow humans here in this forum. I would advice many of you to be in YOUR light, and treat others the best you can. And back off from all prophecies of various kinds. Just be open minded and critical and most importantly go with your OWN intuition. This is a journey, make it the best you can with radiating the energies (happiness, peace, harmony etc) that you yourself like to be in. And accept and love the beautiful fact that you are human. It’s wonderful! :D Love it, feel it, it’s a blessing, and most importantly it is your own choice. This is the place, this is the time, this is what you love to do and where you are to experience all kinds of magic. Embrace change with open arms, and without ”ideas/perceptions/thoughts/plans” on how the future will be you will never be disappointed, but rather grateful for all things that come to you, knowing that you are given the lessons you need, when your are ready to learn and grow one more step.
I rarely visit any of these spiritual sites anymore or read changelings, since there is so much unnecessary confusion put out here. We are multidimensional beings experiencing this reality right now. Love it. And yes, as everything, evolution takes place all the time, but don’t loose focus from the beauty and loveliness you can experience NOW, in this very moment.
You can do awesome stuff as humans! Use your energy wisely! ^_________^
Much love :) <3 MeuuW!
Awesome truth, love this quote MOL.....Eckart Tolle, a very enlightened man in my humble opinion would agree with this completely. Great thought to embrace indeed.
Thank you James and yepper!! And all of us will get there in our own time!! me lol, am hoping to " break on thru to the other side" any moment now!! God Willing and the creek don't rise!!!!!! Love & Blessings James!
WOW and we're talking about, peoples pain and how it was caused or why? reading some of these replys is painful!!
Seriously we are one, all from the same source.
Having been raped and tourtured, yep I can say I know what that feels like!
no one is here by mistake. It is and was a choice to be here.
in duality, we learn, wanted to learn, experience and we are not human beings, we are spirit, white fire spirit, a spark of "God" if you will.
This that we experience is truly an illusion, we learn that none of this pain ever really happend. and what holds us here in this pain is believe it happened, believing it is real!
There are several 'Aliens" Space brothers and sisters, from several different planets.
if you think about it if they wanted to eat us we wouldn't be here now, if they want to use us, can't they?
Yes there were aliens that used us, do they come now and pretend to help? doubt it,
do believe tho that there are higher beings than the ones who used us.
And its not about what anyone else does, its about what we do for ourselves, how we grow and act toward one another!!
We are all growing an learning, raising our vibration, and anyone who is standing around waiting for "aliens" to fix is mistaken, because it all has to do with what we do for ourselves, not what others can do for us.
What if no aliens come? well when enough "humans" "WAKE UP" and stop putting up with the status quo and says something like "I'm not gonna take this any more" things will change.
Thank you Valerie. This totally resonates with me. Well said.
~ <3 ~
lol!!!! love it!
You can't always understand what another person is going through. That is why some choose these experiences of suffering, in order to better understand the emotional feelings of being human.
That was great! Anyone who is enlightened and says that these things have never occurred to them are not working with full truth or pushing on all thrusters.. I only know a few things myself. I know that love trumps everything, so when in doubt, go there. Even if it is only breathing in and out of your heart chakra. I also know that just like us puny humans, ET races come in all shapes, forms and levels of development and integrity. Would you denounce a whole galaxy of an infinite number of beings, based on the actions of a few scumbuckets? And the creedo of non-interference/prime directive the ones assisting us function will wins. They cannot interfere. And there is no shame in being human...that is deep conditioning speaking. I often wonder just how much our ET friends understand this...the level of conditioning I mean. Probably better than I sometimes think they do. And as for a contingency plan in case this whole thing is a mindfuck? Well, really, if it is, what good is holing up in your house with your rice and beans and water gonna do you? You might as well fight. Because to go back to what we already know is useless, senseless, and a stupid, sick pattern we have repeated for millenia. Use your heart to decide. That is what I have had to do, cuz the brain seems to be pretty useless here. This isn't something you can decide to plan for, this is something you have to decide that you already planned for. And then step into it. They (ET) are not asking us to trust them, they are asking us to trust ourselves.
Be well sister.