This is something I read on another site and I thought that it was really interesting and poses some odd questions.Here it is:By Clyde LewisSkeptics argue that abduction cases now have a ready made template because of publications such as "Communion" by Whitley Streiber, "Fire in the sky" by Travis Walton and several X-files episodes. While the standard profile is in the public consciousness, we may be witnessing a repetitive scenario of Alien infestation, obsession, and possession of humans. With all of the conditioning mechanisms in place that indicate that an alien threat has arrived, perhaps we need to be careful. You can be replaced by your alien "double" because there is a little alien in all of us.It is argued that people can't be too safe these days. So in order to prevent an unwanted intruder you take all of the necessary precautions. With security alarms and deadbolt locks you can crawl into bed and tuck yourself in knowing that you are safe from harm.For thousands of people however no lock or alarm can keep the other demoniac intruders of the night from entering the home. They are able to use forces that are alien to humans. Forces that are unexplainable and can tear you away without warning.These intruders drag you away, you are powerless to resist and you end up in an unknown terrifying place. Then you are subjected to a humiliating series of surgical procedures and invasive experimentation.After you are returned to your home, you try to cope with the idea of being violated and you continue to have flashes of recall and you fear that this is not the last time you will see these invaders. Chances are it won't be.It's all too familiar to investigators who know about something known as CE-4. Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind where a "contactee" or "expieriencer" is kidnapped, abused, and experimented upon by unknown abductors.According to some surveys nearly 2% of Americans believe that some strange intruder has abducted them. The abduction scenarios read like a recipe in most cases and there is also the same amount of people within the set of reported cases that are determined to be psychotic or delusional. The fact is that not every case is a true abduction case. This does not mean however that the phenomenon is not happening.The handful of accounts that have no explanation are horrifying and deserve investigation.If this kind of kidnapping and torture was carried out by a human agency there would be a consensus demand for an investigation into who or what was responsible. Since such a small amount of people claim that these events are happening, governments have not investigated them.There has also been the theory that world governments are involved with the abduction processes and that perhaps a collusion with aliens exists or the most horrifying of all, humans are carrying out these experiments and using the alien stories as a cover. After all, an "alien" would not be able to stand trial for these crimes against humanity. Abductees were claiming for many years that invasive procedures were being used for some higher purpose and that DNA was being sequenced in order to study humans. The invasive procedures included the removal of sperm, Ova, DNA, and human fetuses.Abductees for many years were saying that they have seen first hand that these aliens were able to extract sperm and ova from them but many claimed that they saw clones of themselves and clones of several other mammals in labs that were on ships. Many abductees made claims that the aliens were using their DNA to replicate alien hybrids. These cases were best known and heard in the early seventies and eighties.While we argued their validity in the 1990's it is evident that in the year 2000 cloning is a reality and DNA sequencing has been going on in order to map the human genome.Were the abductees telling the truth and were all of the cases truly alien abduction or some other experiences meant to duplicate the template or profile that had been suggested by the mainstream media?As we reach for reality in the 21st century it is becoming more and more evident that what was considered fabricated prophecy 20, even 40 years ago is beginning to transpire.That the tales of DNA sequencing, hybrid cloning and various other alien doppelgangers are appearing now seemingly out of nowhere. Also diseases of all kinds are showing up and people are becoming resistant to other diseases. Is this evidence of alien contact with humans?It can be eerily similar to what happened to the early inhabitants of the Americas when the Spaniards brought smallpox to the New World. When a new breed enters an unexplored region they bring with them new customs, new behaviors, mixed breeding, and disease.All of this is debatable but think of all the things that have turned up in the past 20 or so years. While you are at it, think of when the first abduction case was reported in the modern era and then do the calculating.Since the first reported incident of abduction from the Betty and Barney Hill case in 1961, we have heard the stories of needle like probes, DNA sampling, sperm removal, and ova removal. Why would aliens want this?Then came other stories that were similar however there were variations such as aliens having sexual intercourse with humans and women bearing alien children.Once again we ask if it could all be psychotic episodes and suggested memories. Then came the accounts of abductees claiming that they had alien twins and clones of themselves on board. Also alien hybrid children started becoming the focus as with the case of Katharina Wilson, the author of the "Alien Jigsaw."Once on a huge craft, she claims that she held a hybrid child, which was not doing too well. There was a hybrid doctor there in a white coat. Another time they presented her with a child while in her bedroom.She also claims that she was told in 1993 by a blonde hybrid that the Government was and is continuing to perform human cloning experiments. Men and women are being cloned and experimented on. These stories were told by many abductees earlier and in 1996 Dr. Ian Wilmut cloned a sheep and named her Dolly. It was later revealed to the world that this was done in 1997.Purely "science fiction" when it was told by abductees and science fact when reported by scientists. The other "science fiction" that abductees spoke of in the past 4 decades is the transformation that the earth was supposed to have been experiencing at the turn of the century.While many argue that nothing is happening it may be prudent to point out that in the 50 or so years since it was alleged that the earth had been accidentally visited by extra terrestrials at Roswell in 1947 and since the so called abduction phase of the alleged mythology, there has been a transformation of the earth and its inhabitants.It can be argued that time can change everything, however it was alleged by abductees and expieriencers that the aliens themselves warned us of global catastrophes and cataclysms.It was the aliens who allegedly experimented on our animals and plant life. It was the aliens that conducted intrusive and horrific experiments on humans. It was the aliens that were cloning. It was the aliens that were mixing species and creating mutations. It was the aliens who predicted that we would see the results of our meddling with powers that would eventually destroy us.So, in order to see the future and wonder if all of the abductees were fabricating their stories lets look at the track record of what has happened in the nearly 40 years of the abduction phenomenon:* HIV and AIDS have appeared virtually out of nowhere* Mad Cow disease appears out of nowhere. Researchers have spoken of cattle mutilation and it’s alien heritage, could there be a connection?* Alien behavior in humans is present with the rise in pedophilia and violent acts committed by children.* Reports of a new "monster" known as the Chupacabra. While many people feel that it is a legend, there are others that believe that it is an alien or a genetic bio-engineered mutation.Diseases that usually can be treated by antibiotics have become resistant and human immune systems are failing* Sexual drives are diminishing in healthy males. Sterility is on the rise. Infertility is rising in a number of women. New forms of birthing procedures are becoming rapidly available. Cloning is now a reality.* Suicides are on the rise* Ozone depletion and global warming is a realityUFO Sightings and paranormal phenomenon is being reported by more people now than ever before.* Increased drug treatments for anxiety attacks and panic. Also people complaining of stomach and intestinal distress and headaches.* Psychotropic drugs are being used to make children more passive* Governments using ignorance to cover up truths. Religions being corrupt and police forces corrupted as well.The list could continue about a lot of other anomalous activity that is going on from Chemtrails to Biological "Gulf War" diseases. Are they all related to an alien threat or human paranoia?Ronald Reagan said in a speech back in the 1980’s that;"Our differences world wide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world"Use an open mind and ask yourself if there needs to be proof of an alien threat? Ask yourself why this has happened in a relatively short time.Could it be that perhaps we have had contact with extra terrestrials and their meddling has caused us to become the very demons that they predicted we'd be? Look at history and use the "alien template" to discover that whenever unknown beings come on the scene man goes through a "change." Take the Bible for example:* Adam and Eve in paradise meet up with a reptilian creature (referred to as the serpent) and gains knowledge of good and evil. Their knowledge brings mortality to the world.* The Nehpilim appear from heaven to mate with the daughters of man. Their offspring are considered vile and unpleasant. Noah (an alleged hybrid of the Nephilim) tells the people that the earth is to be destroyed. He takes animals and plant life aboard a ship and the inhabitants of the earth perish in a flood.* Moses receives laws from an extra terrestrial God that appears to him in a column of fire and a fiery bush. These laws are used to govern and guide the inhabitants of earth. When the people rebel against these laws of governance they too are destroyed after years of being lost.* Saul is cast down and is blinded by a bright light in the sky and realizes that he must convert men’s souls to the word of Jesus Christ, a man who claimed that he was not from this earth. He later becomes Paul.* John the revelator sees plagues and evil leaders rising up in the times of fullness. The Apocalypse talks of unnatural Gods coming from heaven and the eventual war between the forces of good and evil.So using that open mind can you process the idea that Aliens or extra terrestrials are again meddling in our affairs and have given us the materials to take another leap in our evolution at the expense of human safety and in some cases human life?Forget a fictional Prime Directive. The nation is already preparing for the militarization of space and are discussing the use of protective shields from an enemy attack from the stratosphere.Take a look at the new "Alien occultism" that has become the fetish today. It's as if the physical abductions are being replaced by mental and spiritual abductions. This is normal? Is it a fad?Alien religions are becoming fashionable. They don't tell you that they are alien but they do use philosophies that many argue to be contrary to traditional belief systems.We see groups like the Raelians , Heaven's Gate, Urantia Brotherhood, Unarius and wonder why they exist. Many fear what they don'tt understand.The Internet adds a new dimension to all of the obsession and fetish and many people are fearful that internet is one more tool in recruiting people away from traditional religion and possessing them into accepting the aliens as space brethren who care about us and want us to succeed. There was a huge scare that UFO Cults were out to get your children after the Heavens Gate suicides. Once again you can make the argument that the "alien obsession" can lead to destruction.The Heaven’s gate Cult symbolically ate the apple (sauce) laced with barbiturates in order to meet up with the space brethren that were waiting in a spaceship near the comet Hale-Bopp. Is this another case of alien fetish and exposure that develops a mutated view of the world and what we are supposed to do while living in it?Think about it. Do you need proof of an alien infestation and possible human tinkering and possession that has been talked about for nearly 40 years?Circumstantial evidence indicates that the abduction scenarios are very real and lead to episodes of fear, paranoia, psychosis, and even death.When a whole planet is consumed physically, spiritually, or mentally the future is evident.We are seeing the results of an alleged extra terrestrial infestation, that results in an extra terrestrial obsession, which later resulted in various extra terrestrial possessions and alleged attacks. History and myth has shown us that manipulative "reptilian or serpentine" infestations, obsessions, and attacks lead to devastation or changes yet to come.Devestations or changes of mind, body, spirit, and environment.Are the aliens already in control? Do they want you to know that a virtual coup of the planet and world religions and governments is already in progress? You can easily be replaced by an alien double or doppleganger that may have been physically created with your DNA or a result of your mental rewiring that leads you into alien behavioral change. With all of these horrors allegedly produced by an alien infestation it would make sense that governments fear what may happen in the future.While many people have come forward to say that they have been abducted or possessed by an alien power, it is alleged that there are several people that are unaware that they have been abducted. These people are your religious leaders, teachers, policemen, and government officials.In fact it could be anyone. Even the person you sleep with, or have sex with. People say that we are now ready to accept the truth about the aliens. If we can’t except the very thought of abduction and possession of humans in the scheme of the alien game then how can we accept the truth?The alien threat could be as large as a mother ship parked over the Whitehouse or as small as a disease that possesses a body and causes it to deteriorate. It can be a new philosophy that blends a secular view of God and technology, rather than the comfortable, magical view of a being that resembles Santa Claus.No one is immune to alien thinking or alien behavior. While some people are fearful of what it represents there is the inescapable fact that old ways of thinking and the same old stories aren’t going to apply any longer. The old prophecies of the aliens and their contactees are coming true.No wonder there was a cover up.www.clydelewis. com/dis/doppel/ doppel.html

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  • We were sold out to the aliens long ago as they need us for food ect, in return the goverment was given alien technology, the problem is the aliens want more. The Dulce base has a level called nightmare hall where humans are kept in cages and the workers are told they are insane and not to go near them as they are always calling for help, we know nothing. We are like mushrooms kept in the dark and fed on shit, I hope our collective conciousness is going to be enough to save us from a nasty end which I feel is on the way.
  • Interesting article. I do believe that alien abductions occur and that there is probably some interbreeding/DNA programme going on, but I think a lot of stuff mentioned in the article has been the result of human activities eg AIDs, chemtrails etc. I don't think we can blame everything on the 'aliens'.... ; )
  • From what I have found out, what the Greys are really interested in, is the Metagene, and
    only humans have it. As with all ETs, humans are the same too, there are -bad- and -good-
    ones and you cant judge by the outer appearances alone. As a little background information,
    humans DNA is only about to 5 percent active in 3D. At least 90 percent of it works from
    the quantum dimensions. The Quantum DNA (like software in a computer)
    controls the 3D DNA (similar like hardware of a computer).
  • Great post Comdr!. I think when I first read your post I thought that YOU were saying he had "screws loose". Now reading it again I realized you were concurring with his perspectives and saying the we lightworkers knew he was on the right track. Your gave a great background to events and now I am going to start reading up on the Club of Rome. I see I have my evening cut out for me. Thanks again. Glad I read it twice and figured out you were not saying he was screwy. I have to slow down my reading I see so I don't miss the drift.
  • I am so happy for your that your encounter was not a terrifying one like many including myself have had. I am positive that just as with humans, there are good and loving "aliens", and there are ones with an agenda that is not loving and protective of us. Abduction against one's will is one of the most horrifying and emotionally overwhelming things that can happen to someone and I am just so happy for you that your encounter was one that did not leave you scared, paranoid, and emotionally and phyically marred. I'm sure that you feel comforted that benevolent species are watching out for us, I like that idea that we may have allies in our struggle for survival.

    I am very curious about the strange liquid you mentioned though. Did it have any discernable taste to you? That is the part of your experience I find the most fascinating. It could be their nutrient or food they consume. I am glad for your sake that it did not make you ill. Was it something that you had to drink, or was it something that you ate with some sort of impliment? Just curious. When I was abducted by my not- nice aliens, there was a chalky-pasty green slimelike stuff that my captors "ate". Actually I found this out when I was taken past an area in the craft? and got a glance of a room that had what looked like a large shower room to me. There was no door per se, it was like this large opening into an open area illuminated in a lime yellow green glow. There were six or seven of the aliens standing (actually hovering a little off the floor) buck naked (not an aluring sight I assure you....iccccckkkkk) near a wall of some sort and this green slimelike substance was thickly and evenly poring out of some kind of devices jutting out of a wall and onto these un clothed aliens. It reminded me of shower heads. I passed so quicky by that I did not get too good a look though, it just stuck in my memories thereafter. I found out in my readings later about alien species that the type of alien that had taken me did not consume food, rather they got their nutrients by having a nutiritiive "plasma" coated all over their bodies and then their bodies received the nutrition by osmosis through their skin, which was a totally intriguing concept for me and finally I understood what I had seen 15 years before I had read about it. It was an ah-ha moment to say the least. I am so glad that humans do not "eat" that way. Sounds yucky to me. I would much have a good ole steak and taters eaten with knife and fork any day. Guess my aliens were skinny as stringbeans because there was no such thing as overeating, (a little sick alien humor, sorry). At any rate, anything that you can remember about the stuff you ate I would love to know. Wonder what it was for? Maybe it was something to help you to physically tolerate your contact with them, or maybe it was what they ate and they wanted to share it with you. Interesting.

    Thank you for sharing your experience with us. I know that it is difficult to open oneself up like that. Sometimes people disbelieve, ridicule, and have adverse reactions. I have certainly been up against that in the past when finally daring to talk about my abduction experiences, but I believe you, and am glad that you have shared your experience with us. I takes courage. It is only now after many years of going through all sorts of adverse experiences that I am confident enough to talk about what I went through and no longer care if people disbelieve, discount, and generally label me. I live my truth now and I am glad you are too.
  • Just in case anyone is interested in who the man is who did the information I posted, Below is the link. Clyde Lewis is very interested in aliens and the supernatural and among other distinctions he has a radio broadcast and is listened to by many people. I do not think he has said anything that has loose screws involved, he was just throwing out ideas to ponder, lol. I figured since he is not here to defend his reputation that I would let you decide if he has loose screws for yourselves. He is quite interesting actually. Here is the wikipedia link:

    I posted this because it was an interesting commentary and that does not make me an uninformed lightworker just for the record. Nor do I label people with alternate views as having loose screws, lol.
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