"...the spirit of God was hovering upon the waters...then the lord said 'let there be light' and there was light.It has been known for a while that sound can cause sparks in water. This is funny, that even the roar from Yahweh can creat sparks even on rocks is quite hard to beleive. There a reason why even an asteroid impact on water will not likely creat even a tickle of spark. It is such reasons that lead physicists to think that there is more esoteric physics going on. Specifically, it is thought that the light is from zero point energy. The sound merely creats bubbles which are then collupsed by the so called Casimir Forces, releasing light like a deflating baloon. If this is the case, then sonoluminescence provides a proof that one can tap zero point energy contrary to mainstream assertion.To generate the light first through heat is even funnier. The temperature in a tiny portion of water has to suddenly rise to a ridiculus 19000¤c i.e as hot as the surface of the sun!This also raises the question as to whether we understand sound in the first. Apparently, we just amused ourselves that we understand it. If you ask almost everybody where sound begines, they tend to think that it happens in the head. Otherwise what happens out there is mere jiggling of particles. I disagree with this! The difficulty in understanding the quale of sound has something to do with the PHYSICS of sound itself and not BIOLOGY of brain. In other words our physics is thoroughly incomplete and the qualia is a stunning demonstration.When you check the maths describing sound propagation in fluid, you find that it is an undulation of preasure. But there are two ways of understanding how preasure can undulate. What many think of is just the compression and dillation of fluid. In otherwords preasure changes due to changes in volume hence density. This then mean that sound is entirely what is termed as 'mechanical energy'. Such was Newton's understanding. In different words, Newt pictured sound propagation as a purely isothermal process. However, Laplace latter showed that sound is an adiabatic process. Another way of undulating the preasure is simply undulating the energy itself. The energy then can be heat, electricity or even light! Yes, sound can infact be light!

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  • The way in which 'synesthesia' can be said to be expressed in the physical world is through signal transduction or what you may understand it as converting energy from one form to another. When we convert sound to light we can say that we have experienced syesthesia. If, for instance, the bath experiences synasthesia, i.e perceives sound as light, then we can savely conclude that the bat infact sees the world just like us!

    It is 'nature's synesthesia' in the physical world that is part of the reson I take the fact a signal transduction happens near the object generating sound to be far reaching. We tend to think that the process of perception of sound begines in our ears. I disagreed with this. We should understand it as to begine right from say the mouth of the speaker! In other words, we should think of air as part of us. Why should we not think so? If you remove the blood from your body, you die. Likewise if you remove air from your surrounding, you die.
    • Exactly, we are a part of the fabric of the universe...part of a living being that we call the universe...

  • I suspect that Hermann Minkowski had a kind of synasthesia. That one in which you perceive durations as though distances. Perharps I have a mild form of it when I experience what I have come to term it as 'spatiotemporal nostalgia and riversenostalgia'. It is bittersweet:)
    • I find synesthesia interesting...the ones who see colors all agree on many things...or example,  the colors for the days of the week...like tuesday is green...and the colors for numbers and letters of the alphabet.   This shows me that they are actually seeing the energy and this is not just random firing of nerves.  The info on chakras say that on each day of the week there is a dominant chakra and a dominant energy...these energies have color.   I think all energy has color and sound...perhaps other qualities as well, like levels of consciousness.

  • Strange you can hear such. Sound propagation is more complex than many people tend to think and yes it can involve light! You are told that transduction happens in your ear but it is not that simply. Realistically, we can't completely seperate energies. Sound transmission inlvolves both adiabatic and isothermic expansion. As the thing, such as string, vibrate, it compresses the air in its vicinity. This is an adiabatic process that raises the temperature of the air. Light, electricity etc can also be generated. Then when the compressing step is over, the compressed, hot air now expands due to the temperature. In so doing, it cools down, transfering heat to the adjuscent place as it compresses the air at the next column. So the energy is converted to heat, work, heat, work,..., and so forth like dominoes. Also, other forms of energy as possible. The act of compressing air creats electric charges. These charges then repell themselves to create re expansion. So electric energy too propagates foward. So the transduction happens not just in the ear. It happens everywhere throughout the medium. Possibly, the air itself can hear the sound!
    • People with synesthesia will see colors when they hear sounds...also days of the week and numbers have colors.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synesthesia  Imagine how it would look if for every sound we heard we saw colors....would be an interesting display.....but then they also see arguments and rude remarks and this does not look nice they say.  Several great artists had synesthesia...  some musicians, too.  I think it could be very interesting.   Right now I hear color and light and if I get on the angel frequency then I often hear harps...no joke.   I´ve been hearing this for about 10 years...took me forever to figure out what it was...but, I hear this all the time, day and night.  It is not that unusual these days   many people are asking about the sounds they are hearing....has to do with the ascension and the throat/ear chakra being activated.....also, I do a lot of energy work and so I am very aware of how different energy feels and sounds.  I find it helpful to hear this.

      I´ve been experimenting lately and taking some ORMUS which is a mix of monoatomic precious metals...gold, platinum, indium, iridium, rhodium, and ruthenium.  It makes both halves of the brain work at the same time....brigs them into sync.  Normally we switch back and forth from one half of the brain to the other and they only work simultaneously rarely, or after a lot of meditation.  I will let you know if anything interesting happens. What I wanted to say was that these metals make a nice ping, ping, ping sound...like a million small ping, ping, pings all at once.

      Synesthesia or synaesthesia is a perceptual phenomenon in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to involuntary experiences in a…
  • Light is very noisy...I hear it all the time...it often sounds like the tinkling of a million small bells.

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