Spaceship dream


I posted this in dreams but no one saw it, so I thought I would try here.

Anyway, I Had this dream last night that I was at some kind of information seminar with my sister for a spaceship that was going to take people away from the earth. Supposedly the earth was going to have some major disasters happen in it and only a certain numer of people would be chosen to board the ship, kind of like what happened in the movie 2012. I have a feeling this is related to the idea of ascention, and those not going to ascend will be taken to another planet in a spaceship, which is what I am worried about. or perhaps it is related to me ascending. does anyone have any ideas about this?

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  • I'm not worried about ascension or spaceships or doomsday events, but I do have a sense of an impending event. - whatever that may be. (This I deduced anyway, being aware of the material trap the majority of global society finds itself in eg: the inability to see beyond Newtonian physics and the absolute addiction to materialism)

    I have however been dreaming very vivid dreams about people, I can deduct that being an empath, it is my way of dealing with the complexity of human nature.

    If one takes into consideration that we are about 7 billion population of which only a very small minority are consciousely conscious and combine this with the fact that a huge percentage of the majority people live in fear - fearing the future, fearing other people, and many fearing the planet and the many lifeforms that inhabit this biosphere itself, I can deduce that fear occupies the minds of millions of people, making the global emotional grid peak with fear energy - this effects everyone, even those of us who do not fear - draining us and making it very difficult for us to remain optimistic, happy and filled with the inner peace and love for all life, but still we prevail.

    Dreaming offers a wonderful environment where we can unconsciousely work through these unseen influences from the outside and those that of course find their way into our own thoughts. Dreaming is work, it helps sort and filter those little bits of information that have slipped through our conscious 'filing system' , like a huge recycle bin, these titbits are spinned around, mulled over and when we have taken what is useful, the rest is expelled.

    Unresolved thoughts and titbits that are relevant will re-appear in dreams, and keep doing so, until they are resolved, either through consciousely thinking about our dreams or unconsciousely by our higher neural selves. Sorting and making sense of information is a great function of our brains, and the dreamscape is one of the final processes where this happens. a Magnificent complex lifeform we beautiful - we have potential, of which most is dormant, which is of course where death and ascension becomes a next step and one that (rightly so) frightens us and makes us unsure of ourselves being 2d beings and unable to access the full quantum spectrum.

    Spaceships can signify both a deep need to escape the 'hell' that we (global humanity) have created through our material neediness and selfishness (our self-inflicted trap) and it can also signify awakening to quantum reality (but manifested in 2d to be better understood), Spaceships are after all vehicles that can carry us to 'other' places.

    Ascension will probably take place in more than one form, and right now we have limited knowledge and very little understanding of what ascension really is and how it will happen, and this doubt is normal and natural, we are after all a thinking lifeform, one that is very intelligent, creative and has a very very strong will to survive, all these factors come into play when we wrestle with the future, possibilities and the thought that there is so much we don't know and understand.

    This is where the concept of 'faith' comes into play, faith and love are difficult and complex feelings or 'states of being' to rationally deal with, yet they are powerful concepts, and when actually applied willfully can have a huge impact on the way we deal with ourselves, others and our lives - it adjusts our attitudes and critically changes the way we react to our environment and the future and the way we deal with ourselves and our everyday choices and mode of living.

    So, I say to you Draco, regardless of what you dream, have faith in your own potential, have faith that you are working at issues and systematically resolving them, know and acknowledge that fear of the unknown or future are real and that you are working this (as it appears in your dreamscape), to worry is a normal function, but also be aware that concern and worry are easily mutated into fear - when and if you don't have faith in yourself and your potential - there is a fine line that is easily crossed, it is where most end up - to fear.

    You are working the issue, that is good, it means you are making progress, you are not in denial, you are tapping into all your resources to understand this whole issue better and your dreamscape reflects this - good for you Draco, keep at it.

    You will see that soon you will start feeling lighter (emotionally), that your worries will become less intense and that your faith in the process and idea of ascension will become more enlightened, your attitude will change from worry to acceptance. The time it takes to work these issues are different for each of us.

    I am with you Draco, and I am with all of you, together we form a new network, a network of love and light (in the physics/quantum sense of the word), a quantum portal/state to rebirth/ascension, the next step, new horizons and new states of being, there will be light in the darkness - for so say all of us - we make it happen and we will not be denied.
  • Here i go again...we are not the body. If we ascend i think we will not have the same body anyways this body is 3d material it would make no sense to take it with us. The same with spaceschips,the schips would have to be similar to the earth and its conditions for the body to survive. Also it is imposible to understand and do things on the thinking level we are on right now even to start understanding what is going on. We are in the body on this planet,we do work out of body al the time to help ascention so it does not matter if you are a politician,milionair,janitor or homeles the job is done on a totaly diff level. Why would you want to take this body and thinking with you on ascention? Why then ascend? I think you worry to mutch and yes in your situation things do tend to get clouded al the way into your soul or spirit. And the more you feed it the worse it will become. Maybe this feeling of being left behind comes from somewhere in your childhood. I used to try to understand every dream i had, not all dreams are important and they are not al dreamed in the same state,some are just garbage or imprecions and only a few are actually real teachers.The same as in real life some things are garbage others teachers.
    • Yes, I most certainly feel that I have not chosen a normal life, but I am OK with that. It has brought me benefits I wouldnt have had. I just wish that I had a little bit more support, mainly in the area of finances.
      I feel that my purpose here is to help people, especially to ascend, but it is a very difficult thing to do when one can barely even survive in his own right. It feels that things are getting worse and worse and I am not being given a fair chance to get out of it.
      I dont know if there is something I am not accepting, perhaps the fact that I am where I am right now, I really really dont want to be here. Perhaps also the fact that I might have to do a kind of job that I REALLY dont want to do, but I need the money. It could also be accepting who I am, and not trying to be someone I am not.
    • I think that when we ascend in some ways we do keep the same body, its just a lighter vibratory version of the body that we have now
  • Just my opinion but I think you dreamed this because you I have noticed that you truly seem to be worried about the whole ascention thing and process and that some how you are going to be left behind or taken somewhere else, and I am picking up angst in your emotions about this, and all the mixed feelings you have. This is all being played out in your sleep. In dream interpretation sites it says that going in a spaceship means or is related to a spiritual awakening or spiritual new insight or a spiritual growth spurt, so in your dream I think that the spaceship symbolism was a very positive thing. If it were my dream it would have meant to me that it was a sign that I would be ascending and that I should no longer worry. I think the seminar in your dream could be a gathering of people together all with a common goal or destination, and they were all learning together all about the ins and outs of ascention. So I think it was a good and encouraging dream.

    More on the meaning of being at a meeting/seminar:

    A group meeting: Activities, decisions, directions that are not simply your own. Your involvement with other people. But also, at a more symbolic level, the bringing together of more aspects of yourself. Therefore a large group suggests a lot of energy involving many different aspects of yourself.
    • Hi Marique, thanks for your opinion, I must admit that this ascention thing is becoming somewhat of a major concern for me, and am increasingly worried I wont because I am in such a dire situation that I cannot see myself getting out of. Its just so hard for one to uplift oneself when one is in such a desparate state of surival. Also, it seems so many higher beings at this time are both asking and expecting us to do so when we cannot even survive!
      I guess overall the dream felt more negative than positive, but I think there was still a bit of worry in the dream.
      Perhaps I really was on some kind of real seminar on the astral plane and that my dream is just the reminants of that memory.
      • DRACO,

        I have read some of your posts, and this is out of all love for you.. but I do sense a feeling of negativity and sadness.

        Remain positive, replace any negative thoughts with positive ones. What ever is wrong in your life, you can fix it... you must know this, and remain positive no matter what. Make sure that you try to meditate every day and open your chakras, clear your blockages, and let the light flow into your body. You have so much potential, and know that you will remain here on earth with all of us for a matter of time.. There is a reason why you are still here and that is for you to spread your love to all.

        Much Love and Light.
        • Hello, thankyou so much for your kind words of support. Yes it is very hard to remain positive when everything is so bleak but I have as you have suggested started to think a bit more positive. In fact today I was just reading a book related to this topic so it is a co incidence you mentioned this to me!
          Can you elaborate on how meditating will help heal my chakras?
          I hope I do stay on this planet for a while, Its just that it seems there is not much time with ascention coming so soon. I just want to be given a fair chance by this world and by god to be able to do what I think I can do. In my desparate state of survival it really is almost impossible.
      • hey draco.

        could be. i had a seminar dream semi recently where I arrived after it started, so i had to sit on the arm of the sofa. but there were other young people there and we were working on solving puzzles. a friend of mine had the same dream the same night. this is all totally possible... or not. The best I have been able to do is manage my moods.

        I must say life is extremely humbling for me at the moment as well. i read a lot of stuff out there, and sometimes it makes me feel good and validated and at other times it really really pisses me off (b/c its so candy cane sugar plum bologne).

        The best I have been able to do is focus on the now. Which for me is mood management. Ive made sunsets and nature walks my priority. Churches, museums, volunteer work. If you've got free time, invest in it. This experience also seems to bring me closer together with those who care for me, God, nature spirits, family, friends, Its funny what struggle can do.

        My suggestion is to focus on your talent and creativity and really ground it in the 3D. Write it dance it paint it draw it sing it dance it,whatever, just bring it out of the ethers, ground it and stay balanced.

        I can understand your worry but honestly until there is a ship above your house, splitting hairs on who goes where, i wouldn't stress it.
        • Im happy to hear someone is feeling as I do. you are absolutely right about focusing on the now. I think getting into nature is really good also. I live near alot of nature at the moment so that helps me alot.
          Well, Im writing a book right now so that helps me channel my creativity but recently I havnt had alot of inspiration. I guess there is a part of me that is almost just "waiting around" for first contact to happen.
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