Greetings and salutations people! I am coming back to this site with positive energy, one of a relaxed facet. It is of a post-workout quality. I feel today i must begin with some introductions.
I am 18, simply human with some galactic "seasonings", the same as every brother i have. Now, with my appeal, i would want to know what are my shining colors. I do see that coming at a later time.
Let me explain, I feel that the kick-start i recieved was more of a straighting or lanes. I always had a knack(sp) for things such as spelling but i do not know why, Was it because i had a passive persona. I would feel as though it had to do with past lives. It is simply voiding for me to not know my hertiage for certain.
Now that that emmotional baggage is over i can start with what led me to writing this here entry. I have a good knack for remembering dreams as well. I can remember whole dreams at points. It is apporximately 25-30 seconds on a good nights rest.