The Free Energy REVOLUTION has BEGUN!
"Today I have the most exciting information to I have EVER shared!
As of this moment you can purchase a DIY Kit to build a device that
harnesses "Radiant Energy / Zero Point" to generate enough power to
charge an array of batteries sufficient to "get-you-off-the-grid"
This device can be used to charge enough batteries to run the electricity in your home - just like solar panels do.
You can also use it to charge the batteries in your electric car.
We can say goodbye to "big oil" and "big energy" and become MASSIVELY more Self-Sufficient, Independent and FREE!
Watch this video/infomercial and learn where to get a DIY Free Energy Kit NOW!
Here is the best news - this is only one of SEVERAL technologies coming to the surface simultaneously! "
I'll get my old man to look at it and then report back - he is a very qualified retired electronics engineer who is VERY interested in FREE NRG machines or even over-unity devices.
I think that the focus is to sell to companies so that they can develop more effective generators.
Tnx for sharing...