Congratulations on having found us

How it all began;
Some thirty years ago your special reporter (SR) lived and travelled in South America at that time and wondered what was going on on this beautiful planet. Why were people destroying their environment ? Why so much unhappiness and suffering ? How could it be that there was not enough food for everyone ? Why had people to pay for food and shelter anyhow as nature gives everything for free? Where did we come from ? What direction were we going? What is the purpose of life ? Why did we drop here like in the middle of nowhere? Who was and where could I find GOD, outside, inside? Questions and questions without a single answer.

So where to start? The intention to start somewhere brought your S.R. (Special Reporter) in communication with the laws of nature. Yin and Yang. The spirals of creation. The importance of food for human beings, we simple are what we eat, isn't it? At the same time your S.R. came across the commercial part of the food chain, how it was manipulated and transformed into something to control society and mind.

How could it be that God's Gift is used to create misery and unhappiness. Neglecting and disrespecting totally God's laws for the hunger for money and power. How could it be that people became so stupid to refine the beautiful grains, with all the ingredients; minerals, enzymes, proteins, traceminerals and carbohydrates in their natural proportions and balance. How could it be to refine this treasure of nature, this gift from God to refine it and interrupt the balance of nature, to destroy the balance whereby people would lose their natural immunity as a result ?

How could it be that these unrefined grains were given to animals as food, afterwards being slaughtered and the protein of these animals sold at very high prices.

Manipulation of the foodchain The price of the grains was levelled with the price of meat, so people could not buy the grain anymore, due to the high prices of the international meat market?

So many sick people, blinded and manipulated. Hypnotised in not remembering anymore that their body is composed of what they eat and drink. Not remembering anymore that their food changes into their blood by a process of transmutation, taking in oxygen. This primary proces does not take place in the bonemarrow as science wants us to believe but on the level of the small intestine. This is the place where we transmute food into blood. Here we change magnesium into calcium and at wish into iron. Here we transmute life into blood and blood transmutes into our body cells, repairing, renewing as the miracle of creation. Here we get into trouble when we eat refined flours, like white flour products in which the natural balance has gone. But as our blood renews itself, or let's put it in this way; we are able to renew our blood every 120 days, we can change our direction in life within 120 days. Like giving ourselves a refreshing blood transfusion, renewing ourselves. Afterwards it takes us about 7 years to renew all our cells completely, all the cells of our entire body, including our brain cells. So we can be born again every 7 years. By the way the atoms, we are composed of do not grow old, they are eternal. It is us who tells our subconsciousness; "I am getting old", or "I will live approximately 70/80 years". So the consciousness of our bodycells says to itself; "let's close down by the time we get 70/80 years old". "We received the instructions to close down and to die or to leave this human system". So why say to ourselves; Yes, I am getting old? This is the work of the master hypnotisers, the master magicians controlling humanity. A long time ago we never allowed this to happen, but now we forgot.

The first lessons
So one of the first lessons your S.R. learned, was the importance of the food and the way to speak to himself, in order not to fool his subconsciousness.

Al this brought your S.R. to study how people could recover from illness, become happier and enjoy life more. Like singing, dancing, enjoying helping each other. Helping to break down this insane system and replace it by the system as God created it- for eternal happiness, without any obligation or worry to earn a living. Creation as it is meant to be with abundance, free for everyone, unlimited with eternal joy, love and health.

How does this sound so far, visitor of Light Network? Does it make sense to you, visitor? Or does it make more sense watching how people work and work, worrying how to pay their bills, selling their lives for a salary, for numbers on a worthless paper? That belongs to the third dimension, a dimension of slaves, a dimension with a moneysystem brought from outerspace in order to create future zombies out of present human beings. The fifth dimension is the opposite and totally free.

Anyhow we are leaving the third dimension in the year 2012, we all have to say goodbye to the old times, if we like it or not. It is at that time that the Maya calender ends, the end of the third dimension story, the beginning of the fifth dimension story-the real story. But I am going ahead of our story. Let us pay attention to the natural laws again and continue from there on in order not to loose track!

A strange story started in 1980 about an incredible harmless virus. In the beginning of the 1980's a strange story was published almost out of nowhere. There was a story told by the mass media that a virus was causing A.I.D.S. (Breaking down of the immune system)

Brainwashing on global scale
It was an incredible story at the time. Do you know why, visitor? It was the first time in scientific history that one single virus called HIV became so famous overnight, worldwide. One single virus so dangerous as they wanted us to believe and at the same time so famous, can you imagine?

It was at the same time the first time in history that people who produced anti-bodies against this famous virus became notified as being sick, infected and had to prepare themselves to die. Visitor, can you imagine, the unbelievable? You are producing, or your healthy body is producing the miracle of an anti-body in order to counteract the invading virus and at the same time you are declared to be a sick person? Is this not unbelievable and only possible in this third dimension? Can you imagine somewhere in this beautiful universe a planetairy population more manipulated and more easy to be influenced by the mass media? By those who use different tools for the purpose of putting people asleep?

Can you imagine a place where science has lost the capacity to think by themselves, but are merely acting like zombies? Is this not amazing. visitor?

An innocent virus, declared as so deadly? Whereby people start to take the official remedies, poisons like AZT, which really break down their immune system, taking A.I.D.S. on receipt! Can you imagine we have here discovered a serious case of official genocide? Killing people, just killing in order to reduce the human population on earth by 50% as it is planned by the year 2000. Under an official de-population program, planned by certain elitair elements within our society, who have the most amazing idea that earth is overpopulated.

The insane human depopulation program
That they think they have the right to protect earth by killing 50% of the world population by whatever means available, by war, famine or creating diseases. Isn 't this a crazy place to live, visitor.? A place in which aspects of our Creator destroy other aspects of our Creator? Remember you most likely came from a peaceful place or society to help awaken people Who They Really Are. Not a human body but an aspect of Our Father/Mother GOD in a human body. They forgot, visitor, they forgot completely and therefore we are her, don't you think so?

I was running ahead of things again, sorry visitor. Please find on our files the story of A.I.D.S. Told by our friend Peter Deusberg and you can check it yourself. Some years ago we had an international conference and meeting arranged here in Holland. Peter Duesberg was present at that meeting. Congratulations Peter!, from Light Network We salute you, for helping people become aware.

After this A.I.D.S. issue, visitor, your S.R started to research into the powers controlling the mass media. As after our International congress we appeared on Reuters International. Our article was not published in the International newspapers as usually, with the exception of the English newspapers. Silence everywhere, visitor, like a complete news blackout.

Can you imagine, visitor, how angy your S.R. became. After helping organising more than 200 people all over the world gather, to learn about a harmless, innocent virus and............... no word about it on the broadcasting system, no word at all.

World Shadow Government : This anger brought me to investigate how on this planet it is possible to manage such a news blackout- who is, or who are so strong and well organised.?

Well, visitor, all this information is needed for you to start understanding what is happening on this beautiful planet- otherwise you keep dancing in the dark. Well, after some time of research, your S.R. came across very powerful organisations which are in control of the information flow worldwide. Organisations like the Bilderbergers in Europe, the Council of Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission in the U.S.A.. (Please read related document on our files about the Secret Government of William Cooper).

On the top; The International Bankers.
These guys, together with other secret societies are in control of this planetary 3D system. On top of these organisations are 13 International Banking famillies, the so called International Bankers and on the top of it is the Rotschild's dynasty in England (This is the head of the beast which is in England close to London for your information) They first want the U.S.A. and later on all the people in the world working for them as their slaves or zombies. They want to have complete control in the U.S.A. and are working towards their goal to change the U.S.A. constitution, the original one which grants individual freedom. This constitution is like a representative spiritual model for the freedom of the entire world. If this consitution is eliminated, freedom will be eliminated not only in the U.S.A. but in the entire world. They want to replace it for another one, a dictatorial one; "The Newstates Of America Consitution" already waiting for years, to replace the original one.

The only thing left is to disarm the American citizens first (there are about 70 million Americans with all kinds of guns.)

Russia without love : For this purpose they have stationed many foreign troops in the USA, including from Russia, without love, under the control of the United Nations. All under the name of the New World Order, under the future name of a self elected World Government. They are called by different names, like the Illuminati, the World Management Team, or Globalists. Your S.R. gave them a different name; the P.O.O. as they belong to the Planetary Occupation Organisation.

All to all this P.O.O. is working towards a New World Order, to bring all human beings under their control. And they are planning to eliminate or kill all those who know about it, or oppose it, including all Christians, all who believe in a GOD, all freedom fighters etc. etc. This New World Order is a needed step for them in order to bring planet earth with all humans under their control. Under their Galactic Order of conquered planets in this sector of this Galaxy.

Now visitor, if you think you reached the end of the story, you are wrong please read on. This is just the beginning, a much bigger scenario is waiting for your attention.

You came from far, you remember playing out a big play, a big game. Do you remember?

Not just to solve local planetary questions. Remember? You and I came for a Galactic Game. An extra exciting extraterrestrial game, involving interdimensional beings, gods, with a small "g", although quite powerful. Do you remember when you signed your contract somewhere in this beautiful Galaxy. Guided and on behalf and under the order of SPIRIT . ?
Well here we go, fasten your seatbelts, visitor. Stormy weather is expected in the coming years!
A Galactic overview
First a short overview of the Galactic Main Players.

1) The Orion Empire, including the mercenarios; the greys, who are in control of most of the governments on earth. They control planetary populations through the moneysystem, which they brought from Orion, their home. (Please read the document; "Billions for the bankers, debts for the people". How they create money out of nothing, fooling the people and how they do not create and bring into circulation the corresponding interest, so the borrower can never pay back the created debts.

2) You have the Draconians, reptiles from the Draco constalation. They are underway in our direction, This is the twelfth planet as written down by Sitchin, with on board the Annunnaki 's. Scheduled to arrive in 1997/1998. The mass media is speaking about the Hale-Bopp comet disinforming and fooling the people.

3) Now for the other players of the game; They belong to the P.L.O. The Planetary Liberation Organisation. It is the Confederation of the Free Worlds. The Galactic Confederation includes many star systems; to mention just a few; Vega, Arcturus, Sirius, the Pleiadians et.

Galactic Order of the Orion Empire : Now for your attention , visitor, as it is not very much known that this New World Order is a precondition for those extraterrestrial beings in order to align our planet, or bring our planet under control of the Orion Empire with all the human beings as natural resources, slaves and zombies. How would you like that? It does not feel good, does it?

Watch your freedom!
Well, start watching your freedom, at the moment it is at risk! Start communicating with others what is all about. The concentration and extermination camps are everywhere already in the U.S.A.. This is not a time to fall asleep but to be alert and awaken other people who still are watching television and do not know how they are being programmed by the guidelines of the Travistock Institute in England, Big Brother 's educational institute for brainwashing purposes.

Well visitor, in order for not to become dualistic in expressions and observations, be aware of the following; Please note that the final goal is that everybody joins the same game of the P.L.O. This means that we are all an aspect of our ONE and same CREATOR, the ONE of PURE LOVE. So the P.L.O. is continuously working towards Oneness, and always inviting the P.O.O. to join the ranks and play the same game.

There is only one Law, that is the law of Love. All other are derivated from that One Law of Love.

So when the P.O.O. and P.L.O. join it will be not only a written Law of Love but also a Manifestation of this Universal Law, dancing into the new times, the new era, joining the Cosmic Party scheduled on january in 2013 to which everybody is kindly invited.

Then we will be in the 5th dimension and can laugh of our experiences of the illusion within the 3rd dimensional world of the past.

Now a few nice things to bring to your attention, visitor. The heavy stuff has just been told. Prepare your self now for the lighter information.

Look to this solar system which is yours.

We are entering a so called photon belt, with higher frequencies. Anti-matter energy. Are you ready, visitor, ready for the big change?. There will be a split of people who opt for making the change and others who want to stay in the same classroom of becoming denser and denser frequencies. Getting more and more involved in the material world, fighting over who will be the boss and general director.

Now have a look at the picture of our solar system. With every turn around our sun, our earth stays more time within this photon-light belt. In 1998 the sun will touch this belt for the first time. From 1998 it will take 14 years, upto to 2012, untill the whole solar system is submerged within this belt.

This year february 1996 we entered this belt and will stay there until november 1996. Then we will leave the belt and return in it around the beginning of 1997.

So, we still have have 16 years to go to get used to this new vibration and frequency.

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