Ancient Non-Human Body Discovered
A rare ancient three fingered and three toed mummy has been discovered in NAZCA Peru which, while it does resemble a human body in some respects, it could be proof of a non-human species.
X-rays show the complete skeleton of the ancient mummy. Join Gaia's ongoing investigation and decide for yourself if this is proof of an alien body.
This is a full body mummy but not the first finding of three finger hands in Peru,nor is this a human disease or mutation deformity,nor does it appear to be a faked mummy according to the X-rays..lets hope more comes forth from the experts on this finding and it dosn't just mysteriously disappear..
Brian Foerster also has a video with a similar hand with three long fingers and a strange looking ET looking skull also seen in the video below..
Two Strange Organic Artifacts Found In The Desert Of Nazca In Peru
and others..