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"News story from a week ago. The Central Valley area in Fresno, California, has been having some sightings as of late."
"The draining of the swamp has begun."
"Troops heading to the border to stop the illegals."
"The illegals are now starting to be rounded up."
"Drekx wrote: “Remember that the 4th ray has no polar's central to all the other six....and those others are polarities of each other, opposites, but the middle and central point, is the 4th.
I've seen this displayed on artworks, which…"
I've seen this displayed on artworks, which…"
"and now for some interlude, dude :)""
Originial Source: …
Chapter V
not planet X, not a cosmic portal, not santa's portal, but ... ??? Eiscat facility with HAARP tech...
And the pyramid gave me only a sense of discomfort.
Paola Harris on Coast to Coast talked about the strange light phenomena over Norway, Russia, China etc and said there have been about 13 of these events. Lisa Renee said she had a vision of this before it happened and it was a star gate or portal opening with 13th dimensional beings. At first Russians disavowed any knowledge of a missile test, then the astronomers gave their explanation of a meteor entering in a large spiral doing their best to make the unknown known to appease the masses. Then Russia mysteriously claims it was their missile test. Probably after a serious bribe. I have seen many rocket tests that went wrong and there is no real symmetry matching what appeared over Norway nor were the colors right. The beautiful turquoise elongated spiral emanating form the other anomaly just does not add up. Two major events of world significance were happening, the Copenhagen Climategate where America just lost its sovereignty to be governed by the International Banksters through carbon tax and the Nobel Peace prize given to Obama for continuing the war in Iraq and escalating the war in Afghanistan. The nobel peace prize is the good old boys, oscar for acting opposite as your word and doing as the elite tell you. What an opportune time to deliver a message on high. It looked undeniably like a wormhole often a precursor to the entry of a ship from another time or dimension. A meteor or rocket just does not fit what appeared in the sky over Norway despite the official version. Does anyone believe the official version anymore considering the track record of officaldom? htm
I am wordless .....
We are moving through the Triad of Portals 11/11/09, 12/12/09, and 12/21/09. The 11/11/09 StarGate portal was about individual change. The 12/12/09 StarGate portal involves changes within Groups. We have seen on 12/9/09 a vortex open in the sky over Norway which is a Celestial Sign and also a StarGate portal allowing in vast StarShips from another Galaxy. These Ones are here on Earth from the Cosmic Forces of Light to assist the Galactics already here in massive joint operations for completion. This Operation will last 72 hours and then this portal will close.
Simultaneously and Synchronistically there is a burst of love energy pouring onto Earth and everything on her which will effect a shift in change point. It is wise to embrace this high energy time and allow as much love as possible into your system to raise your frequency as high as possible. Also, turn away from troubled thoughts, even if just for a day or two. Take a Holiday from worry. Meditate more, go inside and be in touch with your true identity. As you raise your thoughts you release old programs and become prepared to meet your Twin Flame in the physical.
The 12/21/09 StarGate portal is about Completion.
This is a time when we will be living on an Ascended Earth. This takes place 9 days after 12/12/09 when all who cannot sustain their vibration here will project their physicality somewhere else.
12/21/09 is when the Earth will be fully prepared to coexist with the Galactics. This portal opening will happen to allow in more Ships from other Dimensions who will come here to live on Earth side by side with all who are here. They will be carrying the massive equipment and technology needed to change Earth, to free her of pollution, bring water supplies to dessert areas, medical technology for healing, and training facilities where Mentors and Advisors will work with those living here. These Ships may come in cloaked or decloaked.
That depends on when disclosure takes place.
We say no dates, no nukes, no flukes. That signal will come from Admiral Sananda and Captain Ashtar. This portal opening will be close to the time of decloakings and decloakings could happen before or after this.
A week after decloakings there will be landings.
These Ships will enter through this portal and be in place for landings and the very quick conversion to Terra Nova. There are already millions of Ships surrounding Earth and in place for decloakings.
The 12/21/09 portal opening marks the time when the vast MotherShips from our Universe and beyond will be ready to lend support and be here physically for landings, when the time is right. The 12/21/09 StarGate Love Portal is about completion of the old and new beginnings.
~Metatron, through Mark and Beth