1 recipientShow Details The 2012 ScenarioThis is so long, but I don't have a clue how to break it down into shorter segments. Originally posted by Steve Beckow.Love and Blessings,JanisONLY LOVE PREVAILSDavid Wilcock: Disclosure Imminent? Part II: Many More Bases Destroyed--------------------------------------------------------------------David WilcockSteve: I consider the 2007 collapse of the I35 Mississippi bridge to have been caused by an ultra-low frequency (ULF) weapon developed or being developed at nearby Augsberg College rather than planted explosives.Also augment what David says here with what we know from our reading of channeled messages from SaLuSa, Wanderer, Mathew Ward and others. David has a piece of the puzzle but the Company of Light has also been sharing other pieces of the puzzle with us. No disrespect meant to David or Ben. We all specialize in what we read. There isn’t enough time to track it all.Disclosure Imminent? Part II: Many More Bases DestroyedDavid Wilcock, 10-13-11, Divine Cosmoshttp://www.divinecosmos.com/start-here/davids-blog/981-undergroundbasesnewinfoMANY underground bases have now been completely cleared out… materials, equipment, and personnel… by yet-unknown forces.An international coalition, intending to overthrow the Old World Order and free humanity from enslavement, is claiming responsibility. They also appear to have extraterrestrial assistance in this mission.Truth or fiction? You decide.Please link to this article but do not re-post it, as it is being dynamically updated as events unfold. Posting key excerpts with the link is encouraged.Please read Part One first, as otherwise I will be bringing up various points that you will be unfamiliar with.CLICK HERE FOR PART ONEWHAT DO YOU BELIEVE?Do you believe in love, or do you believe in fear?If you do believe in love, do you also believe in a Higher Power in the universe?Is this an abstract concept in your mind, or do you see that it also has practical realization in the events that take place on Earth day after day?Which of these two realities do you feed… with your thoughts and beliefs… and the energies they in turn create?Do you see life on Earth as subject to random catastrophes beyond your control, and enslavement by shadowy negative forces pulling the marionette strings of elected governments?Or, do you believe that everything in life has Purpose — even if it is not always obvious?Could this Purpose be carefully maintained by entities vastly more evolved than those zipping around in UFOs and visiting us from other worlds?INTERNATIONAL COALITION BRINGING DOWN THE OLD WORLD ORDERI am honored to present you with a true story about the awakening of humanity. The awakening is happening on a personal level… and on a collective level as well.Collectively, world governments are becoming aware that they have been manipulated and lied to.One of the greatest lies that has been perpetuated by the Powers that Were is that “everybody’s in on it” — all elected governments, leaders, officials, personnel, et cetera.This is simply not true.The real powers that have been running the world would never show their faces in an election. You will never see anyone above middle-management level in a race for public office.Many, if not most elected officials are terrified of these hidden powers. They have been vigorously threatened with fates far worse than death — witnessing the gruesome results firsthand — if they should ever dare to oppose the Old World Order.Russia, China, Brazil and India bravely led the charge with the BRIC alliance, which became BRICS when South Africa signed on. From this seed, we now have a massive international coalition involving the leaders of over 80 nations — and it’s growing by the day.TWO DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVES ON THE SAME STORYTogether, these nations have formed a new alliance for justice. Their most important and significant goal is to utterly crush the ability to create money out of thin air. All currencies will soon be backed by tangible assets, such as precious metals and other commodities.The entire system will be transparent for anyone with online access, so any one person can audit it and check for fraud. Coin money has already been made that will be a lot smaller than most of us are used to, but it will be from real gold and silver.This plan was devised by people who had worked within the old system at a very high level, and have since broken away. (I cannot go into greater specifics at this time.) They knew exactly what the biggest problems were — and what we need to do in order to fix them.I had heard about a similar-sounding plan from my own top-level insider sources for about the last two years. I sincerely hoped it would succeed, but we hadn’t really talked about it much since last year.Up until recently, I was unaware that the 80-nation coalition Benjamin Fulford was talking about (see Part One) was organizing its financial recovery agenda through this exact same plan — working from the exact same blueprints I’ve been hearing about for so long.I didn’t realize that both of these storylines were connected until I presented one of these insiders with a detailed summary of what I had written about in Part One.“You just verbalized exactly what is going on, David. I wouldn’t have had the liberty to tell you all those details otherwise, as this is still very sensitive, but now that you already have been briefed on it, I can confirm that everything you’ve just said is true.”The only point of discrepancy was that this contact had only heard that “about 50″ nations had signed on — but that information was several weeks old at the time. This made it line up even better with Fulford’s timeline of what nations got involved, and when.WHAT, EXACTLY, ARE THEY DOING?This is the first article I’ve written since finding out that the international coalition Fulford spoke about is using the exact same blueprint for financial reform that I’ve been discussing, off and on, for so long now — with my own insiders.Now that I know how it all fits together, I’m even more excited about it than I was already. Fulford’s sources have now gotten a very significant validation from my own… and I believe this is no accident.This will be the most substantial reformatting of the world’s financial system since the time of Babylon, where all the problems first originated… at least on this planet, in our so-called “modern” times.In the new system, if you have 20 dollars — either in paper money or in your bank account — you can visit any one of a variety of warehouses storing materials and goods, and withdraw 20 dollars’ worth of assets from the warehouse.You could get 20 dollars worth of corn. Or wheat. Or potatoes. Or silver. Or gold. Or rice. Et cetera. The coin money will already be made of precious metals. (Putin has had the vast majority of the Russian military secretly mining precious metals for years now.)A BASKET OF COMMODITIESThis might not sound any different than going to the grocery store, but the difference is extremely substantial. No currency in the world will be issued unless it has the direct backing of hard assets — held in storage as collateral against the value of the money.This is not unlike the idea of a Gold Standard — and in fact, gold will be used in tiny coins — but there is not enough gold to run the world’s financial systems appropriately at this point. That problem will only intensify as growth continues.It is very important that all money is tied in with real things: stuff that actually exists, has real value, and sits in a warehouse somewhere, and / or is contained within the money itself, so that anyone who uses the money has real value to gain from it.Technically, the term I heard is that every financial system in the world will be “tethered to a basket of commodities.”This one simple move will utterly crush the Illuminati and all other shadow factions. The playing field will finally be leveled.Legitimate wealth, such as what ordinary people or even most well-to-do people have in the bank, will not be affected by this change.If you have money in the bank, those assets will still be yours when the changeover is made — except they will soon have a lot more purchasing power than they did before in the old, corrupt system.All of this is but a brief transitional phase as we move into what will ultimately be a moneyless system… as I will explain in Part Three.THE PEOPLE ARE ANGRY… AND HAVE TAKEN TO THE STREETS FOR CHANGEUnfortunately, most people do not understand the nature of the current system enough to see why this will be such a significant change.Propaganda will undoubtedly be very effective in making people utterly convinced that this is the big “New World Order” takeover they’ve been fearing and dreading for so long… directly setting the stage for martial law, internment camps and so on.There are already some very provocative examples of this propaganda occurring now. They know what is coming and are doing everything they can to brace for impact.However, everyone knows that the more “funny money” is created, the more prices go up — and the more impoverished everyone becomes.This has now become obvious, thanks to the bailouts — which did absolutely nothing to quell the daily mind-rape of economic fear porn being churned out by the establishment media.Fear was created. Bailouts were rammed through without a public vote or approval. The rich got richer. The poor got poorer. The only solution they offered was to generate even more bailouts, making the problem even worse. Fear begets fear.As a result, the Occupy Wall Street movement is now growing exponentially fast. One insider told me they estimate it is growing by 50 percent per week, and may accelerate even faster as it catches on.Even the public media is now reporting that the movement has spread to 900 cities around the world.GENUINELY TERRIFYINGThis public uprising is genuinely terrifying to the Old World Order, regardless of their propaganda and disinformation to the contrary.They had no idea what it would be called once it got started, but they have been planning ever since at least the 1980s for a mass, public uprising once the average person realizes how badly he or she has been mistreated.This was also the key point discussed at a recent closed meeting of Congress on September 28th… “What the hell do we do now?”“Super Congress” Holding Super Secret Meetingshttp://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/09/28/super-committee-secret-meetings_n_984965.htmlThroughout the day on Tuesday, a smattering of political reporters leaned up against walls in the basement of the Capitol Visitors Center. Inside room HVC200, the 12-member supercommittee, tasked with reshaping the nation’s tax code, social safety net and approach to war, was meeting in secret.“I don’t want to discuss what we discussed,” Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) told the gathered reporters, as recorded by Politico.“I think you all know the rules,” Sen. Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.) told the group, according to Roll Call. “If you want to talk to somebody, talk to our two co-chairmen.”“They have had a series of member meetings and will continue to do so while also holding public hearings,” a spokesperson for Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.), one of the two chairs, told HuffPost on Tuesday when asked about the private meeting, which lasted most of the day.The other panel members, according to media reports, were equally mum about what went on inside the room. “They were running through a whole series of cats and dogs,” an aide to a Democratic member told HuffPost.Of the six significant meetings the Super Congress has held, only two have been public — one to allow members to read prepared opening statements.IT’S TOO LATE TO STOP IT NOWThe best the Powers that Were can do now is to appear to support the Occupy Wall Street movement, because they know their entire “black economy” is about to be closed down anyway.It is too late, and they know it. The battle has been lost. They didn’t think it was possible they could ever be defeated, but now they are well aware of their own impending collapse… thanks to this vast, international coalition.There is real terror among them now. They pushed it too far. They stole too much. They told too many lies. They got too greedy. And now their time has run out.Their final plan is to attempt to run and hide from justice as it all comes crashing down around them… such as in massive complexes on land they have annexed in South America.They are also planning to create significant damage on the way out.I have had at least 100 different dreams revealing various aspects of this scenario in the last three years, some of which I’ve posted here, and I have been given every assurance that these plans will not succeed.NASTY, NASTY, NASTYAs I said in Part One, top-level insiders are now telling us that charges have been planted in key bridges and airstrips around the US.The Eisenhower Interstate System, from its inception, built cubbyholes into bridges where incendiary devices could be planted at all the key locations that were necessary to bring them down.I do not believe Eisenhower was aware of this feature when it was first installed — but it does seem he discovered at least part of what was going on before the end of his presidency.President Eisenhower famously warned of “the rise of unwarranted influence… by the military-industrial complex” in his farewell address.This diabolical plan may well be part of what he was warning us about.HOW WAS IT DONE?I asked my insiders if black-ops teams planted these charges and then had to be killed to protect the secrets. I was surprised by the simplicity and elegance of the answer.“It’s a lot simpler than that. Why kill any of your best people if you don’t have to?”“I don’t get it. What is stopping these guys from spilling the whole story to their wives some night when they’re really drunk and depressed — particularly if they get all pissed off at their bosses once the checks stop coming in?”“What if the people who did this had no idea they were planting bombs in the first place?”“Oh shit. I think I’m starting to see where you’re going with this. Go on.”“All you have to do is hire ordinary workers to do safety checks. You pay them to drill holes in the concrete of these bridges. They then send in their scopes and equipment to test for “structural integrity”, such as cracks and fissures in the concrete.Then, they put in radio-controlled ‘detectors’, which supposedly test for humidity, temperature, air pressure, acoustic vibrations and so on. These devices do, in fact, do all of these things… so no one asks any questions.Once the ‘detectors’ were put in, they filled in the holes with cement… and went on to the next one.Little did they know they just planted demolition charges that can be set off with the push of a button.The plan is to set ‘em off all over America, all at once, when the public finally realizes how badly they’ve been screwed… and forms a mass uprising.”TRUTH RUINS THE PLANVarious insiders shared this plan with me, and I am admittedly taking a personal risk in making it public — but I consider silence to be a much greater risk on this particular issue.I suspect, but have not confirmed, that the Mississippi bridge collapse of August 1, 2007 was a preliminary test of this system to make sure it would work properly… and it apparently did.A massive eight-lane steel bridge on the I-35 collapsed during evening rush hour on August 1, 2007, killing 13 people and injuring 145.What made this event so strange was that multiple structural members of the bridge collapsed simultaneously — all along the bridge, from one side to the other — causing it to drop at nearly free-fall speed.If it were a natural event, it would be more logical to assume that one support strut would break first, and then some of the others would get carried down along with it… but both sides? Simultaneously?This doesn’t smell right.FORGIVE THE SKEPTICSSkeptics would insist this bridge collapse, and other similarly weird things like the Building 7 free-fall collapse during 9/11, are ordinary events — but those skeptics are speaking from a place of fear.The interesting thing about fear is it often lurks in the subconscious. The real source of this very strongly-held belief then remains unavailable to the conscious mind.The skeptics themselves are unaware that the real reason they fight the truth so vigorously is they cannot psychologically handle the weight of it possibly being true.This is why, as I always say, forgive the skeptics and the haters. No matter what you say or do, they will not change their beliefs until they are ready.In ordinary circumstances, it may take them a very long time to let go, embrace the “dark night of the soul”, and integrate the ugly truth that has always been lurking in the shadows.They are suffering from a sixty-year program of comprehensive, mass brainwashing, which continues to bombard them and reinforce the system on a day-by-day basis from the mainstream media.Their minds will not allow the truth to be the truth, because the thought is too unbearable to contemplateTHERE IS NOTHING TO FEARThis willful, fear-induced denial is, in fact, exactly how this mass, international occult financial conspiracy has persisted for so long.Sadly, many people do not realize there is absolutely nothing to fear. Even once the whole, ugly truth is exposed, there will almost certainly be some degree of mass riots and panic as the spin-meisters continue to do their best to create massive, uncontrollable fear.The truth is that we are living in a holographic, thought-responsive “matrix,” built by what I call the Source Field.Not one person has been forgotten by the Divine, loving forces assisting our earth, who will present “coincidences” and bizarre events that pull back the veil — and reveal that things are not as they seem.The more you realize that these events are genuinely real, instead of laughing them off as nonsense, the more they will happen.This mass, collective lucid dream responds to our thoughts, intentions and desires — and is conveniently disguised as “reality”.This “illusion” was created for our own spiritual growth and development — by forces vastly more powerful than all the minds on Earth combined.The “illusion” is also extremely ancient — if you would be so aggressive as to attach a time-coordinate to that which is ageless and timeless.OUR PLANET IS BEING PROTECTED ON A VAST LEVELIn material such as the Law of One series, which I have heavily validated with over 1000 academic references in The Source Field Investigations, we are told that very high-level beings oversee the evolution of people on Earth — and millions of other worlds in this galaxy alone.A very precise balance is achieved — where the public never experiences anything greater than what they themselves have attracted… by the focus of their thoughts.The human mind is the ultimate battlefield. If the Powers that Were can keep you locked up in fear and terror, you will attract more fear and terror… and they win.HIDE OUT IN THE OPENIn their occult system, they all know the “rules” — and one of the main principles is that they have to “hide out in the open.”They reveal their plans to humanity, with very little veiling, if any. One very large but extremely simple example would be the bailouts.If no one cares enough to do anything significant about these plans, then on a very real level, the public has actively chosen to be enslaved.They make this choice by believing that fear is stronger than love.They may have had many bizarre synchronicities in their lives, inviting them into the truth that we live in a magical universe designed to promote spiritual evolution, but they wall these experiences off in some separate category — apart from “the real world.”What the negatives do not realize is that the reason why these “rules” force them to “hide out in the open” is that they are being used. They are only here to fulfill a purpose. Once that purpose has been adequately fulfilled, they will be forced to either change or leave.Their purpose is to provide a mirror of the collective negativity we all are wrestling with.Enough people have now seen their own reflection in the worldwide mirror that the Old World Order is now very rapidly being dismantled.This news is so stunning, and so exciting, that it has been very difficult for me to wait to finish this article describing what I now know.THESE PLANS WILL NOT SUCCEEDThe negatives do not understand that they are on a very tight choker-chain leash from the higher forces.Much like only one party can ever win an election, any one diabolical plan the Old World Order creates is nothing more than a job application they just filed with Management.“Guys, could we please nuke the planet?” Nope. Sorry.“Could we maybe kill a few billion people and lighten the load a bit?” Afraid not.“Well, OK, but how about a world dictatorship?” Fugeddaboutit.“Can we get them to worship us as gods… create a big disaster and then appear as their saviors?” Nah, buddy.“Hmmm… what if we try a massive, fake alien invasion?” Ain’t gonna happen.“Well, could we at least destroy the American economy and starve everyone out of spite once we get caught?” Nuh-uh-uh!“ASSHOLE HIPPIES FROM OUTER SPACE”One of the most exciting things I’ve been hearing about lately is that a ten-mile-wide spherical UFO is now parked in upper Earth orbit.Over 200 smaller craft have been seen coming and going from the mothership, thanks to round doors opening and closing.This was all witnessed by personnel within the International Space Station, among others. (There are plenty of optics onboard that can see craft that would otherwise be “cloaked” from the conventional visible-light spectrum.)One of my own staff sent me a writeup of a dream that described this exact scenario in stunning detail — and they had no idea that I’d already heard the same thing from insiders.It has become very difficult to piece together exactly what is going on, since there has been a significant clamp-down on information in the insider community — and the “need-to-know basis” has now become much more stringent.However, we do know that some aspects of the military-industrial complex have made contact with these people… and literally described them as “Asshole Hippies from Outer Space.”(This element was also featured in the prophetic dream, which you will soon read below.)The Old World Order have been told they are being stopped in order to save the trees, the animals and the people of this planet.“What the f- do you care about this planet? You don’t even live here! F-k off!”COMPASSION SEEN AS A WEAKNESSThe military mindset adores drama and intrigue. They love to feel they are in an epic struggle against a villain that is Evil Incarnate.Apparently, what pisses them off the most is that their underground bases are now being wiped out, in ever-increasing numbers, by people who speak softly of love and peace, keep trying to get them to open their hearts, but are also refusing to take no for an answer.It’s literally the equivalent of their greatest, most secure blast doors in the deepest underground bunkers being torn open… and then in walks a bunch of Greenpeace, earth-loving, blissed-out, attractive, young-looking humans who speak to them like they were children.THE BIG LECTURE“Wait a minute. I thought you guys were only here to observe? What about the Prime Directive and all that? You’re not supposed to DO ANYTHING!”“Don’t you remember how we would appear and shut down your nuclear missile installations… ever since you began building them?”“Well, yeah, but then you gave them back to us! You were only running tests. You never took any action. You let us use them here and there. You obviously could have invaded any time you wanted, but you never did. You were weak and foolish.”“I understand how you feel. It may have appeared that we were only here to study you from a distance, but our real purpose was to make sure you would never actually be able to use nuclear weapons to destroy the Earth.We mean you no harm. We also cannot allow you to destroy this planet. I am sorry, because I know this is very disappointing for you.We could not take further action until the great cycles of Time allowed us to. The plan is very, very ancient, and has played itself out across innumerable worlds. We have vast repositories of data to consult when we are faced with any new situation.We are only messengers of the will of the Earth, the Sun and the Galaxy itself. You have had your time. And now the people of the Earth will be free.Whether you choose to cooperate or not is up to you. The decision has been made. And so shall it be.If you let us help you, then you do not need to be harmed. We do not wish to see anyone suffer or experience pain. Our love is freely offered to each and every One.”THE UNDERGROUND BASESAccording to our best, most trusted insiders, these same “tree-hugging” ETs have now been clearing out underground facilities around the world. The first two were near Washington, DC and Denver, Colorado.This occurred on the same day my new book, The Source Field Investigations, was released. This was a great shock to me as the story began coming together over the following weeks.As I explained in Part One, and as Fulford’s sources confirmed, each of these bases were destroyed by an explosive force that caused massive surface earthquakes — including the largest East Coast earthquake in a century.These earthquakes had very unusual properties that were identical to what we see after underground nukes have been detonated. However, we also now know that no radiation was involved.EVERYTHING APPARENTLY GOT PORTALED OUTAudio recordings of what occurred inside these bases were captured before their destruction.As a result, the insiders now know that for 24 hours before each of these bases was destroyed, they heard massive sounds of sliding furniture — and people yelling and screaming.Part of what is so strange about this is that even tables that were bolted to the floor were unscrewed and removed. All that was left behind was furniture that was broken.By putting two and two together, it appears that massive portals were created inside these bases. All the materials and all the personnel were pulled out before the first two facilities were destroyed.The destruction, as I said, was apparently caused by a spontaneous 20-fold increase in air pressure.SIX MORE BASES WERE SUBSEQUENTLY WIPED OUTThe next reliable piece of information that came in was that the Powers that Were refused to surrender, even after this very impressive show of invincible force.I have been told that the amount of equipment — including craft that would have been used to fake an alien invasion — that was cleared out in the first two events alone was enough to constitute a critical, irreversible defeat for them.Nonetheless, they still refused to give up. Perhaps they’ve watched too many sports games and still want to live by the old adage that “it ain’t over ’til it’s over.”Six additional bases, not restricted to the United States, were then cleared out after the first two.We do not know when this happened, where it happened, and whether or not they were physically destroyed — only that all the materials and personnel were removed.MANY MORE HAVE NOW BEEN CLEAREDRight near the end of September, the next wave occurred — and this time it was much more significant. I was given an exact number and asked not to repeat it. In order to preserve the integrity and trust of my sources, I will withhold these specifics.Suffice it to say that within a short period of time, perhaps all in the same day, a significantly larger number of bases were all cleared out.The reports, again, are the same: audio recordings reveal the sounds of furniture sliding all over the place and people yelling. In this case, the bases are still there, but all the materials, spacecraft, et cetera have all been removed — except for the broken furniture.Knowing the extreme integrity and trustworthiness that has been built up with these sources, I was so overwhelmed by this news that I completely “lost it” and burst into tears when I first heard about this.Part of me lamented for the staff who went through fear and terror as they were pulled into these portals. I am saddened by the fact that so few of them are even aware that this is happening at all… and only find out once it is happening to them.I also cried tears of relief in knowing that we are truly being guided and protected — and that the most significant events in thousands of years of this “war” are now happening.IT WILL PROBABLY BECOME PUBLIC IN STAGESBear in mind that the final results of all this “inside” work may not immediately be obvious.However, these “Asshole Hippies from Outer Space” are making it possible for this international coalition of 80 countries to actually succeed in their efforts.It seems very unlikely that the bridge detonations will be allowed to occur. The Powers that Were still don’t understand that any one plan they have is nothing more than a job application.Any application that would create too much damage, or give them too much of an unfair advantage, will be rejected.In order to keep this “illusion” going for so long, the higher forces have been extraordinarily clever at masking their “interventions” so as to make them look like they happened by strictly natural, terrestrial means.Therefore, I expect we will see some additional drama as the whole financial debacle reaches its apex. At some point, there will most likely be an announcement… and the world will never be the same.I imagine that there will be a decent bit of time for us to absorb this news before we move on to a full, complete Disclosure… but I will write more about this aspect of the story in later updates.For now, I want to share with you a transcript, only slightly altered, of the stunning dream that came in from a key staff member.This person hadn’t heard a word about this ten-mile-wide spherical ship that was seen with hundreds of smaller UFOs coming and going from it… nor of the name that some of the old military brass had given to these new people.THE PROPHETIC DREAMHere is what I read — and this is only one of a variety of extremely powerful dreams that have been coming in, suggesting that we are on the threshold of an extremely positive shift:THE LITTLE UFOS AND THE BIG BALLWe were out in a beautiful natural setting. I saw a little silver thing spinning in the air. At first I thought it was a top, but I then realized it was a weird little UFO.It flew towards me. About 200 of them came. They were spinning and they were small — about six to ten inches across. They were spinning and glowing and I realized they were little metal tiny spaceships.They were pretty – they seemed to have liquid mercury on their skin, and looked like they were somehow alive.Then there was a big ball that came that was maybe six feet in diameter. It was spinning. It went into the middle of the smaller objects.It was amazing that none of them ran into each other because there were so many of them. They all started moving together like a school of fish.THE PERSON IN THE LIGHTThe big one started whirling and turned into a white light. Then the image of a person emerged from the light.This person was now standing on the land — and he was obviously an ET. He was really tall. Taller than most people by a foot or two. Maybe seven and a half feet tall.He had a mane of really wild black hair with fluorescent green feathers sewn into it.He was wearing this highly futuristic-looking outfit with many small spikes coming off of it, almost like a porcupine. It had fluorescent green and blue colors, tribal style.He was smiling and standing there. Everyone else was shocked, but I was happy about it. He said hi to me. I ran up to him and hugged him and he smiled at me.Then, everyone else realized he was safe… and they all started hugging him.Then he was making weird faces with his face – such as the ability to stretch his skin sideways off of his face. It was kind of gross. I didn’t look at him while he was doing it. He was laughing the whole time.He wanted to tell people about all kinds of different things – whatever they wanted to know, he answered. How things really worked in the Universe.THE MURDEROUS EXECUTIVEThen you and I got into a car with a business executive. He ended up being murderous. He was tall and had sandy blondish-brown hair. It was combed over to the side and he had a lot of hair. He had a blondish-brown corduroy jacket. A muted ochre, not a bright ochre. He had a turtleneck and some slacks.We were driving in this car and he basically tried to kill us. He wasn’t exactly trying to kill us as much as he had a death wish for himself as well, as he was driving crazy.He drove into the side of the wall on the road and was smashing his car into whatever, including the car in front of him.Then we got to a restaurant – a very fancy five-star escargot restaurant. We ditched him, and told him he needed to get the hell away from us, as he was crazy — he had smashed his car against the side of the wall. Then we hid, afraid he might find us.Then you decided you wanted to eat at the restaurant anyway. I said we should get away from this murderous, rampaging guy. You said we should still eat out because it was so nice there… so I agreed.We decided we would not be afraid. We were not going to let this guy run our lives. If he came up to us, we would just tell him no, whatever it was he wanted us to do. No more fear!QUITE A REMARKABLE MOMENTSo again, I’ll repeat the question I started with at the beginning of this article: Do you believe in love, or do you believe in fear?When this new financial system is announced, will you buy into the mountains of “fear porn” telling you that it is a diabolical plan from hell?When ETs are announced, will you embrace them as our long-lost brothers and sisters, or think they must be hideous, shape-shifting demons that want to utterly destroy human civilization?You have a choice about what you will believe and how you will live your life.--------------------------------------------------------------------a.. This article was forwarded from The 2012 Scenario using FeedBlitz.b.. Your email address was not shared and you were not subscribed when you were sent this article.c.. Subscribe to The 2012 Scenario email updates.

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"As we on ACC mostly realise, the dark elites seek to promote the use of EVs on a mass scale....However, I'm optimistic that people are now realising that this promotion is based upon the fakery of "climate emergency"...Moreover, rather than saving…"
12 hours ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"I would always recommend a very trustworthy supplier of gold and silver bullion. Anything from China should always be avoided....My tried and trusted favourite bullion merchants, are Baird & Co of London....
"Baird & Co. is one of the UK’s leading…"
12 hours ago

The Plejaren And The Plejaren Solar Systems

Next up on the Galactic Blogs will be one of the most talked about civilizations in our Galaxy The Plejaren which as we know are the Humans Billy Meier has been in contact with for most of his life. All info here comes from Sheldan Nidles book…

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Ashtar Command Global Update!

Happy Friday to You! I have just received the new 'Position of the Fleet' AC diagram…also, the new, explosive Ashtar Command Global Update is coming up!   …

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