CHANNELING.pngConveyed through Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness

Many of you are sharpening your divinely ordained abilities to pick up on the energies and impressions of the higher reams, and we continue to watch you toil in the pains and stresses of the lower-dimensional earth with love and appreciation for everything you’ve been able to achieve so far.

We know it isn’t customary for a lot of awakening seekers to pat themselves on the backs, but you truly deserve it for everything you have and continue to do.

We note that the drive to start changing things by immersing yourselves in works that are intended to help your society awaken is growing in many of you, and this is an aspect of your collective reclamation of the life you’ve always been destined to live.

You’re meant to understand that you are and have always been one consciousness, and once you start to grasp this, you can work to awaken as many others to its reality as possible.

You have the love and support of the entirety of the Company of Heaven, and as your earthly ‘time’ goes on, you’ll find that this love and support grew immensely. We’re here for you in every way, and understanding this is essential to making the connections so many of you want to make.

Constant Connection

We note that a lot of seekers want to connect with their higher selves and guides, but they feel as if they’re unable to make these connections because they perceive us or the higher realms as somehow unattainable. The realms we exist in are unfathomable from your current perspective, but this doesn’t mean you can’t connect with us any time you like.

You can constantly connect with the higher realms, and we note that many of you seek to make this connection and open up to the reality of your existence in a greater way, removing the shackles of confinement that have held you back so much in the past.

This confinement has been created in the minds and hearts of the unaware humanity, and it’s being kept in place by self-serving earthly forces who desire to control humanity and your planet. They’re losing control of the manner in which your planet functions by the day, but we don’t wish to focus on their downfall for this communication.

What we’d like to do on this day is encourage you to empower yourselves with the understanding that you’re infinite and unlimited spiritual beings with the potential to be and do anything you desire.

You don’t need a guru or even a channeled source to find the higher vibration so many of you desire and are destined to find – all you need is the inspiration and willingness that provide a needed boost to your efforts.

Some of you have come to the earth on a specific mission; with a specific agenda, and many of you are utilizing your divine talents as you make way for the rest of your planet to awaken to their infinite capabilities and use such capabilities for their benefit and that of those around them, creating a revolution of love and compassion – a fourth-dimensional quality – in the process.

You’re all developing and expanding your spiritual perception, and those of you who feel as if you’re at a standstill are encouraged to understand that the idea of ‘standing still’ in your growth as you define it is an illusion. You couldn’t possibly be at a standstill, because you’re constantly growing; learning; developing.

You’re constantly refining and raising your vibration, and even though you also tend to take a few steps back, your path ultimately leads home. As long as you continue to show the focus and incentive so many of you have been able to, you’ll find that the connections you seek come to you with greater joy and ease than ever before.

There’s a difference between the individual expression of an awakening seeker and the expression of their higher selves and guides, and we encourage all of our channels to use their own voices; to write their own material about things that interest them.

We’re more than happy to speak through the channels who open up to us, but by no means do we have to be the only souls who speak to humanity about spirit.

Your Voice is Valuable

Every one of your voices and opinions is valuable, and we encourage all of humanity to start expressing yourselves; to be creative and enjoy your creativity. Allow your minds to develop grand projects that are intended to help humanity become aware of spirit, and remember to enjoy yourselves in the process.

Enjoy the connections you’re making, because they’re just beginning. You’re just beginning to perceive the amazing things spirit has to offer, and if we could outline all of those things through this scribe, we absolutely would.

You’re far more able to perceive spirit and the wonders that exist here than you realize, and from our perspective, it’s time to start developing your greater perception and, without burning yourselves out, allow yourselves to produce as much spiritually inspired material as possible.

We don’t recommend making your roles hard on yourselves, nor do we recommend overworking yourselves.

You have a lot of divinely inspired work to do, but you can’t do it properly if you burn yourselves out. If you’re too tired to do something, you won’t be able to do it, and for this and plenty of other reasons, we encourage taking it easy on yourselves while still seeking to expand your greater abilities.

Creatively, you’re absolutely infinite in what you can do and be. In fact, you’re infinite in every other sense as well, but your earthly existence has blocked your understanding of your infinity.

You’re divine souls who are on the earth on a mission to raise consciousness and awareness, and realizing this in the greatest sense is paramount of starting the purest and most helpful of your work and encouraging the rest of humanity to do the same.

You each have the ability to flow like never before, producing things you would’ve never thought yourselves able to produce, and when finding a greater, more creative perception is difficult, we encourage exercise or anything else that’ll put you in a lively state of mind and heart and make it much easier for you to be in your respective creative grooves.

The creative ‘groove’ we speak of is really a creative flow, and it’s something a plethora of seekers are beginning to access. We’ve given our scribe dreams about this divine, creative flow and everything it’ll entail, and needless to say, all of humanity will soon open up to their greater perception and enjoy this flow.

In doing so, we can expect your collective vibration to rise significantly, and the complete overhaul of the oppressive manner in which your society functions will be a natural result.

You’re all bringing this about, and all you have to do is pursue creative acts that you enjoy and that fill you with passion and wholeness. You’re encouraged, but not required, to orient the things you do to spirit and raising humanity’s vibration, but no matter what you choose to do, you’re helping humanity become aware by acting on your passions.

All of humanity deserves to pursue things that fill them with joy and elation, and those of you who are able to are encouraged to use the position you’re in for the betterment of humanity.

Open your minds and hearts to the greater influences around you, and if you have trouble making your greater connections, do something that removes you from the state of mind that teaches you connecting with spirit is impossible.

Nothing’s Impossible

Nothing’s impossible, and you’ll realize this when you start your work and achieve metaphysical wonders that are far outside your current perception. Your collective vibration will be much purer when you start the greatest of your work, and your ability to be a collective conduit for the divine will have grown significantly.

Those of you who are honing your divine reception are encouraged to understand that the more energy and information you bring through (or the more creative works you produce), the more the consciousness of your planet grows and the more you as individuals are opened up to the divine.

We humbly request those of you who seek enlightenment not to close your channels or, if you do, not to keep them closed for very long. Even though you’re expanding your channels like never before, closing them is much easier than opening them. They’ll close with ease, but opening them again will require focus, effort, and dedication.

You’ve only just opened your channels after lifetimes and lifetimes in the lower vibrations, and now that you’re finding the greater connections you seek, it’s imperative that you remain in the frequency that helps you make these connections.

By this we mean that it’s imperative for you to keep yourselves in as pure of a space as possible, and there are plenty of ways you can do so. In keeping your bodies and spirits pure and healthy, you’ll connect with spirit in the greatest ways possible as you happily utilize the myriad divine gifts you’ll discover you possess.

It all starts with your recognition of your divinity and the fact that you’re on the earth to introduce significant change, and we look forward to the time when all of humanity can make the necessary inner changes that’ll enable you to change the divisive and unproductive manner in which your planet has functioned for millennia.

Your society is due to experience a complete overhaul; a complete upgrade from one condition to another.

You’ll all help bring this about, and not one soul will be excluded from your new society. The division and rejection that comprise your current will be replaced with full-on acceptance, and no more will any soul have to go without the necessities that everyone deserves and requires.

This is how your society should function, though it’s against our nature to proclaim you should be doing things a certain way.

You individually and collectively control your destiny and the direction you go in, and we’ll make our final expressions for this communication with encouragement for you to understand that you carry far more power and ability to decide your fate than you realize.

If we could only express how loved and appreciated you are, we absolutely would. However, human words are far too finite to express it and most other things, and we use the words and impressions that are available to us when we speak through this or any other scribe.

In time, as you continue evolving, you’ll realize the immense significance of your earthly presence.

You’ll understand that you’re on the earth for a great and important reason, and when you do, you’ll look back on your experience with immense appreciation and the wish that you would’ve done even more. You’re doing everything you can for now, but soon enough, you’ll expand and start working like never before.

We look forward to this time, because we’ll work directly with you. Your future is bright, but in order for you to realize it, you have to make sure your present is just as bright. Love and appreciate this current moment, because it offers just as much liberation as the wonderful and heavenly future you’ll soon enter.

Thank you to my higher self and spiritual guides.

I’m a 21 year old awakening seeker and creator of The Culture of Awareness daily news site.

The Culture of Awareness features daily spiritual and alternative news, as well as articles I’ve written and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material that’s spiritually inspired and/or related to the fall of the planetary elite and our entrance into a positive future.

I can also be found at Conscious Oneness, The Golden Age of Gaia,, Ashtar Command Crew, Facebook (Wes Annac and The Culture of Awareness), and Twitter.

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