f6c3820dc56ff20855fbf33d3999fa2a.jpgConveyed through Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness

You’re sharpening your ability to flow with the divine and pick up on increasingly pure banquets of energy, and the entirety of the Company of Heaven watches as you go about the difficult and painful experiences that are leading you home.

Feel free to practice channeling us and using the result of the connections you can make for the greater good of the conscious public, because you each have the ability to pick up on the energies and impressions being emitted from the higher dimensions.

You’re each receptors for the energy of the higher realms, and all of your higher selves desire to connect with you and help you navigate your difficult ascension processes. You’ll benefit greatly from connecting with your higher selves and guides, because you’ll give yourselves a quite literal link to the other side of the veil.

You allow yourselves to peak into the other side when you connect with your higher selves or any other higher-dimensional soul speaking to humanity at this time, and we know how eager many of you are to find a higher state of consciousness.

Take the Wheel

Those of you who feel led to channel our energies and impressions are always encouraged to understand just how able you are to connect with us, and if we could show you your true potential, we would in a heartbeat.

We can only do so much to help you realize how real and strong your abilities are beginning to become, and at a certain point, it becomes essential for each of you to take the wheel and start steering your lives where you want them to go.

Some of you are struggling with feeling as if you’re trapped in a box that’s too hard to escape, and there are plenty of ways you can exit this box and live the lives of freedom you desire.

One of the best things we can recommend is to transcend the daily routine that keeps so many of you shackled, and breaking free from what you’re used to doing in favor of inspiring things that fill you with a sense of wholeness and invigoration will break the spell that keeps you trapped and unable to find a higher state of consciousness.

Meditation will help you far more than many seekers realize, and its true benefits are just beginning to be understood by the conscious public.

Steadily but surely, humanity’s starting to understand their power and the immense weight they carry in influencing the creation and sustainment of your reality, and as this happens, the gateway is opened for more souls to start peeking into the previously unknown truths of their existence, liberating themselves in the process.

Spiritual liberation is one of the main reasons for your existence on the earth, and you’re in the positions you are to liberate yourselves and everyone around you, breaking the conditioning that’s so prevalent on your planet.

The other side of the veil is a wonderful and indescribable place of pure beauty and harmony, and the more effort you make to connect with the other side and, again, help as many souls as you can with this connection, the deeper of a glimpse you’ll gain into our realms and what it’s like to exist here.

We’ve said before that it’s far too difficult to communicate what the higher realms are like with finite, human words, but when your vibration is much purer than it currently is, you’ll feel what these realms are like in a clear way and you’ll understand their indescribable nature.

As long as you continue your efforts to connect with the higher realms and know that you’re being given all of the love and assistance you desire and require, your connections will continue to come to you with relative ease. It’s simply that you have to explore them – you have to be willing to pursue them when it could be easier not to.

Allow your channels to be kept open every day, and stimulate yourselves with creative works you can enjoy. Do things you wouldn’t have thought yourselves able to do – expand your horizons like never before. In doing so, you’ll break the rut so many earthly souls find themselves in as you realize that your lives don’t have to be limited.

You can undertake new and different projects, and your capabilities extend far beyond what most of humanity is given credit for. You’re all intelligent, beautiful beings of creator energy, and many of you have come to the earth on a mission to restore consciousness by raising your vibration before you help your populace awaken.

Packages of Information and Energy

You’re starting to achieve this goal now, and if you continue to practice connecting with the higher realms and all of the souls in them, you’ll be increasingly able to receive the divine energy coming your way. Very large packages of information and energy await humanity to decode them, and all you need to do is open yourselves to them to begin receiving them in real and pure ways.

Your ability to receive this energy depends entirely on how receptive you choose to be, and it’s very easy to block yourselves from it in favor of finite, earthly things that won’t help you along your paths as much as practicing the development of your connections will.

We can’t stress the importance of maintaining your greater connections enough, and those of you who are just starting out and who’s channels seem shallow are encouraged to know that with time, practice, and effort, they’ll get much, much deeper.

You can channel at any time of day, even if the messages are particularly small or shallow.

Channeling doesn’t have to be a long and difficult process, and sometimes, letting the flow loose when the time seems right and holding no conditions to this flow is the best thing you can do. You don’t need to strive for our communications to be a certain length or contain certain information – all you need to do is open yourselves to whatever flows through and know that it was meant for you at that time.

Even if it seems like a jumbled mess of words that make little sense, something about their structure and configuration is meant for you at the time the words are given.

Our messages are much deeper and more complex than the physical words you’re reading, and we place various codes in this and many other messages that help the seekers who are receptive to these codes or energetic ‘packets’ to receive a greater amount and purity of energy when they attune to them.

One of the purposes of these packets of energy is to help the seekers who are receptive to them open up to their channeling abilities in a greater way, and if channeling resonates with you, you can feel free to pursue it and expand your reception of these energy packages.

The energy you’re receiving as you read this is helping you open up to spirit and your ability to communicate with the Company of Heaven in a greater way, and you’re encouraged to expand on the energy some of you are feeling if you want to be on a much greater and purer meditation vibration.

The choice is always yours, and no matter which path you take, you’ll eventually re-reach Source and flow on a wave of peaceful bliss that’s unlike anything on the earth.

We’ll make our final expressions for this communication with the reminders that every attempt to open up to the higher realms changes the consciousness of your planet and every effort to help humanity become aware is indescribably valuable.

Whether you write something that’s intended to help raise consciousness; channel; meditate; or do anything else that stimulates your creativity and your development, you keep yourselves sensitive to the influence of the divine and you help myriad other seekers who might not have been able to open up in a deeper way were it not for the assistance you gave.

Keep flowing, dearest seekers, because your greater abilities have just begun to become known. With practice, you’ll sharpen your understanding of these abilities, and in time, you’ll flow like never before and produce works that benefit all of humanity.

You’re capable of whatever you’re willing to believe you are, and if you think you can change the world with your spiritual perspective, then you can. It’s all up to you, and it all depends on how much you can believe in yourselves and how much effort you choose to give.

Thank you to my higher self and spiritual guides.

I’m a 21 year old awakening seeker and creator of The Culture of Awareness daily news site.

The Culture of Awareness features daily spiritual and alternative news, as well as articles I’ve written and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material that’s spiritually inspired and/or related to the fall of the planetary elite and our entrance into a positive future.

I can also be found at Conscious Oneness, The Golden Age of Gaia, Lightworkers.org, Ashtar Command Crew, Facebook (Wes Annac and The Culture of Awareness), and Twitter.

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  • ...<3 Wes ... Love Ya......

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