grunge_road_sign___infinite_love_limit_by_somadjinn-d620fbl.jpgConveyed through Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness,

You’re beautiful and perfect just as you are, and we’ve always wanted the seekers with particularly depleted faith in themselves to know this. Yes, many of you tend to falter along your paths, but this doesn’t subtract one bit from your immense beauty or the potency of the work you’ve come to the earth to do.

Understand that you’re infinitely loved and appreciated by every soul in the higher realms, and feel in the core of your being that you’re never judged or condemned for the roles you’ve chosen to play.

Everything about your existence on the earth is a miracle, and even though many of you tend to go through difficult and painful situations that make you hunger for a greater perception, you can create the heaven you seek from right on earth if you refuse to let the difficulty get you down.

The divine is here for you in your best and worst times, and understanding this is essential to transcending the limited mental barriers that have convinced you the divine is impossible to open up to.

It’s only ’impossible’ if one’s understanding and perception are limited, and you don’t have to limit yourselves any longer. You don’t have to let yourselves believe you’re anything less than the spiritual warriors and pioneers you truly are, and by ‘warriors’ we don’t intend to say you’ve committed heinous acts of warfare.

No, by ‘warriors’ we mean to say that you’ve battled your way through the lower vibrations and are now anchoring the light in impressively pure measures, the purity of which most of you don’t understand. It’s important that you don’t grasp the full extent of everything you’re doing, even in your seemingly laziest times, because we don’t want you to be overwhelmed with a sense of responsibility.

Natural, Creative Energy

Every bit of work you want to do comes naturally from within, and you don’t need to seek or strive to obtain what’s already there. When our scribe channels us, for example, he acts on the latent energy that sits within, day and night, waiting to be utilized.

The banquet of inner light you each possess can be used for various creative purposes, and channeling us is one of many things you can do when you tap into your inner-held energy and use it to boost your creative works.

There are plenty of different ways you can find the greater perception you seek once you unlock and act on the pure energy you carry within, and after you’ve accessed this energy and practiced the abilities you want to use it with, every creative venture becomes effortless.

The only difficultly then lies in the extent to which you let the mind and ego stop you from acting on your latent energy and utilizing your creative flow to its fullest potential.

When the mind and ego realize you’re making great strides along your evolutionary and creative paths, they throw up barriers that are intended to block your reception of your inner light by convincing you not to channel your creative flow for the benefit of others.

The mind and ego will do everything in their power to stop you from accessing your inner light and using it for the creative ventures that fill so many of you with a sense of purpose and wholeness, and realizing this is essential to moving beyond their influence and opening your channels as much and as often as possible.

As long as you open your channels and keep them open, every bit of energy and information you seek to receive will be picked up easily and gracefully. Once your flow is accessed, you really don’t need to do much but open your minds and hearts further to receive it and refuse to let the ego convince you not to act on your flowing talents, of which you each have many.

As long as you don’t let the mind or ego stop you from bringing the flow through in the pure ways you’re beginning to be able to, you’ll complete every creative venture with relative ease and your reception of the divine will continue to expand.

You’re expanding your reception with each attempt you make to tap into your inner flow, and this is one reason we recommend remaining in your flow as much as possible and producing as many spiritually inspired things as you can. We highly recommend milking your flow for all it’s worth, for in doing so, you’ll put yourselves and the people who come across your work on a much higher vibration than you would’ve if you briefly accessed it.

We’ve said plenty of times that the more you’re in the flow, the easier it’ll be to receive the divine and the more creative works you’ll be able to produce, and we can’t stress this fact enough.

Those of you who are interested in utilizing your creative flow have little reason not to act on it as much as possible, and even though it might be easy to think otherwise, you have far too much potential not to push the limits and find out just what you can do.

We highly recommend being as open, receptive, and creative as you can, because the purpose of your earthly existence is to help raise the planetary vibration as you raise your own.

Creativity is one of the best routes to a greater perception, and spiritually inspired work will help you and, again, everyone who opens up to and benefits from it, become aware in a greater way. If everyone on your planet decided to be creative every day, your collective vibration would rise practically overnight and you’d all find the greater joy and wholeness you seek.

Stepping Out of the Repetitive Void

The problem with your earthly existence is that too many people are stuck in a repetitive void that doesn’t fill them with any level of satisfaction or joy. Many people are stuck in lives of limitation, moving their way through hectic and rigid schedules with the hope that one day, things will be better.

We feel deeply for the souls who feel forced to live this way, and we envision a world where everyone’s able to do exactly what they want in a way that benefits your society and helps humanity prosper.

This is how many planets are run throughout the cosmos, and as your society will discover, every planet is run with the active involvement of its people. With the conscious public’s effort, the people will have much more of a say in the decisions that are made than they’ve been able to, and love will become much more influential in the mind and hearts of humanity.

Your destiny as awakening starlights is to help everyone become aware of the pure and sacred truths you’ve started to discover within, and as you do this, your collective vibration will rise immensely and inspiration to create the utopian society of your dreams will grow to new heights.

This society has to be sought to be created, but there’s much more spiritual work involved in its construction than physical. There will be physical labor, obviously, but not nearly as much as you might think or expect. The labor we speak of will be more spiritual in nature, and self-discipline will be a big part of your collective construction of your new world.

Discipline will be essential if you want to make the inner changes you’ll each need to make before your collective vibration can align with the higher state of consciousness you want to exist in, but with the extent to which lighted souls continue to incarnate on your planet, it won’t be long before you’re in a much, much different state of mind and heart than you are now.

All of humanity will realize and seek to mend the broken and corrupt manner in which your planet has and continues to be run, and ancient, lost history will be unlocked that’ll remind everyone of your galactic nature and the indescribable states of consciousness you’re reentering.

Humanity’s evolution will be unlike any event that’s been witnessed in your history, and it’ll be something you each bring about.

Your work will be very pure and potent, and it’ll far outlast the work many of you are doing now. The work you do now is important, of course, but you’ll continue to expand it as you continue evolving and taking up new projects and missions.

You’ll continue to expand your earthly and universal missions as you continue to learn and grow, and we’ll make our final expressions for this communication with the usual encouragement to keep growing, learning, and refining your greater understanding.

Keep connecting with spirit as often as possible, because you’ll expand your perception and reception of the divine when you do. Open your channels far and wide and invite spirit into your perception for a visit, for in doing so, you’ll find that it is and has always been with you, just beyond your surface comprehension.

Thank you to my higher self and spiritual guides.

(Permission is given to spread this post far and wide, as long as the following bio is included.)

I’m a 21 year old awakening seeker and creator of The Culture of Awareness daily news site.

The Culture of Awareness features daily spiritual and alternative news, as well as articles I’ve written and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material that’s spiritually inspired and/or related to the fall of the planetary elite and our entrance into a positive future.

I can also be found at Conscious Oneness, The Golden Age of Gaia,, Ashtar Command Crew, Facebook (Wes Annac and The Culture of Awareness), and Twitter.

Image by somadjinn, Deviant Art.

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