Spirituality and Vegetarianism

I have been kicking around the idea of becoming a vegetarian, feeling more and more called to eat raw foods.  I am reluctant, however, because I love chicken SO much!  I can't tolerate soy and tofu very well, even organic varieties.


At seminars and spiritual events that I've attended, I always notice that most people are vegetarians and that mostly vegetarian options are served.  And I can't even begin to count how many judgemental looks I've received when I order chicken.  It got me to thinking about whether there is some connection between spirituality and vegetarianism.  I'm not sure I beleive that being a vegetarian makes you spiritual or that you can't be spiritual unless you are a vegetarian, I just noticed this tidbit.  I have been progressing quite nicely on my ascention path regardless of the fact that I still eat some meat so I am curious.


I'd love to hear about any thoughts, ideas, experiences, etc. about spirituality and vegetarianism.  Perhaps it will open another level of understanding for me or trigger an "ah ha".



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  • Thank you Leila Raven and CosmicLight. I appreciate you both sharing your nutritional journey with me. I have cut out a lot of meat so far but am not totally vegetarian. I am emphasizing raw as much as possible and do feel a grreat difference in how I feel. On vacation last week, I ate some processed foods for the first time in a long time since raw wasn't always available where I was at. I couldn't believe how sick I felt after eating it, and not just immediately, but for hours afterward. UUgh. Anyway, thanks again to you both!
  • Hope I'm not too late to join in this discussion...
    I can relate to what you're experiencing because I was in a similar predicament and loved eating chicken. Several months ago I had a strong urge to reduce and/or eliminate meat from my diet. Initially, I couldn't understand why I was feeling this way. The next day I remembered reading about "Ascension Symptoms." One symptom that you might encounter is that, as your energy increases in vibration. It can cause a sudden change in the types of foods the body wants to consume to adjust with the higher frequencies. To elaborate further on Bentbuddha's comment that "live foods will give you life, dead foods won't." I agree with this and it's true from a metaphysical/energetic perspective. I realized that I needed to increase my intake of fruits and vegetables because they contain more "Life force." Dead foods on the other hand are life-less and lose this energy once they die. This Life-force(energy) is also referred to as Orgone/Prana/Chi etc. It exists in all living things and even in the air we breathe. It's the same energy Spiritual healers access and channel when they heal someone.

    There's various factors that can affect how much life force a particular fruit/vegetable has. The fresher it is, the more energy it contains. If it's cooked there's a lower amount in comparison. You can read more about this energy and it's connection to foods on these websites.

    Having said that, I'm not suggesting that everyone has to give up meat because I still eat meat. Only seafood though, mostly fish because it provides me with the important EFAs(Omega 3). My body reacts negatively to chicken, beef etc ever since that period during November-December last year when I noticed most meats aren't compatible with me anymore(Spiritually/physically). I've learnt to listen to my body, rather than ignore and suffer the consequences hehe. Finally, I think you can be "Spiritual" and eat meat. Our bodies are different and not created exactly alike. As the unique beings that we are, we don't all react the same to changes in diet. Removing meat completely may work for one person but not necessarily for someone else. To each their own. Trust your inner guidance and body to know what's best for you.
  • I suggest you read comppasion for animals on lightworkers.org. I have been vege for 17 years and am very healthy, there are more things to eat than tofu. I love bacon but I also love pigs and animals I see no good reason why they have to be murdered so I can eat them . Also while munching into your chicken ever noticed how many have broken bones from being caught and hung up to get killed . Just remember they don't want to die anymore than you do.
    love, light peace and blessings from Mo
    • Thank you Mo for the reference to lightworkers.org about compassion for animals. I will definitely check it out. I am still conflicted about this but have just joined some vegan websites and maybe I will get some better recipes and diet ideas than I had with my first bout of vegetanianism and can stick with it a second time. I really struggled with my decision to eat meat again. With more food options and better ways of preparing vegetables and non meat items maybe I could stick easier to it. I do feel however a little stressed at the guilt aimed my way about eating chicken. My system did not adjust well to strictly vegetarian foods and had chronic diahhea for a long time and got quite ill and run down. So I slowly went back to my old ways of eating. So please do not judge me because I eat meat occasionally, it is not for you to judge me or make me feel guilty about my health choices. But I do respect your way of thinking and feeling about animals very much.
    • Actually, I can't wait to die and return to Source (Please don't project what you think I want). Yes, I have a mission here on Earth but it is not my true home and returning to it will be a beautiful thing. I can appreciate that you are so compassionate for animals - they are beautiful creatures that serve as great teachers. I respect the choices you have made on behalf of the animals. I think everyone should be free to make the choices that feel right for their souls and I try to be careful not to jam my beliefs down anothers throat. Each one of us has a unique journey that is only right for us. I also beleive that what we see in others that we don't like is a reflection of what we don't like in ourselves so your post has helped me to see that I can be less rigid in what I think is true as it may not be right for everyone. Like our fingerprints, each one of us is different. Thank you for helping me to see that about myself.
  • I'm a recent convert to Raw Food Lifestyle. I was a vegetarian years ago as a sign of being "spiritual". I don't know about meat being bad for your spiritual path in a moral/karmic sense - I'm sure there's good points on boths sides to argue that - but I do know going raw will make you feel a alive and have a sharper/clearer mind. Live foods will give you life, dead foods won't. Thats the way I look at it.

    Good luck.
    • This happens to me too. If don't get enough protein I experience that shakiness. The other problem with becoming a vegetarian was, not knowing where I would receive my protein source from. Chicken was what I relied on. Luckily I found a plant based protein powder with high bioavailability(easily absorbable) that doesn't affect me negatively. The company who make it, is called Vitalgreens. It provides me with the Rdi/Rda I need each day. I usually drink it with water and sometimes with milk(non-dairy).
      • I also recommend Vitalgreens protein product as a transitional food, the body seems to be satisfied by this source. Growing your own fresh greens by moisturing the seeds in your mouth before planting will produce vegetables that actually draw from mother gaia the unique nutrition requirements your body needs to bring itself into balance......refer to the Anastasia books by Vladimir Megre.

        All of our personal approaches work until they are subsumed by where we are next.......today you crave chicken tomorrow you may not. The density you choose to work in will attract the resonance of what is familiar to it, in order for you to maintain relationships within it. As you raise the resonance of each cell's consciousness through your choices, their ability to engage with light increases and what you choose to eat, understand/know magnetises similar energetics toward you.....everything is wavelength in the end and the fun is choosing the waves to ride, all your choices will lead you to love and light in the end. Judgement is only ever contextual. Love+the winds of change to you from the fencer downunder.......
        • I love your suggestion on moisturizing the seeds in my mouth. I am planting my garden next weekend since spring is in full force here and this "feels" fantastic. I will look in to the Anastasia books. And what you said about our diet changing with our vibrational shifts makes so much sense to me, especially as I trace back my journey and connect the dietary changes that have happened til now. I am grateful for what you have shared! Thank you, Zeer!! Your are Divine!
    • This happens to me too. If don't get enough protein I experience that shakiness. The other problem with becoming a vegetarian was, not knowing where I would receive my protein source from. Chicken was what I relied on. Luckily I found a plant based protein powder with high bioavailability(easily absorbable) that doesn't affect me negatively. The company who make it, is called Vitalgreens. It provides me with the Rdi/Rda I need each day. I usually drink it with water and sometimes with milk(non-dairy).
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