Spiritually Conflicted

Its easy to come on sites like this and listen to all the material will the ufos and the GFL and say yep thats how its going to happen. But what do we really know for certain. I mean 100% with out a doubt certainty. the answer... NOTHING

As far as I'm concerned absolutely anything is possible. That includes the following

(I do not necessarily believe one or the other these are just thoughts and possibilities)

- GFL being fabricated and TPTB totally setting us up for a fake alien invasion. 

- GFL being real and everything is fine

- UFOs are demons and christians are right

- GFL is actually devil and setting us up for NWO and one world religion

- The first round of ET landings is really rapture and we are being told its evil ETs to keep us afraid

- The first round of ETs are TPTB because their goose is cooked 

- The GFL is pretending to be benevolent an they're really bad

really ANYTHING is possible and we shouldn't get all caught up in one possibility because we close ourselves off to the larger truth out there

I mean hypothetically lets say the christians are right. I just don't understand how God can just condemn perhaps millions of people. I think just trying your best to be a good person and loving your enemy like your friend and following the basic teachings of the bible (not necessarily believing every word) Isn't that enough. 

If not then I just don't know what to do. There's so much disinfo and half truths that its hard to really put your trust into something without having all the facts. I guess thats faith isn't it?

Faith that being a good person and loving your fellow man is what its all about. That in the end you will eventually be where you need to be and that you've done enough. 

We can only hope...

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  • ~Kevin~ I understand being conflicted, what I can tell you from my life's experiences is that no religion really has it right, I think any religion in general is limiting to your spiritual growth (atleast it feels that way for me) I respect others who choose a different way too....

    As for the Ashtar Command, I have never felt anything negative at all from them....

    I guess before I knew about alot of the New Age movement I was experiencing such strange things that it showed me beyond a shadow of a doubt that "we are not alone in this universe"... I had heard about the Ashtar Command a few times, but now I don't really remember where I heard about them (must have been in my psyche from something ;-)....

    Then one time I saw the musician Santana and he was wearing an Ashtar Command patch, which reminded me again of the name....

    Eventually ~ I ended up making my way here... I definitely don't think that's a coincidence!! :)

    I don't think it's a coincidence that anyone is here honestly...

    I do have a good feeling about it - and I trust my feelings.. and what I've been shown in my life and I know the answers will come to you if you really want to see them... Don't be afraid to open your mind to something good :) We all have some suprises in store, and the future can be better than we can imagine~


  • Thanks everyone for your beautiful words they mean a lot to me

    Peace and Love
  • Open to multiple possibilities = the seventh dimension is touching you. Good awakening sign. You are well on your way.
  • "you will need to know who you are and why you think and feel the way you do."

    Well said David,very well put.
  • Yes there is alot externally to cause confusion. So instead just look inside yourself. Know and love yourself, then you will be able to love others. Fall back on the things you know, the voice that tells you right from wrong, that your spirit yearns for a moral life.

    Everyone can look around and at one point or another will say " Things should not be like this" Everyone has inside them the knowledge that life does not have to be full of violence and deception. That life can be joyful and loving. Why is that? Where do you know this from? Start looking at yourself and asking questions.

    E.T.s and conspiracies are real and no matter what happens, you will need to know who you are and why you think and feel the way you do. Then you will have the knowledge of yourself and the peace you search for, and will project love as a beacon for others. This is what you should focus on. If we wish to create the world that we all know is possible, then it has to start with each of us, through love.
    • thank you David for you words :)
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