After many months of self imposed hermit hood. The dropping of relationships, activities, beliefs and values that only existed because of my compromising, (namely, all of them), And the gaining of clarity on what it is that i don't want, I decided the time is ripe to get amongst it again. And discover what it is that I do want. Without the encumbrance of an inappropriate past.
So to kick things off I've joined a few groups from the Meetup website. Last night was the first activity I engaged in. A power walk along the Sydney coast line. Lovely. :)
Like most people in the online esoteric community, we are here because we have found a place that we can share our thoughts and ideas that with that most rare of commodities for the light worker. Kindred spirit. This is the place where no matter how divergent your point of view is, you will find someone that understands you. And as a result, it has become refuge for the spiritual "misfits" of the planet.
Last night's adventure was a bit of a revelation, if I AM honest. It is the first time in a long, long, time that I have been amongst a group of people who are spiritually aware, and at the same time, with all due respects, spiritually inexperienced. And it was wonderful to have the opportunity to openly and freely share the wisdom gained from being a full time member of this community with a group of people who were so, so receptive to the information. People who have an unconscious awareness of the energy changes that are taking place on the planet at this time. And a desire to become more consciously aware of what these changes mean. And how these changes impact on their lives.
It brought into sharp focus a feeling that I've since the first day 2013, yet have been frustrated to distraction by my inability to properly articulate. As a community, we have on the whole, been given all the information we need for our own personal ascension. The information we are receiving and sharing now are reiterations of reiterations of themes that we all, instinctively know so well. And can recite in our sleep. Not a criticism, an observation. And it is aways a given, that this does not apply to everyone. We all have our own unique paths to follow. And there are people who are out there, fighting the good fight. Already sharing the love with the masses, (and more power to these way showers that are showing the way for the way showers, those that have a life beyond this community, if that matters....), I do believe that it is time however for those who like me, are feeling a burn to be more pro active in 3d world, to start venturing away from the nest. (Sheltered workshop? :). And begin sharing this universal encyclopedia of metaphysical wisdom that we collectively posses with a world that is much, much more receptive to our way of thinking than it was when we began this most amazing, and lonely of journeys.
It is my belief that our collective efforts have co created the potentials that most of us have dreamed about for the better part of our lives. And so, it stands to reason that we get amongst the great unwashed and trust that we will attract the synchronicities we need to claim these potentials. And turn our dreams into realities. Change will come. It is inevitable. We have it within is to influence the time frame of this at a quantum level, which is what we do here. And a 3d level, on the streets.
We change the world one person at a time.
Whilst we are changing the "all"' at once.
P.s tonight I AM catching up with a nerd group to play board games in a thai restaurant. I can hardly wait.....
Always a pleasure Kat.
btw, As a follow up to last nights effort, had the most excellent time playing board games with nerdy uni students tonight.
Unbelievably not a single word was spoken about spiritual matters.
was having too much fun to bother.
behold the new paradigm in spiritual teaching methods :).