10/28/2018  Sunday Conference Call


St. Germain and One Who Serves as channeled by James McConnell


 Collective Consciousness Rules Everything


 These messages were given during our weekly Sunday Prepare For Change group based in Payson, AZ on October 21, 2018. (Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated. Please make sure to include the question/answer portion as there is much wisdom imparted.)


St GERMAIN(Channeled by James McConnell)


As always, it is wonderful to be with you, to be here in these times of change, in these times of wonderment, for all is not as it appears to be. 


For there are many things still happening behind the scenes.  Many things that are still kept from your physical eyes from seeing the reality.  But your third eyes are opening.  Your pineal glands are expanding, and everything is now becoming more and more open to you.  Where before you could not see, now you can.  Now you can get those glimpses--those glimpses behind the scenes, behind the veil, or beyond the veil. 


For everything now is in flux.  Everything now is seemingly in turmoil.  But it is a turmoil that will eventually come to rest.  And those of you, the Lightworkers and –warriors, and Lightbearers and –sharers, all of you will participate in that rest when the time, when the vibrations rise. 


You wonder at these times, of those predictions, those things that have been said from many different sources.  Will there be earth changes?  Will there not be earth changes?  Have the time lines shifted?  Of have they not shifted?  Do you have to run for your lives, or do you not run for your lives?  And we would tell you that the more that you remain in the 3D world of illusion, the more you will bring that illusion to you. The more you will create that very existence that you are wanting to avoid.  Create what it is that you want, not what you don’t want.  


Earth changes will happen.  But it is dependent on collective consciousness as to when they happen and how they happen.  Those of you who are preparing the way, both for yourself and for others to follow after, those of you who are rising in vibration more and more each and every day, will find that the creation that you are bringing about will not have those earth changes, not the catastrophic kind, but the gentle changes.  For you must know that there are many who are working behind the scenes to keep the catastrophes, to keep the greater catastrophes from happening, from the greater loss of life from happening. 


But collective consciousness rules everything.  Collective consciousness creates the earthquakes.  Collective consciousness creates the hurricanes, the tornadoes, the volcanoes.  Calm the collective consciousness, and everything else is calmed as well.  But there are those changes that must occur to purify what the collective consciousness up to this point has brought, to purify the vibrations here on the earth so that the earth herself, Gaia herself, who has already risen, can safely bring all of those of you along with her.  And as the vibrations continue to rise, you will continue to rise. 


And as you continue to rise, the time-lines that you are creating will not bring those catastrophes, those calamities:  it will being a calmness, a peacefulness, a peace throughout the world that, as of yet, you have not known for a very long time. 


So create, my brothers and sisters, create whatever it is that you want.  Create it with your visualizations, with your meditations.  Use your imagination, and see the peace and the calm, not the tumultuousness, not the catastrophes and calamities.  It is up to you.  Be at peace.  Together with the Violet Flame within you and all around you, continue to see that Violet Flame becoming the purging instrument that it was meant to be to purge out all the old, and to bring on the new Golden Age of Gaia.


I am St. Germain, and I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness. 



ONE  WHO  SERVES   (Channeled by James McConnell)


Om, mani padme, hum; om, mani padme, hum, hum, hum.  Greetings to you. 


One Who Serves here with you now to answer your questions.  We do not have any particular message at this time, but we are ready for your questions.  Before we do though, there was one question that came in this one’s e-mail, and we are going to address that.  That is from this one, and what we can say is that predominantly he is wondering about the particular packages that were delivered throughout the country in various places that contained these so-called bombs. 


What we can tell you, and we will not get into political debate here or understanding, but what we can tell you is there is much more behind the scenes than you can even possibly imaging.  And those particular so-called bombs were just that:  so-called.  They are not real.  They were never meant to be real.  They were only meant to establish a response or a reactive nature upon the people to see that, ‘yes, we are being sent these bombs, and have pity on us, feel bad for us, realize that we are persecuted,’ and these types of things.  And this is purposefully meant to be a part of their bag of tricks. 


When we say “they,” we are not talking about the Democratic Party necessarily, we are talking about the cabal.  We are talking about what you mostly know now as the Deep State, here, that are working to do everything they can to interrupt and to break up the potential and the probability of everything coming down on them in terms of those mass arrests, in terms of everything that is leading them to their own destruction that they have created for themselves.  You see?  They could have turned to the light.  They have had many opportunities to do so, but many have refused.  Many have done so, but many also have still refused, and they are the ones that are still continuing to wreck havoc on everything that they know to do here to continue to take attention away from those more positive things that are happening, and to bring everybody’s attention to the negativity, to the fear backing everything.


 So we would say here again, without being political, we would say that it is another one of those false flag type of situations, and everything is leading toward their own self-destruction here.  Ok?  That is what we will say on that. 


Are there other questions here Now?


Guest:  I have a question.  I had two strange dreams.  They were really short dreams.  The first one was about characters that looked like they came out of a circus and they were hovering and just flying around the house, and just playing around the house while hovering.  They didn’t really acknowledge my presence, but when somebody else walked on the street outside the house, they all vanished.  So that is one part of the dream I remember.  


Another part was where I was holding some old Polaroid pictures, and when I was holding those pictures, I think it was the aura of my hand that was changing the color scheme of the picture.  A I put my hand over it, the actual colors changed.  I am just wondering what those dreams might mean?


OWS:  First of all, what we normally do here is ask you, yourself, what is your understanding about what these dreams are telling you.  Do you have any understanding whatsoever here? 


Guest:  Only just guesses, like the circus people might mean I am getting ready to feel the freedom of flight or something.  And then as to the pictures, maybe that I will be starting to be able to see my aura, or to see other people’s auras soon.


OWS:  We would answer the second one first, then.  You are somewhat correct here in terms of what is coming for you in terms of being able to not only see auras, but to be able to experience much more in looking at another individual and determining what they are feeling, what they are experiencing within themselves.  This is coming for many of you, and this particular dream gave you an indication that you are going to be able to see beyond the reality, you might say, or the seeming reality, and see what is behind the scenes more and more here.  This is the ‘for those that have eyes to see and ears to hear.’  That is that part of the dream.


The first one with the circus figures:  whenever there are figures in your dreams, others in your dreams, they are often aspects of yourself, different parts of your personality.  This particular one shows circus figures.  What do circus figures often mean?   Entertainment, happiness, joyfulness (although not all feel that way when they see clowns).  But what we can say is this is something quite positive here in seeing those jovial parts of yourself and those jovial parts of yourself expressing themselves more and more.  But as we find it, you, this one who is asking the question, is somewhat of a subdued type of person, your personality is somewhat subdued and you do not let yourself open and let yourself go.  But what we would say to you is to be the circus here, be the ones that you are experiencing in this dream.  Let go.  That is what is coming in that dream for you.   Ok?


Guest:  Ok.  Thank you very much.


OWS:  Are there other questions here?


Guest:  Great to be here.  This may apply to others too:  I have been doing a ton of work to raise my vibrations.  I feel very much like I am floating on a cloud all the time in doing all these various things, and I do all kinds of things to open up that third eye, and yet still I do not see like other people I sense see things.  Like I sense things, I feel the experience of other beings and what they say to me, and so and so forth.  But I don’t see them like an image.  I just wonder, is there something I am missing, or is it because maybe I came from the feeling space of other planets that were more feeling, is there something that I don’t know to do that there is to do?  Is there something broken in that sense that I need to fix?  Do you have any information on that?


OWS:  Yes.  First of all, the opening of the third eye does not necessarily mean seeing.  Even though it is an eye, it is not necessarily always about seeing.  It can be about sensing, as you have said here:  sensing different things about others, sensing things about yourself, sensing things about your surroundings, knowing when you are entering a room and whether that is a room for you to be in, if those people there are attuned to you, or you can be attuned to them, you see?  Your third eye is many different things. 


Your third eye is also a gateway—a gateway into the higher parts of yourself, those higher bodies of yourself, higher consciousness, if you will.  And many do not think of that third eye as that gateway, but that gateway is coming more and more to opening and to becoming a much larger part of your human expression.  So do not think in terms of whether you are seeing or now.  There are those that do not see quite well. And then there are those that see very well, that can visualize, that can see those things beyond what is the seeming reality there.  

You may not be doing that now, but we can tell you that those of who that do not see very well now, that will change as you continue to move along.  As your third eye opens more and more, you will go from the sensing part of this, you will go more and more toward the seeing part.  Your visualization skills will increase tremendously. 


But you need to keep working at it, you see?  That is important here.  As your third eye opens, continue to work with it, work with it as if it is a tool to work with, here, to open that third eye, to express it.  This is why in many of our meditations with you we work with that third eye, and this is important for you to continue to do that.  But even if you don’t, even if you don’t practice it, it will come about anyway for most of you.  And for those that it does not, it will eventually come to you as well, just maybe not as fast as some. 


But you have other gifts, and that is what you need to focus on as well, those other gifts.  It is not always about seeing.  It is about sensing, it is about feeling, it is about being.  Ok?


Guest:  Yes.  Thank you so much.


OWS:  Would there be any other questions here?  


Guest:  Yes, I have a question, One Who Serves.


 OWS:   Yes, you got in, right under, what is your saying, right at the end, here—that is not the saying, what is the saying?


Guest:  Under the wire!


OWS:   Under the wire!  Yes, that is what we were looking for!  Under the wire, yes.


Guest:  We had a very lively discussion today in our group conversation about earth changes and Mother Gaia going through magnetic polar shift, etc.  And St. Germain did discuss a little bit quickly about collective consciousness where how we improve that.  Is there any way you can tell us how we are doing in the collective consciousness to either realize those things or not need to experience those down the line?


OWS:  As the collective consciousness, you are doing beautifully, wonderfully.  So there is no need to be concerned in terms of those fear-mongerers that bring these things up.  Now you must understand that some of these ones, these sources that you are receiving here are operating at different points in their lives.  In other words, at point they may be focused on one area, that this is going to happen, or this, or this.  And then the next moment they get wrapped up again in the illusion, wrapped right back up into it again, and then they begin to see things from that illusionary standpoint rather than from the higher visionary standpoint of the higher vibrations and dimensions, you see? 


So it depends on your frame of mind, your viewpoint that you are looking at it from.  If you are looking at it from the ships and from the point of view that we have, you would see everything as beautiful and wonderful and working perfectly according to the divine plan.  But if you see things from your point of view of you if you are ensconced within the third-dimensional illusion still in the matrix, then you see things from that point of view, and you see things as you have always seen them, the hurricanes, the earthquakes, the volcanoes, and storms here and there, and all of these things happening, these false flag events, all of these things, you see?  So let go of that.  Let go of it.  Move up in vibration.  Continue to see yourself in higher vibration.  And all of those things that are happening that are of the illusion will remain of the illusion. 


Guest:  Yes, that resonates fully, One Who Serves.  Thank you so much.  We love you.


OWS:  Yes.  We love you as well.  Other questions here?


Guest:  Last week during my break there was a tiny bubble and a reflection of light, two bright dots next to eyes, and this tiny bubble was hovering around us in a weird way up and down.  It was there for a couple of seconds.  When I left the break to go back to work, I got a huge vertigo, I don’t know how I didn’t fall down on the floor because I felt as if my body was spinning and as if I was held by something else not to fall down.  So what was this experience,  preparation for physical contact with the Galactics, or was this related to something else?  Thank you.


OWS:  What it appears that occurred here is that you were associated with or came upon a portal, a floating portal, in this particular aspect, something that has not been discussed very often here with those of you, because most are not ready for this yet because it is not happening that much yet, but occasionally it does.  Occasionally you come upon a portal, whether you walk into it, or it comes over you, whatever it might be.  And it can bring this vertigo experience to you where you feel dizzy, where you feel like you may faint, or something of this nature, or light-headed, or your heart begins to beat faster, or whatever it might be, because of the frequency within this portal, you see?  Your physical bodies are not necessarily ready to wander into these portals yet.  That is why they have not been brought forward to the masses yet, because you are predominantly not ready yet for them for the gateways, the portals, all of this.  But it is coming, and you did experience a facsimile, or a portion, we will say, of this type of thing.  Ok? 


Guest:  Yes.  May I ask the purpose of this experience, please?


OWS:  There is not so much a purpose, it is just that it is.  It is just happening.  It is happening because of the vibrations that are increasing across the planet.  And this will happen more and more to many, many more as well.  But as it continues to happen more, you will find that when you are in one of these portals, you will not feel that dizziness sensation, you will feel elatedness instead.  You will feel blissfulness instead, you see, because your physical bodies will be more and more ready for this.  Ok?


Guest:  That is great.  Thank you so much.


Another guest:  During the meditation lead by  James, I went somewhere, and then the message came when I went to the New Jerusalem ship, but I don’t remember anything about it, and probably you are not going to give me any information either about when I went there in my mercaba. 


OWS:  What is your question?


Guest:   For what reason did I go there during the meditation?


OWS:  Do you remember when St. Germain said during the meditation that it was time for you to come back to your bodies from wherever you were, then he said some were on other planets, some went into ships, you see?  You were one that did this, that is all.


Guest:  That is all, but there is no message from that?  Not at this time, right?


OWS:  Whatever message you received, you received.  We cannot tell you what the message was if you did not get a message. 


Guest:  Ok, if I don’t remember at this moment.  Ok, all right, I understand.  Thank you.


OWS:  Any other questions here now before we release channel?


Guest:  Yes.  I have started writing symbols, and I am assuming this is light language.  But I do not know how to interpret it.  Is this something that I am supposed to interpret, or is that just coming with time, or is there anything you can tell me about that?


OWS:  There is no “supposed to” here,  there is just “what is.”  So as you are writing these down, as you continue to do this, at some point it will begin to filter in to you, filter in the understanding, the remembering, here. 


It is all about remembering.  Those of you that are working with these “light languages” as you are calling them, this is coming from your deep, deep memory patterns from long ago, many planets, many systems, where you used this type of language in your telepathic communication.  Not that you spoke in circles and squares and little dots, or anything of this nature, but you spoke in symbolic language.  And this is what it is, symbolic.  And when you use telepathy, this is what is being used, here.  It is symbolic.  Often it is in pictures, and that is why one, when they use telepathy, they can send so much more information to another in such a short period of time than you can with all of your words, here.  You see? 


Guest:  Great.  Thank you.


Another Guest:  We had a conversation a week ago about a certain stone, a meteorite, that hit the earth many millions of years ago.  I think the name was “centime.”  It is spelled two different ways, with “ch” and then ‘cin.”  Anyway, I ordered the stone. 


OWS:  Cintamani stone. 


Guest:  Cintamani.  Thank you.  I ordered the stone and it came in.  I have been connecting with it, and so forth.  I read up on it the day I got it before I started using it.  I wanted to know who to properly use it.  In the history of it, they stated that this stone was given to certain people on the earth thousands of years ago for their special use, of course, for the highest good of all, and that also this was going to be sent and given to the 144,000.  Can you elaborate on that? 


OWS:  What we can tell you about this is that these stones, as you are calling them, these portions of this great meteorite, as you are saying, this comes from other worlds.  It is not indigenous to here on the planet. And it is important to utilize these stones in ways that you are guided.  And most of the time you are guided to place these stones in certain areas because that raises the vibration in that area.  And when you raise the vibration in that area, it raises the vibration around that area as well, and continues to do so.  And if you take all of these stones and place them in certain sacred spaces, you might say, it enlivens, or awakens, the energy grid that is a part of the etheric expression of the planet, here.  That is all we can really say on this at this point. 


Go with your guidance.   You will be guided as to where to place this stone if you ask for it.  It is not to be kept on your person.  It is not to be worn.  It is not to be used in any way.  It is to be placed in the proper location.  Ok? 


Guest:  Yes.  Perfect.  Thank you.


OWS:  Anything further, here?  


Guest:  What can you tell us about the moon, and what its purpose is?  Some people are saying it is a hologram.  Just wondering maybe more specifically about the energy that it puts off:  is it good energy to be in, or can it be harmful.  I am just curious, because it happens to come right in my bedroom window some nights right on the bed, and it is hard to sleep.  I am just curious what you can tell us about the moon. 


OWS:  What we can tell you about the moon is that it is not what it appears to be, not what you have been told that it is all of these many, many lifetimes.  It is a satellite, you might say.  It is man-made, in a sense, here, consciousness-made, rather, we will say here.  It is hollow  in many aspects.  Some people have said in times past that it is a ship of some type.  We will not go that far to say that, but it is what you would call more of a satellite, here. 


It was placed here.  Notice the wording:  it was placed here.  It was placed here to work with the earth and the vibrations here on the earth, and that is what it  has been used for over all of these thousands, and rather millions and millions of years here.  Now it is more and more not to be used for what it was intended, or is not being used for what it was intended. 


Yet there are those bases upon the moon.  It is certainly not a stand-alone satellite that has no life on it whatsoever.  It does have life.  There are bases there, and they are at this point still cloaked, you might say, or not able to be seen by those here on the earth, except at certain times, and this is increasing and will continue to increase, and it will go along with that announcement that will come about your secret space program.  That is coming, and that will being about many shifts and changes as a result of what the moon is, what the other planets are, what the sun itself is, etc.   All have consciousness, all are embodied by some type of consciousness.  Ok?


Guest:  Was it’s original intention not positive?


OWS:  The original intention was very positive, but it has been co-opted, you might say.


Guest:  Ok.  So it is beneficial to be in the moonlight right now with the energies, or not?


OWS:  It is neither, neither or.  You can be neutral about this.  It just is what it is.  You want to be in the sunlight as much as possible.


Guest:  Right.  Ok, thank you.  There is very helpful.


OWS:  We need to release channel here now.     Please continue on in all of your endeavors to continue to not only awaken more and more yourselves, but to help others to awaken around you.  Because it is all about the collective consciousness.  And if you continue to increase the collective consciousness awakenings, then everything that you have been building toward and creating will come to pass much more quickly.


Shanti.  Peace be with you.  Be the One



Channeled by James McConnell

Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated.

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