Ancient Awakenings—Prepare for change

October 14, 2018   Sunday Conference Call


 St Germain and One Who Serves as channeled by James McConnell



So Create, My Dear Brothers And Sisters, Create, Create, Create



These messages were given during our weekly Sunday Prepare For Change group based in Payson, AZ on October 14, 2018. (Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated. Please make sure to include the question/answer portion as there is much wisdom imparted.)


 St. GERMAIN(Channeled by James McConnell)


I am your St. Germain.  I come to be with you now in these times that are approaching.


  You hear many times of the changes that are developing, the changes that are happening behind the scene.  Many of you take this upon faith at what we say.  What many have been saying is accurate and is going to happen. 


There are those of you that somewhat become disconsolate at times where you wonder why you keep hearing this over and over, and yet the changes do not appear, at least not as you are expecting them to.  And we tell you each and every time be patient.  Changes are here.  They are all around you.  All you need to do is open your eyes, both your physical eyes and your third eye.  You will see everything that is developing.  As always, it is for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.  You have been seeing.  You have been hearing. 


But there are times when you do not trust what you see, and you do not trust what you hear.  Because it is clouded over by the many misconceptions and misconstruings that are put before you by the various operations that are out there, championed by the mass media.  The mass media that you all turned to, to see what is real.  But as many of you have come to understand, what is coming through the mass media now is anything but real.  For the most part, it is a false revealing of the truth.  But those of you know the real truth, know it deep within you.  And whenever you hear it from any source and it resonates within you, you know at that point that is the truth.  You know-- you do not even need to ask any one of us or anyone, is this the truth, because you know it.  It resonates within you. 


And I tell you now, as St. Germain, that these changes that you have been expecting, that we have been creating this expectation for purposefully.  Because if you have the expectation within you, then you will create the visions that go along with it.  And as you create the visions, you are then creating the reality.  You are bringing into existence into the collective consciousness those very visions that you have been creating.  So create, my dear brothers and sisters, create, create, create.  Do not stop.  For this is the new age, new Golden Age. 


In this new Golden Age, your creation process comes your reality so much faster.  You have been used to the buffer zone that you have had within this 3D illusion.  That buffer zone is going to fade away over time.  It will be replaced by instant manifestation.  So get in the habit now of creating.  And knowing that as you are creating with your visions, with your intentions, that you are creating your future every single moment of every single day.  So create what it is that you want, not what it is that you don’t want.  Whether you put the creation out there as a want or as a not want, it will come to fruition.  The universe will provide one way or the other.  Always know this. 


Can expect in the very close future now.  You can expect many of those changes to begin to reveal themselves.  Many of those things that have been happening behind the scenes are about to come forward, not only to those of you with the eyes to see, but to all of man, with the collective consciousness of man.  Because the truth cannot be hidden much longer. 


Even there are those that try, that continue to do their various manipulations to hold the truth back.  They will not be able to do it much longer.  It is no longer possible for them to be in control.  Except for the control that they still have for the very small operations, very things that they have always done that have always worked for them.  They continue to pound their head against the stone thinking this will continue to work just as it always has.  But they are more and more realizing that what they have always done will no longer work.  What do they have left?  They have only the light to turn to.  But will they turn to the light?  We shall see.  But as of now, they have been given many opportunities, one right after another, to turn to the light.  Many times they have turned away from the light and embraced the darkness once again.  As they embrace the darkness, they cannot hold the light.  Cannot have both.  They are learning that very fast.  With that learning comes a complete turn around.  All of the mistruths that you have heard for your entire lifetime and many lifetimes before this, for the truth shall certainly set you free.


I am St. Germain.  I leave you with the violet fire to cleanse away all that still holds you to this 3D illusion.  Let it go.  Move on. 


Peace and love be with all of you. 




ONE WHO SERVES  (Channeled by James McConnell)


Om, mani padme hum;  om mani padme hum; hum. 


Greetings to you.  One Who Serves here.  You can go ahead now and unmute those crazy contraptions that you have.  Speak to us.  Are you there people, are you there?


(Answers from telephone audience.)


Very good.  We hear one “yes.”  Are the rest of you there?  Speak out!  Now you can do that.  We want to hear you, all at once!


(Answers from telephone audience.)


OWS:  Halleluiah, there is life out there!  Yes, wonderful!   Come on, come on, come on!

Can you tell we are in good, good energy here this time?  This one James has come out of whatever had befallen him, and he is open again now to the energies, and we can be ourselves again.  Whoopee!  Yay!


(Laughter from the phone audience…”It is party time!”)


OWS:  It is party time, yes!  Almost!  Almost it is party time, almost—it is close now.  Celebrations are at hand, and we think you know what celebrations we are speaking of.  Although there are those of us up here and in other places that have been constantly celebrating.   We almost do not stop celebrating.  It is like one party right after another.  Works perfectly for the St. Germaine—he loves to party! 




OWS:  Are you ready:


Phone audience:  We are ready!


OWS:  It is going to be quite interesting between now and the time of your next advance, and also with this expedition in the midst of that.  It is going to be quite interesting now things develop.  And when you find yourself at the next Advance, whether there in person or whether over the phone, it will be very intriguing to see all of those things which have already developed and as a result how this next Advance will be shifted and changed as a result of this.  It will be very interesting.  We are all wondering ourselves how this is going to be. 


But we can tell you that we have been planning these Advances for some time.  It is not just that the James and the Joanna come up with, oh, it’s time for an Advance, and we are going to set this date and get it all ready.  No!  We have had it already, and we have known the dates  and everything for a very long time, here.   We simply put it out there and hopefully each time when we do this, the ones who need to can take a hold of the advice and the possibilities and begin to run with them.  And that is what has happened time and time again here.


 Again, as we come to this next Advance, it will be the same.  We have been planning this.  We have much already in the works, and just simply based on how things develop will develop how we shift and change the particulars of this next Advance.   But as we said, and we told James to put this in his writing, we said the next one is going to be over the top and beyond.  We want you to think about that.  What does that mean?  Over the top and beyond.  If you must know, we took this somewhat from the James and there was a cartoon movie, Toy Story, as we find it, that was “To Infinity and Beyond!” where the one says that.  Do you recall what we are saying, anyone out there? 


Phone audience replies.   (“Buz Lightyear”)


We are saying now “Over the Top and Beyond.”  We want you to think about that between now and the next time we come together, and tell us what you think that that meant.


We are ready now for your questions.  Do you have questions for One Who Serves?


Guest:  Yes.  I have a question.  I had a horrific dream today, which was really horrific.  There were monsters in the dream, and they were chasing humans, and I was one of them, running away.  I escaped from them.  Then another part of the dream was when the people started killing each other.  They were trying to kill me too and I was running away from them.  It was just horrific, the whole experience.  Can you tell me something about it?  What really was happening, why I had such a horrific dream? 


OWS:  Yes, we can tell you that there are parts of yourself, and this is only about parts of yourself here, that this was depicting, parts of yourself that are attempting to hold you  back.  They are attempting to keep you from moving on in consciousness from developing the new consciousness that is coming over you.  They are attempting to hold you, and those parts were attempting to even kill you to completely keep you from the ascension process.  Now you would wonder why would they do that.  Well, your ego is very strong, and your ego is thinking, and we say thinking here, that it is in control and it is attempting to maintain control here, to keep the status quo, to keep you as you have always been.  Because as you move up in consciousness you will lose more and more in need for the workings of the ego.  That is not to say that the ego will disappear.  It will simply become more than it is—in a good way, in a positive way of the light.  You see?  It will recognize its magnificence.  Then it will no longer need to hold on to those things which have been in a three-dimensional understanding.  You see?  Does this make sense to you? 


There is nothing more to this that you have to be concerned about.  It is not a precognitive dream that anyone is really out to get you or anything of this nature.  Do not think that way.  Put that out of your mind entirely.  You do not want to conger up any kinds of negative experiences as a result of this.  Just simply see it for what it is:  parts of yourself that are attempting to hold you back.  Ok? 


Guest:  Thank you.


OWS:  Are there other questions here now?


Guest:  I am just wondering when I hear a high-pitched sound which lasts for about 10-15 seconds, is that a message from a higher being trying to contact me and, if so, how do I understand it? 


OWS:  Wonderful.  We would say to you, this is Thomas, no? 


Guest:  You are correct.  


OWS:  We would say to you, Dear Thomas, that as you are experiencing it, what do you feel?  Do you feel it is a connection from something higher?


Guest:  Sometimes.  Not all the time.


OWS:  Does it encourage you to go into a quiet state for a moment.  You feel like you are needing to then go into a censored state? 


Guest:  Not really.  In fact, it happens a lot when I am driving during which I can’t do that. 


OWS:  You would be amazed at how much you could do that if you wanted to.  Because as we have told the James before, at times, your higher self is a better driver than you are.


(Phone audience laughter)


Guest:  So it’s like, God take the wheel?


OWS:  Ah, we would not suggest that you do that just yet.  You have to work up to it.  You have to be ready to completely let go and trust, and you are not quite there yet.  But we can tell you when this high-pitched sound comes within your ear, then it is time to stop whatever you are doing (now if you are driving, obviously you cannot stop), but attempt to get in touch with it. Attempt to communicate with it.  Not to the sound itself, but what is occurring that is pushing the sound, you might say, and in terms of a communication that is coming to you, either from your higher self or from even another one of your guides that is wishing to bring some communication to you.  Ok?


Guest:  I just sit down and concentrate on it as long as it lasts?


OWS:  Yes.  And go within if you are able to.


Guest:  Ok. 


OWS:  The exact same thing happens to the James, and we would say it happens to many out there, they just do not voice it very often, but it happens.


Guest:  May I ask one more question?


OWS:  Yes, we can take one more.  


Guest:  Can actual heat from the sun be stored so that it can be used later in the winter to heat the house? 


OWS:  My goodness, that is already happening.  There are many devices that could do this.  This is nothing new.  You can even be able to obtain such as device that can do this.  Look into it. Do your research.  We are not here to tell you what it would be, but you can do your research and ask that question in terms of doing it with what you call your Google—Google it. 


Guest:  I know that you can use solar, of course, to store battery power, but I am just wondering about storing actual heat.


OWS:  Yes you can.


Guest:  Ok. 


OWS:  Are there other questions here?


Guest:  Hi One Who Serves.  My question is about something that happened on this same  beach where a lot of stuff is happening.  A couple of days ago there were tries on a property by the water, and I always felt the weird funny connection to that properly, that’s home, but I don’t know what it is exactly.  And there was a tree leaning down and trying to communicate with me, so I went close up to the trees.  The information I got was that the tree is ready to fall down.  I said, “please, please, don’t; why are you telling me that, that is so painful.”  Then I talked to myself and I said well, it is part of life, and what we call death, or end, and then new beginning, and then I convinced myself to accept it.  I said, “ok, whatever you are planning for yourself, it is ok.”  Definitely, a couple of days later, I went there and the tree was down, it just fell down, outside the water.  So my question is what is this connection?  I thought I knew this tree and I know that is home, but I couldn’t really exactly determine which kind of connection.  Is this past life connection, or what is it exactly? 


OWS:  What you are tapping into, Dear Sister, now, is your ability to from long past, other lifetimes previous where you have been what you would call a druid in the past and you had access to the nature element and the energies associated with those nature elements.  This is a remembrance for you now at this point that you can do this kind of communication and receive contact with these elemental forces that are working through these trees, in a sense.  So you have access to this, and the more that you open up to it, the more that you trust it, the most it will develop here.  At some point, you will find in the not too far off future as we can see here, you will find as you communicate with these trees and plants and even the animals, you will experience even more of these remembrances coming back.  But again, you must let go and trust, just as you did in this case.  Ok?


Guest:  Yes.  Thank you so much.


OWS:  Are there other questions, here?



(unable to locate rest of file, after email problems)


 [at 39.03 /  51.48]



OWS:  We are going to release channel now.  

Shanti.  Peace be with you.   
Be the One.


Channeled by James McConnell

Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated.

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