Sunday Call  12/13/2020    (St. Germain, OWS, Shoshanna)

James & JoAnna McConnell




St. Germain and One Who Serves channeled by James McConnell

Shoshanna (Joanna’s Higher Self)


These messages were given during our Ancient Awakenings weekly Sunday conference call in Payson, AZ  on December 13, 2020. (Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated. Please make sure to include the question/answer portion as there is much wisdom imparted.)

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SAINT GERMAIN  (Channeled by James McConnell)


I am your Saint Germain.  And I have come at this time, in these moments that you are in, where you find yourselves. 


Many of you do find yourselves within the matrix yet still.  But all of you know how now to exit the matrix.  And you do it at times.  You are able to do it from time to time.  More and more, though, you are finding that you are able to be out of it. 


Where those things that are happening around you in the exterior world are not affecting you as much as they would have before, or certainly not affecting you as much as those that are yet still unawakened.  Many of them feel the consternation and the depression of the world as they see it now.  But as you look at the world, you, the Awakened Ones, you, the Lightwarriors and the Light Community, as you look at the world, you see it from a rosy look, as if you are looking through rose-colored glasses.  You see it in that way.  Because you know the reality.  You know that this is an illusion.  And that since it is an illusion, you can have any creation that you want any time that you want. 


You know more and more, as we have said many times, believing is seeing.  And as you begin to grasp that concept, it is a concept, an ideological concept.  As you grasp that more and more, then you will and are creating your reality, both within yourself and outside of yourself as well.  It is your creation. 


And even though those things are going on in this country, in the world, and everything seems to be chaos, always remember that from chaos comes order.  Order from chaos.  And even though that may be the Illuminati saying, it is much, much more than that.  For it is reality beyond the illusion. 


And you, those of you that volunteered to come here and be a part of this expression in these times, you are here to bring about that order.  But not the New World Order that you have been hearing about.  But the order that comes from once again realizing the oneness with all of life forms, all of life, not only here on this planet, but throughout the universe.  And the connection that each and every one of you have with the Great Central Source of this universe and also, of course, though your Higher Selves, all of this is coming together, bringing about the connectedness for all of you to realize that you are free.  You have a right to sovereignty within yourselves. 

And no one, no one, can take that from you unless you allow them to do it.  And many now across the planet are allowing those that are attempting to maintain control.  They are allowing those to take that freedom from them, without even realizing that they are doing it. 


But those of the forces of darkness know how to take your freedom.  They know how to do it.  They have been doing it for many, many lifetimes.  But those of you, the Awakened Ones, you are in their way.  You are the obstacle to them that will keep them from realizing their goal, their goal of complete domination. 


But all of you know that as the Light has already won, that their dreams of domination are coming to an end.  And those that are put in place, and have put themselves in place, are there to stop them.  And those of you, the Ground Crew, are those of you that are here also to stop them.  There are many that have come forward, which you call the ‘whistleblowers,’ that are blowing the whistle on all the corruption that has gone on across not only here in this country, but across the entire planet for lifetime after lifetime after lifetime.  But that is the game that has been being played all of this time.  But that is coming to an end. 


Because time itself is coming to an end.  Time as you know it, is coming to an end.  So all of you need to just simply continue to go along, stay the course.  Stay the course, and know that everything is happening not only for a reason, but exactly as it needs to. 


So even though it looks like there is defeat among those that are in this election process, even though you look out and you hear the many that are declaring victory for the one that they have chosen, that is not to be.  It cannot be.  Because the chosen ones are in charge.  They are the ones that are in control now, those chosen ones of the Light that have moved ahead, that have stepped aside, or stepped up in front and leading the masses of the entire planet against not only of this country, but of the entire planet. 


Your president at this time is leading the charge of the entire world.  And the world is ready to capitulate, ready to go along with his leadership, as well as many others that have stepped in front and are also leading the charge along with him. 


All of you must simply continue to allow for the process to unfold.  An unfolding is what is happening.  Everything is unfolding in front of you.  You just need to know that it is all for a reason.  It is all happening exactly as it needs to, all being orchestrated.  And continue to go with the flow, as everything becomes revealed more and more. 


This next year that you are moving into is the year of revealing.  Everything will be revealed in this next year.  Everything. 


So it is time now:  stand up!  Stand up for yourselves!  Stand up for your rights as sovereign beings.  Stand up and declare out to the world once again that you will not go gently into the night, that you will continue to fight.  Fight on.  Fight on as Warriors of the Light.  That is what you are here to do.  That is your mission.  And your mission, each and every one of you, is unfolding every moment as you continue to move forward. 


I am Saint Germain, and I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness.  And to know that the Violet Flame is always with you, even if you are not aware of it.  It is always with you.  But when you are aware of it, it is even more directly with you at those times. 


Peace and love be with all of you. 



ONE WHO SERVES  (Channeled by James McConnell)


Om, mani, padme, hum;   om, mani, padme, hum; hum, hum.   Greetings to you!  One Who Serves here.  Shoshanna here.  And what a wonderful message that was from Saint Germain, no?  


We are ready to answer your questions if you have them, and continue this process that was started several years ago now.  And we continue with this, leading you through this ascension process that you are in. 


And know that this particular process that we are using here through this channel, and through many other channels across the planet, is also coming to an end game in the not-to-far-off future where you will not need to have these particular types of conversations and calls such as this nature.  But it will continue on until it is no longer needed, and you will know when that time comes.  And we will give much more on this information, this understanding, in your New Year’s Eve celebration, as we say good bye to this somewhat crazy year that you have been in, and we welcome in a new year of yes, as Saint Germain said, a new year of revealing to mankind.


Do you have questions here for One Who Serves and Shoshanna?  And yes, you can unmute your phones to be able to ask your questions.  Oh, my goodness, is anyone out there?


Guest:   I’ll ask a question, One Who Serves and Shoshanna. 


OWS:   Yes?


Guest:  Hi.  We know that there is a plan, and that we have already won.  WE all know that.  But a lot of us on the call today and the Lightworkers were very surprised about the Supreme Court declining the case from the states.  I know it must be part of the plan.  I was wondering if maybe they were threatened, or something by the bad side.  But can you shed some light on that?


Shoshanna:   We can share.


OWS:   Please do, Shoshanna.  Yes.


Shoshanna:   We can share on this, Dear Sister.  May we share?


Guest:   Yes, please.


Shoshanna:   Dear Sister, the plan is this:  the freedom that you enjoy is in your hands.  It is in the hands of the people.  The people therefore, to remain free, must learn to defend this freedom.  They cannot give this up to a handful of judges and hope that this problem will be resolved.  It is a systemic problem.  It is not a matter of justice, it is a matter of defending who you are.  And you must do that in every moment of your life to stay true to yourself. 


So the plan, as we see it, in our perspective, is to return the power to defend freedom to those that you have elected in your legislature, because those are the ones that must fight and must defend on behalf of their constituents on behalf of the people, you see.  Not the justices, that is not their domain. 


So you must understand that this is an awakening process because those individuals that have not voted, have not been involved in the state or local government, are seeing now that they have made a mistake, you see.  They have voted people in that they do not even know or understand who they are, and just now take responsibility for that.  So it is a hard lesion.  It is a difficult lesion.  But for those that wish to remain sovereign free beings, to understand that it is their choice to implement those leaders that will defend those freedoms, not those leaders that are bought off by others to not defend the peoples’ freedom, but to remain in what we call their ‘high castles.’ 

This has turned back to the people, because the people must wake up.   Namaste.


OWS:   Yes, and speaking of the awakening process, look at how the people are awakening across this country, and even in other countries as well, as they are aware of this election process, and are cheering on for the one, Mr. Trump, and for the Forces of Light to be victorious, here. 


Look at all of the gatherings.  The ones that are gathering in all of the various places, ‘the rallies,’ as you call them, are happening across the entire country.  And yet, again, even in other countries as well.  As more are realizing that they are fighting for their very right to live as they want to, to have the sovereign right to be their only judge of themselves, and not have anyone else judge them, no matter what it is.  And the idea that is coming across to more and more is that they must fight for their freedom.  Fight for who they are.  That is what this is all about.  That is the orchestration that is happening. 


Just as your President Trump turned everything back to the people, that is what needs to continue to happen.  The people need to rise up.  Not in fighting, not in weapons, or anything of this nature, but rise up in the Light and the love that they have within them.  And to reach out to others to do as well.  And to bring about the Great Changeover that is happening and yet coming in vary many ways here to this planet.  Okay?


Shoshanna:   May we share?


OWS:   Yes, please do.


Shoshanna:   May we continue, Dear Sister?


Guest:   Yes, please.


Shoshanna:   Dear Sister, this may be a surprise, but U.S. Supreme Court has great wisdom, and they have made the wise choice.   Namaste. 


Guest:   Thank you.


OWS:   Very good.  Would there be other questions here?


Guest:   I have a question.


OWS:   Yes?


Guest:   I keep reading and hearing, as we all have, about the two-world split, and in fact there is an infinite number of universes, and that people here will either be able to make the jump to the higher vibration, or not.  What I don’t understand is people that don’t, are they also on another version of the planet where there is still suffering?  And does that mean that all the beings, including animals and so on are going to be suffering on another level while the rest of us ascend?


OWS:   First of all, you do not need to be concerned about this, because this is their life’s plan.  Just as you had in your discussion earlier, as we were, yes, ‘eavesdropping,’ you might say, as we connect through this one and we can hear what is going on in your discussions.  So what is happening across the planet is all a part of the process here. 


And there is no need for you to be concerned about where anyone will go, or how they will experience the shift that occurs here.  And this again is the separation of the wheat from the chaff that was given in your bible and in other religious works here. 


So it is not for you to be concerned, and certainly not for the animals.  The animals are exactly where they need to be, and they will experience exactly what they are expected to have in their experience in their path.  If it is to leave their physical bodies, then they will do so.  But they do not think about the death process as you do.  They have no concern about this.  It is just simply a matter of moving on, and they know this deep within them.  So they in many respects are more awakened than many of you are, and certainly more than many of the world population is at this point. 


So again, do not be concerned about what happens in the two shifts here, as you are saying the time lifts here, as you are saying.  For that is not to be of concern at this point.  Just be who you are, and concerned with your own path, and how it might interact with others who are on a similar path, or on a more parallel path that is joining up with your path here.  Do you understand what we are saying here? 


Guest:   Yes.  Thank you.


OWS:   Very good.  Shoshanna?


Shoshanna:   We will share our perspective on this.  May we share?


Guest:   Yes, please. 


Shoshanna:   Dear Sister, the planet that you dwell upon has multiple versions of itself playing out in this moment.  There are layers upon layers, and versions upon versions right in front of your eyes happening.  That is why you see death, destruction, life being taken away.  You see light, and love, and honoring, and bonding.  You see all versions all at once, you see.  It is multiple.  It does not exist outside of yourself, it exists now within your purview, within your sight.  What the power that you have is, is to determine your own reality. 


In each moment that you live, you could come in what reality you choose to see, what reality you choose to join, what reality you wish to rid, and you do this within your mind, within your creative ability, within your mind and your own perspective, you see.  You can see this in individuals.  You see people that are victims, that have accidents, that have troubles, that have illnesses, that have problems, ad nauseum within your purview.  And then you see people that are perfect, that are enjoying their lives, that are wholly healthy.  These are perspectives and beliefs playing out, and versions of timelines that are all compiled together. 


We know this is a complicated issue.  What we are saying to all is that you choose what you want to see and what you want to join, and how you want to live.  That is within your power.   Namaste.


OWS:   Wonderful.  Wonderful perspective.


Guest:   Thank you. 


OWS:  Would there be other questions here?


Guest:   yes, One Who Serves and Shoshanna.  Going off the earlier answer just a minute ago, I would like to know, and many of us would like to know how that’s going to work, or how that’s going to happen.  What’s that going to look like.  Because if we have a million people that show up on the doorstep of the Supreme court and nothing seems to come of it or put on the media, or if every time we bring a lawsuit in the way of peace, to bring a lawsuit or petition, and there are dirty judges and there are dirty legislators every step of the way, how is putting it back on the people going to actually cause any change?  It seems like they are thwarted at every turn.  So can you give us some insight on that?


OWS:   It is all about the awakening process.  All of this is happening to increase the awakening across the planet.  Many more have awakened to the corruption that has been going on in your governments and in your congress, and all of these parts of the expression that are being shown to the public now that were not shown before.  You see?  The results of the election, or the fraud that has gone on within this election process is being shown to at least more than half of the population of this planet that are awakening as a result of this.  This would not have happened if those ones had just capitulated and had gone along with the set that happened here.  Just as it has happened election after election prior to this.  So it is all happening again exactly as it needs to, to increase the awakening so that more and more people come to understand the corruption in your government, in your media, and all of this.  Look at the news stations, what you call the ‘alternative news,’ that have grown about as a result of all of this.  Even if they may have been in existence prior to this election, look how much more now they have come into the picture here for more and more people to awaken to this, and to hear what would be considered more of the real news here, rather than the programmed news, you see?   Shoshanna?


Shoshanna:   We will share.  May we share?


Guest:   Yes, please.


Shoshanna:   Dear Sister, we will share a parallel with you.  We will ask a question of you.  What do you do if you see a brick wall in front of you, and you wish to be on the other side of it?  What do you do? 


Guest:   Go around it.


Shoshanna:   What if you cannot.  What is your next step?


Guest:  Have to bust through it. 


Shoshanna:   You would like to crush through it?


Guest:  Well, I’m saying, if you want to be on the other side, you are going to have to break it down somehow.


Shoshanna:   What if we gave you a router? 


Guest:   Oh yeah, (laughs) that would work too!  (Laughter)


Shoshanna:   That would be simpler.


Guest:   Yeah, that would be simpler (laughs).


Shoshanna:   So what we are saying, Sister, in this parallel story that we are telling you is that there are many that know where the ladder is!  That even know how to get over the wall!  The challenges that are occurring now are needing to occur so that people become sovereign beings again, so that they wake up to who they are so that they know their power.  The only way, Dear Sister, that you can know your power is to use it!  You do not know power until you use it.  It is just a concept.  So you see there are many, many, many of you that know their power, and they are getting the biggest ladders ready to climb the walls!  And to get to the other side of freedom, you see.  Do not worry about this.  Just support them with your love and your light.  And this will come out the way you wish it to turn out.  Does this make sense to you, Dear Sister? 


Guest:   Yes, it does make sense.  Thank you so much.


Shoshanna:   Namaste.


OWS:   And we add here that remember some time ago in your speech from your President Trump where they had said to him that a storm is coming, and his answer was, “I am the storm.”  Remember that.  He is the one that is bringing down the old paradigm here, bringing it down upon them as if he were bringing the entire buildings down upon their heads.  That is what is happening here. Not only him, of course.  Many that are working him.  But he is the catalyst for all of this, and has many that are working with him throughout the entire planet here, working along side of him and with him, and are a part of this entire awakening process to bring down this building upon the cabal.  Okay? 


Guest:   Thank you.


OWS:   Would there be other questions here now?  Anything further?  Then if no other questions, we are done then with this part.  And we do not have any e-mail question.  Although actually there was an e-mail question, and it was just answered with the ‘storm is upon us,’ this idea here.  And he (President Trump) is the storm.   Shoshanna, do you have parting message here?


Shoshanna:   We will say that focus on what reality you wish to see, not which reality you do not wish to see.  Do not focus on the appearance of what is going on, but you wish to see as a result of the efforts of those that are pushing through and creating a new reality for you and for others.   See what you wish to see, not what you do not wish to see.  Believing is seeing.   Namaste.


OWS:   Very good.  And we would just simply add to find yourself in the moment as much as you possibly can.  Do not be in the past.  Do not focus on only what is coming, but what is in there right now in this moment.  And if you do that, then you will be going with the flow, and allowing for the orchestration to continue to take


Shanti.  Peace be with you.  Be the one. 



Channeled by James McConnell

Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated.

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