
The first thing on my mind....(Continued from Part 1.)
What to Do if You are a Recipient of Funds

SB: Yes. I’m going to ask you in a moment about the global currency re-set and the re-valuation of the dinar and the dong, but … and this question I’m about to ask you now really applies to both, but let me leave that question for a moment and just ask you….
There are the custodians who are distributing the prosperity funds to recipients. The recipients who receive them, what are you hoping they will do with those funds?

St. G.: This is a very good question. The first thing I want you to do with your funds is to take care of your sweet self. I want you to eradicate debt, because debt is part of the old grid. It has been the manipulation to such a disgusting degree.

So we eliminate personal debt so that you are not answering, or beholden to anybody - not to a corporation, not to a friend, not to anybody. That is first and foremost.
Then I want you to take care of yourself. So to keep the money to have adequate food and housing. You know I have lived in the caves of the Himalayas, I have lived in the palaces. Both are comforting.

But what I recognize, and what each of you has need while you are in human form to recognize is that sacred space isn’t a luxury. It is a requirement of being alive. It is part of the deal that you made with the Mother when you came.

So you take care of what we call foundational issues. And then you begin to create. You share with others, or perhaps you have been gifted with a particular vision that you know very clearly is part of your mission and purpose.

Well, when you have the prosperity and the funds and the vision, inspiration, and the truth to implement this, then go ahead and do so. And then assist others in finding their truth, but also taking care of their debt, their limitation.

So, some of you will be modern day Mother Teresas, and you will feed and clothe and house the poor. And others of you will move into telecommunications. Others of you will move into reorganization of free schools so that education becomes and returns to what it was really intended to be.
But first, beloved ones, let us see the elimination of this illusion of debt.

The Global Currency Reset
SB: Okay. Now, all of what you’ve just said I believe would apply to people who are experiencing a second wave of prosperity, and that is the people who have bought Iraqi dinar, Vietnamese dong, who are lightworkers who bought it because they want to serve society.

But can you tell our listeners generally what the global currency reset is all about, and perhaps go into a little bit about how it is that the dinar re-valuation was… in… well, how can I say this? - Archangel Michael has told me that some lightworkers have been made aware of this revaluation so they can purchase dinars and then turn around and serve the lightworker community. So can you talk a little bit about the global currency reset, please?

St. G.: You have an expression, I think, that is still in force, and it is called “practical magic.” Now, this, what you are thinking of as a reorganization of financial values has been in the works for a very long time and there are many that have been involved in this issue of dong or dinar, or what have you - currency traders, they are called - for, oh, decades. Some have spent their entire lives simply focusing on this issue.

So this is nothing new. What is new, what has shifted is the coming together of spiritual values with the practicality of what you think of as currency. Now, the history of this - and you know it has been exceptionally rocky! - the history of this has literally been tied also to Archangel Michael’s strategic peace initiative for the globe.

And what we know to be true is when there is equality there is a less, lessened desire to create war and mayhem. Now, we are not saying that fanaticism will go out the window, but we are not funding mayhem and fanaticism.

What we are funding in many ways - not entirely - are many lightworkers who wish, and who have earned - let me be very clear about that; many of those who are receiving this blessing have been doing the work for decades. So it has just been, in some ways, a delayed payment.

Now, what we are also seeing - not hoping; seeing - is as these resets, these re-evaluations of what you think of as currency occurs is that it will bring a lessening to the civil strife that is happening in some of the effected countries.

So, for example, right now you have a great deal of civil unrest, and might we say on the verge of war, or civil war, in Iraq. What we are hoping for and what we were expecting to see is that this will have a tendency to stabilize not only the lightworker community - because when a collective comes together and realizes that they have been acknowledged by the world’s financial community as having value, it changes the mindset.

So, the sense of desperation begins to dissipate, like smoke. The purpose of so many lightworkers being part of this, what you can think of as one of the golden rivers, is for them to be able, just as I have said, to take care of themselves, their families, their friends, but also to begin to create just what you have outlined in your book, dear heart, a world that works, a world where people are fed.

You are not breatharians yet! You are not even vegan yet! So there are many, and we do not judge what you eat. As long as you transmute it, it does not really matter.
But what you are going to do is create clean water - yes, in tandem with your star brothers and sisters.

We have said, and when I say “we” I mean the entire Company of Heaven, the Council of Love, the archangels and everybody else have said, as this begins - and we tell you it has begun; the bank vault has been cracked - what happens is the domino effect.
So don’t simply be looking to one arena.

And don’t simply be waiting for money to land in your lap. You are doing your work. You have been doing your work.
As Michael has beckoned to you last weekend, please begin to let those who are feeling that need is something that is part of their lives, let go of that illusion! And let the abundance - and when we say “abundance” we mean it in every sense of the word - let the abundance flow.

Indigenous Prosperity
SB: All right. Thank you for that. Now, one special group is also receiving Prosperity Packages and Programs, and that is the indigenous populations of the world, and in some cases I believe land is going to be returned to them.
Can you discuss this side of the golden rivers, as you’ve called them?

St. G.: Yes, because it is an equalization. Think of this as an equalization process that, as I have said, has been in planning, in formulation and in saving for hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of years.

So, think of it. When those lands were stolen - we cannot really pretend otherwise; and I know because I was Christopher Columbus - when those lands were taken, there was also an understanding that there would need to be a balance reset at one point.
Now, much water has passed under that boat and bridge.

We cannot, nor is it desirable, to bring things back to the way they were. No! It is about bringing the future into your now.
So we are not suggesting, for example, that all the cities will be razed and that people will go and live in tipis. Because most people would not choose to. Now, if you wish to, that is absolutely fine, and your choice.

No, it is returning to the indigenous peoples - all over the world, by the way - the ability to create the societies and the communities that they desire, according to the traditions and the values that they choose. Because that is freedom.

It is not the adding on that you will behave in a certain way, and therefore you will be blessed.
Your freedom is already etched within you. You already know. And then it simply gives you the capacity - and we aren’t just talking about money when we talk about capacity - it gives you the capacity to proceed in the direction that you choose.

General Abundance
SB: There will be many people listening to this who may say to themselves, “Well, I’m not a recipient of the Prosperity Packages. And I didn’t buy Iraqi dinar. When am I going to start realizing abundance?” What is your answer to them, St. Germaine?

St. G.: Perhaps you just don’t know what you wrote on the walls of your heart and in your sacred plan of unfoldment of your plan within the plan. Now, I do not say that in a way that is dismissive or derogatory. I do not see written on the walls of any of your hearts the desire to live in lack, in limitation, to live without.

That would be absurd. And what you are doing is you are moving from a reality that in many way the illusions made no sense. Your common sense and what exists - they do not mesh in any way.

So what I say to you, dear heart, it doesn’t matter if your role, your mission and purpose has not been to dinar or dong or French currency - which I am preferential to - it does not matter if you have not been participating in a prosperity program. That does not mean that you will not be a recipient of that abundance. The whole idea is sharing.

When you share, when you have that diamond on your plastic placemat, you don’t feel the need to get a gun and go rob a bank. You don’t feel the need to feel badly about yourself because you can’t send your child to swimming camp, or you can’t buy enough bread, or you can’t pay the mortgage.

When you have enough, and all of you have come here with the agreement intact that you would have enough, that you would … some of you would experience lack so that when it occurred you would boot it to the curb! So, you say, “But, Germaine, when?”
And what I say to you is what you hate to hear, is very, very, very soon. This flow-through is going to be rapid.

President Barack Obama
SB: That’s very comforting, St. Germaine. Now, President Obama, even from some of the people who are speaking as if they know about the new Prosperity Programs, and the global reset, they’re still talking about President Obama as if he’s going to go on a very long vacation, as if he’s a black hat, et cetera.
What has President Obama’s role been in the whole structuring and delivering of the Prosperity Programs, please?

St. G.: Now, you know that I love this nation of the United States of America. And between you and me, my friend, I am also very partial to Canada as well. It is the country of freedom.

Do you think in the Mother’s plan, at this time and juncture and point of transition, that she has placed somebody that is not aware, or filled, seen and unseen, with beings like me, with Archangel Michael, particularly, with Sanat Kumara, with legions of angels, with star beings and brothers…?

Has this one waffled at times? Yes. And that is a human experience. That is an angelic star being having a human experience.
This one is not dark of heart. Quite the contrary. He has been entrusted to this position so that he can help his people climb out of this hole that he has witnessed up close and personally.

Chinese Elders or White Dragons
SB: All right. One of the very mysterious players in all this are the Chinese Elders or the White Dragons. What can you tell us about the Elders? What can you tell us about their role in all this, what role they’re serving at the present time, and their influence on events, please?

St. G.: Well, I will not say too much about the White Dragons, because they would not appreciate it!

SB: Okay.

St. G.: But let me use this analogy. The power of water, of a tiny drop of water on the rock forming a hole, the water going silently into tributaries …. This has been the role of the Chinese Elders. They have moved like the silent water, and they have done so in secrecy, in full awareness of their mission and purpose.

Now, know that we differentiate between what one would think of as the governance of China and the White Dragons. It is not that there cannot be cooperation - and there is; but it is not the governance.

These are elders, much like the indigenous elders, who have held the dream, and in growing the wealth and knowing that the time would come when their responsibility to take care of the world would come forward.
They are the movers and shakers. They are the pattern dwellers behind the scenes.
Hidden Documents

SB: Can you tell us, there are apparently a great deal of documents, some rescued from the Library of Alexandria before it was burned, and others taken from all manner of situations and locations that are being stored deep within the Earth. When will these be returned to the surface?

St. G.: We would suggest they will be returned to the surface during the early part of 2014.

SB: All right. And what… what bodies of knowledge can we look forward to re-attaining at that time?

St. G.: It is not so much the bodies of knowledge - and there are some - but it is also the understanding of the journey of humanity and even the fall from grace, as you can think of it, the history of humanity - whence you came, what you brought, what you knew.

Now, the documents are not the only source. As you well know the Lemurian crystals also carry a great deal of your history. Now, there are only a few who are really becoming adept at reading those crystals, but that will also be unlocked as well, as well as the information with your star brothers and sisters, how the seeding of the planet, the Creator Race, came to pass.

So it will be documents of interest, not of intrigue, and certainly not of punishment.
The Divine Qualities of an Abundance Custodian

SB: All right. Well, that’s certainly something to look forward to. In the time remaining, could you give us a discussion, a word picture, of the divine qualities that will come into play around the successful and useful handling of money, handling of prosperity?

Can you give us a picture of the person that you want to see emerge in all of us that takes this prosperity and successfully uses it in the way that the Company of Heaven and the Council of Love have wanted it to be used, please, and the Divine Mother?

St. G.: I would be pleased to, and I am honored to do so. And I am not painting a picture of an individual who does not know how to have fun, because, dear hearts, I have taught you how to have fun long ago. So, don’t forget it!

SB: No, we won’t!

St. G.: Purity. Purity is number one. And it is purity of intention, purity of action, purity of thought. It is a sense of selflessness with regard to the collective, but also regarding yourself. Purity is vitally important and your starting point. If you are feeling any of the whispers of the old grids, then simply let it go and return to your heart of purity.

The second is compassion - yes, even more important than grace or humility. Compassion to see the situations of your next door neighbor, or the nation next door. To see, not with the eyes of, “Let me assume your burden,” but “Let me assist.” “Let me assist give you the tools that you need, that you want, that you select for your freedom journey.” So compassion is very important.

Wisdom. The ability to know, from that place of your heart consciousness, what is desirable, what is… what we would call necessary, and in what balance. You do not give what is not manageable. So you do not give somebody, for example, who has been living on food stamps - God bless them! - you do not give them a million dollars and say, “Good luck.” You give them the wisdom tools, the supports, the infrastructure for them to manage and to grow into the knowing, the wisdom of how to deal with prosperity.

Prudence. That is the balance in all things. It is the balance to know when to extend, when to stay still, when to withdraw.
So these are the primary qualities that I would ask you to bring forth, and that you already have. So let them flow like the golden river, and do not forget, my beloved ones.

Please, use my violet flame. Allow the torch of freedom to be held high and declare it, this day and every day, your deservingness to receive and then to share, to give with your hearts.


SB: Thank you very much, St. Germaine. Farewell.

(1) I am under the impression that Archangel Jophiel incarnated as Joseph. Some readers might wonder at an archangel incarnating, but there are, according to Archangel Michael, 22 archangels incarnated on Earth at the present time, as well as seraphim, elohim, etc.
(2) Robert Leichtman: Would you care to make a statement about the minor and perhaps ridiculous controversy concerning Francis Bacon and the authorship of your plays? Just for the record, of course.
William Shakespeare: I wrote my own plays. I can even remember the writer’s cramp I got from it. … I did discuss ideas for my plays with various people and they were helpful in the formation of certain themes. This is true of many authors. (Robert R. Leichtman, The Dynamics of Creativity. Atlanta: Ariel Press, 1978, 15.)
I might say here that perhaps I influenced Bacon a few times too. But I didn’t write any of his material - any more than he wrote mine. (Ibid., 20.)
All of my plays were done many, many times before we had a final written version of them. (Ibid., 26.)
They were added to, and taken from, ` and changed. (Ibid., 27.)
The mystery remains….


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