St Germane who is he?
I used to think that St Germane is a real ascended master. But on my quest for truth without a belief system. I was beginning to see the bigger pitcher. It shows that St Germane is a lower- astral entity and is a reptilian form, under a different name. This entity is a deceiver to deceive those that are expecting a savior. The frequencies of the more heavenly realms from the mid-astral to the higher planes are to far from the physical plane for any reliable channel. The lower-astral planes are the most easiest to channel to.
This video will give you a better idea.
These two video agree with each other.
I think it is true that we shouldnt be waiting for a saviour, but at the same time, if you look at this world, and the iron grip of power that the ruling elite hold on this world through banks, commerce, government and the mass media, plus the fact that most people have bought into their lies that this world is like it is because "thats just the way it is" or "Thats human nature" then you have to think, from an objective point of view, this world needs some help, alot of help. There are alot of people aware of whats really going on in this world, and how it is really run, but it there is no cohesive organised movement, and the true voice of the people is silenced by the media. I just dont see how we can make serious, fundamental change without some serious help. Im not talking about passing a little healthcare bill, Im talking about exposing the insidious plans of the ruling elite to enslave humanity, exposing all the conspiracies against humanity, the teaching of our true history and origins, the fair and equal redistribution of planetary wealth, disclosure of extraterrestrial contact and finally revealing suppressed technology such as free energy, anti-gravitational, time travel, hydroponics and teleportation technologies.
She was right to say that to me, and I haven't been back