Dear All,
Those of you interested in knowing your potential Star Seed aspects can post your Natal Info of borth time, birthdate and birthplace. I will upload the aspects in this forum itself.
I have been giving free snapshot readings to thousands of people over the years [I do have a paid service as well when I find time from my day job] but of late I am focusing on Star Seeds. Have given dozens of snapshots of Star Seeds here:
So many Star Seeds have a strong 12th House and exact Galactic Centre Aspects. Many have Sun, Moon or Ascendant conjunct a powerful Fixed Star Exact. Time to analyze this indepth so that silent Star Seeds can KNOW who they are using the power of Astrology.
For learning Astrology:
I have put together a sequence of links to get each and every Star Seed, Indigo, Crystal or Joe Ordinary Terran like myself up to speed in Astrology.
I strongly feel that every Star Seed in the planet must know the basics of Astrology and Numerology.
Advanced Astrology involves the application of Asteroids, and they are absolutely important in special events.
Pls read my original research on Earthquakes :
Astrology is statistically a Science, and it shuold be taught. I have found many statistical evidences for its working.
One of the best is that 12 out of the top 14 recorded earthquakes with more than 100000 deaths had Asteroid POSEIDON tropically or sidereally in Capricorn. The odds of this being random chance are one in several million.
best regards,
You need to be a member of Ashtar Command - Spiritual Community to add comments!
I think you are more than what is termed "Indigo". I do not advise using the term Indigo either, ex-CIA/Mk Ultra Insiders attest that the term is a Mind Control trigger to program gufted, psychic children who have their Ajna Chakra or Third Eye [This Chakra is actually in Royal Blue Colour] open. Kundalini is strong and actively accessible upto the Pineal Gland for these psychic children. And you do have very potent Kundalini Energy, with a Scorpio Ascendant. 12th house Scorpio Moon and Saturn sextile KAALI. Pluto is conjunct North Node, excellent chances of complete Spiritual Transformation [which entails Kundalini Rise safely above the Crown Chakra]
You have a very high probability of a lifeline in ARCTURUS, as Asteroid AURA is exactly conjunct this Star.
You have active Sirian DNA as well, with Mars conjunct Sirius. Me thinks you are very much a Star Seed.
WOW! This is amazing. Starseed! To know my orgins I have been researching deeply into the indigo society to find out who indigos really are. I found via the amenti project that the indigo race type 1 and 2 are from the ancestry: Elohei-Elohim Lyran-Sirian Oraphim ancestry. But I wasn't sure about this in relation to me> So its really interesting that you mention life line to ARCTURUS. Have I had any past lives on earth before? Also I have been recently drawn to activating my pineal gl and meditations in kundalini activation/reiki This definitely resonates with me totally. Thankyou so much for this info. My goal is to ascend/spritiual transforamtion. I am deeply grateful for this reading and its given depth to who I am and what i need to do in this life. LOL & light & blessings Nikki
I have to do a detailed reading to determine the most probable past lifelines. My methods are purely based on mathematical probability using specific Asteroid aspects. What you are seeing here is the result of more than 2000 hours of dedicated research never before done by any other astrologer. Every Asteroid I mention, I had to check with the charts of dozens of famous spiritualists and hundreds of world events. I have researched over 500 Asteroids of various themes. The combination of Asteroids with Fixed Stars is another pioneering effect which will help each and every Star Seed have the "Gnosis" that they are genuinely what they are and not delusional or mentally ill schizophrenics as the Psychiatric Community wants them to "believe" [See the words VE BE LIE in believe. ]
[Those fruitcakes ignorantly poison people with drugs whose chemical structure suppresses the Pineal Gland and other Neuropeptide "Happy" Molecule Generators which are our evolutionary birthright.]
Let me post here a sample detailed reading. If such a reading is helpful, then I can make one for you next month.
best wishes,
30.12.51 High Wych, England time 10.30 am
Your Asteroid Atlantis is in 28 Aquarius, whose Sabian is: "A Butterfly Emerging From A Chrysalis".
Definite past life there for you, and it was a transformational experience.
Your chart also shows links to ANcient SUMERIA with North Node conjuncting Asteroid SUMERIA. Yuor psychic gufts are immense with Moon in Aquarius, Ascendant in Aquarius and Asteroid SPIRIT conj PALLAS in Aquarius.
Quite a power house! Pluto quincunx KAALI is exact, meaning adjustment with Kundalini Energy in this lifeline.
Most of the aspects are Earth Angel aspects, the closest Star Seed aspect was Uranus conjunct Sirius, though prior to Ancient Earth incarnations, you could have been a Cosmic Wanderer Soul. I say this because your Asteroid KARMA exactly conjuncts the Sidereal Chart's Galactic Center!
love light and blessings.
mary Jane Lizut Born in Philadelpha Pa August 6th 1957 3:30 am I am a twin to a girl born 5min befor me.
Blessings for all you do
You have a more powerful Earth Angel signature than Star Seed signature in the chart. You may have had a Plieadean lifeline though, but many many incarnations ago. Your ISIS conjuncts Pleiades exactly.
You are a typically empathetic Piscean with Taurus Ascendant giving you grounding and some earthy practicality [and also a beautiful face :) ]
Your Asteroid ANGEL in a very sacred degree of 29 Aquarius, this degree's Mystical Sabian Symbol reads:
"Deeply Rooted In The Past Of A Very Ancient Culture, A Spiritual Brotherhood In Which Many Individual Minds Are Merged Into The Glowing Light Of A Unanimous Consciousness Is Revealed To One Who Has Emerged Successfully From His Metamorphosis".
You have had an Ancient Egyptian Lifeline too, the Sabian of your Neptune in 13 Sagiitarius is "Pyramids and Sphinx", and Neptune exactly sextiles Asteroid DNA. There could be genetic memory of this lifeline as well.