Below is an email I got today about Zeta Hybrids, also called the -Tall Whites- :I am struck with the synchronicity of the emergence of the book,"Raechel's Eyes" revealing what went on at Area 51 decades ago aboutambassadorial hospitality offered various visiting Star Beings and Zetahybrids, at about the same time that Charles James Hall was WeatherRange Officer at Indian Wells Auxiliary Air Force Station about 95 milessouth of Area 51, also at the Nellis Air Force Range. Hall tells of hiscontacts with Tall White humanoid Star Visitors on the IWAAFS ranges, inhis book, "Millenial Hospitality".Is this the government's Public Acclimation Program allowing privateauthors to actually publish tell-all books that actually see the lightof day in public view?- Richard Boylan, Ph.D.<><><><><>Recent communication exchange with former USAF Airman Charles J. Hall,author of the "Millennial Hospitality" trilogy, coupled with contentrevealed in his books, brings forth the following interestingrevelations.There exists an extraterrestrial race whom Mr. Hall has called the TallWhites. This race originates from a location near but behind theArcturus star system.These Tall Whites are in adulthood around six feet in height and havegenerally humanoid features. They have blond hair, generally worn short,and the women tend to wear their hair in a feminine form of short cut.They are blue-eyed, and have larger-than- human eyes which wrap part-wayaround the side of their head. The Tall Whites otherwise look quitehuman, except that their skin is a chalky-white in color.They have hands with four fingers, which do not end in finger nails butrather in harder, two-inch-long claw-like appendages.The typical clothing of the Tall Whites is an aluminized, chalk-whitejump suit of canvas-looking fabric. They also wear gloves of the samematerial, and an open, white, motorcycle-like helmet.Both the suit and the helmet emit a three-inch-out field of soft-whiteflourescent light. The intensity of this emitted light can be variedfrom soft to too bright to look at without strain.These Tall Whites have very high intelligence and aninformation- processing speed which Mr. Hall estimates at 3-1/2 timesfaster than bright humans. The Tall Whites's technology is advanced.One element of their technology is a transporter suit which they put onwhich provides personal antigravity levitation and above-groundmovement, as well as force-field protection against attacks, e.g., wouldslow a bullet to where it would fall to the ground.Another element of their technology is their spacecraft. They operatesmaller scout ships which can transport a limited number of individuals.And then they have deep-space vessels than can travel between starsystems.Their scout craft are white in color, ellipsoidal or egg-shaped, with amolded flat bottom. It has a row of large windows on each side, sort oflike an airplane. Its size is comparable to that of a passenger train'sdiesel engine, and has two windows in front like such a train dieselengine. The range of these scout craft permit travel as far as the Moonor even Mars. But not deep space.Their deep-space vessels are very large, sleek, black antigravity craft,70 feet high, 300 feet wide, and 500 feet long. These vessels also havepilot windows, as well as have regularly-spaced running lights alongtheir edges. Their range extends out many light years into space. Theirtop speed exceeds the speed of light by a considerable margin. Yes,Einstein was wrong about that.The Tall Whites in their interactions with humans often carry stundevices for protection, eight-inch-long white tubes which can emit amicrowave beam that can excite the sodium atoms in the nervous system ofa threatening human and render the human unconscious for a limitedperiod of time.A contingent of Tall Whites have been resident in the Indian SpringsValley region of central Nevada since before the first Euro-Americansettlers moved west.These Tall Whites have found Earth to be a convenient way-station intheir travels within this sector of the galaxy. As Charles Hall explainsit, Earth's sun is located in the middle of a very large,10-light-year- diameter almost-empty section of the galaxy. Most starsoccur in groups, with another star within two light-months distance.Thus, for civilizations living on star systems near this near-emptyspace "bubble", Earth serves as a handy mid-way rest, supply and repairstation.The Tall Whites have established a residential location within FrenchPeak, about 25 miles north-northwest of Indian Springs Auxiliary AirForce Station, Nevada. They also have a main base and space vehiclerepair facility which is also built into the side of a hill at the northend of Indian Springs Valley, not too many miles from their residentiallocation.When Tall Whites deep-space vessels approach Earth from space, they makean initial landing at Dog Bone Lake, 25 miles east of French Peak on theNellis Air Force Range, Nevada. Then they make a lateral transition tothe main hanger, where huge doors part to admit the vessel, thenre-close.Presidents (including LBJ), select top Senators and Congressmembers, andselect Generals and Admirals are aware of, and have actually met TallWhites, either at carefully-arranged events in Washington, DC, or on theNellis Air Force Base Range, Nevada.The Tall Whites have made arrangements with the U.S. government at thehighest levels to have their central-Nevada facilities undisturbed. Inexchange they provide advanced scientific and technological informationwhich has permitted rapid advances in science and technology on Earth.Some of their scientists work as technical consultants at advancedlaboratory installations, including northern California, Nevada, andelsewhere.The Tall Whites facilities in central Nevada serve as locale forVisitors from other star system to come and study the English languageand American culture. These Visitors aree intensely curious about lifeand customs on Earth.Helen Littrell, along with co-author Jean Bilodeaux, provides paralleland corroborative information in her new book, "Raechel's Eyes". Thisbook tells the gripping story of how a compassionate Air Force officeron a Perimeter Security Team befriended a Zeta Reticulan survivor, whohappened to be a Zeta-human hybrid teenage girl. The Zeta Reticuli starsystem is seen from Earth's southern hemisphere, and is about 39light-years distant.The book chronicles his subsequent daring experiment, authorized by theNational Security Council through the Air Force's Aerospace TechnicalInformation Command, to adopt this hybrid, now dubbed "Raechel", and lether try out living a normal life as a college student at Lost RiverCollege in California, while living as a roommate with the author'sdaughter, Marisa. Her adoptive Colonel "father" was stationed at an AirForce Base near his adoptive daughter's college."Raechel's Eyes" also provides an accurate picture, minus the usualdisinformation in such matters, as to what really goes on below thesurface of the heretofore undisclosed "Four Corners" base, which issister to and apparently north of the better-known Area 51 Complex inthe central Nevada desert."Four Corners", (which is misleadingly not anywhere near the real U.S.Southwest Four Corners area), is actually a U.S. Government-run StarVisitor Reception Area and Ambassadorial Interface Facility forrepresentatives from the Intergallactic Council. And it also serves as acultural integration and tutoring place for those Star Visitors who wantto fit in and be able to walk around and observe Earth while passing forhuman. This latter effort is called the Humanization Project."Raechel's Eyes" closely parallels information about the undergroundactivity at Area 51, leaked by Army Command Sergeant-Major Robert Dean,the NSC's Dr. Michael Wolf, former [Area 51] Site S-4 physicist RobertLazar, and USAF "Project Pounce" head, Colonel Steve Wilson.I believe that all Star Kids and Star Seeds will find the day-to-daystruggle of hybrid Raechel, and of the Tall Whites residing at IndianWells Valley, to try to get accepted in the human world to be anNth-degree case of the basic struggle so many Star Kids (and Star Seedadults) experience in trying to define themselves, and be openly whothey are without the rejection, ridicule and avoidance too many humansdish out to someone who is different. And different can be Zeta-humanhybrid, Tall White passing for human with disguise, or a human Star Kidor Star Seed whose advanced abilities "just aren't normal".As "regular" humans learn to accept their own children, the Star Kids,perhaps this will accelerate the day when the public is ready to acceptthe Zeta-human hybrid "Raechels" and Tall White "Harry's" of the galaxyas just other people here to visit.The Tall Whites have established a residential location within FrenchPeak, about 25 miles north-northwest of Indian Springs Auxiliary AirForce Station, Nevada.Charles Hall wrote me concerning this:"I do believe that in the 1965 - 1967 time frame, the Tall Whites didhave an additional scout craft hanger and rest area located near the topof French Peak, because I frequently saw them in their scout craftentering and leaving the valley below French Peak and entering IndianSprings valley."Also the range maintainence men told me on many occasions that the TallWhites had such a hanger and they frequently observed them when theywere up on the mountain."Remember, as described in book II, the Tall Whites had several suchscout craft hangers and rest areas located in the northern portion ofthe Indian Springs valley, in addition to their base and main hanger."However, I, myself, never actually saw the Tall Whites up on FrenchPeak, partly because I very very seldom went over to that valley, andthe mountain was not visible from Range #3."The French Peak site, however, in 1965-1967 was not their main housingarea. The mountains at the north end of Indian Springs Valley have twomain peaks. The main housing area for the Tall Whites was locatedunderground where I have indicated it on the maps. That peak was thepeak located immediately north-north- west of the peak that contained themain hanger."Remember that there still exists a significant number of my personalexperiences that I have not yet captured on paper or verbally described,for various reasons."For example the UASF captain and pilot of the twin engine Cessina planethat came out from the Pentagon at the end of every month, did not stopat French Peak. He did not stop at Area 51 or at Groom Lake. He landedon the short runways located in the valley north of the main Tall Whitehanger and landed again at the short runway located at the base of thealien housing area."He also made a third langing up in that vicinity, before returning toIndian Springs to refuel."I have no idea what the status of French Peak or the Indian Springsfacilities are today."However, in the 1965-1967 time frame, the Tall White facilities andtheir locations were so excellent, allowing their deep space craft toarrive using Dog Bone Lake as an arrival/landing area, I wouldn't thinkthat they would easily agree to any changes.[Regarding the Tall Whites Star Visitors' hand and fingers], about whichI (Richard Boylan) had asked whether they have hands with four fingers,and whether they end not in finger nails but rather in harder,two-inch-long claw-like appendages?, Charles Hall replies:"The claws were probably artifical and worn for self defense. I wasnever sure."One night when I was out at Range #3, I saw the Teacher standing withher arms crossed with her hands resting on her upper arms. On thatevening, she was certainly wearing 2-inch long claws. On a differentevening, I saw her in DownTown Las Vegas outside the Hotel Fremont andCasino. On that evening she was disguised as a human woman, and she wasdefinitely not wearing claws."The Tall Whites are quite frail by human standards. Their arms andhands do not have anywhere near the strangth that human arms and handshave. The wearing of artifical sharp claws would provide them with a setof weapons with which they could defend themselves against bees,hornets, snakes, etc. Such artifical claws would also be quite useful astools when outside in a Nevada desert environment."Incidentally I do not have any problem with the statement, 'Mr. Hallestimates at 3-1/2 times faster than bright humans,' because the best Icould do was only to form a rough estimate. However, in Book #1, in thechapter entitled "Olympic Tryouts", I carefully timed Range Four Harrywhen he was running northwest from the corner of my barracks out intothe open desert, and he was running at approximately 35 mph."Since the Olympic world record for humans for the mile run is only 15miles per hour, that would mean the the Tall White alien known as RangeFour Harry had a nervous system that was operating at approximately35/15 = roughly 2 to 2-and-a-half times faster than the human nervoussystem operates."Of course, when I timed myself, the fastest that I could run was justbarely 7 miles per hour. So Range Four Harry's nervous system might havebeen running 35/7 = 5 time faster than mine. I can only guess...."For example, I do not know where the home planet of the Tall Whites islocated, but I feel certain that they arrive here on earth from thedirection of the star Arcturus ( book 2, chapter "Olympic Dreams"). Iguessed at the time that their home planet orbited a star locatedapproximately 105 light years from earth, whereas Arcturus is located at36 light years from earth. However, that was only my best guess based onmy personal observations at the time. The Tall Whites, themselves, wouldnever say."The Teacher stated that Pamela had never been back to their homeplanet, and that Pamela had been born in Indian Springs Valley whenJames Madison was President, (i.e. approximately the year 1812), (bookIII, Chapter "The End of the Innocence.")

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  • yes its true, the noncoding sequences of our DNA / DNS is extraterestrial (about 97 percent)
  • hi Belinda, the majority of the ETs are benvolent (-good-)
    and the Zeta-Hybrids are from what I have found out called the Essassani,
    Member of the Galactic Federation.
  • Dear Thomas,My curiosity conserning ET's started in 1992, where I read a book that mysteriously fell out at me in a strange book shop, sinse then I have been searching for more and more 'proof' I also felt ready for some kind of contact, till frustrations in me caused me to switch of my search for evidence, I have taken other peoples words as proof but I know of many people that are ready for a meeting with these beings.Myself included.............. Is there a photo of the human/Zeta hybrid?... Very interesting and I suppose as 2012 aproaches we will see more and more and hear more and more, I just hope they are mostly 'good' beings??? regards Belinda
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