Last Updated: May 14, 2010 - 10:49:34 AM |
Developments By S333 thru Hazel May 14, 2010 - 10:43:55 AM | |
Dear All
S333 visited at 19:30 and gave this message. I asked him a few times to confirm the accuracy and he did. Just before Ipress the send button I asked him again and he said yes and that I wastrying his patience. It is with great trepidation that I post this butalso with great anticipation. I feel as if I am in a dream
Love to All
Further to the last message delivered earlier today I can say to you that we are here. Hard to believe isn't it? Yeswe have touched down. Invisible to you as yet but here nevertheless. Thetroops have dismounted. We are about to disperse on ground amidst yourpopulace. This is necessary at this point. We are no longer enjoying theaerial view but come to walk amongst you now to execute the furthersteps in the game plan.
Shortly contact will be made with a select few and as we assess matters links may be made with others. We ask forpatience at this time for crucial events are going to be set in motionwhich will culminate in a series of catastrophic results.
You must understand that we cannot visibly show ourselves at this time for it will engender great fear amongst thegeneral public. We will gauge the right time for appearances. For nowall you need know is that we have touched down. Exciting times arepromised for those who know and believe. You of the light who accept ourpresence will have to hold the hands of those who are unknowing andlead them into understanding. You will know when this becomes necessary.We will be giving you a series of updates regularly form now so thosewho take messages be on guard. Further details will not be given atthis time. We ask that you trust that the divine plan is working outaccordingly. We will soon be handing you your freedom passes. Somethingfor you to look forward to.
I am S333 and know that these are my words. I come in the Light
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"crucial events are going to be set in motion which will culminate in a series of catastrophic results."
`splain this Lucy... :-)
Considering all aspects intuitionally and intellectually – my dreams of future probabilities, channeled info I’ve read that rings true, ancient prophecies from many cultures, etc. – I think that major physical changes to the earth are inevitable. From one perspective, it seems that catastrophic earth changes would be the ultimate experience in contrast/duality.
We can choose to live in fear of cataclysmic earth changes, a gross distortion seen as the end of existence, or we can choose to see these changes for what they truly are, a doorway to a new, more fulfilling reality.
So that’s why I’ve said let’s get this party started. I’m open to all of it -- embracing the earth changes in whatever form they may manifest, accepting any and all help from ET’s/our future selves, and expecting new adventures in consciousness.
Anyway, that's one opinion, which is ever changing as we create moment to moment.
Update #1
By Christ Michael thru Hazel
May 15, 2010 - 5:08:03 AM
We are well and truly here. Yes and the work have begun in earnest to cleanse those institutions governed in darkness. We have been fortunate to have secured some co operation which will facilitate infiltration into certain ranks. You see dear ones we already had divine beings on the ground who were expecting our arrival.
Those who are a liability are going to betaken down post haste. We mean business now and will not tolerate anyone standing in our way.
In the coming days you will hear of strange things taking place without understanding what has happened. We are not disclosing what they might be but if you pay sufficient attention you will know. The dark will try to cover up many things from you during this time but we will take every measure necessary to ensure that the population is able to hear and see the truth. We have mobilised some of our ground resources and soon results should be seen physically.
There is an interesting development about to take place in the world of politics and finance and we suggest that you pay close attention. We are going to pull the necessary strings needed for a timely collapse to occur. We now assume the role of the puppet masters and those who have reigned with the dark wand will become the lowly minions.
We are primed in our plan and ready to start making things happen. Yes the occurrences and results in your coming days and weeks will shock the population into opening their eyes and ears. Gradulally at first, but then the severe repercussions which will flow shall create enough confusion to spark greater awareness not to mention fear and anger. This is going to be time of exposure. The events we are orchestrating will cause sequential demise of systems whose timeline has expired or has you ones say reached its "pass by date". The gluttons for punishment will receive such if they do not surrender to the light now. The ride has started so to you ones hold on tightly.
You do not need to know specifics. Just know that the process of disintegration has commenced with divine fervour.
To my light workers soon your work will be at hand. I suggest you get your "houses" in order.
I am Christ Michael Aton and these are my words. I place the seal of the Father hereto.
Nothing is gonna change. Don't you get it? They are playing with all of us.
A message from someone who claims to be Jesus. Hahaha. A person that probably didn't even exist.
Does who or where a message comes from make it valid? Come on, the message is what matters. You either resonate with it and learn from it, or you don’t. You draw all kinds of information to yourself and it can come from your kid or a PhD or from a personality who is not physical. So who’s being naïve?
Again, sorry for telling you liar. You friend is a liar though.
Changes will come, but not this year.