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"For 16yrs Chris Bledsoe has been seeing and inviting ufo orbs to his and others vision, he's been investigated by the highest ufo experts, history channel have done videos of him, fox news and other media have interviewed him, he's been on many…"
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Meditating With The Violet Flames & White Light Creatrix Energies By Steven Hutchinson Ideally, you call forth from the Great Compassionate Light the Violet Flames and White Light Creatrix Energies and visualize them permeating your heart space,…
"Heres a compilation of him summoning them to show themselves to him..""
"Chris Bledsoe claims he's had full contact & has been for years and he apparently summons them to show themselves to him to be filmed..""
"Hi! I can relate to supra-consciousness as it were."
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Chapter XII
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There are some of my observations after cross-referencing with some christians :-
Starseeds - GFOL or Aliens / Christian - They are Fallen Angels
Starseeds - One God but with many assistants like Ascended Masters, Light Beings, etc / Christian - ONLY ONE GOD (All others are demons, devils, etc)
Starseeds - Baptism mean marking or mind control / Christian - Baptism mean Salvation from GOD.
Starseeds - New Age Movement means Liberation of Earth / Christian - New Age Movement means Anti-Christ Movement
Starseeds - 2nd Coming of Christ means Awakening of Mass / Christian - 2nd Coming of Christ means Christ will come with his leagues of Angels
Piperon's Music - Spiritual and Healing flute music / Christian - Piperon's music is demonic cause it is too noise.
Piperon : Just because I used drums in my music and it is called demonic music? Gees!
Listen and judge for yourself at and and and
May the LOVE be with you always.
Piperon - The Spiritual Flute Player.
Thanks for the info.