The momentum of the Light is huge and this is another reason why the Dark consider such drastic and negative possible events in 2012. They’ve always known when the Expiration Date was! Like I’ve always said, keep your eye/heart on lifting the planetary collective via the Light you’re embodying and ignore the Dark magicians frantic, last-minute stunts to steal more sleeping humans in the dark.

 By Denise Le Fay


Early 2012 Changes

Posted by Denise on January 20, 2012 in Ascension Process


Normally I don’t physically take part in events like the “Protect IP Act” (PIPA) because as a Starseed Lightworker I participate, I “occupy”, at non-physical levels and have my entire life. The non-physical levels are the ones I’ve been the most effective in—prior to the start of the 1987–2012 Ascension Process that is—not physically protesting, marching, picketing, or “occupying” etc. Those types of physical actions are better done by people who cannot or do not know how to do what I can, what those of you reading this can.


The reason I decided to black out TRANSITIONS for one day—January 18, 2012—in protest of this negative Internet control move by the Dark was to make another-leveled 2012 point to my readers. I did it for shock value and as a reality check to some of the potential physical actions and events that the remaining Dark (both physical and non-physical) may pull out of their demented but persistent asses this year. I repeat, may. I’ve never wanted to promote fear but I have wanted people to face ascension related facts.


I could spout Light n’ Love n’ rainbow glittered words like many others who talk about the Ascension do, but, it isn’t my nature and turns my Polarity Integrator stomach to be honest. If you emotionally need to be coddled and told that everything is going to be fine and perfect with absolutely no effort or work on your part…then I’m most assuredly not the Ascension Teacher for you. I do know that everything is going to be fine and perfect, but—oh yeah there’s a but to this—you’ve got to make a minimal effort yourself to increase/elevate your frequency just enough to be within range of what’s required with the Ascension Process. (That sentence was not directed at the majority of my readers but needed to be said nonetheless.) The Universe and the Light has been and is doing everything to help humanity (and other Beings) do exactly that since 1987. That is all that’s required of individuals to be within range vibrationally to make the ascension/evolutionary transition; lean more towards heart than fear.


I’ve pondered this next topic for many years but haven’t written about it yet. But because it’s 2012 and because things are unfolding faster within the Ascension Process than ever before it’s probably time for me to share a few impressions I’ve had about how the complete disconnect from the old non-ascending patriarchal world might, I repeat mightmanifest during 2012.


I’ll confess to my having wanted this entire Ascension Process to happen even faster and sooner than it is, but that’s just me not always coping graciously with the extreme physical and emotional pains I’ve dealt with as a middle-aged, ultra-sensitive, First Wave Starseed transmuting and embodying Light in a Dark world. If you remember my 2009 article “My Lightworker Strike” I explained how the Starseeds/Lightworkers were suffering greatly due to our waiting and waiting and waiting at lower frequency levels for as much of humanity to finally get on-board the Ascension “Harvest” train as we could energetically affect and/or inspire to do so. Energy adjustments were made so the Starseeds/Lightworkers/Wayshowers could remain in-body a bit more comfortably and continue transmuting lower and embodying higher frequencies as we had been. I mention this again now because this is what the Light does; it waits and keeps working regardless of the pain as it continues transmuting and embodying to create an energy Pathway out of the dark negativity for all interested others. That is how the Light functions.


The Dark, especially now in 2012, thinks and functions more like — How many humans do we still have control over? How many have we lost to the Ascension Process? How many more can we grab if we cut our losses and separate today? Lets create something really big globally that would trigger tremendous fear in humanity in an attempt to grab more of them before the final Expiration Date (the end of 2012 and entry into 2013) and they move out of range vibrationally.

See the difference? Ouch, but this is how it works. We of the Light wait and hold the Ascension Exit Door open for any who are within range vibrationally and are making the transition out of dis-empowerment and fear and into their growing hearts, responsibility and unity. We wait for them on our individual Stair Steps until the end for every last one of them that can be “Harvested” now because this opportunity is very rare and the next Ascension “Harvest” train won’t return for a very long time.


Some of the possible stunts or attempts the Dark may try are like this Internet takeover business; quickly entering another war; the political insanity that’s been escalating over the years but will reach epic proportions in 2012; and/or the big hint Inelia Benz shared in her article “2012 Here we go!” In it she quoted only one phrase. She didn’t name names but if you’re familiar with this line and who said it and how long ago they did then the writing is and has been on the wall for a long time. Here’s what I’m referring to from Inelia Benz and what she quoted because I won’t name names either:


“There is a window during this year that might be forced open by the other side. If this is the case, it is really not something I am that concerned about. The window is called “Three days of darkness“. During this period the population will be strictly split between those who are still based on fear, and those who are heart centered.

In my viewing, if this window opens, it will indeed provide an opportunity for the shift we experienced in August (2011) to manifest at a collective human level in a rather brutal fashion. “

The trick with this business is that we, the Starseeds/Lightworkers/Wayshowers etc., can do only what we’ve been doing all along, which is to embody and BE the Light (and embody the new blueprints) here as the way to draw as much of the collective (humanity) towards the Light now as possible. That plus Consciously Creating and Co-Creating that this transition happens as quickly and non dramatically as possible. But, there are still people who want others to define reality for them, tell them what to do and when and where, who want others to take all the responsibilities for them, and/or to save them instead of growing and taking responsibility themselves.


If the Dark panics and decides to make another big grab for as many people as they can in 2012 instead of risking loosing any more to the Ascension Process energies, then they might try a big dramatic event such as the “Three days of darkness” to immobilize the masses via shock, terror, trauma and profound “end of the world” type fears and insert a massive timeline split off from the rest of ascending/evolving humanity. An event such as this this would dwarf their 9/11 “shock and awe”tactic and so many people around the world would vibrationally fall into that deliberately created fear pit.


If the Dark Ones pull this potential magic trick (or any others) out of their hats at any time within 2012 and things go dark for “Three days of darkness”, then the rest of us vibrating with higher Light frequencies may or may not even see it. We would be affected by any negative tactic created by the Dark only if we buy into their illusions and forget who and what we are and fall vibrationally. If things went dark in the next five minutes I’d be glad because it would tell me and that the final separation between those who are awake and those who are asleep had happened and that it was the Dark that triggered it. The Light would wait and wait and wait until the last moment for anyone else to make the Ascension “Harvest” train leaving the station whereas the Dark is getting increasingly worried, anxious, obvious and bold.


These type things are so malleable and fluctuate from week to week because the collective (humanity) is waking up more and more every minute of every day/night which continues to alter things slightly. This is one reason why it’s been harder in certain ways to write about how things may or may not unfold throughout 2012; the odds improve for growing numbers of humanity every minute. The momentum of the Light is huge and this is another reason why the Dark consider such drastic and negative possible events in 2012. They’ve always known when the Expiration Date was! Like I’ve always said, keep your eye/heart on lifting the planetary collective via the Light you’re embodying and ignore the Dark magicians frantic, last-minute stunts to steal more sleeping humans in the dark.




Shifting our focus, let’s talk a bit about how many of us have been feeling and dealing with certain old Ascension symptoms and emotional (primarily family and relationship) issues since December 2011. Gads…where was the notice that round 483 was coming? Actually, I’d have to go back to the June 2011 summer Solstice when this deeper layer and 483rd round of family and relationship work started—again—for me. It’s unfolded necessary-person by necessary-person ever since, with a couple of decades-old minor guilt issues resurfacing over the past few days. Gasp, really? Guilt, still? Frustration still? More letting go of certain people and relationships from my old 3D perspective? Wow…


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve personally had to go back into my inner basement and do a bit more cleaning down there since 1999! The stone stair steps leading down there are as well-worn as ancient Temple stairs at this point! Obviously there’s multiple layers and deeper layers involved with this Ascension related transmuting process, and just about the time you think you’ve got all the crumbs swept up, something else comes floating up to the surface to let you know there’s still a bit more there at a deeper level that must go and now. Thank you Higher Self for these timely reminders to tidy up whatever is left within me so my slate is as clean and transparent as you and I can get it now.


This isn’t about super-massive and difficult amounts of your or my unresolved inner stuff or junk at this point, but about how the Lighter we get, the less we’re able to hide or ignore any little shadowy thing in us anymore. Plus, they feel SO MUCH BIGGER than they actually are now due to all the previous inner transformational Ascension work we’ve already done. It’s that exaggerated Princess and the Pea thing. Whatever little remaining inner stuff we may have at this late 2012 date is not nearly as huge as it feels to us because we’ve gotten so clear, so full of unimpeded Light flow. Talk about real “transparency”! 

This is demanded of us now in 2012 as a way to help us get free and clear of our old past emotional stuff/energies so we’re better able to embody (and more comfortably so) the new and greater Light coming on the other side of 2012. So if you’ve had some years or decade-old ascension symptoms suddenly return in January 2012 as I briefly have, know it’s just time to dig a bit deeper (and pay close attention to your vivid and wild dreams because they now have all the in-your-face clues we need to resolve these lower frequency issues in mere minutes) to get completely free. See it, acknowledge it, love it, forgive it, merge with it, release it or whatever it is that you need to do with it now and just keep moving forward. Micro/Macro remember? Well done everyone. ♥



January 20, 2012

Copyright © 2012–2013 Denise Le Fay. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice and link.

2012 TO DO LIST     


  • 2012 is the last year of the twenty-five yearlong (1987 to 2012 Winter Solstice) galactic alignment (conjunction) of our Winter Solstice Sun to the galactic axis.
  • Be ready to let go of whatever limiting patriarchal belief systems, religious beliefs, personal identity beliefs, any residual lower emotions etc.
  • Be prepared to let go of any loved one, family member, mate, friend etc. if the gap between you and them has become so large that it’s holding you back in any way from your ongoing Ascension Process. 2012 will bring this up for you to deal with.
  • Be prepared to work on your Mental Body and any old lower frequency patriarchal beliefs and belief systems still housed in there. You’re evolving beyond them so be prepared to release them and repeatedly if needed.
  • Expect to do more fine-tuning integration energy work on your right/left brain and inner male/female energies.
  • Expect increased conscious connections and embodiment of the masculine “god” aspect of Source within you regardless of which sex body you have.
  • Expect increased conscious quantum out-of-linear time communications with your Higher Self and its vast knowledge. Get more familiar with higher awareness knowing as opposed to lower frequency linear ego-based thinking.
  • If needed, expect fast-paced back-to-back Mental and Emotional Body tests/Initiations throughout 2012 as a way to repeatedly check ourselves for any remaining issues/beliefs that need more transmuting and releasing.
  • Learn to deal with (and/or just dodge when necessary) the people feeling the building Light Energy pressures but aren’t coping well with them. Mental and emotional instability will escalate dramatically in many people so just be aware.
  • Be prepared for expanded levels of consciousness which means encountering greater multidimensional layers of reality plus both positive and negative beings, entities, aliens, dead humans etc. that exist within them. Our reality territory is getting much larger due to our expanding consciousness so be prepared to have occasional encounters with non-physical beings and of course discern everything.
  • Ignore the lies, distractions, negativity and BS in the media because it’s only their desperate attempts to remain in control of humanities consciousness. Their time has expired, override them and continue Consciously Creating and Co-Creating above them just as we’ve done all along. The potential exists in 2012 for things to get more chaotic and potentially violent as the negative patriarchal systems disintegrate so hold your higher focus and level of being no matter what else is happening around you.
  • Learn to discern energies. Learn to discern (feel, sense, know) who really embodies Light, and who claims to be the Light but is actually the Dark.
  • Many will be living through the beginning symptoms and stages of the Ascension Process (due to those different developmental and timeline Stair Steps I’ve talked about) and are and will continue looking for the higher consciousness spiritual teachers of the ascended Earth to help them understand what they’re experiencing and why. Just radiate your Light and High Heart and these students will find you if it’s time and a good match.
  • Many more people will choose to exit (die) their physical bodies and continue their Ascension Process in a non-physical realm instead of this one. There are no wrong choices so wish them well on their continued spiritual process.
  • Get yourself out of your old 3D left-brained ego and Solar Plexus seat and up into your 5D whole-brain High Heart seat! Release the old lower (and more familiar) frequency ways of being, perceiving, feeling and thinking.
  • Let the 2012 solar and galactic Light energies do what they’re here this last year to help all of us do. The solar and galactic energies coming to Earth and humanity throughout 2012 will be even higher than what we’ve dealt with since 1987, 1999, or 2011. These final 2012 energies will be more potent and will more quickly elevate far more human consciousness and hearts than has happened so far.


The mysterious year 2012 has loomed large in humanities minds and imaginations for many years and we’ve finally arrived at its much-anticipated doorstep. Because there’s been tremendous speculation and anticipation about what 2012 really is, what it means, what it will cause, what it won’t cause, what the 2012 Winter Solstice will trigger or won’t trigger etc., there’s some robust thought-forms out there created and fed by different people about 2012. Many of these human created thought-forms are based on distorted patriarchal religious beliefs about the end of the world and so on. It is the “end of the world”; the end of the world as humanity has known it and that’s a very positive thing…not so to the “Powers that Were” however. (I think David Wilcock created this great term…“The Power that Were”.) It’s the end of a lot of things because the old Evolutionary Cycle expired on October 28, 2011, and with the start of 2013, a new Evolutionary Cycle begins on multiple levels.

In some ways 2012 will be a year filled with more chaos, panic, confusion, violence, hate, fear and growing rebellion than 2011 was. Most people are frightened of change and 2012 (and beyond) is all about change and more change. To help with humanities fears about change, the negative human greed monsters have—and will continue to during 2012—reveal just how profoundly greedy, negative, selfish, corrupt and disrespectful they really are toward their fellow humans and Earth. This accelerated revealing of the Dark in its many forms and global systems to more of the masses is exactly what the masses need to become consciously aware of so they finally are ready for change. Waking up and seeing—for themselves—just how negative and corrupt the global patriarchy really is and always has been is exactly what they need to help them make a quick shift out of their old lower frequency consciousness cages. And the cosmic, galactic, solar and planetary (astrological) energies are doing everything to help them and all of us make these massive transitions during the last year of the twenty-five yearlong Ascension Process.


Over the years I’ve referred to what’s happening to the global patriarchy as The Downfall of Atlantis Part 2. Some of these Powers that Were have and will exit quietly in hopes that no one discovers the depth and breadth of their evil greedy deeds. Others of them will remain in the limelight and fight and become more negative and imbalanced as their power and control disintegrates under the growing pressures of the increasing Light. Their time is done but many of them will fight and lash out wildly to remain in control and power. In 2012 there’s going to be plenty of hair pulling, crying, tantrum throwing, probable increased violence against those who protest (all “Occupy” people), growing money problems, growing unemployment, and increased attempts to illegally prevent the Light from spreading by the patriarchal Powers that Were.

Let’s quickly follow that dire sounding paragraph with some positive things that 2012 will bring. One that I sense will happen very quickly and in ways that most “normal” people won’t even fully be aware of at the time is sudden psychic or ESP (Extra Sensory Perception) and HSP (Higher Sensory Perception) abilities. I’ve been sensing that throughout 2012 growing numbers of “normal” people (by normal I mean people who are not consciously aware of the Ascension Process, the new Age, HSP, other dimensions and Beings etc.) will suddenly be consciously aware of things they might not have even believed in prior, which is kinda funny when you think about. But this is how I sense more and more “normal” people will suddenly shift (incrementally, not in one huge single shift) out of the old familiar lower frequency consciousness; in sudden and rather dramatic bursts of expansion. Oh happy day huh?!

Another thing I sense that will become a growing issue for more people in 2012 is certain “channeled” material supposedly coming from positive ETs and/or the Light but who are actually Dark beings/entities and always have been. I expected to hear more people, and even some who channel, finally realizing this in 2011 and maybe it did and I just didn’t hear about it. I do sense however that more people will finally realize they’ve been lied to, distracted and duped by certain non-physical Dark beings/entities who’ve claimed to be the Light for many years. This realization will be hard for many people to admit to themselves and make the necessary adjustments in their beliefs etc. and yet they must learn to discern energies in both people and non-physical Beings. They need to realize that this is the time for each one of us to do the Inner Energy Work ourselves and stop waiting for ET saviors or anyone/anything else to rescue humanity and Earth. It is not going to happen. We are our saviors now and that is part of this evolutionary Initiation process into 5D unity consciousness.


I can physically feel that the Ascension symptoms I’ve lived with since 1999 have diminished greatly; some of them I hardly have anymore, and some symptoms have been replaced with newer ones like the major head/skull/brain and eye pressures and pains I’ve had intensely since 2009, more so in 2010 and primarily all on the left side, and very intensely on all sides, right/left and front/back for months during 2011. But, despite these painful head/skull/brain pains and pressures, many of the old Ascension symptoms have diminished so much that they’re a non-issue at this point. Added to that miracle is the fact that leaving my house to go shopping out there now is VASTLY improved due to the tremendous increase of Light Energies on and in Earth over the past few years. Said another way, there’s finally enough Light out there in the world that it’s much more physically and energetically comfortable when I have to go out now. Between the decreased Ascension symptoms—I’m talking about the really horrible difficult ones and having them over the past almost thirteen years—and the greatly increased Light on the planet, it’s getting increasingly comfortable to go back out into the world out there. This will increase rather dramatically I think throughout 2012 as we prepare to fully enter the New.

There’s an Expiration Date to this Ascension Process and we’ve got 2012 to deal with, transmute, resolve, release etc. whatever it is we each still need to, plus, adapt to the 2012 incredibly potent push of even higher frequency solar and galactic energies to prepare us energetically for the new higher level Evolutionary Cycle that begins with 2013. 2012 is the grand cosmic energetic push to complete this twenty-five yearlong Ascension Process so we’re vibrating fast and high enough to cope with becoming Beings of Light in 2013 and beyond. (I feel you thinking about this linearly so knock it off and just open and let more come in than that!)



January 2, 2012

Copyright © 2012–2013 Denise Le Fay. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice and link.

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  • what this means in other words is you are the ones you were waiting for...ha.ha..ha

    • This article is very helpful, Thanks Rav!

  • Dark does not mean a person is dark as we are all light beings but his actions and motives are dark.

    Dark Forces refers more to bad actions and bad motives of these put it short in general terms they are referred to as Dark Forces

  • Honestly, I don't believe anyone is "Dark".  What really defines people is their decisions, we all have a choice to be compassionate, embrace liberation, see things from a light filled perspective in every second, in every moment.

    I am not waiting for anything, and never have been.  What has been happening, was set in place a long time ago.

    I will focus my energies in clearing out what is old to make way for the new.

    I do not fear what is coming, I embrace it, I love it, and I am empowered by it.

    Revolution of the Evolution of our Spirits is at hand!!!!

    Be in this Moment, Forever. 


    Another thing I sense that will become a growing issue for more people in 2012 is certain “channeled” material supposedly coming from positive ETs and/or the Light but who are actually Dark beings/entities and always have been. I expected to hear more people, and even some who channel, finally realizing this in 2011 and maybe it did and I just didn’t hear about it. I do sense however that more people will finally realize they’ve been lied to, distracted and duped by certain non-physical Dark beings/entities who’ve claimed to be the Light for many years. This realization will be hard for many people to admit to themselves and make the necessary adjustments in their beliefs etc. and yet they must learn to discern energies in both people and non-physical Beings. They need to realize that this is the time for each one of us to do the Inner Energy Work ourselves and stop waiting for ET saviors or anyone/anything else to rescue humanity and Earth. It is not going to happen. We are our saviors now and that is part of this evolutionary Initiation process into 5D unity consciousness.

    • There may also be some people who realize the people they think were dark were really good people all along!

      • I Agree with you on this Delilah7777

        Nothing is always what is seems
        to be, alot are calling people dark, but its only a "projection" of our inner selves, that needs to be looked at and Loved, like I said in my video, its like "lost children" standing in dark corners in a room, and we "dont" want to see them or love them, but when we see and love them and take these "children" to our heart, without fear, we will understand that It was just "old emotions" that needed to be healed and released. When people stand in their autencity and inner truth, and arent dependent on what other people think of them, we Bring back the power to Our "SolarPlexus".

        Many will be offended by this Strong presence of Love and Will "throw" all they ever could on you, which is not yours, its like you are a catalysator for Them to "Clear themself". 
        People can Judge you for who you are, but in the end you are Your OWN Judge.

        This is the Time of Being Bold and True to yourself, stepping on "toes" will be everyday life, because you will "bring" forth "buried" feelings within ALL SOULS, some may even call you dark, because you are so much Light, its not about You! We cant hide from anyone, We cant pretend to say the Right words, or try to be perfect.  WE SIMPLY ARE TRUE TO OUR -SELF and its our Path.
        We truly know that Light and dark Dances together hand in hand, duality is an illusion, Love IS. 

        Love is the TRUE REALITY! Let your heart Be Free and Know that you arent dependent on what other people think about you, take your power back and Forgive. We are mirrors for eachother. All reflections comes from you! The illusion, truly is, that you can never be a Victim of outer circumstances, but it may look like it is...This is the "Veil" of separation. Thats why its important to "Be honest to yourself and forgive yourself". Because its all a part of you. The "BLAME GAME" is an illusion.


        • of my favorite quotes:

          "Be mindful what you decide about someone you don’t know, for it will invariably reveal less of them and more of you.”

          -Dalai Lama

          • Definitely agree Katjami :)

          • Nice :-)

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