*Starship Riptide9*


morphon5(recieved Oct 1, 2010)socket upload


We are one family realizing that we can be as large or small and infinite as the cohesive absolute smiling in all of time. Seeing that which is created as a piece of yourself divining bliss awake through the eternal reflection is the task. Allow your knowing to radiate love. Stop nothing from observing how it wishes to see if your possibility permits. The thought experience of synchonicity is a relative space of photogenetic waves moving through a vortex appex that exists in every point. There are many points and places to project that wich is immutable and forever loving.


     Our core structure is the dna of our existance that gives us what is relavent to the patterning and life to the evolving story of existance. Their are potentially an unlimited amount of fractal universes than meet the eye and many leed back to themselves in confuzing unity. All fractal universes which be based on the law of a fractal ultimatley sink back together into the original fractal pattern that all matrix patterns emerged from. Image that you are alone in a sphere that from your perspective is blank and dark. This Sphere is coated on the inside with a completely reflective material and there is nothing outside the sphere. Light a candle and imagine what you would see. How would this world refract , how would the sphere react, and what could be created? This is made to project that wich you desire into every moment of your experience. We and all of this that is our amorphius sphere parts for nothing but the one that we are. as we aproach the zenith of unlimited existance we will begin to acclimate to the being that we truly have always been. It is as if we have journeyed to the farthest reaches of our sphere and seen that we are one in our creations. Now we have many choices in synchronicity to this nature and in belief we can change the destiny we seek.


     As this light of conciousness unfolds, all will begin again within their highest form of incarnation as a concious extention of supreme being. The crystaline body of the highest evolution controls the destiny of the collective peace that forever changes. So be it as you see it in one time of light. Nothing is less or more than this conquerent will of the force . May our creator find itself to be the way it has always dreamed and will our hearts rejoice forever. Salutations to all sisters, brothers and wing-ed ones of the loving light. Beloved is your journey upon the earth. we think to you in uprighteousness and send love filled breezes to a swift ascension. work well on the depths of your keep and reep the seeds that you sew. Go with the flow...and be as well as you will. The winds are changing. Stay grounded crew!


Cmdr. Azaru Kumara of *Starship Riptide9*

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