Carolyn Evers has just finished taking Steve’s fourth eBook. It is entitled “A Fourth Message To The World From Steve Fossett” – The Nature of God, the soul and events leading up to 2012 

Since completing it, Steve has told Carolyn that he has now moved to centre of the cosmos with his body, which is a journey that is ahead of all of us, over time, who choose Ascension. Carolyn asked him because this eBook begins to bring forth a different perspective from the ones that precede it. It is still very much about the journey towards Ascension, however it brings a much more refined, a higher perspective.

Here are some quotes from this latest eBooks:

“…This saddens me when I watch the suffering that this control and domination incurs in the races upon your planet when All-There-Is is only love. Humanity doesn’t understand yet that they also are All-There-Is; love incarnate. When they finally understand this, all the pain and grief of humanity will fall away as if it never existed.

“That glorious moment will soon be upon you as these messages or information that is coming from the center of the cosmos takes you ever so close to that doorway that you are calling Ascension. This is the moment when I can go home again to this center and reconnect with All-There-Is. I have chosen to stay here a little longer to bring forth my words until Earth and all her people are finally standing at that moment when at 2012 Earth aligns itself with Galactic Center…

“…I thank the one who writes my words and I thank those who read my words. I honor you for purchasing these eBooks and applying yourself to the material contained within. It is because you have honored the prompting of your soul that you read this because within them will be contained all you require to ascend.

“Those who knew me during my Earthly life will say that these words do not sound like the Steve Fossett they knew and understood and hopefully loved, but understand that when I was on Earth, I walked there with the same veil of forgetfulness that you walk with…

“…Many understand that the physical body displays what the mind thinks. There is a solid connection between the body and the mind and as incorrectly held attitudes are purged, healing can come to the surface instantly…

“…Economically the dark moments of thought and deed are being purged from the economic system.  It has been decreed that money cannot be used as a source of controlling people any longer. It will take time for this decree to wend its way to the surface.  You are presently in the throes of this disturbance and unfortunately only at the beginning. Many are losing their jobs and there is much in the way of restructuring not only in the corporate world but in the banking system also. What you are seeing in this area, unfortunately for the feelings of security in humanity, is only the beginning…

“…Greed is another by-product of the human race that must be purged as it has also been decreed that greed and avarice will be expunged from the planet. Even though humans might be reluctant to feel that there is another source higher than they, there is. This source of higher directives comes from what I am calling God or All-There-Is. The hand of God has come down and decreed that all of these vices and excesses will stop and stop immediately…

“…In my country at least (USA), the dark have taken over the printing of money. They skim off the top a large percentage of the money printed before this tender is turned over to the government for use in the society. It is not my desire to explain the monetary system of the United States, other than to list this as one way that the dark has taken over the work efforts from humanity for their own use. This has happened all over the world in one form or another...

“…Some think God is an energy. The concept that perhaps God might have emotions and expectations that are similar to humanity does not exist. I am here to tell you God has emotions similar to humans. God moves to experience through the eyes, emotions, behavior of that spark that you call a soul that is located within the ego of the person who experiences life…

“…You are told that you were born in original sin. Imagine your Creator sending little pieces of Themselves residing in your soul, sending it to Earth in a body and then sending it in any kind of sin. It just didn't happen, my friends. The Source that made all of us looks upon your soul and knows that those particles are part of them. Father God enjoys what he sees through your eyes. Nowhere in those eyes, in the expectation of what these eyes would see is there any thought of sending any sin, original or otherwise…

“…War and killing is a concept of the dark. War and killing is a method of control and domination. It is not a part of spiritual truths. If it is a spiritual truth it must be composed of the energy of love. Anything otherwise comes from the dark thoughts of souls who wish to control, dominate, and use for their own power…

“…I came for a very specific reason to Earth. I have told you that I came to be a calm voice, and my voice is calling out to you now. It is a voice that calls forth change. It is a voice that directs humanity towards the year 2012. My voice and my message will see into the doubt of humanity. My voice is like a sign which links you in another direction. My voice and my will is here to speak of God's love. I knew Father so well before I came as Steve Fossett. I dedicated my life to that one that I know is my Creator. I stand here now to bring forth the knowledge of who He is; the knowledge of who you are; and the knowledge of what is before you.”


"Dearest Carolyn,

"Firstly, let me thank you for bringing the incredible information to us. It's amazing.

"I would also like to be kept informed of all of Steve's future messages. I have all three of the first messages, and I find that I read them often - each time getting more information at a deeper level.

"Thanks again.

"With my warmest regards and blessings,"

Linda A. Mace

You can order this by itself or at a bundled price with the other eBooks from Steve at, the new home for all of our products and services.

If the link does not work, copy and paste the link into your browser.

Richard Presser

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