Steven greer

I am big fan of steven greer and everything that dat he trying too do for the world, and for everyone !! Inhis confrence in spain he said he was goin to disclose with another country if the us did not come out and tell everyone the truth by the summer on 2010 and nothing happened.


Dose anyone no wat happened with dat ??


Thanks for listen !!


( not too sure if i was suppose to post this here )



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  • I couldnt agree more whether he`s good or bad i dont know, but i think he doing his best to get some info too the people that havnt open their minds to the possibility of ET presence !! Id never think the us would disclose .5% of what they know to everybody, That would never happen !! .Lots of countrys disclosed already you know yourself, I think everyone`s waiting on the us, Whether they will or not well have to wait and see !!!

    Thanks for the reply :)

    ( Thanks to everyone who replied )
  • :) I'll just quote Albertha...

    you go girl!!♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥!!!!!
    ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥(wanna copy and past this and send it to everyone I know)
  • Namaste
  • Thank you..:)... we are never alone...:)...

  • Often times, people see in other people, what they see in themselves.

    I honestly don't know too much about Steven, but I'll check him out and look at it from a neutral perspective :)

    Thanks Ray, have a good day :-D
    • Disclosure...
      What are we expecting they will disclose??? That ETs exist?? We and many, many people already believe it anyway, because they or someone they know has seen something which doesn't seem to be a balloon or swamp gas...:).. I just love the swamp gas explanation...:)...:O)...:).. since so many of their explanations are just a lot of hot air...:)..and smell bad...
      Are they going to tell us that they have been working with ETs for many, many years now?? NO! Are they going to tell us what treaties they have signed with them and what they have agreed they will let them do in exchange for technology?? NO!!
      Are they going to tell us the truth about that?? NO!! Are they going to tell us they have lost control of some of these ETs? NO! Are they going to tell us that they turned down the good ETs who wouldn't play ball with their nuclear agenda? NO! Are they going to tell about the truth of many underground bases where they work with these ETs or bases on other planets and their agenda of going into space? NO!
      Are they going to tell the truth about their plans to enslave humanity??? NO! Chemtrails,HAARP..... NO!

      Are they going to tell us the truth?? ..about ANY plans they have for this earth and us?? NO!!

      Are they going to tell us that they just cannot help themselves desiring power through creating situations which create fear and terror, manipulating anything and everything... and the wealth we earn for them so we may be poor or needy or dependent..... NO!!

      I agree with the post above that we must claim our sovereignty and BE our Own Self..
      We know when our vibrations are high enough we can and will make contact with our benevolent star family.
      Giving our energy away is dangerous in this day and age as the polarisation is continuing at a rapid pace and people will try to dominate others... and people are very quick to take control of those whose energy is open to be manipulated....

      It it service to self or service to others...that's the name of the game at this will is granted to all.
      One plays with the darkness and Creator experiences itself and one delight in the Light and Creator experiences itself..and we are moving ever closer to Harvest time...

      ..and Love, unconditional Love IS the most potent force in all the universes, it is what the Creator is, it is what will finally overcome the darkness..for us, who want to serve the Light. This Light is within us...Others will be where they need/chose to be...
      That is the plan and it is unfolding right now, right here.

      Guard you hearts my beloved friends and shine the Light!!...Listen to what your heart is saying, discipline your mind....
      Be the Lighthouses you came her to be and shine your Light to enable them to turn and get home too..:)..

      We only need to be responsible for ourselves! ...and to re-member Who and What we really are.All else will look after itself...:)...
  • Thanks for the comments everyone
  • Colleen Thomas' latest video says that Steven Greer and David Wilcock are evil. (I think she is wrong). Steven Greer and David Wilcock both helped wake me up!
    • amen to that, and that is the most important thing, to wake up. Even the biggest evil can wake you up sometimes.
      But still, I really respect Greer, and think he's a great man, it's not so hard for me to believe there are good people here.

      And furthermore, if for an example, they killed Greer, it would just prove his point... do they want that..?
    • I do think dis-closer is might help people get their head out the whats going on in the world...but for some reason I think there is some "agenda" with everything and BIG money on his side pushing things along...from who no's who ? That's what I want to know!! then we will see..
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