I have for more than a month, had a stiffness in my left knee. It comes when my knee has been bent for a long period of time - but I never notice it if I walk, dance, jog, or just go about my daily life.
I've felt til stiffness before - it feels like something needs to "click" or get back in place, because that's how it's been before. But now I feel it is getting more and more rooted in me :s
I've been googling and maybe it's arthrisis? I know I should check with a doctor, but something in me just doesn't feel that alarmed because most of all I feel I just need this "click".
I've been checking for antiflammatory food and I am eating all those food, have been for years! So how can I now really believe all this healthy-hype over foods? What if my body is simply some genetic victim of a joint and muscle-disease? Although, the past months have been stressfull and lack of sleep. My mind is chronically confused about things. How do I go about to actually heal my own body, and how do we know that the healing will actually take place?
Feeling a bit lost right now..... appreciate ANY guidance!!
raw food... spend more time outdors.. and became aware how the mind works in triking you that you need some information first befoare you can be ok! widrow attention from the uotside world and bring more energy into the body... stop beliving you need to heal the world or save anybody! and another secret is try to rest more during the day stop beliving that you can only rest during the night time
Turemic with ginger try that
oh them chinese, huh? Haha;) I will try to find food with Vitamin B5 (bananas perhaps?). I drink A LOT of coffee at work. Coffee makes me feel comfort, just by holding the mug but I don't know why. It's such a strange thing. But at the same time, coffee makes me feel dried up inside. Often, when I'm very thirsty - I drink coffee and not water. Clearly I need to get a grip on myself. My mind is just very confused over all the healthy and unhealthy foods in our lives... some say coffee is a miracle worker, so how come I feel sickened by it, yet HAVE to have it? :S I will turn the situation around for sure.
You are probably thinking of Anette Larkin :) very inspiring woman.
Exactly Feather, it's amazing evidence of what taking care of our physical body does for us! :)
True Feather, I've heard that Ginger and Turmeric are both great for inflammation. :-)
Ginger, Turmeric that is great. I didn't know that, but now I do.....I learned epsom salt is another miracle cure all, and just found this amazing testimony about RA, and it is good to know that people can help themselves. .....http://www.earthclinic.com/Remedies/epsom_salts.html#ARTHRITIS
great article. I love that stuff! Natural remedies, hello hello! I also heard ginger is supposedly amazing. I now use it in my tea this evening :-) You are all really amazing with your tips.