Indeed, did you get tired of this exhorting and elaborate lies running on your MSmedia?… Did you ask your self to stop watching and to stop bringing drama in your daily life?… And if you did not have enough during a day, you bring drama in your bed?…
Can you simply imagine there is a way, very simple way to transfer your obsession with daily fears and dramas of survival, of money, of relations, of possession, of control?…
I can… definitely I CAN… and I AM this in every moment of Now…
Simply imagine that story about massive arrests of once prominent and controlling clique is happening…
Imagine | Playing For Change
Imagine Playing For Change
Imagine greatest surprise on their faces when Marshals and police came to their business and homes to arrest them for all the crime against Humanity…
Imagine cheering and clapping of US, common and meek folks, standing tall with biggest smile in from of our houses, or business, not afraid what is transpiring… what is unfolding in front of our eyes…
Imagine all the meek finally allow self to open their eyes, as they were shut open for centuries…
Imagine all the banks close for couple of days, to restructure itself, as well to give us opportunity to share what we have with family, with neighbor, with stranger down the street…
Imagine stores opening their doors and giving away all the necessity products, while stores with ‘luxurious’ merchandise are totally full with products, yet no souls is in there…
Imagine people start walking to see the friend, and simply stop driving without necessity…
Imagine people start cheering and comforting each others, asking how they can help each others…
Imagine banks start giving full loan and credits forgiveness, coming directly from transition council of the region…
Imagine banks giving each soul prosperity funds in the form of gift, with more money that it can be spend for century…
Imagine people start sharing with each other ideas, technologies, start donating for free energies production, start gifting for cleanup of earth and the sea…
Imagine US all seeing each other as equal and beautiful as we truly are…
Imagine people seeing all the events around them as opportunities rather than sufferings…
Imagine there is no Heaven but here with US…
Imagine there is no hell when we look in our heart…
Imagine there is no posesions, ony gifts…
Imagine all the people know who ther are…
Imagine there is no countries, only unity…
Imagine We all dream as ONE, that we Are ONE…
Imagine that You are not the only ONE…
Imagine You are ONE with FatherMotherGod
Imagine | Playing For Change
I See people with no fears on their faces and in their hearts…
I see people who care for others as much as they care for self…
I see no more suffering, no more fear, no more slavery…
I see our dreams become True Reality…
I see Freedom in every eye, I see hope in every Heart, I see love in every being here on Planet Earth…
With Love and Freedom, Predrag Saint Germain
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Marvelous! Beautiful !! Sweet like the sound of a sitar !!!
Thank YOU, thank you, thank you!!!
I DO imagine these... and MOOORE !!!
WE ARE "out of the fear box", and working with the LIGHT=LOVE!!
We are not just imagining, WE have become so grown and united, WE ARE CO-CREATING OUR FUTURE!!!
SO KEEP ON DREAMING SWEET DREAMS!!! Soon, they will become our REALITIES....
I do this daily!!