ive come to ask a question. at times i can make myself feel this sort of feeling near heart place and in chest. sorry im not good at describing feelings but best i can say is it feels sort of a gideness and sort of exicted feelingin chest . then if i dont stop it it spreads to all of body in flash and body feels weaker and gidness feeling spreads to arms and legs. and my body shakes just a tiny bit. its not same as me lauging guidness its just a strange feeling i get. first it cmes fromchest then in flas it spreads to body sort of like zapping my energy for a while.
i can do it by will to, sometimes its random.
does anyone know what this is?
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...oh, that`s just your heart chakra opening...
Yup, fells like a tension, then like you`re anxious, then like nervous, excited etc... and somteimes like your heart exploding?
Probably your heart chakra opening.
Higher meaning?
You`re evolving from ego (solar plexus) to love and compassion (heart).
Do you think you can relate to the following:
You are gradually loosing interest in ego-based ways of thinking? (that is greed, possessions, anger towards things you don`t like etc)
Loosing interest in Me, Myself and I?
Do you more like want the world to be One, patiently loving everything and everyone, slowly loosing anger, temper etc.
Is this what you really really want? Deep down inside?
If these brief words are something you can relate to, then use the net to gather yourself info `bout _heart chakra opening_
You`ll be quite surprised... (if you`re not into it already)
Good luck in your quest!
Arn, the retired Warrior