There is one site that has now banned all Channeled Messages.The facts are that most are misleading, fakes or absolute nonsense and when the events don't take place a replacement excuse is made.There are very few genuine ones ..,yes very few.What ACC could do is to form a group CHANNELED MESSAGES and all such messages can go straight to the GROUP rather then in the Forum Or Blog Post as they take so much space and those that are are interested in Channeled Mesages can go straight to the Group and check out all messages if they so wish.This is my suggestion but ACC Members tell us your views and Ben might put it in practice.

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  • If ever a channeller message does not come true then cross them out as NEVER TO BE TRUSTED AGAIN... Untrustworthy as it not a joke misleading people
  • There is a site GALACTIC CHANNELING @ and you will find a list of channellers and their updated messages.
    All ACC could have a slot on the home page GALACTIC CHANNELING by So and So and all those interested can just log on this site and get the latest messages so what is the point of posting messages by those listed on this site.
    Anyway this is my view and some may agree with me.
  • I do think some of the channelers are well meaning like you Wes. But I also think for some it has turned into a good way to make a living. And your right I.M. I did put to much faith in them. I dont know what you mean as far as what we should be doing. I pray I try to only put good energy into the world. I was a radical of the 60's and 70's. Fought hard and am still fighting hard for gay rights and against war. Any sugestions as to what we can do? Also I have seen UFO's up close and wondered what they are doing. The channelled messages SEEMED to answer that question. I looked at problems with the world that are seemingly unsolvable and they answered that question also. If they are not right about any of it then still no answers. I truley do hope something changed and the energies support our dreams coming true but now its, "I'll believe when I see it." Dont plan on getting F'ed again.

    • "And your right I.M. I did put to much faith in them. I dont know what you mean as far as what we should be doing."

      I have to be very very careful as to not ever give out any instructions for humans on how they're supposed to live their lives. That'd create grounds for another religion and that we don't want.

      "I was a radical of the 60's and 70's. Fought hard and am still fighting hard for gay rights and against war."

      How could one possibly FIGHT against War?
      Fighting IS War. If you wanna rid your personal experience form war, you gotta stop fighting immediately. ;)
      (note that I haven't been able to stop fighting yet, I'm still at it even tho I sometimes likes to pretend I'm not (my ego gets out of control from time to time))

      "Any sugestions as to what we can do?"

      I have loads of suggestions, but most of them will cause temporary and total chaos in the transition period so I've been kinda reluctant to propose those things other than in a more subtle way (mental conditioning. See, I'm as bad as the illuminaughty there :) It'd be very bad for you if you all ask Me for directions on how to live since I WILL give you hell as payment for that request)

      "Also I have seen UFO's up close and wondered what they are doing. The channelled messages SEEMED to answer that question."

      Smells like carefully planned disinfo aimed at solidifyting the mental portion of the planned "increased appearance of UFO's from 2010 to 2012 as to familiarize humanity with the concept of extraterrestrial life"  that have been in effect since the midst of 2010.
      I don't trust ANY ufo-appearances at this time since the technology behind them have been widely available since the Veda-scriptures were written on earth. I don't know of a single govt on earth that does not have access to that tech :)
      When channels that I KNOW the origin of starts to support these appearances, I kinda get undisputable proof right there that they indeed ARE f'ing with humanitys mental sphere at the moment.

      "I looked at problems with the world that are seemingly unsolvable and they answered that question also."

      Yep, they are very good at what they do and they have thousands of years of experience in misleading humans.
      Creating a mental program that will "make sense" of world events in humans at this timeframe, is no problem at all. I knew how to do that when I was 16 years old already ;)

      I almost did one about 2 years ago but then some things happened which took my time away from that project and after that I grew up and realized that I REALLY shouldn't post that info-package afterall since I can in no way guarantee its truthfullness other than thru my own channeling of something that might had been SERIOUSLY infected by my own ego.
      The risk of me becoming a cult leader was simply too fuckin' big, so my carefully prepared blog "alien intervention" still stands rather unused at the moment ;)

      "I truly do hope something changed and the energies support our dreams coming true but now its, "I'll believe when I see it.""

      You won't be seeing anything at all unless you actively MANIFEST it.
      Decisiveness is the key to Change.

      "Dont plan on getting F'ed again."

      Lol, you already have been. The pain of it just haven't arrived yet. It'll come tho, you can be sure of that. You've been rammed in the A by the PTB and the chock of it is currently taking the pain away (it's just like when one get stabbed, if you have the luxury of having experienced something like that as I have.. I didn't start hurting until about 12 hours after when the chock had gone away.. ) ;)

      I stand by my original suggestion tho: Search for the answers within. They're there. I can PROMISE you that.

      You won't be getting answers that say "do this and that". That's not how the inner self works.
      What you do is that you formulate a question like you normally do and then put it forth to your inner self.
      But, when the answer comes, it'll come in the form of a primal EMOTION, that'll tell you wether your presumed answer is correct or not.
      Formulate your question and get a general bearing on how you FEEL the answer should fall out, and then veryfy that emotion with your primal emotions from your inner self to see if they're compatible.
      If they are, you're on the right track, if they're not, you need to keep theorising for the best answer to your question before you ask your subconscious again about it.

  • "It's imparting metaphysical wisdom, as opposed to making predictions. What's your thoughts?"

    This will be VERY harsh, but here goes:
    (OBS, when I refer to YOU in the message below, i Mean the channeled entity, not You Emma. I like You very much :)

    "My dear ones,"

    I'm no dear of yours. You shouldn't call me a "dear one" until you get to know me and realize HOW god damn evil I can be upon choice. ;)
    My goal is to make you HATE me. As to illuminate the harsh reality of duality and how EASY it is for someone to stand on one side of the wall at one timeframe, into standing on the opposite side of the wall just a few weeks after encounter 1.

    "allow these words to be encrusted within every fibre, every atom, every molecule of your being,"

    Why would you need to promote that mental program before you even tell us what it is you want?

    "for you already know of their truth."

    THEIR truth?
    What about OUR truth?
    Who are THEY?

    "You already know, deep inside you, that you create your reality."

    Oh yes, but the questions arise when our reality clash with other beings realities. On that particular question there have still not been given any answers.

    "You know that you are the grand architect of all that you experience."


    "Each of you, every one of you, experiences reality a little differently."

    That should have been your FIRST sentence in this message.

    "If it were not so, you would not be a unique Being."

    True 'dat :)

    "With the realization of this truth, you can let these words sink deeper within you."

    Get to the fucking point already!

    "Within the essence of your being, you can feel a stirring."

    Everyone can feel that, there's no need to point that out nor build a story around it.

    "A bright spark sets off a chorus of Divine harmony within you and you know that in this moment, in the eternity of Now, that you are All That Is."

    If that were ture, this world would be in SERIOUS trouble by now, and it ain't ;)

    "You already know all this and so you allow the awakening of the light within you to bring with it a deeper understanding and greater acceptance of all that you are."

    And your point is?

    "You are Divine."

    I were once.. But.. in this 3D experience where we experience the complete separation with us and God, we're only periferally divine.
    Albeit, in total existence watched from other dimensions we truly ARE divine, but.. Ain't it the CURRENT experience of ourselves that defines our true CURRENT being?

    "All this happens automatically and you allow it to happen."

    You still haven't told us anything useful. You're just rehashing old stuff infused with "new" methodology.

    "Within the realm of third dimension, you may be used to alowing others to control your experience."

    I have NEVER experienced that kind of loose control and I challenge You to proove that You have.

    "You know that your experience is just that - your experience."

    Ain't that kinda contradictory to the sentence you wrote a moment ago?

    "You can give yourself permission to realize your part in the Divine orchestration."

    And I can also give myself permission to orchestrate that part.

    "You are in charge of all that you experience."

    Yes you are, and that is why you will now get to experience all kinds of energies as response to what you say here..
    Don't despair, you asked for that focus, remember? :)

    "My dear ones, hear this and Know it To Be True"

    You're a moron. You have not said anything useful at all here. You've perpetrated mental programs that have been dominating forever and all you've said so far, are urges for mental believers to solidify mental programs that give them nothing but a pathway for new mental programs to be inserted into their new systems of belief.
    I'm sorry m8, but your mental conditioning agenda has now been exposed. ;)


    A Cat-smile .. You do know that cats are spiritually seen as rather "untrustworthy" right? Don't get me wrong. Cats are wonderful beings and wild cats choose to spend time with me all the time.. But, when I put my face or my limbs anywhere near them, I always end up bleeding.

    Is this your hidden ID or are you just foolish enough to not know the language of symbolism of this age? ;)

    When I broke down and analyzed that message, I concluded that the channeller you find genuine, ain't genuine at all. She's genuine as in channeling, but she's not genuine about WHO she's channeling.

    I know the entity of that message. We've met before and broken each others spiritual noses in the process ;)

  • Most of these channelled Mesages are probably from the dark forces who are just putting these messages on so you think that all is ok and changes are hapenning but they are just getting more time to carry on with their corrupt ways
  • When you look at Planet Earth and it's inhabitants from a Christ Conscious Way you will see that there is a hell of a lot of things wrong on this Planet.
    Look at the Wars, Weapons, Violence and Abusive Language, the amount of animals being killed, pollution, wastage of food, Harming nature, chemicals and toxic materials, Floride and Aspartame, people drinking alchocol, smoking Drugs eating Animal Corpses plus a lot more. So these are the things to remove from the Planet in order for it to ascend.
    True LIGHTWORKERS need to look into these things and concentrate less on channelled messages.
    I did earlier point out that ACC is all words but little action and we want to draw up an action plan to help Mother Earth Ascend.
    Action speaks louder then words. You can sit back and enjoy reading channelled messages and then find out that most of them are false.
  • I think less and less are now reading Channelling Mesages as most are misleading.. Jesus, Buddha and Krishna set an example to follow...and be like them. So you know the facts on how they lead their lives so follow their examples and become like them. If you are already Christ Conscious then you do not need to read any of this Channelled Mesages. Christ Conscious means being good to nature, good to living entities and leading a highly tuned Spiritual Life .
    My post mainly cover nature, animals and more can see the beauty of nature and stop harming nature, so more can stop killing animals and eating them up, so more can become spiritual.
    This is Christ Consciousness to put you on the right track.
    • The hope I have comes from channelled mesages. Is any of it true. Are we going to see any changes that have been promised or is it all phoney. I have lived the last 4 years of my life waiting for the illuminatti to be gone and allow us the free world we long for. I have waited for the Galactics to help us change the world to the Golden Age we have been promised. Is it all wrong. Nothing promised has happenned. Now the channellers are saying it did happen. Where, I see no changes. People are still starving and being murdered and living in poverty. We are still under the dark system. Was it all a pipe dream. Do we have anything to look forward to. It seems to be more of the same. I dont think I could bear it if it is all wrong. So where does this all leave us? Sorry to be so dramatic but the disapointment is overwhelming.

      • (I speak as a member of Luminary here)

        "The hope I have comes from channelled mesages. Is any of it true. Are we going to see any changes that have been promised or is it all phoney."

        There will be changes alright, but.. The changes will not be initiated by the people who channel. They will be initiated by us, who have had enough of the bullshit and have now decided to start to ACT.
        The changes will come, We'll make SURE of it ;)

        "I have lived the last 4 years of my life waiting for the illuminatti to be gone and allow us the free world we long for."

        And I have spent the same ammount of time cursing you all for doing that waiting in the first place while we have been acting, suffering and taken loads of shit from our govts in the process of promoting and preparing that coming change.

        "I have waited for the Galactics to help us change the world to the Golden Age we have been promised."

        During which you have gotten first hand experience of how it feels to get F'ed in the A ;)

        "Is it all wrong."

        No, just a bit skewed.

        "Now the channellers are saying it did happen. Where, I see no changes."

        What you see and what is are two completely different things.
        You can only SEE about 400 different wavelengths of light, but the existence as a whole consist of far more frequencies than that. :)

        "Was it all a pipe dream. Do we have anything to look forward to."

        For as long as you look for someone to LEAD you or GIVE you hope, you'll get F'ed in the A non stop. The idea of all that is to give you reason enough to stop being LED and to start walking by yourself, without a leash. Up until you're ready for that, masters are gonna F you and your kids with pleasure, since you're ACTUALLY giving yourself up for exactly that. ;)

        "It seems to be more of the same."

        We plan to put some things into circulation, that might change that fact far more rapidly than most people would expect. ;)
        It's a careful planning tho. We're not allowed to make any mistakes this time.

        "I dont think I could bear it if it is all wrong."

        I went thru a similar thought pattern a while ago, and the result of that is that I went from being an Observer to becoming and Activist instead. The change we want needs to be MANIFESTED, by us.

        "Sorry to be so dramatic but the disapointment is overwhelming."

        And I'm gonna keep spanking you with that up until you learn NOT to trust any other info than the info you get from your inner self/higher self/telepathy (my mind is open, anyone that knows telepathy can download it straight up with no access restrictions whatsoever. You are however, asked to use disgression and apply Spiritual Ethics, since you can also download all my personal thoughts, feelings and experiences and some of those are VERY private and VERY personal... You can read them if you wish, but if you post'em anywhere, I'll be the one f'ing you hereafter ;) ).

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