

From the research link below, it is apparent that researchers believe that the layout of the city of has been built to emulate a ‘cosmic’ puma. Although Wayne is in agreement with the general theory, his interpretation of the way in which this representation occurs is very different from theirs. 

Wayne believes he has discovered the true representation of the actual Puma head and front leg with fur hackels!

He has added labels to the satellite image to show his own interpretation. What he finds interesting, is that the city is a mirror image version of the sky, and that the temple, which houses the Inca’s sacred Pleiades astronomical map, is positioned exactly in the area of the city that correlates with the Pleiades 

One of the most well-known cosmic myths of the Inca may be the definitive proof that they knew of the significance of the 'mystery' star that is pivotal to 'The Hidden Records'. This age-old myth speaks of a celestial puma in the night sky of the Northern Hemisphere.

Among the invaluable clues about this puma that the ancient Inca texts propose is: that it has a "bright eye"; that "its genitals are in a very sacred cosmic area"; and last but not least that it is a dark puma and can be found in the heavens where "the sky has no stars". Scholars have yet to identify this pattern in the sky. 

Wayne Herschel - taking as his vantage point the area in the night skies that he knew to be the most sacred to all the other ancient civilisations - set an advanced computer star program to mimic a very bright and clear ancient night sky. 

BREAKTHROUGH... the result is the remarkable image above. The dark area (further enhanced by the author for greater clarity) forms what apparently looks like the shape of a feline. In astronomy the darkness is explained as being formed from a dark Nebula cloud of dust in front of a very bright region of the stars of the Milky Way. Could this area indeed be the ancients' Cosmic Puma? The author believes there is no question about it. The Pleiades... and in particular the 'mystery' star.... form the puma's "genitals". The dark nebulosity truly resembles the shape of an animal, with the feline's eye correlating perfectly with a star, as the ancients had mentioned.

A Milan professor has been doing his own research on the Inca's Cosmic Puma. Professor Giulio Magli mentions that the feline is mimicked in the layout plan of the city of Cuzco.

Cuzco is the city where the Inca's most sacred temple was located. It once held the secret of the golden star map shown below (reproduced by the last surviving Inca shaman) that the author deciphers in great detail in 'The Hidden Records'... but a summary on the interpretation follows in the next image.

The ABC news release revealing Professor Giulio Magli's latest research can be found on this link here: 

In Coricancha Cuzco, the sacred temple built as the Puma's representation of the cluster of The Pleiades holds the Golden star maps that has left scholars bewildered. The Image below is identical to an African star map Wayne believes has a unique 'star visitor' connection to the two civilisations long ago. The teaching mechanism between the two is very similar. The first image is the Golden star map which an Inca elder told scholars over 70 years ago that it was a duplication of what was taken by the Spaniards... its original full wall size rendition that covered an entire wall in the ancient temple. note the wall and roof shape of the artefact and a alter for offerings that was positioned at the bottom is still depicted. 

In summary the deciphered detail is simple... Orion's belt shows the way in the direction the elder said represented the place of the 'gods'. Wayne has to smile when they mention this. The whole Christ hidden story Wayne has posted on this website hinges around this identical star alignment knowledge showing the way in the night sky to the 'Bethlehem star'. The basic star group of the Hayades of Taurus is sort of close to this pattern, but not exact since it is a duplication by the later Incas... perhaps produced by memory according to the elder mentioned. The Pleiades cluster was first recognised by Sitchen some time ago but here is where everyone else drew a blank. 

Wayne adds... There is a star and what looks like a world associated with the star. A world with firmament (atmosphere) and what looks like continents and oceans. There is even a journey path that does a few loops of the ancient star travellers... our human ancestors... matching the Africa star map tablets again. The Incas worshipped the same star secret as all other ancient civilisations... it was a global obsession! 





Before feasting on the wealth of Sumerian scroll seals that follow (stone cylinder seals that roll over clay/wax to imprint a seal on a papyrus scroll), here is a brief update on the beginnings of Babylon. The cradle of civilisation is often spoken about at a place called Sumer in Mesopotamia, well over 4700 years ago which became Babylon in the area of Iraq today. The Sumerians that founded the site seen below was the biblical Babylon which originates from the word ‘Babilani’ in Akkadian’ which means ‘gateway of the ‘gods’. This is another clue here since they aligned stone gates for viewing the important stars here as they rise in the east on special days. ‘Babel’ or ‘Babylon’ is supposed to represent ‘the place where ‘god’ came down to Earth ref’ - Genesis 11:1-9. Taken literally this suggests a visitation event… contact. In Mexico the largest ancient city of the Maya that the Spaniards conquered was given the identical name but historians think it is just a coincidence. 

Sumer was situated within the Mesopotamian plain, now Iraq - between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers in Bagdad. What we see in the image below are the ruins of Babylon today after Saddam Hussein rebuilt the three original ziggurat pyramids which are located almost in an equilateral triangle layout position. Wayne has proposed here that Babylon was another star map of the three Sun-like stars near the Pleiades that is associated with these so called Sun gods. The ruins that Wayne hoped would match the Pleiades position in a layout plan were destroyed so long ago that there are also no layout patterns visible. 


Their massive Ziggurat pyramid temples once were said to be built ‘so they could reach the heavens’ which suggests their cosmic connection both in layout plan and inner pyramid spiritual ritual. These three large monuments most likely once represented their three most important Sun gods. 

Three names that appear more often as a sacred group of three are … 

Ninki (later became Ishtar) the mother 

‘Enki’(later became Namakh) the father … represented with a bull of the heavens 

Marduk'’ the son … usually represented with a Lion 


But the most convincing evidence of what can only be described as an obsession on the stars of the Pleiades, the most important sun-like star associated with the son god Marduk, a planet in crescent and a flying disc are about to enter the arena. 

The best example is found on an artefact of the earliest collection of clay tablets of the Sumerians and it is on display in the Berlin museum. The supporting evidence of an obsession with it is the repetitions of the theme numbering in the hundreds. They are found on the earliest Sumerian scroll seals in museums all over the world. 

The clay tablet below depicts what scholars conclude as the Pleiades stars. The artist for this particular artefact has shown remarkable detail and realism compared to any other artefact. But here is where the scholars’ comments end. The being in the flying disc is shown not wearing typical Sumerian attire in comparison to those in the scroll seals that follow. Also this time without showing the teaching mechanism as traditional birds wings to show it is flying. It was not necessary because the Pleiades appear as real stars with slight differences… the being is traversing the heavens! 


Look closely… the being is wearing a body suit with legs not covered with usual Sumerian robe. He is not bearded and even looks more Roman in appearance. The being has one hand on what looks like a lever. 

There is dual representation here where the flying disc also shows where it comes from. The disc also represents two orbs with one in front of the other, creating the usual star and crescent. This concept is debated here. Ref. Cres and cross 

Here is the next collection of evidence that proves the obsession theme of the four icons that decode the star secret: 

Special star 
Flying disc 


But Wayne claims the Pleiades, special star, flying disc and crescent were an obsession… are there more? 

Here are just a few examples. Some show more than others. Now that you the reader know the meaning of the basic patterns, see if you can pick up more in the pictographic images that follow. What other secrets were the artists suggesting? See if you can pick out the Tree of Life representation which was another obsession of the Sumerians. 

Compare these star patterns now with Egypt, Stonehenge… even that on Mars, and ponder on the possibilities of it all being a crazy religion and that all the ancients across the word at this time were also suffering from the same craziness. They all built pyramids or large monuments… they all worshiped star visitors from the Pleiades that looked like themselves, but they were so advanced that they were deemed ‘gods’. All these ancient civilisations also interpreted the Tree of Life as another important secret that later was almost completely forgotten. 

This is all up for viewing at 

star map Pleiades Sumerian

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  • Well!! you have done your homework. I might add that the time period is suppose to be much greater then 4700 years and I am supremely impressed with this society and believe this is where it all began for the humanoid race by the Pleiadians. Always been fascinated with this time in history when Zacharia Stichen reveled the codes or writings of the scrolls which shed a whole new light on our origins.

    Well done and respected.

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