Charts and interpretations of Summer Solstice 2014 are below the following of what I think is crucial information to know. The following information regards Neptune's current transit in the ruling sign of Pisces; it may be currently having a "correcting" or "sweeping into the dustpan" effect of some of the irregularities and deceptions committed in the current Age of Pisces.
The Good News First:
Much to my shock and surprise, many people on planet Earth (that is, the innocent hard working people (and yes, this includes some government people)) are revealing that they are not quite ready to sell their souls to criminal government leaders with histories of double-crossing their employees and their constituents. This is a very, very positive response to Neptune. Neptune is in it's ruling sign of Pisces, and currently is now leaving the constellation (not sign) of Aquarius. And because of a series of this "awakening " process is really starting to show in the United States, Ukraine, China, and other similar places with criminals running government functions, this may be very, very bad news for those people wearing those Amosu two-piece pinstripes and Armani black business suits trying their best to play God.
Neptune is currently transiting it's ruling sign of Pisces and recently went stationary (or "stopped" in motion) in the constellation of Aquarius, so it's very important to understand what the energy of this planet is all about (at least until 2025, when it leaves the sign of Pisces and enters the sign of Aries). I was taught (and learned the hard way) that the main characteristics of Neptune are those of deception, con-artistry, required service, addiction (especially to drugs, money, or sex), institution involvement (i.e. jail, psychiatric facilities, hospitals), and blind faith or belief in religion or expected rewards from service (and disappointments resulting from such). But note that Neptune is also strongly tied to the understanding of other realities and dimensions, spiritual enlightenment, psychic sensitivity, psychic ability, artistic inspiration and creation, and being able to point out and correct deception (note that Jesus Christ (a Pisces Sun sign holder) did such exposure of deception with the money changers at the temple).
As mentioned, Neptune is leaving the constellation of Aquarius (and going retrograde, or backwards in motion) back into the constellation of Pisces. Neptune goes stationary and "kisses" the star of Formalhaut (Archangel Gabriel, or Watcher of the South) in September of 2014. This could have incredible implications in terms of any additional "awakening" that may take place, as the last time this took place was when Edward Snowden decided to blow the whistle on the NSA. Here's a list of the stars that Neptune will transit this summer and fall of 2014, going from Skat to Formalhaut (and stopping in September 2014), and then going forward in motion back to Skat in April of 2015:
Fomalhaut * | A Royal Star. Archangel Gabriel, the Watcher of the South. Great & lasting honours; congenital birth defects, magic, fame, occult, faith, "Star of Alchemy", addiction, undesirable associates | 4° Pis 00 | Fortunate | Venus/ Mercury | α (Alpha) Piscis Austrini | |
Deneb Adige * | Intelligent, creative, original, naive, astrology, writing, the public, dog bites | 5° Pis 24 | Fortunate | Venus/ Mercury | α (Alpha) Cygni | |
Sadalachbia | Success in ventures, personal charm, movement to rich pastures, aviation, discovery of lost items, "the Star of Hidden Things" | 6° Pis 51 | Fortunate | Venus/ Mercury | γ (Gamma) Aquarii | |
Skat | Good fortune, personal charm, lasting happiness, psychic interests, sensitivity, occult interests, many friends | 9° Pis 00 | Fortunate | Saturn/ Jupiter | δ (Delta) Aquarii |
Here's a chart of the stars involved; best shot view of this pattern for the northern hemisphere is August through September:
Neptune leaves the constellation of Pisces and enters the constellation of Aquarius in early 2015. This transit of Neptune, along with the square between Uranus and Pluto (which will still continue up to 2015) may define the next two years as highly probable for more public awakening to the con-artistry and scams going on within our governments and financial institutions. Hence, there may be more scandals on the horizon, more awakening taking place, and a strong potential for some sort of an international power structure backlash as a response to such public awakening and inquiring that may take place.
This is a very hard call but here it goes: any continued and expansion of the awakening process going on (in a big way) described previously may result in the following:
(A) Our expensive-suit-wearing God wannabes "taking the money and running" (not likely for at least another year, but it is the best, hopeful, and least harmful case scenario) followed by financial market collapse after they run out the exits.
(B) Attempts at continuation of the current propaganda nonsense pushed by those good-looking guys and gals of the corporate mainstream media (and I think this is likely over the next year, especially if the stock market blasts off over the next year like I think it will).
(C) Start-up of international war (WWIII) and/or activation of false flag events via pre-paid terrorists here or abroad (worst, scariest, and least hopeful scenario). This is my second likely scenario; we can either change the system from the fascist feudal type being put into place or use government sponsored violence to keep non-income generating financial systems going and perceived power structures in their place. But the lesser of these two evils mentioned can still unfortunately lead to our God-wannabes breaking out those special brass keys, along with announcements of sudden short supplies of iodine supplements and SPF 10000 sunscreen.
Before I report the bad news, here's the Aquarius myth: The Aquarius myth follows the story of Ganymede, a young prince, and supposedly the most beautiful young man of Troy.
One day Ganymede was off tending to his father's sheep in a grassy area on Mount Ida when he was spotted by Zeus (Greek mythology).
Now, you have to remember that back in ancient Greece, it was the social norm for an older man to take a "young boy" (anywhere from 12 to 19) as a lover. In Ganymede's case, he was probably around 15 or so when the considerably older Zeus found him irresistibly beautiful and decided that he wanted him for himself.
Zeus transformed himself into the shape of a giant eagle and swooped down from Mount Olympus to Mount Ida. He grabbed Ganymede in his talons and carried him back to Mount Olympus to be his young lover / servant. Now, normally in these kinds of relationships the older man would serve as a sort of mentor to the younger one, but this was Zeus, and he pretty much gets whatever he wants. So Zeus decides that Ganymede will become his personal cup-bearer, basically bringing him drinks whenever he pleases.
Since Ganymede is now essentially Zeus's slave, Zeus offers Ganymede's father a herd of the finest horses in the land as compensation for taking his son away. This apparently appeases the father, though it's doubtful that he had much of a say in the matter either way.
One day Ganymede has had enough, and he decides to pour out all of the wine, ambrosia, and water of the gods, refusing to stay Zeus's cup bearer any longer. The legend goes that the water all fell to Earth, causing inundating rains for days upon days, which created a massive flood that flooded the entire world.
At first Zeus wants to punish Ganymede, but in a rare moment of self-reflection, Zeus realizes that he has been a bit unkind to the boy, so he makes him immortal as the constellation representing the Aquarius myth.
NOTE: Keep in mind that that even though the myth of Aquarius involves "pouring of water from the urn by Ganymede," Aquarius is a fixed air sign. It isn't "water" that is being poured out in terms of the energy of Aquarius, but knowledge. This may explain why Aquarius is the #1 sign related to Hall of Fame recipients who have one or more horoscope personal points (Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Midheaven, or North Node) in the placement of Aquarius. But also note that this same rationale for application of Aquarius is also the #1 common factor with those admitted into psychiatric facilities. HENCE, there is a definitely a thin line between genius and insanity.
Now the bad news.
The Summer Solstice 2014 chart is presented below:
The Sun, Moon, Venus, Jupiter, and Midheaven are conjunct stars that are deemed unfortunate and define disgrace, isolation, violence, calamity, and departure from conventional philosophy that may result in error. The North Node is conjunct the very fortunate star of Arcturus, and is in square to Jupiter. But this star (and the square with lucky Jupiter) seems to indicate a potential positive effect on wealth as opposed to good luck with main-stream population well-being. It is the Sun, Moon, and Midheaven that are usually involved with such well-being, and I am worried about these three points due to unfortunate status and defintion of the stellar influences in conjunction with these three points. Here are the interpretations of these three placements with the stars involved:
With the Sun:
Menkalinan | Ruin, disgrace, violent death, esp. through pleasure-seeking; self-confidence, honours, fond of country life. Danger of earthquakes if associated with solar eclipse | 00° Can 03 | Unfortunate | Mars/ Mercury/ Venus | β (Beta) Aurigæ |
With the Moon:
Baten Kaitos | Isolation, depression, accidents,emigration, shipwrecks. Belly of Cetus (the Whale). | 21° Ari 56 | Unfortunate | Saturn | ζ (Zeta) Ceti |
With the Midheaven:
Scheat * | Imprisonment, murder, suicide, drowning, extreme misfortune. Essence of intellect; independent thought; break with conventional thought or philosophy. | 29° Pis 30 | Very Unfortunate | Mars/ Mercury | β (Beta) Pegasi |
Malcolm's Basic Predictions For Summer 2014:
In terms of the U.S. population, expect potential for some sort of intense conference or "showdown" this summer between certain segments of the population (possibly military, police, or labor-related due to the Moon in Aries) due to financial constraints or legal misunderstandings. This is further emphasized by transiting Mars in conjunction with the natal U.S. Saturn in Libra. Also note that Mars in the 4th house is in direct motion and applying in opposition to Uranus in the 10th house, and this is notorious for causing "accidents or misunderstandings on the property of the entity involved." Finally, because Pluto is opposing the U.S. natal Sun position by transit as well, I think U.S. government involvement will be probable for involvement with such potential disputes. I am hoping that a positive side effect of this summer is that more people will be awake when "the smoke clears" from the potential conferences (or conflicts) that may take place between the U.S. government and ordinary citizens involved with the described disputes that may take place this summer. I also hope that such conferences and conflicts described are limited to an exchange of words and paperwork.
Advanced Astrology Section
Here's the Summer Solstice 2014 chart on the 90 degree dial:
And below are key midpoint formulas. Note that the Sun, Midheaven, and Zero degrees Aries (or Zero Degrees Cancer) are all equal:
Malcolm's Advanced Predictions For Summer 2014:
Aries=Sun=MC - "an ending of communications or a silence of important connections with others took place due to significant disgust, lies, and possible fraud that was debated and mediated that concerned an unusual group of people getting much coverage from the media."
Moon - "a congregation of people involved in peaceful intentions came together for an important purpose. The group involved had improper scientific ideas or health defects that received much public exposure. This group that came together for this event did so due to much pressure and experienced some type of success from their efforts due to coordinated activity."
Ascendant - "the environment involved arguments and tension taking place among a gathering of people. There were some people present within the gathering who may have been deceivers and/or didn't belong there, and they posed a serious threat to the successful experience related to the purpose of the event."
North Node - "connections with others involved peaceful groups of people meeting with or engaging with very powerful and well-financed groups of people. One of these groups sought dissolution of the other, and powerful propaganda with powerful financial sources was involved. There was a result of imprisonment, financial penalty, or isolation of some kind involved."
Pray for peace and protest for peace. If anyone within your protest group brings up any notion, idea, or joke about violence or destruction against the government, RUN LIKE HELL FROM THEM OR CALL THEM OUT IN FRONT OF OTHERS, BECAUSE THEY PROBABLY WORK FOR THE GOVERNMENT.
The U.S. Government loves to play dirty, and they do install moles within groups to try to incite members within the group to commit certain actions or say certain things that gives the U.S. government the excuse to go play "shoot 'em up" with such groups, as they demonstrated with the Black Panthers and with the Davidians. I may have met such a person when I went with a gathering of people to meet Constitutional lawyer and Oath Keepers founder Stuart Rhodes; a certain individual caught up with me on the way out and joked about committing violence against the U.S. government (AND I YELLED NO VIOLENCE, NO VIOLENCE AT THE TOP OF MY LUNGS). Clive Bundy's people also did this similar commitment with genuine peaceful intentions with the removal of this loud-mouth Las Vegas murderer from the ranch, who was trying to get the others to committ violence against the Federal agents. This jerk, known as the "Joker wannabe," is now the posterboy for U.S. government gun grabbers working within the U.S. Justice Department after committing murder in Las Vegas.
Pray for peace, as it could get intense this summer. And I hope I'm wrong.
Love to all,
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If we see something coming which is not in our best interest... we have the time to do something about it... but if we see it and just wait for it to "happen", we will likely just get "rolled over" by it. So the key I see for us... is not to wait and see... but instead to BE... to project that which we would like to see... to actively use the Almighty power of creation that lies within us all.
Thank You, and Blessings to All...
Thanks. But don't forget that the feeling of worrying is also proof and evidence that we are only human. Intel Corporation co-founder Andy Grove summed it up best with the title of his memoirs:
"Only The Paranoid Survive."
Thanks. This will be an interesting summer!!